Texts For The Exam

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Texts for the Exam

Hi Luci! How are you? I haven’t heard about you for months. I write you this email to tell you
about an article I read yesterday. I found it really interesting and I wanted to share it with you
The article was about a large bird called Osprey. You can see them at Rutland Water, a
nature reserve in Central England. To get their food they dive into the water with wings
swept back, pushing their feet forward at the last minute to catch a live fish below the
surface. But when they are young and little they get small pieces of fish from their mother.
The young ospreys spend the first weeks of their life in a nest, a big pile of sticks mixed with
grass. After a month they learn how to fly and by early September the young birds leave the
nest and travel south. They spend the winter in west Africa and they normally return to the
UK when they are at least two years old.
Well, that’s a little summary of the article. I hope you liked it! And, you know what? We
should visit Rutland Water together to see them, think about it and let me know your answer.
Write me soon!

An Amazing Place in Córdoba

Our planet has a lot of beautiful places to visit, Mexico, Brazil and most of the countries in
Europe. They are the first places that come to your mind when you’re thinking about your
dream vacation, am I right?
Well, what if I tell you that here in Argentina we have a lot of amazing places to visit with
views as beautiful as the ones in the countries I mentioned before? I’m sure you’ll be
impressed. Here in Córdoba, there are a lot of places you can visit, but the one I loved the
most as a tourist is Intiyaco.
Intiyaco is a lovely town located 24 km away from the famous town Villa General Belgrano.
There are a lot of things to do in this small town. You can spend the day next to the river that
is so clear that it is possible to see everything that is underwater. There is a restaurant near
to this river, the food there is delicious, the sandwiches are the best. But the most interesting
thing I did there was visit the vineyard Atos, which is located some miles away from the
Now that you know this place, you have another option to visit in your next vacation, and
maybe it’s cheaper than the other ones. If you go there the next holiday, please remember to
take pictures, if you don’t you will regret it, this place has amazing views.

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