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Reading for General Communication 2 – Reading Report 2

Name : Ivan Zacky Nugraha

ID : 1607079

Class : 2B

Book Response Form

Book title: Da Vinci Code

Author: Dan Brown

Date published: April 2003

Number of pages: 450

Genre: fiction , criminal fiction, mystery, conspiracy fiction

Why did you decide to read this book?

I decided to read this book because I like conspiracy fiction, it can blow my mind off and make
me think harder than I used to

Were you glad that you decided to read it? Explain

Yes I am, this book opened my mind about how important to know about another religion

What did you like the best about this book

How Dan Brown create a suspense in every chapter make me want to finish this book

What did you like least?

Dan Brown make the story too complicated so I have to read some parts more than one time

Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain

I do not think so. I know it’s a thriller fiction but I don’t think everyone would like this kind of
book because it’s too complicated to understand by everyone

How difficult this book for you? (on scale of 1-10)

7. Dan Brown success made me became confuse about the story and the plot

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