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Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management



A Thesis Paper
Submitted to
The College of Business Management
Saint Joseph’s College of Baggao

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements
For the Degree
Bachelor of Science Business Administration

Ortega, Drixel Jay M.
Batang, Roldan P.
Kenette Ric , Robles Z.

(May 2023)

Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

This chapter will present the study background, problem statement and its
significance. Also, it will give an overview of the topic and its scope.
In the demanding era of quality education, teacher especially those who are
teaching in universities must face various challenges. Universities, as institutions,
value teachers’ performance rather than departments’ performance in assuring the
quality education. According to Dura (2002) teacher’s role is multifaceted than merely
conveying knowledge. Different job-related activities and tasks can create stress
among the teachers. Kyriako (2001) reported heavy workload along with bad behavior
as key stressors for teachers. Boyle, Borg, Falzon and Baglioni (1995) identified that
disruptive students’ behavior is the main stressor for teachers that threatens their
discipline and control. These stressors can badly affect classroom performance and
emotional health of the teacher (Greenwood, Olenjnik & Parkay, 1990; Yoon, 2002).
Studies on job stress have highlighted the impact of stress on employee health Jonge,
Bosma, Peter & Siegrist, 2000; Kudielka, Hanebuth, Känel, Gander, Grande, &
Fischer, 2005). Teachers who have poor coping skills have more absenteeism at job
and have more chances of leaving their teaching career (Bowers, 2004). Noor and
Ismail (2016) reported highly significant impact of university teachers job stress as it
affected not only the teachers themselves, but also their students.

On the other hand, In psychology, stress is a feeling of emotional strain and pressure.
Stress is a type of psychological pain. Small amounts of stress may be to beneficial, as
it can improve athletic performance, motivation, and reaction the environment. The
following are identified by the experts as a cause of having stress; Feel under lots of
pressure, Face big changes in life, worried about something, don’t have much or any
control over the outcome of a situation, Have responsibilities that you find
overwhelming, Don’t have enough work, activities or change in your life, Experience
discrimination, hate or abuse.
According to Cambridge Dictionary, stress is the great worry caused
by a difficult situation or something that causes people headaches, minor pains, and
sleeping difficulties. While stress is universal among students, the difference between
stress symptoms and the effect on behavior is the coping mechanism of students. Self-
reported perceived stress and sleep quantity were not significant predictors of daily
calculated stress level. This means that daily-calculated stress and health behaviors
were significant predictors of self-reported perceived stress (van Berkel & Reeves,
2017). Likewise, in the study conducted by Cook &Babyak (2019) entitled “The
Impact of Spirituality and Occupational Stress among Middle School Teachers”
stressed out that teachers’ spirituality scores (through Daily Spiritual Experience
Scale) significantly predicted time-management stress and work-related stress.
There should be adventure-based outdoor programs that afford opportunities to
be away from daily challenges that reduce psychological stress levels and provide
relief of physiological stress levels (Chang et al., 2019). Teachers should be given
ample space to be relieved from stress through coping strategies and improve
themselves as indispensable catalysts of the academic environment. Like other
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

professionals, teachers experience stress and use avoidance of coping strategies,

affecting their performance in the workplace. It is important to recognize and address
the harmful effects of stress on well-being and academic achievement, to avoid long-
term problems in professional and personal life (Gustems-Carnicer et al., 2019).
The mental health and stress level of teachers are two important factors that allow
them to become holistic classroom managers and leaders. Teachersare the front lines
of the Department of Education (DepEd) in delivering its curriculum, services, and
skills mastery to the learners. Although schools are not yet ready to implement
distance learning (Asio & Bayucca, 2021), the delivery of learning must go on.
The mental health wellness of teachers provides learners with a positive learning and
development experience through school-based mental health services.
According to Cowan (2012), there is heightened urgency to advance school-
based mental health and school psychologists’ expertise as essential to providing
quality, evidence-based services to teachers. In the same manner, stress management
of teachers magnifies the result of managed pressures. However, based upon the study
conducted by von der Embse et al. (2019), due to the increased pressure from test-
based accountability practices, teachers have reported high levels of stress and
burnout, which calls for stress interventions an important first step toward reducing
negative outcomes. Results of the study indicated that the most effective interventions
were in the mindfulness, behavioral, and cognitive-behavioral domains. Public school
teachers are confronted with numerous paperwork and workloads. According to
DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones, not only the teachers are suffering from a heavy
workload; everyone in government service is overworked and under immense pressure
(Terrazola, 2018). This further proves that public school teachers are bombarded with
work-related assignments such as reports, instructional materials, school designations
and other related tasks apart from their usual six-hour teaching load every day. This
work situation leads to the dwindling performance of teachers from its target, which is
beyond Proficiency Level. Given this workload, actual teaching tasks are being
sidelined by the multitude of other responsibilities and roles teachers play (David et
al., 2019).
Thus, in connection to this we, the researcher would like to know the stressors
and coping mechanism of the teachers at Saint Joseph's College of Baggao
Incorporated. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the main reason of the
stress of the teachers and to identify their stress levels. Also, it sought to find out the
effectivity of their coping mechanism on the stress as teachers. Furthermore, the study
would also like to find out the factors affecting the stress management and mechanism
of the teachers. Also, we would like to know if their stress management has something
to do with their demographic profile .The researcher would like to use the findings of
this study in formulating management programs an interventions of school leaders in
addressing their teachers’ stress level and to helps other private teachers to have or
learn the intervention to cope up from stress.

Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

The study aims to identify the sources of stress and coping mechanism of the
teachers employed at Saint Joseph's College of Baggao we would like to identify the
factors affecting their stress and coping mechanism specifically this sold to answer
four questions and the following are the question: What is the profile of respondent:
what are the factors affecting the stress management and mechanism of the teachers
and we would like also to know if there is no significant difference on the
respondent’s source of stress when grouped according to their position, year in service
and employment status.

Profile of the 1. Analysis of sources Documented

respondents of stress and coping the sources of
mechanisms of stress and
Coping respondents through coping
mechanism of gathering of data. mechanism of
respondents in teachers in
dealing with 2. Floating survey SJCB
their stress questionnaire


Fig. 1 Research Paradigm

The Input, process and output kind of research paradigm shows what data is needed to
gather to Documented the sources of stress and coping mechanism of teachers in
SJCB And to formulate recommendations on how to manage and cope with stress. In
this study the input is the profile of the respondents, coping mechanism of respondents
in dealing with their stress. The researcher will float a questionnaire to the identified
respondents. The data will be analyzed by the researcher after analyzation
recommendation will follow.
(This study aims to identify the stressors and coping mechanism specifically, it seeks
to answer the following;
1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of :
1.1 .Age
1.2. Sex
1.3. Civil status
1.4. Highest Educational attainment
1.5. Department
1.6. Years in service
2. What are the perceptions of the respondents on the extent to which the
Following stressors
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

2.1. Family Related

2.2. Work Related
2.3. Society/Environment Related
2.4. Social media Related
3. What are the coping mechanisms of the respondents to address the
Related stressors?
4.Is there a significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents on
the extent to which the identified stressors affect their job when grouped
according to their profile?
5.Is there a significant difference in the coping mechanism of the respondents
when grouped according to their profile?

1.There is no significant difference in the perceptions of the respondents on
the extent to which the identified stressors affect their job when grouped
according to their profile?
2. there is no significant difference in the coping mechanism of the respondents
when grouped according to their profile?


This study benefits the following:
Saint Joseph's College of Baggao - the result of this study will help the institution
and it will drive the school to have concrete programs on wellness, fitness, and
lifestyle well-being of teachers and personnel to maintain a healthy lifestyle and
positive mind set at work.
School heads or administrator: The result of this study would lead the school admin
to include stress management simulations during SLAC or INSET that will test the
behavioral competence of teachers in extracting their capacity to handle changes or
stress in the workplace.
To the teacher: The results of this study will contribute to the personal and emotional
development of the teachers in which it will serve as their motivation to better
improve their mental attitude towards work. This will remind every teacher that they
need to maintain a healthy wellness lifestyle, particularly 7 to 9 hours of sleep, to have
a healthy mind and body.
To the students: The result of this study would help to awaken every student to
manage their behavior in order to lessen the teacher's stress and this will enrich the
respect of the students to the teachers for they will learned that teachers has facing
stress but they still manage to impart knowledge to the students.
To the reader: The result of this study will give further information on how to
manage stress and how to employ effective coping mechanism.
To the future researcher: The result of this study will provide additional information
and resources for it will serve as their basis in conducting their research.


Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

This study will focus only on identifying the source of the stress and coping
mechanism of the teachers at Saint Joseph’s College of Baggao (SJCB). The
researcher aims to identify the contributing factors affecting the stress and coping
mechanism of the respondents . Thus, the respondents will only be delimited to all
teacher working at SJCB Fulltime .We will gather data by floating of questionnaire.

