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Differentiate Between OOP and POP

2. Model a real-world scenario ‘vehicle’ class using an object-oriented paradigm.
3. What is ‘this’ pointer? Explain the need for a ‘this’ pointer with an example.
4. Differentiate between late binding and early binding.
5. What is static data member and static member function? Explain with example
6. Implement class shape to demonstrate the concept of method overloading. Class
defines the methods to calculate the area of different shapes.
7. Explain Adding a Method That Takes Parameters.
8. Explain the concept of message passing with examples.
9. Differentiate between class and object with examples.
10. What is visibility/access modifiers in Java? State the different visibility/ access modifiers
along with their scope.
11. Write Short Notes on
1. Data Abstraction
2. Inheritance
3. Static and Dynamic Binding
4. Information hiding
5. Abstract Data Type (ADT)
12. Write a simple Java program demonstrating the usage of an array of objects.
13. Model a real-world scenario for the ‘Fruit’ class using an object-oriented paradigm.
14. Write a program in Java to check whether the given number is even or odd.
15. Write a program in Java to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.
16. What is the need for using “this” pointer? How do we access the variables using “this”
17. How do we use the static variables and static functions in the class? Explain with
a suitable example.
18. Explain the concept of memory allocation and de-allocation with respect to OOP.
19. Write and explain the syntax for the method in Java. State the advantages of using
20. Differentiate between late binding and early binding.
21. Write a program for the addition operation of two Complex numbers.
22. Explain Data Members and Methods in JAVA.
23. Write Short Notes on
1. Polymorphism
2. Forward Declarations.
3. Data Encapsulation
4. Classes as Objects

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