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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 2
Hari/ Tanggal :
Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit
Dimulai pukul : 07.30
Diakhiri pukul : 09.30

Petunjuk Umum.
1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal!
2. Tulislah dahulu nomor dan nama peserta Anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
3. Bacalah dengan teliti petunjuk dan cara mengerjakan soal.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas Ulangan apabila ada tulisan yang tidak jelas, rusak, atau kurang jumlah
lembar soalnya.
5. Kerjakan soal yang Anda anggap paling mudah terlebih dahulu.
6. Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan, dengan menggunakan bolpoin/pulpen yang bertinta biru
atau hitam.
7. Periksa kembali jawaban Anda, apabila telah selesai serahkan kepada Pengawas.
1. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan memberikan tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c atau d pada lembar
jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan Anda ingin memperbaikinya, berilah tanda (== ) pada
jawaban semula dan beri tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
Contoh : Jawaban semula : A B C D
Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D


Choose the best answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

1. What do they usually do before preparing the breakfast for the family?
A. They make the beds. C. They clean the bathroom.
B. They clean the house. D. They do some exercise.
2. “We make the beds and clean the house.”
The underlined word refers to . . .
A. The writer’s mother. C. The writer and her sister.
B. The writer D. The writer’s sister.

3. Lina always . . . early every day.

A. get up B. gets up
C. is getting up D. got up

The following text is for questions 4 to 7.

Here are Rick’s routines.
Activity Always Usually Sometimes Never
1. get up at 6 AM √
2. make his bed √
3. take a bath √
4. have breakfast √
5. catch the bus to school √
6. have lunch at school √
7. play basketball in the afternoon √
8. play games √
9. study in the evening √
10. go to bed at 9 PM √

4. How does he go to school?

A. By motorcycle. C. By bus.
B. By bicycle. D. On foot.

5. Does he like play games?

A. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he do.
B. No, he doesn’t. D. No, he don’t.

6. Where does probably he always have breakfast?

A. At school. C. At the restaurant.
B. At the canteen. D. At home.

7. “Here are Rick’s routines.”

The closest meaning of the underlined word is . . .
A. activities. C. hobbies.
B. habits. D. experiences.

The following text is for questions 8 to 9.

Agil is talking with Dita in phone.
Agil : Hello, Dita! What are you doing?
Dita : Hi, Agil! I am watching a movie with Anna and Lusi
in my house.
Agil : Wow, that’s interesting!
Dita : Yes, it is. What are you doing now?
Agil : Well, I’m doing nothing. My father and my mother
are going out. I’m starting to get bored.
Dita : Why don’t you join with us?
We just starting watching it.
Agil : That’s a good idea. Wait for me, please.
8. Who
Ditaare :watching the movie?
Ok. See you, then. Bye.
Agil and Dita.
: Bye. C. Anna and Agil.
B. Dita, Anna and Lusi. D. Dita, Anna and Agil

9. Where is Agil?
A. At Dita’s house. C. At home.
B. In a cinema. D. At school.

10. Mr. Tommy : Where are the boys?

Jenny : Look at them, sir. They . . . football now.
A. are playing C. plays
B. is playing D. play

The following text is for questions 11 to 12.

Dear, Mum.
How are you, Mum? I miss you so much. We are not going anywhere this morning. We are
staying at the hotel, but everybody is busy. They are enjoying themselves. Joan and Naomi are
swimming. George is still having breakfast. Nyoman is doing an exercise at the hotel gym. I am at
the swimming pool right now, but I’m not swimming. I’m reading a comic. I’m too tired to do
anything, I guess. We will leave the hotel at eleven. Oh, I can’t wait to see you soon, mum.

Big hug,

11. Where is Marry right now?

A. At home. C. In a hotel.
B. At school. D. In a restaurant.

12. What is Marry doing? She is . . .

A. reading. C. swimming.
B. doing an exercise. D. having breakfast.

The following illustration is for questions 13 to 15.

Jack Bob William

13. William is . . . than Bob.
A. thinner C. thin
B. as thin as D. the thinnest

14. Bob is . . . of all.

A. fat C. the fattest
B. fatter D. as fat as
15. Who is the tallestone?
A. Jack C. Bob
B. William D. Jack and William

The following information is for questions 16 to 18.

Bandung (BDO) – Lombok (DPS)
Flight Departure Arrival Stop

EA 221 06.00 08.00 -

EA 228 07.00 11.00 1 Surabaya (SUB)
EA 290 08.00 10.00 -

16. Flight EA 228 covers a . . . trip because it makes a stop in Surabaya.

A. cheaper C. longer
B. shorter D. nicer

17. Based on the scheduleabove, we conclude that flight EA 211 departs the . . . of all flights.
A. earliest C. longest
B. fastest D. farthest

18. Edo : Which one do you like, English or Math?

Andy : I love English. I think it is the . . . subject at school.
A. exciting C. more exciting
B. as exciting as D. most exciting

Thefollowing text is for questions is for questions 19 to 24.

