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The Importance of Financial Accounting

for Non-Profit Organizations

Jennifer Cassandra Rumendong (2013048)
Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email:

In accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 45 of 2011
concerning non-profit organizations, states that non-profit organizations must also and have
the right to prepare financial reports and report to users of financial statements. Accounting is
an activity carried out to produce an information system in the form of financial reports
needed by various parties, both internal and external parties of the organization. Someone
who runs a business with the main purpose of helping people's social life is called a
sociopreneur. Sociopreneurs are believed to be able to bring about changes for the better for
society, especially in Indonesia. With a social mission to empower the community,
sociopreneurs can provide employment for the unemployed and lower class people so that
they can reduce the number of poor people in Indonesia, and further to increase the
independence of the community.
Keywords : financial accounting, non-profit accounting, sociopreneur

INTRODUCTION Poverty Line) in Indonesia in September

2011 reached 29.89 million people (12.36
Accounting is basically an activity
percent), a decrease of 0 .13 million people
that processes financial transactions into
(0.13 percent) compared to the poor
financial information that is ready for use.
population in March 2011 which amounted
Activities carried out in the accounting
to 30.02 million people (12.49 percent).
process include:
This means that the condition of the
1) record keeping, Indonesian people is relatively improving.
But the figure of 29.89 million people is a
2) classification, big number. This reflects the uneven
3) summary, welfare of the Indonesian people.

4) reporting and Sociopreneurs are one of the

solutions to reduce poverty in Indonesia.
5) analysis of financial data from Sociopreneurs with their social and
an organization. entrepreneurial spirit try to empower
people who are unemployed or people who
Based on data published by the have an income below per capita. Human
Central Bureau of Statistics (2012: 1) the Resources (HR) in Indonesia are very
number of poor people (population with abundant but lack human resource
per capita spending per month below the

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empowerment, so that there are still many 3. Characteristics of Non-Profit
people who have not achieved prosperity. Organizations
Sociopreneurs try to build a 4. Purpose of Non-Profit Organizations
business with a social mission, which is to
5. Characteristics of Non-Profit
empower the community so that people
can increase their ability to achieve a
better condition. Sociopreneurs provide 6. Classification of Non-Profit
jobs for the unemployed and the lower Organizations
class so that they can have an income that
can meet their needs. If the sociopreneur 7. Financial Statements of Non-Profit
business can develop and progress, Organizations
automatically the lives of the people who
are members of the company will be in a
better position and the number of poor LITERATURE REVIEW
people in Indonesia will decrease over Definition of Non-Profit Organization
According to Kurniasari (2011)
An example of a successful states that a non-profit organization or
sociopreneur in Indonesia is Dea Valencia, non-profit organization is an organization
Dea is a graduate of Multimedia Nusantara whose main objective is to support an
University, Tangerang. Dea has long had issue or subject in attracting public
the dream of being able to bring batik to attention for a non-commercial purpose,
the international market. In 2011, her without any concern for profit-seeking
concern for people with disabilities made matters (monetary). ).
Dea invite them to work together. In the
Batik Kultur business, Dea is assisted and Non-profit organizations are
fully supported by her employees, the divided into two major groups, namely
majority of whom are people with non-profit government entities and non-
disabilities. Batik Kultur Dea is successful profit non-government entities. Non-profit
not only domestically but also abroad such organizations differ significantly from
as Australia, the United States, England, commercial organizations or profit-
Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, and oriented organizations by customers,
many other countries. Dea is able to reap a donors and volunteers, governments,
turnover of up to billions of rupiah from members of organizations and employees
her batik business. of non-profit organizations. Non-profit
organizations make human resources their
most valuable asset, because all activities
Formulation of the problem of this organization are basically of, by,
and for humans. The establishment of a
To avoid widening the problem, the author non-profit organization in carrying out its
will only discuss matters relating to: activities is not solely influenced by profit
1. Definition of Non-Profit Organizations (profit). All of its activities are not
intended to collect profits, but in its
2. Comparison between Public and journey a non-profit organization can
Commercal Sector Organizations benefit from good financial performance
which is called a surplus because cash
inflows exceed cash outflows. Obtaining

