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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Simple Present Tense

Answer the question by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, d, or e

1. She _____ her dog everyday 7. Q: How do you go to school?

a. To feed A: We ___ the bus to school
b. Feed a. Rode
c. Feeds b. Ridden
d. Feeding

2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist c. Ride

a. Do not, go d. Riding
b. Does not, go
c. Do not, went 8. Q: When do you do your homework?
d. Does not, went A: …
a. I have did my homework at 6 PM
3. When __ you ____ a shower? b. I did my homework at 6 PM
a. Do, took c. I do my homework at 6 PM
b. Do, take d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM
c. Do, taken
d. Do, taking 9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?
A: …
4. Q: Do you like to sing? a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the
A: … park
a. Yes, I likes to sing b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park
b. Yes, I like to sing c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park
c. Yes, I am liking to sing d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the
d. Yes, I liked to sing park

5.Tom and I ____ ____ together. 10. Q: Does he love his mother?
a. Do surfing A: …
b. Don’t surfing a. He love his mother
c. Do surfs b. He loves his mother
d. Don’t surf c. He to love his mother
d. He is loving his mother
6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM
a. Eat
b. To eat
c. Ate
d. Eaten

Choose the correct form of simple present verb!

1. He (go/goes) to Solo every Sunday.
2. They (pray/prays) at the mosque every Friday.
3. Melia (study/studies) Mathematic on Mondays.
4. The earth (move/moves) around the sun.
5. Indonesian people usually (eat/eats) rice.
6. The sun (set/sets) in the west.
7. Mr. Gunawan (teach/teaches) Biology.
8. The sun (rise/rises) in the east.
9. Rini (sleep/sleeps) at 09.00 every night.
10. Sutadi (swim/swims) at the swimming pool every Sunday.

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of simple present tense!
1. We _________ our nation anniversary every August. (celebrate)
2. They _________ three times a day. (eat)
3. The students __________ football every Sunday. (play)
4. Matini __________ at ten o’clock. (sleep)
5. She ________ at five o’clock. (get up)
6. He ________ his clothes twice a week. (wash)
7. Rinaldi ________ to his uncle’s home every week. (go)
8. The boys _________ TV every night. (watch)
9. He _________ twice a day. (take a bath)
10. I _________ a letter to Anna every month. (write)

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