The following terms are operationally defined for better understanding of this study.
Some definitions are also adopted from experts due to technical definitions.
Stress-a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.
Coping Mechanism-refers to conscious strategies used by the teachers to reduce
unpleasant emotions. Coping strategies can be cognitions or behaviors and can be
individual or social.
Stress management- refers to the strategies of the respondents to help better deal with
stress and difficulty (adversity) in your life.
School administrator: refers to the person at Saint Joseph's College of Baggao
Incorporated who oversees administrative tasks in school. They ensure that the
organization runs smoothly, and they also manage facilities and staff.
Education- the action or process of educating or of being educated : a stage of such a
process(Merriam webster)

Teacher- it refers to all the fulltime teacher working at Saint Joseph’s College of

Management- it refers to the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Specifically, the ability of the respondents to manage their stress.
Source-it refers to the reason behind the stress of the teachers.

This chapter present the related literature and studies which will support this
study. This will show that the related literature and studies are accurate and Factual.
The world in which we live, and work is surrounded by challenges. How well
a person handles challenges can enrich one’s life, since it is stimulating and renewing.
But when a person faces challenges poorly, this response precipitates to a state of
stress that is potentially dangerous to his performance and wellness. A total of 100
teachers in Metro Manila were asked to fill up questionnaires. Descriptive statistics
were used to find the stress level, vulnerability to stress, and the most common
sources of stress, and the most common sources of stress and coping strategies of
teachers. Statistical analysis using t-test and multiple regression on the different
stressors and coping strategies were done with the variables in this study. A
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

compilation of stressors and coping strategies collected in this study was intended to
help teachers and would-be teachers to brace up for factors that could cause stress in
their workplace and possibly affect classroom performance, especially the teacher-
student relationship. It also came up with the teachers’ personal recommendations to
lessen sources of stress in their workplace. Implications of the study point out to
various ways teachers deal with stressors. Teachers in the study apply either direct
action or use pallative techniques. Teachers may also be made aware of other coping
strategies for stress other than those mentioned here like seeking outside help when
needed and learning stress management techniques. The study gives insight to school
administrators on where they can help alleviate stress in the workplace. Filipino
teachers’ stress levels and coping by Rabago-Mingoa De La Salle State University
Research Congress, 2017.
Stress management in education: Warning signs and coping mechanisms
Richard D Sorenson, Management in Education 2007 .The symptoms of stress have
been found to range from frequent illness to nervous conditions to mental lapses.
Stress can also be an attributing factor to the death of many individuals in
organizations worldwide. The American Institute of Stress (1999) suggests that ‘the
stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying for take-off.
Virtually all systems (eg, the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, the lungs,
the digestive system, the sensory organs, and the brain) are modified to meet the
perceived danger’(p. 2). When the ‘systems are modified, physical, mental, as well as
emotional symptoms provide early warning signals indicating that the human body is
reacting to abnormal occurrences in order to maintain bodily functions. Such early
warning signs include intestinal distress, frequent illness, insomnia, persistent fatigue,
irritability, nail-biting, increased use of alcohol, hunger for sweets, fried and/or fast
foods, rapid pulse, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even chest
pains (Kirsta, 1987; Nathan et al., 1989).
In addition to this according to Iqbal and Kokash (2011) reported that the
equilibrium of the body is disturbed by the Stress. It can be either momentary or long
lasting, minor or strong, mostly it depends on how long it’s duration is, how powerful
and to what extent teachers possess coping competencies. Coping mean to deal with
problems or difficulties in a calm and appropriate manner. Different people have
different reactions to the same situation. A task or situation becomes stressful when
someone considers it as a threat and beyond his or her coping capability. A situation
may be less or more stressful for a person depending on his capacity to deal with it. A
number Stress and Coping Strategies of University Academic 195 of research has been
conducted in the area of coping strategies. Montgomery and Rupp (2005) identified
that the main cause of stress is low coping strategies. Lazarus and Folkman (1984)
discussed that frequent physical and mental adaptations are required to cope
effectively with demanding situations. Stress may be reduced through diverting
attention through physical activity or humour, or by developing new skills (Dunham &
Varma, 1998).
Teachers should try to separate their lives at home and workplace and should
actively manage the stressful problems (Arikewuyo, 2004). Chan (1998) found that
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

