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‎Discharge/ stickiness



‎Symptoms ‎Pain +/-

‎DV - only in corneal involvement

‎ istory of generalised illness/ spread among

‎family (contagious)

t‎ ransmission from mother's birth canal to ‎Chlamydia - most common cause

‎Sexual history - in Chlamydial/ Gonococcal ‎neonates < 4 weeks = Ophthamia
‎Neonatorum ‎Gonococci

‎Adnexal signs ‎ /- Blepharitis = Blepharoconjunctivitis (esp in

‎Herpes Simplex Viral infection)

‎Lid edema

‎Watery ‎Adenoviral

‎Mucopurulent ‎Chlamydial


‎Acute Conjunctivitis


‎ onococcal - Hyperacute, severe purulent in




‎GLARE ‎Symptoms

‎DV (defective vision)

‎ ontact Lens Wear with h/o Swimming/
C ‎Congestion - Diffuse

‎Fungal ‎Trauma ‎History

‎TOXIC KERATITIS ‎Drug exposure

‎Fungal/ Viral ‎DM/ immunosuppression

‎Chemosis = Conjunctival edema

‎ ollicles not seen in neonates due to delayed

‎Acute Keratitis ‎development of lymphoid tissue

‎Follicles - in viral/ chlamydial

‎chlamydial (in neonates)

‎Congestion - Ciliary

‎Corneal Ulcer/ infiltrate ‎Signs

‎Hypopyon = Pus in Anterior Chamber (AC)

‎Hyphema = Blood in AC ‎Pseudomembranes on conjunctiva

v‎ s. True membranes in Diphtheria -
‎Membranous conjunctivitis
‎+/- Hypopyon +/- Anterior uveitis

‎Loss of corneal sensation in Viral

‎ AIN (ocular, periocular) + Headache + Nausea/

‎leads to DV
‎DV ‎Symptoms

‎Colored Haloes ‎ orneal involvement - Epithelial/ sub-

‎epithelial keratitis
‎50-80 mm Hg ‎Increase in IOP

‎Congestion - Ciliary

‎Microcystic Corneal Edema

‎check other eye also ‎Shallow Anterior Chamber Depth

‎Preauricular lymphadenopathy
‎Fixed, semi-dilated pupil
‎Itching ++
‎Patches of iris atophy
‎Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
‎Symptoms ‎Watery/ sticky discharge

‎h/o allergy/ atopy/ seasonal occurence

‎Watery/ Mucoid discharge - 'ropy'

‎VOGT TRIAD = Previous angle closure attack ‎Signs

‎ laucomflecken - subcapsular opacities

G ‎Allergic Conjunctivitis
‎secondary to lens epithelial necrosis

‎Hypermetropia/ Smaller eyeball ‎Papillae - seen on upper tarsal conjunctiva

‎Lens induced (Secondary Angle Closure)


‎Chemosis = Conjunctival edema

‎Phacomorphic Glaucoma
‎Punctate epithelial erosions



‎DV +/- ‎Symptoms

‎ imbal papillae, Horner Trantas Spots, Vernal
‎Joint ache, backpain, oral ulcers etc. ‎SYSTEMIC ‎ulcer - in Vernal Kerato Conjunctivitis

‎h/o recurrent episodes ‎ ook for signs of keratoconus due to constant


‎Symptoms (Recurrent) ‎Redness +/- Pain

‎ lanches with topical vasoconstrictor (e.g.

‎Sectoral Congestion - nasal/ temporal
‎phenylephrine 10%)

‎Ciliary congestion

‎= Nodular Episcleritis

‎Non-granulomatous ‎+/- Nodule over congestion

‎PAIN ‎'Scleritis patient will Scream'

‎Keratic precipitates
‎DV - if corneal involvement

‎Systemic involvement ‎Most common cause = Rheumatoid Arthritis

‎Cells = WBCs

l‎ift upper lid and examine for congestion on

‎Flare = protein leak ‎Violaceous hue - examine under daylight
‎superior quadrant

‎Congestion (Sectoral/ Complete) ‎Scleral edema

‎ ells and Flare in Anterior Chamber = AC
‎Acute Anterior Uveitis ‎ OT blanching after phenylephrine 10% (vs.

‎Without defective vision (DV)

‎Ocular ‎ACUTE RED EYE ‎= Nodular Scleritis

‎Fibrinous Membrane in AC
‎With defective vision ‎Anterior Scleritis ‎Nodule over congestion

‎Mobile Hypopyon ‎Behcet's

‎Fixed/ immobile hypopyon ‎HLA B27 associated

‎Dr Pranesh Balasubramaniam 
‎+/- Hypopyon (Sterile)

‎Click to watch the video on this Mind Map S‎ cleral thinning = Scleromalacia Perforans -
‎Necrotising Scleritis w/o inflammation

‎Posterior Synechiae - festooned pupil

‎Read the summary map (below) first ‎Most common cause: Herpes Zoster
‎Signs ‎for better orientation
S‎ cleral ulcer/ abscess/ pus points - Infective

