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Appearance + have got

o HW check
o Dictation: fourteen, eighteen, sixteen, thirteen, seventeen
o Vocabulary – appearance - straight hair, curly hair, dark hair, fair hair, ponytail, pointed
eats, moustache, beard, freckles, glasses (use the poster) + speaking practice: students
describe favourite cartoon/movie character
o Grammar: HAVE GOT – all forms: new
o SB p 14
o SB p 15
o AB p 10
o Reversi game - Have got

o HW AB p 12 ex 1 + dictation words that were incorrect (five times)

2. Appearance + have got - revision

o HW check
o Vocabulary – appearance – revision - straight hair, curly hair, dark hair, fair hair,
ponytail, pointed eats, moustache, beard, freckles, glasses (dictation next time)
o Grammar – have got - revision
o SB p 17
o SB p 16 ex 1
o AB p 11
o AB p 12 ex 2
o Interactive worksheet:
o Reading practice:
o Battleship – have got game

o HW: SB p 16 ex 2

3. Punctuation
o HW check
o Dictation (teacher chooses five words)
o Punctuation – new: full stop, exclamation mark, question mark and capital letters (for
names and first word in a sentence)
o SB p 18 & 19
o AB p 14 ex 1
o SB p 21
o Game: AB p 16
o HW: AB p 14 ex 2 + dictation words that were incorrect five times

4. Body parts + verb TO BE – revision

o HW check
o Vocabulary – body parts: nose, eyes, mouth, face, ears, hair, fingers, hands, arms, legs,
shoulders, knees, feet, teeth
o Reading practice:
o Interactive worksheet:
o AB p 13
o Grammar – verb to be – revision
o Interactive worksheet:
o Body parts – loop game

o HW: Write 5 sentences about yourself

5. Family + Possessive S
o HW check
o Vocabulary – family – mother/mum, father/dad, parents, grandpa/grandfather,
grandma/grandmother, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister + discuss: How
many people are there in your family? Who are they? What is your …’s name? Do you
live in a nuclear/extended family?
o SB p 38 & 39
o Grammar – Possessive S – new:
o Interactive worksheets: and
o Unscramble game: Divide students in two teams. The team with more correct answers is
the winning team.

o HW: Write 5 sentences about one family member

6. Family members + body parts – revision + Possessive S

o HW check
o Vocabulary – body parts – revision - nose, eyes, mouth, face, ears, hair, fingers, hands,
arms, legs, shoulders, knees, feet, teeth (dictation next time)
o Grammar – Possessive S – revision
o Interactive worksheet:
o Family tree – revise family members

o AB p 29
o Interactive worksheet:
o Speaking practice – describe a monster

o Spelling game:

o HW: Worksheet:

7. Daily routines
o HW check
o Dictation: face, mouth, nose, arms, eyes, ears
o Vocabulary – daily routines (use the poster) – get up, have breakfast/lunch/dinner, go to
school, come home from school, do my homework, have a shower, watch TV, make my
bed, set the table, do the dishes, tidy my room, feed the fish, walk the dog, take out the
rubbish, water the plants, do the shopping + discussion: What do you do every day? (each
student tells their routine)
o SB p 46 & 47
o AB p 34
o Reading practice:

o Word puzzle match game – daily routine

o HW: WB p 32 ex 1

8. Present Simple – affirmative

o HW check
o Vocabulary – daily routines (use the poster) – revision - get up, have
breakfast/lunch/dinner, go to school, come home from school, do my homework, have a
shower, watch TV, make my bed, set the table, do the dishes, tidy my room, feed the fish,
walk the dog, take out the rubbish, water the plants, do the shopping + students talk about
what they like/don’t like
o Grammar – Present Simple Tense – affirmative form + spelling rules

o SB p 41 ex 3
o SB p 50
o AB p 39
o Daily routines – dominoes
o HW: Students write about their day

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