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A t t h e e n d o f t h e u n i t , t h e p r e - s e r vi ce
t e a ch e r ( P ST ) mu s t :
A . d e mo n s t r a t e co n t e n t k n o wl e d g e o f
t h e d i f f e r e n ce b e t we e n f a b r i c, t e xt i l e
a n d i t ’ s p r o ce ss t h a t a r e r e sp o n si ve t o
c o mmu n i t y ( BT I 6 . 1 . 1 )


Pre v ie w
 h ttp s://ww w .you tu be .co m/wa tc h?v=PD uiSnBYC Qc
 If you w ork in the fa shion ind us try , cha nces ar e
yo u work w ith tex tiles a lmos t cons ta n tly . W he ther
yo u’r e sho pp ing fo r , pr in ting o n , or wo rkin g w ith
tex tiles , they n ever s ee m to d iffer much fr om a ny
fa bric y ou ’ve work ed w ith . Ever w ond er why th is
is? And if they ’re truly the sa me th in g , wha t’s th e
d e finition of a tex tile and how is it d iffer en t fro m
fa bric ?
Pic t ure A na lys is
Study the p ho tos b elow an d id en tify whe ther it is a
tex tile or a fabr ic .

We utilize various kinds of fabrics ence between textiles and fabric?’, the
relying on climate. For example, wool- answer is a lot more specific than you’d
en textures during winter and cotton think. To discern the vital differences
ones during summers. To keep us from between textiles and fabric, the term
getting wet during rains, we utilize rain- ‘textile’ must be clearly defined. The
coats and umbrellas that are made uti- definition of textile is any material
lizing through various fabrics. So es- made of interlacing fibres, including
sentially there are various textures with carpet and geotextiles. Any woven or
the distinctive feel and requirements. knitted fabric is a textile. What every
There is another word utilized for fab- textile has in common is that it’s made
rics called textiles that confounds from textile fibre.
Although by the real significance it
Things being what they are, textiles characterizes woven fabric, it tends to
have numerous utilization outside of be characterized as the woven or
the fashion world. Besides the self- weaved texture produced using yarn.
evident-dress, home decor, bags, etc.., Products of textile fibre include yarn,

Textiles are a significant piece of the thread, natural silk, rayon, chemical fi-

clinical field, toy manufacturing, wea- bre short-hair silk, elastic silk, and met-

ponry, agriculture, and other starling al wire. Textiles are created by pro-

fields. In case you’re considering

‘what’s the difference among textiles
and fabrics?

What is Textile?

As it turns out, textiles have many

uses outside of the fashion world.
Aside from the obvious— clothing,
bags, home decor, and so on— textiles
are an important part of the medical
field, toy manufacturing, weaponry, ag-
riculture, and other unexpected fields.
If you’re wondering ‘what’s the differ-

cessing, weaving or knitting these materials.

These can create typically manufactured goods, such as clothing, accesso-

ries, gloves, hats and blankets, or any type of plastic, industrial, natural fur, agri-
cultural or medical fabric. This means that beyond the world of fashion, textiles
comprise of any woven or knitted material for any use.

Use of Textiles

Textile fibres can be classified using three different methods:


additionally another sort of fabric

named non-woven texture.
Applications of textile: Non-woven textures are delivered
 It can be very well produced be meshing, felting, twisting.
using fiber, yarn, texture, or Common examples of non-woven
mix. fabric include teabag paper, face
 It is one of the most extensive cloths, synthetic fibre paper and
terms applied to the whole shingling .
clothing industry. Textile vs. Fabric
 It might be a finished or unfin- The question of textile vs fabric
ished item. It has no particular has little to do with their definitions
use. and more to do with their produc-
 All textiles are not fabric. tion and usage. Textiles stand
alone as an unfinished product, or
If that’s a textile, then what’s the
they can combine with other mate-
definition of fabric?....
rials to create something different.
A flat-film mass consisting of fine-
Fabric is mainly an “ingredient”
soft objects connected by intersect-
mixed with other materials, creat-
ing, winding and joining describes
ing the finished product. If there is
the definition of fabric. Sounds pret-
no strict quality test in the produc-
ty much like a textile, right? Surpris-
tion process for the textile, we
ingly, fabrics have even broader use
can’t imagine what our life will look
than textiles.
like. Fabric testing is only one as-
What is Fabric? pect of textile testing. Above all,
Fabrics are made by utilizing vari- it’s the most common and im-
ous methods, for example, weaving, portant link for testing textile quali-
sewing, stitching, and so on. The ty.
vast majority of the textures are
sewn or woven. However, there is

for clothing.

Fabric testing is crucial to as-  It is a finished item, it has ex-

sessing the performance of textiles plicit use. For example, cloth
to ensure the quality of the product for shirting.
is exactly what you pay for. This
 All fabrics are textiles.
testing is crucial to understanding
the end result of the product and its
quality. The question of textile versus fab-
ric has little to do with their defini-
In summary, what is the differ-
tions and more to do with their pro-
ence between fabric and textiles?
duction and use.
You can see textiles every-
where, from fibre to yarn, from cloth
to clothing, from medical treatment
to various industries. They range
from fibres woven together to a fin-
ished product, ready for use. In ad-
dition, fabric is still under the textile Sourc e s :
umbrella. So in other words, you https ://w ww.faze t -is-the-
can make fabric and textiles from difference-between-textile-and-fabric /
the same materials. https ://au .contrado .com/blog /de fin ition -of-
textile /
However, all around the world, fab-
rics refers to the material that is uti-
lized for making dresses.

Applications of fabric:

 It tends to be produced using

fiber (non-woven) or yarn (by
weaving or sewing).

 Fabric is a general term utilized


In a Venn diagram, show FABRIC TEXTILE

your understanding of the
difference between fabric
and textile.


List and take a picture of all available textile and fabric in your
home using this matrix below


Watch the video clip then complete the statement below.

 The difference between fabric and textile is ___________________
 Fabric is used for ______________________________________
 Textile is used for ___________________________________.
 To be able to identify between fabric and textile is important because ____________.

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