Anna : Did you read the newspaper yesterday?
Vita : No, I didn’t. Was there any good news?
Anna : No. There was a bad news. About a fire.
Vita : Where was the fire?
Anna : It was at 35 Mawar Street.
Vita : Did the firemen arrive quickly?
Anna : Yes, they arrived very quickly.
Vita : Did they rescue the people?
Anna : Yes, they rescued everybody.
Vita : I didn’t know about that.

19. What was the bad news?

A. Anna got hurt in the fire. C. The firemen couldn’t rescue everybody.
B. There was a fire. D. The firemen arrived quickly.

20. Who told Vita about the bad news?

A. Anna. C. The firemen.
B. The newspaper. D. Everybody at 35 Kinan Street.

21. Vita : “I didn’t know about that”.

The underlined word refers to. . .
A. everybody. C. the firemen.
B. the rescue. D. the fire

22. Arman : Where did you go last holiday?

Maulana : I and my friends went to Bandung.
Arman : What did you do there?
Maulana : I . . . some interesting places. They were TangkubanPerahu Crater, Trans Studio Bandung, and
A. visit C. visiting
B. visits D. visited

23. Dona : Where . . . you born?

Amanda : I . . . born in Makassar.
A. did – were B. were – was
C. was – did D. did – was

24. Aisyah : . . . .
Fatimah : Last month.
A. Did you visit Borobudur Temple? C. When did you visit Borobudur Temple?
B. Who did visit Borobudur Temple? D. Do you visit Borobudur Temple?

The following text is for questions 25 to 29.

When I was in grade VI, my class had a tour to a small village. We visited a cow farm. We
got there in late afternoon on Saturday. It was almost sunset. We spent the night in a big house.
On Sunday morning, very early before sunrise, we walked to the farm. When we got there,
some farmers were milking the cow. They told us to try it, but it was not easy. After we milked the
cows, we had breakfast. We had very nice hot milk for breakfast.
After breakfast, we helped the farmers. Some of us helped them to feed the cows, and some
of us helped the farmers wash the cows. At 10, we took a rest. They gave each of us a big glass of
cold fruity yoghurt. Then we went home. I will never forget the trip to the farm.

25. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To describe the writer’s cow farm.
B. To inform the reader about how to milk the cow.
C. To entertain the reader about a cow farm.
D. To retell the writer’s experience about his/her trip to a cow farm.

26. According to the text, we can conclude that the writer fells . . . had a trip to the farm.
A. sad C. tired
B. angry D. happy

27. “. . ., my class had a tour to a small village.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. experiment C. trip
B. assignment D. holiday

28. “They told us to try it.” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to . . . .
A. the writer C. the writer and his/her friends
B. the writer’s friends D. the farmers

29. What did they have for breakfast?

A. Fried rice. C. Cold fruity yoghurt.
B. Hot milk. D. Burned beefs.

The text is for questions 30 to33

It was about 3.30 in the afternoon. Mr. Tugiyo had just come back from the
forest after collecting some firewood. Before it got dark, he went back home to take a
bath and get some rest.
Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he
went into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring
at him. He stunned by the horror he found. He saw his wife, shocked in front of the
bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew his family was also in danger.
Mr. Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and
lock the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house
and locked the front door. Then, he screamed for help from the neighbours. One of his
neighbours called the police. Later some policemen and officers from the zoo arrived
and caught the tiger.
Finally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that
the tiger was searching for food and it came from nearby forest.

30. What is the best title for the store?

A. A Tiger in a Villager’s House. C. The Police and the Tiger.
B. A Tiger in the Nearby Zoo. D. Finding Food for a Tiger.

31. How did Mrs. Tugiyo save herself?

A. By locking herself inside the bedroom. C. By hiding herself behind the door.
B. By staying still behind the front door. D. By lying on the bed.

