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(Formerly: St. Joseph’s College)

Borongan City, Eastern Samar


SY 2021-2022


At the end of the discussion, the student should be able to

A. Identify passive and active transport

B. Illustrate the movement of particles in passive and active transport
C. Relate transport mechanism in real life


A. Topic: Cell Transport Mechanism

B. Materials: Powerpoint presentation
C. Reference: General Biology Teaching Guide pages 50-56
General Biology Module 12- Transport Mechanism in Cell


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1.1 Opening Prayer

Before we begin, let us ask the guidance of (Students will follow the prayer in powerpoint
almighty God and let us enlighten our mind to presentation)
completely understand the lesson this afternoon.

1.2 Class Greetings

Good afternoon, Marians! Praise be Jesus and

Mary! Now and Forever!

1.3 Attendance Check

Class monitor, Is there any absentee today? None.

1.4 Checking of the Order and Cleanliness of

the Classroom

I would like to request everyone to arrange your

chairs properly and make sure there are no
trashes around you (Students will pick up pieces of trashes around)


Before we proceed to our new topic this

afternoon, lets have a quick recap of our previous
Can someone tell me?
Yes (students name)? ( The last topic was about Plasma Membrane)

Very good!
Our previous lesson was about the cell or the
plasma membrane!

Now, what is the composition of plasma

Yes (students name)? (Phospholipid bilayer, a head and tail)

Very good!
So, what is the functions of cell? (It provide structure for the cell and it control what
enters and goes through out the cell)

Very good class, It seems that you have

mastered well our previous topic.


I have here scrambled letters,

Your task is to arranged the letter so you can
come up with a word related to what we are going
to discuss today.

You have 10 seconds to answer.

Please try it on your seats.

What did you form? Transport Mechanism in Cell

Alright! Very good! Who got the correct answer?

1. Presentation of the lesson topic and
objectives of the day
Our topic for today is about membrane transport
or the Transport Mechanism in cell.

As you can see, I have here different objectives

for this afternoon’s lesson.

Kindly read (student’s name) At the end of (1) one hour discussion and
activities, the grade 11 students will be able to do
the following with at least 85% proficiency level;

1. Identify passive and active transport

2. Illustrate the movement of particles in passive
and active transport
3. Relate transport mechanism in real life

Thank you!
Are the objectives clear to everyone? Yes ma’am!

Okay, so i’ll be expecting your cooperation.


Now, class will be divided into two (2) groups.

Each will have an envelop.
Instructions can be found outside the envelop.
Answer can also be found inside. Please follow.
Once you’re done with the activity, select one
person from your group to present your work.

Before we proceed with the activity, lets read first

the rubric so everyone is guided on how you will
be rated with your work.

Kindly read aloud. (students to read rubrics on the board)

Thank you, are we clear?

If you have questions dont hesitate to ask.

You can now form a circle so you can collaborate

with your group.

You have 30 seconds. Your timer starts now.\

Times up everyone!
Good job! I’m pleased you were able to finish
your your activity.

Now lets present your work.

May I have group 2 to present their work? (Group 2 present their work)

Very nice job! Thank you group 2. (Class do the clap)

Lets give them an Aling Dionisia clap!

Next, may I have group 1. (Group 1 present their work)

Thank you group 1!

Class let’s give them a Marites clap! (Class do the clap)

We will check your work later as we go along with

our discussion and we’ll find out whether your
answers is correct or not.


Now, for better understanding, I am going to

discuss this afternoon the Membrane Transport-
the Transport Mechanism in Cells.

In order for cell to stay alive it must meet the

characteristic of life which include taking in
nutrients and eliminating waste and other by
products. All of the cell activities are in one way
or another tied to the membrane that separate it s
interior from the environment.


Now, lets have another activity to check what

have you learned about membrane transport.

We have here graphic organizer from Lazada.

We are going to answer the necessary
information to complete the concept about
transport mechanism.

To do this, we’ll play pass the box game.

Are you familiar with the game?

So while the music plays, you should pass the

ball around the class. When the music stop, the
student who has the ball has to answer the
(Music playing)
Is that clear?
Okay, lets start.

Yes (student name) Collection of mechanism that regulate the

What is membrane transport? passage of solutes such as ions and small
molecules through plasma membrane.

Very good! Next one, what is the answer to Active transport

number 2?

Simple Diffusion
Good job! Another one, what is the answer to
number 3?
Facilitated diffusion
Number 4?
Allows non polar molecules such as oxygen and
carbon dioxide to pass directly on the membrane.
Does not require energy but needs a membrane
transport channel or carrier protein.
Special type of diffusion specifically associated
with the movement of water.
Requires energy to engulf molecules in the
11? plasma membrane into the cytoplasm

Molecules are released out of the cell


Very good everyone!


Now lets proceed to the next activity.

1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide entering and Simple diffusion

leaving the lungs
Active Transport
2. Glucose from small intestine entering the blood

3. Water moving across the walls in nephrons into Osmosis

the kidneys
4. Minerals from the soil entering plant roots

5. Nutrients moving across small intestine into the Active Transport


Broadening the topic

Why is it important to understand membrane Membrane transport is essential for cellular life
transport? Or the transport mechanism in cell? as cells proceed through their life cycle a vast
amount of exchange is necessary to maintain

What type of material are transported inside or Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are the few
outside the cell? simple molecules that can cross the cell
membrane by diffusion.
Diffusion is a movement of substances within cell.

What roles of cell/plasma membrane in It provides protection for a cell. It provide fixed
transporting materials inside and outside the cell? environment inside the cell.
To transport nutrients into the cell and also to
transport toxic substance outside the cell.

What is the difference between passive and Passive transport use no energy while active
active transport? transport requires energy to get done.


According to Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him; male and female
he created them”.

Thus as Christian we study biology and

biochemistry knowing that Christ ultimately
stands behind the ordered mechanism of life, a
consistent God upholding a consistent Universe
whose resources we can harness for the good of

Do we have to choose what we believe, between

evolution or creation?
We dont have to choose. A committed Christian
need not fear evolution but can embrace it as
God’s awesome means of creation.

What we’re your realizations today that you came

up on the lesson?

Can someone tell me?

Yes (student name)

Very good!

Now, any volunteer from the class to summarize

the concept of our lesson today?

Very well said!


Now, lets have a short quiz.

Get 1/4 sheet of paper for your quiz.


For your assignment, please copy what is written

on the powerpoint presentation/ board.

May I request everyone to stand up.

Let us pray.

That’s all for today.

Goodbye class.

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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