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1. What is ASEAN centrality?

The creation of a self-centered system should be emphasized through ASEAN centrality.

According to the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, the ASEAN centrality idea underlines
that in order for ASEAN to overcome shared obstacles and interact with foreign powers, it must
take the lead as the dominant regional platform. ASEAN Centrality is the principle that ASEAN
is given an important/central role in shaping regional architecture as well as fostering peace and
stability in Southeast Asia and the wider Asia-Pacific region. ASEAN is a regional grouping of
ten Southeast Asian countries established in 1967.

2. Is ASEAN Centrality the same as the Three Pillars of ASEAN?

ASEAN Centrality is not equivalent to the Three Pillars of ASEAN. They are all
connected with the nature and rules of ASEAN, but each deals with one aspect of ASEAN

3. Explain the myth of ASEAN centrality.

This “ASEAN Centrality Myth”, meaning ASEAN plays a pivotal role with important
influence in shaping regional affairs in Southeast Asia and the broader Asia Pacific region at
large, was contested and dispelled by scholars and experts. Among the myths is that it was due to
the work of ASEAN alone that it became centralized. It is in fact their togetherness and
cooperation as ASEAN’s member countries that provide the organization with its centrality. “It is
impossible to have true ‘ASEAN Centrality’ without co-operation and unity in ASEAN”.

4. Does sovereignty prevent the supposed ASEAN Centrality? Support your answer.

It ensures the autonomy of ASEAN member states, whereby they are shielded from
external influences. At the time when ASEAN emerged in the aftermath of The Second World
War and at the height of The Cold War, one of their objectives was to prevent the region from
being drawn into East-West superpower contestation. The focus on the settlement of inter-state
disputes through peaceful means and decision-making in accordance with the principles of equity
and international law helped strengthen the sovereignty norm. Because of their history, they
prioritize State sovereignty as the first factor, due to this Southeast Asian states give extra
emphasis than others whether it was colonialism the anti-colonial movements and the Cold War,
or more recently, each iteration of Beijing’s ambitions at exporting communism, these events
stoked intra–Southeast Asian tensions and made sovereignty an important part Secondly there’s a
great focus on ensuring social peace because issues pertaining to internal security were
considered highly crucial.
ASEAN centrality, what does it mean? (n.d.). ASEAN Indonesia 2023.

Acharya, A. (2017). The myth of ASEAN centrality?. Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of
International and Strategic Affairs, 39(2), 273-279.

Molthof, M. (2012). ASEAN and the principle of Non-Interference. E-International


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