32. Why did the tiger enter Mr.Tugiyo’s house?

A. To scare the people. C. To take a walk.
B. To find its family. D. To get food

33. What does the third paragraph tell us about?

A. The transfer of the tiger to the zoo.
B. How Mr. Tugiyo sought for help.
C. How the tiger looked at him.
D. The killing of tiger

The following text is for questions 34 to 36

Sean and Mark Saunders joined a tour to South Africa. There were eight tourists in the
group and two National Park guards.
Early in the morning, the group arrived at the park. It was a beautiful and peaceful
morning. They started their journey on a path near a small river. Along the way, they saw
many kinds of animals roaming about, such as African buffaloes, elephants, and giraffes.
Those animals drank from the river and then walked away.
Suddenly, Sean saw a black rhino among the bushes. He told the group. The tourists
were so excited to see the rare animal. They took pictures of the animal, which was only a
hundred meters
away. Then the guards realised that it was a male rhino and it was a bit nervous by the tourists’
presence on its territory. The guards made some noise by yelling and hitting their guns with their
hands to scare the animal.
However, their efforts didn’t work well. The action made the male black rhino angry. It
charged towards the group. It was ready for a fight. Sean, who was very close to the animal,
was its first target. The rhino struck him powerfully with its horn on his left leg. The rhino
then turned to Mark who was trying to save his brother. The rhino hit Mark’s rib bones.
One of the guards, then, aimed his gun at the rhino before it made another attack. He
shot the rhino in its belly. The wounded animal escaped to the bushes.

34. Why did the rhino feel disturbed?

A. The other animals came to the river.
B. The gun shots from the guards.
C. The sound of the camera as the tourists took pictures.
D. The presence of the tourists in its territory and the noise.

35. What happened when Mark was trying to help his brother?
A. Sean was lying on the ground. C. The rhino attacked him.
B. The guard shot the rhino. D. The tourists ran away.

36. What is the text about?

A. An attack by a group of tourists on a baby rhino. C. Training to handle rhino attacks.
B. An attack by a rhino on a group of tourists. D.A safari in the jungle.

Text following text is for questions 37 to 38.

From: Butet

Aldo, I’m sorry for not being

able to return your electronic
dictionary this evening as I
promised. My bicycle has a flat
tire and there’s no garage open
at this late hour. I’ll bring it to
school tomorrow, OK?

37. Why did Butet send the message to Aldo?

A. To tell Aldo that he has a flat tire.
B. To let Aldo know about the condition of his bicycle.
C. To apologize for not keeping his promise.
D. To inform him that there is no workshop open in the evening.

38. What will Butet do with the dictionary? He will . . .

A. bring it to Aldo’s house this evening. C. ask Aldo to take it from his house.
B. return it to Aldo tomorrow at school. D. Give it to Aldo at the garage.

The following text is for questions 39 and 42.

To: Rina

Hey, this is Wulan. Our group is going to do our biology

assignment. Are you free this afternoon? If you are, please
come to my house at 1 pm. Arya and Nurul are coming, too.

39. Who sends the message?

A. Rina C. Nurul
B. Arya D. Wulan

40. Why does the writer send the message?

A. To collect her biology assignment.
B. To inform the reader about the assignment.
C. To ask the reader to come to her house.
D. To meet Arya and Nurul at his house.
41. “Are you free this . . ..” (line 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Have no body to do. C. Have to do something.
B. Have nothing to do. D. Have a lot of things to do.

42. Who will also come to the writer’s house?

A. Arya and Nurul. C. Arya alone.
B. Nurul alone. D. Wulan.

The following text is for questions 43 and 45.

43. Who probably read the notice?

A. The principle C. The teacher
B. The students D. The parents

44. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To ask the students to join the flag ceremony of Independence Day.
B. To tell the students how to celebrate the Independence Day.
C. To inform the students about the Independence Day.
D. To show the students about the celebration of Independence Day.

45. “Attendance is compulsory.”

What does the sentence mean?
A. Students must come.
B. Students must not come.
C. Not join the flag ceremony is suggested.
D. Join the flag ceremony is not allowed.

The following text is for questions 46 and 47.

46. What does the notice mean?
A. We must bring food and drink. C. We are not allowed to cook in the area.
B. We are forbidden to sell food and drink. D. We must not eat and drink in the area.

47. Where do we usually find the sign?

A. In the bus station. C. On the street.
B. In the library. D. At the gas station.

The following song lyric is for questions 48 to 50.

One Direction
You gotta help me, I’m losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought we were holding on
Aren’t we?

No, they don’t teach you this in school

Now my heart’s breaking and I don’t know what to do
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren’t we?

You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)

We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history (oh)
So don’t let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever

All of the rumors, all of the fights

But we always find a way to make it out alive
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren’t we?

48. What does the song tell us about?

A. Friendship. C. Dream.
B. Love. D. Family.

49. ”We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen.”
The part of the song above means . . . .
A. There is no formal subject at school about friendship.
B. We created many beautiful memories.
C. We can be the best team in the world.
D. We can create some other memories.

50. “You and me got a whole lot of history”.

The underlined word refers to . . . .
A. The writer C. The writer’s best friend
B. The writer and his friend D. The reader

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