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10/23/2020 Frappe Framework Tutorial

Frappe Framework Tutorial

In this guide, you will learn how to create a web application from scratch using the Frappe Framework.

Who is this for?

This guide is intended for software developers who are familiar with how web applications are built. Frappe Framework is based on
Python and MariaDB (or Postgres) as the database. Jinja is used as the templating language for Web Views. So it would be great if
you are familiar with all these technologies.
Frappe Framework uses git for version control and automatic updates. It is also expected that you are familiar with basic git

What are we building?

We will build a simple Library Management System in which the Librarian can log in and manage Articles and Memberships. We will
build the following models:
1. Article: A Book or similar item that can be rented.
2. Library Member: A user who is subscribed to a membership.
3. Library Transaction: An Issue or Return of an article.
4. Library Membership: A document that represents an active membership of a Library Member.
5. Library Settings: Settings that define values like Loan Period and the maximum number of articles that can be issued at a
The Librarian will log in to an interface known as Desk, a rich admin interface that ships with the framework. The Desk provides
many standard views like List view, Form view, Report view, etc, and many features like Role-based Permissions.
We will also create public Web Views which can be accessed by the Library Members where they can browse available Articles.

Table of Contents
1. Prerequisites
2. Install and Setup Bench
3. Create an App
4. Create a Site
5. Create a DocType
6. DocType Features
7. Controller Methods
8. Types of DocType
9. Form Scripts
10. Portal Pages 1/2
10/23/2020 Frappe Framework Tutorial

11. What's Next

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