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this surplus is needed by non-profit similarities with commercial sector
organizations whose function is to enlarge organizations, including (Nordiawan,
the scale of their service activities and to 2006: 2):
renew damaged facilities.
a) Both are an integral part of a national
A non-profit organization is an economic system that together use
organization that does not aim at resources, both financial, capital and
cultivating profits by offering a resolution human resources. Both of them trade with
that the intent or purpose of the each other and need each other.
organization concerned is not for profit.
b) Both of them face limited economic
All of its activities are not aimed at
resources to achieve their goals.
gathering profit, but in its journey the non-
profit organization turns out to be legally c) Both have the same pattern of financial
good financially, that is, it can experience management starting from planning to
a surplus because cash inflows exceed cash controlling where the use of accounting is
outflows. The surplus is needed by non- a necessity.
profit organizations to enlarge the scale of
their service activities and to renew d) In some cases, both have the same
damaged facilities. If the surplus is product output. For example, the
enjoyed by the management in the form of government provides transportation in the
tantiem, gratuities, salaries, bonuses, form of Damri buses while there are also
business travel allowances, loans for private parties engaged in the
founders/administrators (equivalent to transportation sector and providing bus
dividends in commercial entities) or facilities for the community such as Steady
enjoyment (luxury cars, residential houses, Safe.
golf memberships and so on), then the
nature the organization turned into a
commercial organization (Hoesada, 2012: B. Characteristics of Non-Profit
3). Organizations
Based on PSAK 45 page 2
paragraph 01, where an organization can
A. Comparison between Public and be classified as a non-profit organization if
Commercial Sector Organizations it meets the following criteria:
Public sector organizations differ 1. The resources of a non-profit entity
from commercial sector organizations in come from donors who do not expect
terms of their uniqueness, namely repayment or economic benefits
(Nordiawan, 2006: 2): commensurate with the amount of
1. Executed not for financial gain resources provided.

2. Collectively owned by the public 2. Producing goods and/or services

without the aim of generating profits, and
3. Ownership of resources is not described if a non-profit entity generates profits, then
in the form of tradable shares the amount is not distributed to the
founders or owners of the non-profit
4. Decisions related to policies and
operations are based on consensus
However, public sector organizations have

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3. There is no customary ownership in E. Classification of Non-Profit
business entities, in the sense that Organizations
ownership in non-profit entities cannot be
Wilson and Cattelus (2002: 530)
sold, transferred, or redeemed, or such
provide an explanation of other not-for-
ownership does not reflect the proportion
profit organizations including:
of the distribution of resources of the non-
profit entity upon liquidation or dissolution a) cemetery organizations
of the non-profit entity.
b) civic organizations, fraternal
C. Purpose of Non-Profit Organizations c) labor unions,
Non-profit organizations have d) libraries, museums,
specific goals related to the interests of the
e) cultural institutions,
general public and do not prioritize profit
or profit in carrying out their activities. f) performing arts organizations,
The main objectives of non-profit
organizations are education, social g) political parties,
services, political protection and recreation h) private schools,
(Nariasih: 17)
i) professional and trade associations,
j) social and country clubs,
D. Characteristics of Non-Profit
Organizations k) research and scientific organization,

According to Anthony and Young l) religious organizations.”

(2003: 53) non-profit organizations have
the following distinctive characteristics:
F. Financial Statements of Non-Profit
a. The absence of profit measure Organizations
b. Different tax and legal consideration Financial statements are the main
c. A tendency to be service organizations part in analyzing a company. Meanwhile,
according to Hamidu (2013) financial
d. Greater constraints on goals and statements are a record of a company's
strategies financial information in an accounting
e. Less dependence on clients for financial period that can be used to describe the
support company's performance and part of the
financial reporting process. Financial
f. The dominance of professionals reports are also reports that convey
g. Differences in governance financial information that is trusted to
interested parties (Hamidu, 2013).
h. Importance of political influences
According to PSAK No. 45 (Revised
i. A tradition of inadequate management 2011), the main objective of financial
control reports is to provide relevant information
to meet the interests of resource providers
who do not expect repayment, members,

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creditors and other parties who provide CONCLUSION
resources to non-profit entities. According
1. A non-profit organization is an
to PSAK 45, non-profit organizations need
institution or a group of individuals that
to prepare at least 4 (four) types of
has the goal of empowering the
financial reports as follows:
community and working together to
a. Statement of Financial Position achieve social goals, but the activities
undertaken are not focused on earning
b. Activity Report
profit / seeking wealth. Even though non-
c. Cash flow statement profit organizations are not profit-oriented
organizations, they still need financial
d. Notes on Reports statements to calculate the value of assets,
Finance liabilities and equity owned by these non-
profit organizations.
Accounting for NGOs must refer to
standard standards that have been prepared 2. Preparation of financial reports for non-
by the Financial Accounting Standards profit organizations in addition to
Board of the Indonesian Institute of providing information regarding the use of
Accountants, namely Statement of funds, as well as a form of accountability
Financial Accounting Standards No. 45 to the public in enabling them to assess the
concerning Financial Reporting of Non- efficiency and effectiveness of the use of
Profit Organizations (PSAK No. 45). NGO organizational resources, to monitor the
non-profit organizations are required to performance of the operational
communicate the organization's ability to management of non-profit organizations,
provide services on an ongoing basis, by to provide a basis for planning activities in
providing information on assets, liabilities the future future (organizational
and net assets in the statement of financial continuity)
position (balance sheet). The ability to 3. Financial reports of non-profit
manage the resources that NGO non-profit organizations can provide useful
organizations have received from donors is information for providers and potential
also communicated through activity providers of resources, as well as users and
reports and cash flow reports. PSAK No. other potential users in making rational
45 regulates the financial reporting of non- decisions regarding the allocation of
profit organizations including NGOs. With organizational resources.
the existence of reporting standards, the
reports of NGO organizations are expected
to be easier to understand, have relevance,
and have high comparability (Bastian,
2007a: 85).

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