managing the problem is the best way to cope with stress. Training in stress
management skills and interpersonal problem-solving skills helps in coping with
stress. Admiraal, Korthagen, and Wubbels (2000) indicated that modifying thought
processes, learning problem-focused strategies and emotion focused strategies are
good to deal with stress. Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub (1989) developed a
multidimensional coping inventory to assess the different ways in which people
respond to stress. Total thirteen scales of inventory measure multiple aspects of coping
strategies as first five were for measuring problem-focused coping; next five scales
were for measuring emotional-focused coping; and last three scales were for
measuring less useful coping responses. Research on academics ignore their personal
emotional experiences. Job stress may result from the presence of negative
experiences as well as the absence of positive conditions at workplace. Both the
presence of negative aspects and absence of positive factors may lead towards the
tediousness, attitudinal and emotional exhaustion (Kanner, et al., 1978). Hepburn and
Brown (2001) opined that organizational factor like expectation from teachers may
cause stress among them.
Common positive strategies used by teachers to reduce stress include exercise,
social resources, avoidance, reading, hobbies, movement, and meditation (Gulwadi,
2006). Yussuf and Popoola (2016) concluded the results of their descriptive cross
sectional survey study in Nigeria and reported high prevalence of stress and reported
job dissatisfaction and poor mental health have as big determinants of stress.
Gunzerath, Connelly, Albert and Knebel (2001) reported coping strategy naming
positive reinterpretation as the “optimal subjective outlook”, that “acknowledges the
realities of the illness, while focusing on the positive aspects to one’s situation” (p339)
Recent studies indicate that an individual’s inability to adapt to stress can lead to the
onset of depression, heart disease, stroke, cancer, immune disorders, diabetes, and
even sexual dysfunction (Elkin, 1999; Robbins, 2004). Other studies suggest that
people often ignore early stress-oriented warning signs and thus allow stress to build
up with the illusion that the stress itself is handling or correcting a difficult
circumstance or situation (Luks, 2001; Moen, 2003; Moen & Chermack, 2005; Moen
et al., 1995). For example, a teacher may work for an over-demanding school
administrator who places the teacher into a psychological state of stress-initiated
fighting-readiness, even though there may very well be no safe or appropriate
opportunity for the teacher to fight back, seek recourse, or even express anger.
In such a situation, stress automatically builds up, but the teacher may have the
illusion that the warning signal (headache, backache, nail biting, fatigue, etc.) is
actually providing a safety net from the health factors or consequences of the induced
stress.In addition, Special education teacher stress: Coping strategies; Little is known
about stress perception and perceived coping mechanisms used by special
educators(.Edward J Cancio, Ross Larsen, Sarup R Mathur, Mary Bailey Estes, Bev
Johns, Mei Chang 2018). This article presents a study with 211 special educators to
determine how they deal with stress. Participants completed a survey reporting
stressors and coping skills. Special educators reported stress in their positions.
Increased caseloads, multiple roles, pressures for student achievement, student
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

behavior, and worries about the existence of their positions can cause this stress. In
general, the findings indicate that special educators experience work-related stress that
interferes with their quality of work. Most special educators employ adaptive
strategies in dealing with stress. In addition to presenting the study results, this article
presents implications for school administrators and teacher educators that can increase
special educators’ understanding about job stress and its relationship with work
` While according to a Research entitled; Stress-coping Strategies among the
Newly Qualified Primary and Lower Secondary School Teachers with a master’s
degree in Norway Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Jakhell
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2022, studies have documented the
causes of perceived stress in teachers, while less attention has been given to
identifying appropriate stress-management strategies. The aim of this article is to
provide insight into the strategies for coping with stress that newly qualified primary
and lower secondary school teachers with a five-year integrated master’s degree from
a Norwegian teacher education institution employ in their daily work after three years
in the profession and the characteristics of these strategies. The data material consists
of qualitative interviews with 27 teachers. The study shows that the teachers manage
stress through a) openness with and support from colleagues and family, b) shielding
and escape, c) learning established stress-coping strategies and d) planning,
structuring, and lowering ambitions. The themes are discussed with theoretical
concepts of problem-, emotion- and relationship-focused coping strategies.
Furthermore, the study entitled "Teacher stress and coping strategies: A
national snapshot" (Jan Richards 2012) This national survey of 1,201 kindergarten
through Grade-12 U.S. teachers focused on three related areas: (1) sources of teacher
stress, (2) manifestations of stress, and (3) suggested coping strategies. The survey
instrument was adapted from the Teacher Stress Inventory and the Coping Scale for
Adults. Results indicated that teachers nationwide are highly stressed, with California
teachers at the top of the list. Differences in reported stress by socioeconomic class
and suggested coping strategies are also discussed.
In the qualitative study of workplace stress and coping in secondary teachers in
Ireland. The teachers showed great concern for their students, with some being
prepared to ignore school guidelines to deal with their pupils’ needs. Several
particularly stressful factors were identified, including the maintenance of boundaries
(especially when dealing with students with personal problems), dealing with
disruptive student behavior, and the heavy workload. These stresses closely mirror
those described in international literature. Levels of stress and methods of dealing with
stress varied widely among the sample, with primary support coming from their
colleagues. One strong finding was the lack of suitable training and preparation felt by
the participants, particularly in methods of dealing with sensitive and stressful
situations in pupils, and in appropriate means of reaction to student misbehavior. It is
recommended that teacher-training courses include explicit training in dealing with
such situations.
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