‎Complicated Cataract

‎Always examine fundus after dilation ‎+/- Signs of Intermediate and Posterior Uveitis

‎ orneal involvement - Sclerokeratitis ->

‎Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis

‎Systemic S‎ igns of posterior scleritis - B scan showing 'T



‎Symptoms ‎Pain +/-

‎ /o trauma/ rubbing/ high blood pressure/

‎bleeding disorders/ Valsalva maneuver

‎eg. Ankylosing Spondylitis (HLA B27) S‎ ectoral/ complete 'confluent hemorrhage' -

‎ (not congestion)



‎Preceding Floaters ‎Symptoms ‎Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

‎ /o intraocular surgery/ intravitreal

‎injections/ ocular trauma

‎h/o intravenous line/ sepsis ‎Signs

‎ eriorbital ecchymosis, fracture(#) of floor,
‎Ciliary congestion ‎crepitus, cheek anaesthesia, elevation
‎restriction (signs of blow-out #)
‎Corneal edema
‎Look for occult conjunctival tear, corneal tear

‎Hyphema +/-

‎RAPD ‎Traumatic optic neuropathy

‎Pupil signs
‎Traumatic mydriasis ‎due to sphincter tear

‎of blunt ocular trauma ‎Lens dislocation/ traumatic cataract

‎Keratic precipitates
‎Acute Endophthalmitis
‎Vitreous Hemorrhage


‎AC reaction = cells/ flare ‎ g. Berlins edema/ Commotio retinae -

‎presence of cherry red spot
‎+/- Vitreous in AC ‎Fundus signs

‎ ens status - post-operative (PCIOL), loss of

‎posterior capsule integrity ‎ etinal dialysis - separation of retina from ora

‎Grittiness/ Irritation

‎FB Conjunctiva

‎B scan

‎Close globe c‎ ausing linear/ patterned abrasions on
‎FB on Upper tarsal conjunctiva
‎Lamellar laceration ‎cornea = "Ice rink sign"

‎Foreign Body (FB) - Conjunctiva/ Cornea

‎Penetrating ‎Grittiness/ Irritation
‎Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology system.
‎Perforating ‎Laceration ‎Pain

‎Intraocular foreign body ‎Open globe ‎Symptoms ‎Redness


‎Rupture ‎Watering

‎Alkali more destructive than acid ‎Glare

‎FB Cornea
‎ erilimbal ischaemia (blanched vessels with no
‎'White eye' - indicates ischemia
‎visible blood flow)

‎Lid burns
‎ heck for any infiltrate/ perforation/
‎Intraocular FB
‎Look for retained alkali (lime) in fornices

‎Conjunctival chemosis ‎Signs ‎Chemical - Alkali/ Acid burns

‎Metallic FB on Cornea
‎ orneal edema/ Epitheliopathy/ Stromal
‎necrosis ‎Pain

‎AC reaction ‎Redness

‎SUMMARY MAPS ‎Acute Conjunctivitis

‎Symptoms ‎Watering

‎Acute conjunctivitis
‎3. Acute red eye + Discharge ‎Allergic Conjunctivitis ‎h/o CONTACT LENS WEAR/ rubbing/ trauma
‎Acute keratitis ‎Ciliary congestion
‎Without Defective vision ‎Scleritis ‎Epithelial defect (ED) of cornea
‎ pithelial defect - seen after staining with
‎Subconjunctival hemorrhage ‎fluorescein dye
‎Foreign body/ Epithelial defect ‎AAU ‎Check for FB on cornea
‎1. Acute red eye
‎Acute angle closure glaucoma ‎4. Acute red eye + Glare ‎Acute keratitis ‎ heck for dry eye disease, Recurrent Corneal
‎Erosion Syndrome, Neurotrophic Diseases -
‎Acute anterior uveitis ‎persistent ED
‎FB/ epithelial defect

‎with Defective vision ‎Acute keratitis

‎Acute endophthalmitis


‎ . Acute red eye + Systemic association +

‎Scleritis > episcleritis
‎Recurrent episodes

‎Viral Keratitis

‎Active Thyroid eye disease

‎Acute anterior uveitis (AAU)

‎6. Acute red eye + Hypopyon ‎Acute keratitis/ Corneal ulcer

‎Acute endophthalmitis


‎Sectoral congestion +/- nodule ‎Scleritis

‎Cavernous sinus thrombosis
‎Inflamed Pterygium/ Pingueculitis

‎7. Acute red eye (based on congestion) ‎Diffuse congestion ‎Acute conjunctivitis
‎ . Acute red eye in Orbital/ adnexal
‎pathologies + EOM Restriction (always check ‎'Corkscrew vessels' ‎Acute Keratitis
‎for RAPD to detect optic neuropathy)
‎Acute Anterior Uveitis
‎Carotico Cavernous Fistula ‎Ciliary congestion
‎Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma


‎Orbital Cellulitis

‎Orbital trauma

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