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Answer the the Following graph

1. Given the following graph:

Find the following:

• deg (a) = 2
• deg (b) = 2
• deg (c) = 2
• deg (d) = 2
• deg (e) = 0

2. Take a look at the following directed graph.

Vertex ‘a’ has an edge ‘ae’ going outwards from
‘a’. Hence its outdegree is 1. Similarly, the graph has an edge ‘ba’ coming towards vertex ‘a’. Hence
the indegree of ‘a’ is 1.

b e

c d

Find the indegree and outdegree of the following vertices?

Vertices Indegree Outdegree

A 1 1

b 0 2

c 2 0

d 1 1
E 1 1

Graph theory exercises:

Part 1.

• What is the order of the graph? 10

• What is the degree of vertex N? 4 (NM, NI, NH, NG)
• What is the degree of vertex G? 6 (GJ, GK, GL, GN, GE, GF)
• How many components does the graph have? 1

Part 2.
Let a graph have vertices D, E, F, G, H, I and edge set {{D, E}, {D, F}, {D, G}, {D, H}, {E, I}, {H, I}}.

a. Draw the graph.

b. What is the degree of vertex G? 1 (GD)

c. What is the degree of vertex D? 4 (DF, DG, DH, DE)
d. How many components does the graph have? 2

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