Current research reveals that teacher stress has a detrimental effect not only on
their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being, but also on their efficiency
and productivity in the teaching and learning situation. Statistical analyses revealed
that some of the main factors that contributed to teacher stress were large classes, the
frequent changes to the curriculum, administrative tasks and the lack of motivation by
learners to study. Teachers use a wide range of coping strategies to deal with stress but
very few find effective ways to counter the negative effects of stress.
Teachers reported that the most effective action that schools or the government
could take to reduce teacher stress was to decrease teachers’ workload. While a result
of a research about Stress and Coping Strategies of University Teachers in Pakistan
revealed the differences in coping strategies of teachers based on their age group.
Researchers and policymakers must pay attention to the careers of teachers to promote
the quality of higher education.
There must be workshops and training sessions for them on the stress
management. It is also recommended that a further study be conducted on a larger
scale to explore different workplace stressors and to compare coping strategies against
demographic variables. Research also revealed the differences in coping strategies of
teachers based on their age group. Researchers and policymakers must pay attention to
the careers of teachers to promote the quality of higher education. There must be
workshops and training sessions for them on the stress management. It is also
recommended that a further study be conducted on a larger scale to explore different
workplace stressors and to compare coping strategies against demographic variables.
Revealed the differences in coping strategies of teachers based on their age group.
Researchers and policymakers must pay attention to the careers of teachers to promote
the quality of higher education. There must be workshops and training sessions for
them on the stress management. It is also recommended that a further study be
conducted on a larger scale to explore different workplace stressors and to compare
coping strategies against demographic variables.
Moreover, the study of Mankato, 2021 entitled Assessment of Perceived Levels of
Stress and Coping Mechanism Use among Elementary School Teachers, from this study The
teaching profession is known to be highly stressful.The coping mechanisms most utilized by
teachers who participated in this study were “Acceptance”, “Active coping”, and “Planning”.
Statistically significant relationships were found between total stress scores and the following
coping mechanisms: Self-distraction, Active coping, Denial, Substance use, Emotional
support, Use of informational support, Behavioral disengagement, Venting, Positive
reframing, Planning, Religion, and Self-blame. Findings from this study confirm the
prevalence of stress among elementary school teachers and a relationship between perceived
levels of stress and coping mechanism use.
In line to this we would like to conduct this study for us to be able to identify the
stress management and coping mechanism of the teachers from our institution and we would
like to know if Is there a significant difference on the respondents stress management and
Coping mechanism when grouped according to their profile. The results and recommendation
of our study will serve us our tribute to our forever heroes our teachers.
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management


This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, research instruments, data
gathering procedure and method of analysis.

The researchers’ work intends to determine the sources of stress and coping
mechanism of the teachers in Saint Joseph’s College Baggao. With this objective in
mind, the researchers used the descriptive inferential method of research in analyzing
and interpreting the data to be gathered through survey-questionnaire. According to
Adanza et al. (2009) the method of dealing with what is design for the investigator to
gather information about the present condition, status, or trend and dealing with what
are prevailing is generally descriptive research.
The respondent of this study includes all the fulltime teachers/college
instructors who work at Saint Joseph’s College Baggao for AY 2022-2023 .


The researchers will be going to use a survey questionnaire and then they will
be going to float it to the teachers who are being identified as a respondent The
questionnaire was used to collect consist of two parts. The first part is
consisting of the items which gather respondents’ profile such as their age, sex, civil
status, higher education attainment, position.Years in service and employment status.
The second part of the questionnaire where the respondents to fill or answer each
number. Each of number have to answer the following response option in
corresponding indicators, as follows; 4-strongly agree, 3-Agree ,2-disagree, 1-
strongly disagree. The first table include the sources of stress of the teacher while the
second table includes the coping mechanism of the respondents in dealing stress.
After the researchers identified the number of the teachers teaching at Saint
Joseph College of Baggao as a college instructor of the different courses offered.
Before the collection of data, the researchers will secure permission from the College
Dean of Business Management for the conduct of the study in the locale mentioned
earlier. Upon approval of the request for the conduct of the study, the respondents
were notified before the conduct of the survey. Then, the structured questionnaires
were distributed to the respondents. In the administration of the questionnaire, the
respondents were informed of the purpose of the study and were required to answer
the questionnaire personally. To ensure the validity of the answers, the researchers to
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

the respondents personally distributed the questionnaires. The researchers assured

anonymity and confidentiality.

