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Reading for General Communication 2 – Reading Report 2

Name : Ivan Zacky Nugraha

ID : 1607079

Class : 2B

Book Response Form

Book title: Angels and Demons

Author: Dan Brown

Date published: May 2000

Number of pages: 480

Genre: fiction , speculative fiction, mystery, conspiracy fiction

Why did you decide to read this book?

I decided to read this book because I like Dan Brown’s works

Were you glad that you decided to read it? Explain

Yes I am, this book opened my mind about how important to know about another religion

What did you like the best about this book

How Dan Brown make the plot is very Interesting to read

What did you like least?

Dan Brown make the story too complicated so I have to read some parts more than one time

Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain

I do not think so. I know it’s a thriller fiction but I don’t think everyone would like this kind of
book because it’s too complicated to understand by everyone
How difficult this book for you? (on scale of 1-10)

6. just like another Dan Brown’s works, this novel was complicated to understand

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