NEW Undertaking-Waiver F2Fsports Training

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Undertaking, Assumption of Risk, and Waiver

(Face-To-Face Sports Training Sessions)

I, Lunie Delgado Arangote <Name of Parent/Guardian>, parent/guardian of

Yousef Hassan Al-Ansari <name of student>, SHS 11B <Grade Level/Section> of La
Salle Green Hills, hereby allow my son/daughter/ward to attend/participate in the F2F Sports
Training Sessions for the
2022-2023 < School Year> and hereby agree to undertake the following:
1. That we will fully comply with health and safety protocols and mandatory reporting guidelines set by the
government and by the School and other rules and regulations stipulated from time to time;

2. That my son/daughter/ward is not considered part of the Most-at-Risk Population or MARP (e.g.
immunocompromised, with comorbidities, and/or pregnant). However, if my son/daughter/ward is with such
health conditions, we will coordinate with the HSO through email ( for further
evaluation of eligibility to participate in the F2F Sports Training Sessions and will submit, a certificate of “fit to
participate in the training sessions” from our attending physician;

3. That my son/daughter/ward will regularly self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 through the online
LSGH Health Declaration Form;

4. That we will inform the School through the Health Services Office (HSO) by email at
and copy furnish the Sports Program Development Office at any time before, during, and after the F2F Sports
Training Sessions should my son/daughter/ward:
4.1 experience fever, colds, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle and joint pains,
sneezing, and other COVID-19 symptoms;
4.2 come in close contact with a known case of COVID-19;
4.3 in any manner whatsoever, contract COVID-19;

5. That we will subject our son/daughter/ward at our own cost to a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-
PCR) testing or Rapid Antigen Testing administered by a DOH accredited laboratory as recommended by the
HSO in case he/she falls under the conditions stated in 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3;

6. That my son/daughter/ward maybe subjected to a Rapid Antigen Testing administered by the HSO in case
he/she falls under 4.1 while inside the campus;

7. If my son/daughter/ward contracts COVID-19 anytime during the term/s of participation in the F2F Sports
Training Sessions, we shall submit a medical clearance prior to him/her re-joining classes and/or participating in
School activities;

8. That I am aware of serious accidents, injuries, risk and death hazards that are involved in my
son’s/daughter’s/ward’s participation in this activity, and

9. That we will submit our son’s/daughter’s/ward’s Medical Certificate to certify that he/she is fit to participate in
the training sessions for a specific sport from our attending physician;

Assumption of Risk
I fully understand that there are dangers, inherent and otherwise, in engaging in the face-to-face sports training sessions
including travelling to and from the school during the COVID-19 pandemic. I further understand that my
son’s/daughter’s/ward’s participation may expose him/her to the risk of personal injury, illness or death and/or causing
him/her to acquire COVID-19 and transmit it to others, notwithstanding the School’s best efforts to implement and
require compliance with prevention and mitigating measures of the National and Local Government, implementation of
health and safety protocols and my son/daughter/ward having proactively taken steps to reduce possible infection.

Waiver and Release of Liability

We hereby release, waive and forever discharge any and all liability, claims and demands of whatever kind or nature
against La Salle Green Hills, its administrators, officers, employees, associates and agents, either in law or equity to
the fullest extent permissible by law, including but not limited to death, bodily injury, illness, economic loss or out of the
pocket expenses, or loss or damage to property related to my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s participation in the F2F Sports
Training Sessions, which my son/daughter/ward, his/her heirs, assignees, next of kin and/or legally appointed or
designated representative, may have or which may hereinafter accrue on his/her behalf.

We have read this Undertaking, Assumption of Risk and Waiver, know, understand and agree to be bound by its
contents, and sign it of our own volition.

_______Lunie D. Arangote____________________ ___August 24/2022___

Printed Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

_______Yousef Hassan Al Ansari_____________ ___August 24/2022___

Printed Name and Signature of Student Date

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