The following statistical tools were used for the analysis and interpretation of
Frequency and percentage. This was used to describe the profile of the respondents.
Weighted mean. This was used to provide descriptive interpretation on the source of
stress and coping mechanism of the teachers at Saint Joseph’s College of Baggao.
4- Point Likert Scale. This was used to get the point scale and descriptive equivalents
of the participants’ responses on the problems met and coping mechanisms of the
respondents. Below are the corresponding descriptive equivalents:
Numerical Value Mean Range Descriptive Interpretation
4 3.25-4;00 Strongly Agree
3 2:50-3.24 Agree
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This was used to test the significant difference in
the group according to their profile.



This chapter is a presentation of interpretation and analysis of gathered data to

determine the Stressors and Coping Mechanisms among Teachers at SJCB: Basis for
HR Stress Management Program.

Table 1.1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to Age

Age Frequency Percent
23-27 years old 18 21
28-32 years old 22 27.2
33-37 years old 30 37
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

38-43 years old 7 8.6

44-48 years old 2 2.5
49 years old and above 3 3.7
Total 82 100

Revealed in table 1.1 is the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to

Age distribution, there are 82 total of respondents. Most of the respondents are in the
range of 33-37 years old, which is supported by the frequency of 30(37%) The
youngest respondents is 23 years old and the oldest respondents is 55 years old. The
data implies that majority of the respondents are in the age of 33-37 years old. Thus
majority of the employed teachers of SJCBI are in the middle adult age.

Table 1.2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 31 37.8

Female 51 62.2

Total 82 100

Table 1.2After organizing the data, the researcher must present them so they can be
under-stood by those who will benefit from reading the study. The most useful method of
presenting the data is by constructing statistical charts and graphs. There are many
different types frequency distributions, and each one has a specific purpose. shows the
frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to gender, with 31(37.8%)
male and 51(62.2%) are female. This finding clearly indicates that there are more
female respondents than male. Thus, most of the fulltime teachers employed at
Saint Joseph’s College are female. In connection to this, According to the World
Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized
sources 87.42% in 2020 female teachers were employed in primary education and
the reason behind is men are apprehensive about teaching as a career.
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

Table 1.3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to Civil

Civil Status Frequency Percent
Single 42 51.9
Married 39 48.1
Total 82 100

The table above shows the Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as
to civil status of which the majority of the respondent are single which is being
supported by frequency of 42 (51.9%) the remaining 39 which is 48.1% are married.
This means that majority of the fulltime teachers employed at Saint Joseph’s College
are single. However according to the study of Vinnela, 2016 it reveals that marital
status of the teacher and job performance has no significance relationship.
Since little information can be obtained from looking at raw data, the researcher
organizes the data into what is called a frequency distribution. A frequency distribution
consists of types of civil status and their corresponding frequencies. Each raw data value is
placed into a quantitative or qualitative category which is the frequency and percent of the

Table 1.4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to Highest

Educational Attainment
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percent

Bachelor’s degree holder 28 34.2
With units in master’s degree holder 23 28
Master’s degree holder 26 31.7
With units in Doctorate degree holder 5 6.1
Doctorate degree 0 0
Total 82 100

Table 1.4
The frequency is the count of numbers in a specific range or category in a data set.
suppose in a data set there are 82 numbers, and it contains 5 times the number 5,
thus the frequency of 5 is 6.1. A percentage means the proportion of a specific
number in relation to all the numbers in a data set
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to educational attainment.
28 out of 82 respondents are bachelor’s degree holder which is 34.2% and 23 (28%)
are respondent’s with units in master’s and 26(31.7%) are master degree holder and 5
(6.1%) are with Units in doctorate. The data reveals that most of the teachers
employed at SJCBI are bachelor’s degree holder.

Table 1.5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to


Department Frequency Percent

Elementary 8 9.8
High school 43 52.4
College 31 37.8
total 82 100

Revealed in table 1.5 The Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to

department. There are 9 of the respondents are from the elementary department
supported by 9.8% While 43 among the respondents are from High school department
supported by 52.4% and the remaining 31 are from college department supported by
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

37.8. The data implies that most of the respondents are from the high school

Table 1.6 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents as to Years in

Years in Service Frequency Percent
1 year and below 15 18.3
1-5 years 51 62.2
6-10 years 10 12.2
11-15 years 2 2.4
16-20 years 0 0
21-25 years 1 1.2
26 years and above 3 3.7
Total 82 100

Table 1.6 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents as to years
in service .It reveals that most of the respondents with a frequency of 51 (62.2%) are
in service within 1-5 years, while there is only 1 (1.2%) are in the service within 21-25
years. The data implies that most of the employed teachers at SJCBI are rendering
their service in the school within a range of 1-5 years.

