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Lapatis, Jiff B.

June 1, 2023
Activity 14 (On Utilitarianism)

1. As an ethical theory, is Utilitarianism tenable? Why?

In my own opinion, the idea of Utilitarianism is very good and collective which reflects
most of the Christian belief. As an ethical theory, I believe that it is hard to be tenable, even
much more these days as people are more narcissistic and individualistic. Most people these days
will not do well if there are no cameras around and if their deed is not seen and accepted by the
netizens. Only a few practice these acts that were shown by our national heroes or even God
himself, receiving the pain in the place of everyone else. It is very sad to think about but I do
believe that there are still some that have this kind of ethical belief and would unconditionally
sacrifice for the better good of everyone else.

2. What is the supreme goal of Utilitarianist? Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?
The ultimate goal or telos of Utilitarianism is greater pleasure or happiness than pain or
suffering. I do agree with the thought that happiness should be greater than pain. In our daily
lives, we always encounter situations where we have to sacrifice to achieve happiness. An
example would be going to school, studying, and sacrificing sleep to do performance tasks. It is
but a small sacrifice for a better self and the reward of being an honor student and getting that
degree. It is but a small pain over the overflowing joy and happiness of achieving what you

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