Table 2.1 Mean Distribution of the respondents as to the Family Related

Family Related Mean Descriptive Value
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

1.Financial difficulties 3.22 Agree

2.Conflict between family members 2.60 Agree

3.Parenting challenges 2.73 Agree
4. Work-life balance issues 2.99 Agree
5.Caregiving responsibilities 2.78 Agree
6.Major life transition 2.78 Agree
7.Communication problems 2.34 Disagree
8.High family expectation 2.48 Disagree
9.Over dependence of family members 2.19 Disagree

10. Love life related stress 1.82 Disagree

Overall Mean 2.59 Agree

The table above shows the mean and descriptive value on the family related factors
that can be considered as stressors of the reveals that most of the given
factor is really a great contributor on the stress of the teachers due to the fact that the
total mean is 2.59 which has a descriptive value “Agree” However the over
dependence of family members and Love life related has a mean that can be
interpreted as Disagree this means that among the 10 stressors under the family related
factors there is only two that doesn’t considered by the respondents as stressors ,the
result implies that most of the given family related stressors of the teacher are can be
considered as a contributing factor on the stress of the teachers. it corroborates to the
study of

Table 2.2 Mean Distribution of the respondents as to the Work Related Stressors

Work Related Mean Descriptive

1.High work load 2.87 Agree
2.Unclear expectectation from supervisor or2.91 Agree
3.Feeling unable to influence decisions or having2.74 Agree
little autonomy in my work
4. Difficulty balancing work and personal life 2.66 Agree

5.Job insecurity 2.48 Disagree

6.lack of support from supervisor or administration 2.68 Agree

7.Educational related stress 2.65 Agree

8.High peers expectation 2.72 Agree

Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

9.Handling large number of learners 2.68 Agree

10. Hectic schedule 2.72 Agree

11.Student’s misbehavior 2.95 Agree
Overall Mean 2.73 Agree
The table above shows the mean and the descriptive value on the work related factors
as a stressors of the teachers, it reveals the total value of the mean is 2.73 which can be
interpreted as Agree, this implies that all the given work related stressors are can be
considered as the contributing factors on the stress being experience by the
teachers.the study of

Table 2.3 Mean Distribution of the respondents as to the Society or

Environmental Related Factor
Society or Environment Related Mean Descriptive Value
1.Noise Pollution 3.01 Strongly Agree

2.Air pollution 2.73 Agree

3.Traffic congestion 2.66 Agree

4. Social isolation 2.59 Agree

5.Ecomic pressure 2.93 Agree

6.Climate Change 2.83 Agree

7.Natural disasters 2.88 Agree

8.Discrimination 2.80 Agree

9.Social comparison 2.87 Agree

10. Rapid pace of technological change 2.71 Agree

11.Peer Pressure 2.68 Agree

Overall mean 2.79 Agree

Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

The table above clearly show the mean distribution of the respondents as to
Environment Related factors in which the overall mean is 2.79 which a descriptive
value is Agree

Table 2.4 Mean Distribution of the respondents as to the Social Media Related
Social Media Related Mean Descriptive Value
1.Negative interaction 2.79 Agree
2.Harassment 2.71 Agree
3.Feeling the need to conform to certain trend 2.57
4. Information overload 2.67 Agree

5.Fakenews 2.56 Agree

6.Cyber bullying 2.52 Agree

7. Irregular sleep patterns due to social media
addiction Disagree

8.False sense of connection 2.35 Disagree

Overall Mean 2.58 Agree

The table above shows the mean distribution of the respondents as to the social media
related factor. The overall mean is 2.58 with a descriptive value of “Agree” this means
that most of the given situations that can be considered as environment factor are
considered as stressors of the teachers working at SJCB.

Part III.Coping Mechanism

Directions: Below is a list of coping mechanism of the teachers please rate these by
putting a check mark ( √ ) under the column which corresponds to your answer using
the following scale

Table 3.Mean Distribution of the Respondents as to Coping Mechanism

Numerical Value Descriptive Interpretation

4 Coping Mechanism Strongly Mean
Agree Descriptive Value
3 Agree
2 Disagree
Practicing open communication 3.32 Strongly Agree
1 Strongly Disagree
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

Setting boundaries 3.28 Strongly Agree

Practicing Self care 3.43 Strongly Agree

Seeking support from friends or professionals 3.43 Strongly Agree

Seeking support from family 3.41 Strongly Agree

Finding healthy outlets like exercise or habit 3.34 Strongly Agree

Embrace the stress 3.23 Agree

Learning to live in it 3.07 Agree

Viewing it as a positive challenge to be more3.30 Strongly Agree

better person

Not minding it 2.63 Agree

Giving up 2.24 Disagree

Unwind with friends and family 3.11 Agree

Making jokes in it 2.98 Agree

Self-pity 2.28 Agree

Seeking Comfort in religion 3.05 Agree

Working smarter not harder 3.32 Strongly Agree

Praying when feeling stress 3.48 Strongly Agree

See things differently 3.21 Agree

Crying when feeling lonely 2.60 Agree

Practice emotional first aid 2.99 Agree

Regulating negative emotional reactions 2.88 Agree

Leave unhealthy situations 2.83 Agree

Getting enough sleep/take a rest 3.35 Strongly Agree

Practice mindfulness 3.38 Strongly Agree

Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

Overall Mean 3.09 Agree

Table 3 revealed the mean distribution of the respondents as to coping mechanism.

The overall mean is 3.09 with a descriptive value which is “Agree” this implies that
most of the given coping mechanism are effective and being used by the teachers in

order to lessen their stress in all the factors that contributes to their stress.

The purpose of this is to determine the relationships between teachers' quality of
work, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. The relational survey model with
quantitative research design was used for the study. The sample of the study composed
of 82 teachers working in school of Saint Joseph’s Baggao. In the study, the scale of
teachers’ quality of work; the scale of the turnover intentions and the scale of job
satisfaction were used. Parametric tests were used in the research as the data were
suitable for normal distribution. According to the findings, teachers’ perceptions of the
quality of work are moderate in the whole scale in terms of career satisfaction, stress
in work life, working conditions, and work-family life balance dimensions and weak
in terms of self-control over the work higher than the overall well-being. It is
significant that teachers do not have enough self-control over their work. The fact that
teachers' perceptions of job satisfaction and turnover intentions are moderate should
be considered although the intentions of teachers to leave work are not high. There is a
strong positive relationship between all dimensions except for the whole scale of
teachers’ quality of work and the dimensions of stress in work life and job
satisfaction; a moderate negative relationship between the dimensions of stress in
work life and job satisfaction; a high level of negative relationship between the scale
of quality of work and all dimensions except for the dimensions of stress in work life
and the turnover intention; a positive high relationship between the dimensions of
stress in work life and turnover intentions. The quality of work and all dimensions are
the predictors of job satisfaction and turnover intentions.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations created to achieve certain
objectives depends on the care for employees. Creating positive work conditions
reveals the importance of humanitarian conception in organizations, ensuring
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

employees' job satisfaction of employees positive work conditions reveals the

importance of humanitarian conception in organizations, ensuring employees' job
satisfaction, working in a safe environment and having self-control over their work.
Furthermore, the employees working in positive work conditions improve work
quality. Creating a positive work environment for teachers, which is essential for
schools, will have a positive impact on their job satisfaction and thus improve their
performance. Teachers who perceive a high quality of work do not consider leaving
their school, so their intentions to change are low. Consequently, the quality of
teachers' work is critical in many ways.

The quality of these working conditions increases their motivation and makes them
feel good about themselves. Minimizing these problems in the work life and
increasing the efficiency of the organizations has emerged the concept of teachers’
quality of work. Today, quality of work life covers issues such as balancing between
jobs and people in modern work life, having a self-control over work, job safety,
reward, career path (Arslan, 2018). The quality of work of teachers is a concept that
requires the improvement of working conditions, job satisfaction, productivity and
The fact that school administrators and teachers are committed to the school and their
work, that they are satisfied with their work, that they can manage stress and burnout,
that they build strong and effective relationships with students, parents and colleagues,
in short, that they have a high quality of work, can be considered as the most
important factor for success.

In this part, the relationships between teachers’ quality of work, turnover intentions
and their perceptions of job satisfaction, their turnover intentions and their perceptions
of job satisfaction, the effect of teachers' perceptions of quality of work on their
turnover intentions and job satisfaction and the effects of teachers' job satisfaction on
their turnover intentions are included. Accordingly, teachers' perceptions of the quality
of work are shown in Tables of mean

When the table is examined, it is determined that the perceptions of teachers’ quality
of work related dimension 2.73; moderate in the dimensions of family related
stressors 2.59, society or environment related 2.79, and coping mechanism 3.09 with
the total scale of teachers’ social media related 2.58 .These findings show that teachers'
perceptions of the quality of work are generally moderate. While the overall coping
mechanism of teachers is high; It is remarkable that their perception of stress in work
life is moderate.

When Table 2 was examined, it was determined that teachers' social media has 2.58
which is the lowest and perceptions to the coping mechanism which was the highest in
the amount of 3.09. These findings indicate that teachers' job satisfaction is sufficient,
Saint Joseph College Baggao
College of Business Management

and their social media exists, if not high. The moderate turnover intentions of teachers
can be expressed as undesirable situation at schools because it will be difficult for a
teacher with turnover intentions to feel committed to school or.

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