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Chandan Kumar Dhar

B.A(Hons)Chittagong University
M.A(English) B.Ed (First Class) NARRATIVE STYLE/SPEECH


1.ASSERTIVE Reporting verb: Direct: Rama said to me,” I am a doctor, you are an
(SUB+ say,----------say that engineer and she is a teacher.
VERB + says,—-----says that Indirect: Rama told me that he was a doctor, I was an
OBJECT) will say—----will say that engineer and she was a teacher.
said,--------- said that Direct : Hari said to me,’’ I learn English’’.
said to—-----told.. that. Indirect: Hari told me that he learned English”.
Structure: Direct: Sita said to me’’ I wrote a letter yesterday.’’
Said to----- told + object+ Indirect: Sita told me that she had written a letter the
that + sub+ verb + object. previous day.
2.INTERROGATIVE (?) a) yes / no question (?) Direct: Jagu said to me,’’Do you speak English?’’
a) yes /no ques—am,is Indirect:Jagu asked me if I spoke English.
said—asked if/whether + Direct:’’ Did you finish your assignment ?’’ the teacher
,are,was, were, have ,
said to the student.
has, had, do,does, did, sub + verb+ object.
Indirect:The teacher asked the student if he had finished
shall, should, will, would, his assignment.
can, could, may, might, b) wh question(?) Direct: Jack said to Jenny,” what are you doing?
must etc. Indirect: Jack asked Jenny what she was doing.
b)wh question-who,what, said—asked + wh word Direct: ‘’what do you want?’’ he said to me.
when, where, how, etc. +sub + verb + object Indirect: He asked me what I wanted.
3.IMPERATIVE(FOARC) a) said to— Direct: Ashish said to me,’’ stop talking.’’
ordered/advised/requested/ Indirect: Ashish told/requested/ordered me to stop
a)Starts with main verb— commanded/ forbade + to + talking
present form of verb+ exten. Direct: Father said to his sons ,’’ Don’t quarrel’’
go, come, do, don’t, be,
Indirect: Father told his sons not to quarrel 0r, Father
B) said to (let’s/ let us)------ forbade his sons to quarrel.
b) please, kindly, let, proposed to/ suggested to +
let’s, let us, always, never object+ that+ we/they + Direct: The chairman said to us ‘’let’s drop the matter.’’
etc may come in the should +present form of verb Indirect: The chairman suggested us that we should
beginning. or said to--- drop the matter . or
proposed/suggested our/ The chairman suggested our dropping the matter .
their + verb +ing + ext.

4.EXCLAMATORY (!) a)Said-----exclaimed with joy Direct: Hurrah! I have got GPA- 5, He said to me.
sorrow/shame/wonder/ Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that he had got GPA- 5.
surprise that + s+ V + ext.
a) starts with-- alas,
b)what a/an + adjective: Direct: Wow,what a lucky girl you are!" He said to me.
hurrah, bravo, well done, said—exclaimed with …+ S+ Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that she was a very
fie, oh, what, how etc. V + very + adj+ ext lucky girl.
Direct: ‘’what a man!’’ He said to me.
c) what a /an+ noun: Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that he was a great man.
said- exclaimed with… + sub
+ V + great+ noun+ ext Direct: ‘’How lovely the doll is!’’ He said.
d) how + adjective:- Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that the doll was very
said- exclaimed with…. that lovely .
S+ V + very + adj.
5.OPTATIVE Direct: .He said to me,’’ May you shine in life’’
a)Starts with May and Said—prayed/wished that Indirect: He wished that I might shine in life
expresses wish or prayer. + sub+ might + present Direct: They said,’’ Long live Bangladesh.’’
Indirect: They wished that Bangladesh might live long.
b)sometimes starts form of main verb+ ext.
Direct: Sabuj said,’’ May God bless you’’
without May but
InDirect: .He said to me,’’ May you shine in life’’
expresses wish or prayer. Indirect: He wished that I might shine in life

Speech/Narrative Style
Narrative Style: The art/style of reporting the words of a speaker is called narration or speech or narrative
style .. Narration means something that is narrated, an account of, detailing an event, etc. The word
'narration' is taken from the word 'narrate', which means 'to give an account or tell something'. The other
synonyms of 'narration' are - Statement, Assertion, Declaration, etc. There are two ways of reporting the
words of a speaker

1.Direct speech/quoted speech/ direct reported speech : The actual words of the speaker are put in quotes. It
is spoken or written text that reports speech or thought in its original form phrased by the original speaker;
in narrative ,it is usually enclosed in quotation marks. A crucial distinction between direct and indirect
speech is that direct speech purports to report the exact words that were said or written whereas, indirect
speech is a representation of speech in one’s own word.

2. Indirect speech/ indirect reported speech: Indirect speech is a means of expressing the content of
statements,question or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech. In this
form ,the actual words of the speaker are transformed and said in a simple manner.It should be noted that
indirect speech need not refer to a speech act that has actually taken place; it may concern future or
hypothetical discourse; for example if you ask him why he’s wearing that hat,he will tell you to mind your
own business.
3.Reporting verb: A verb conveying the action of speaking and used with both direct and indirect speech. It
is a word which is used to talk about or report on other people’s work.

some reporting verbs:

add, admit, deny, apologise, guess, claim, doubt, agree, disagree ,accuse, object to/against, comment ,
extol/extolled, applaud, insist, guarantee, promise, threaten, warn blame, condemn, remind, remark,
*affirm/assert(to state with assurance—he asserted his innocence of the crime) ,*retort(to reply to sb in a
sharp or retaliatory way----samucit jobab dea),*assure[ he assured (to declare earnestly) us that everything
would turn out all right.He was assured(promised) a job.], declare,mutter etc remain unchanged.
Direct speech:
He said to me,‘’ I went to Dhaka yesterday, you went to sylhet last week and he went to Rajshahi last month.’’
Reporting verb reported speech/quoted speech

Indirect speech: He told me that he had gone to Dhaka the previous day, I had gone to sylhet the previous
week and he had gone to Rajshahi the previous month.

Rules of changing Narrative Style

1.Reporting verb change:

a) said ----told( ASSERTIVE )

b)said---asked (INTERROGATIVE)
c)said- ---ordered/ told/ advised/ requested/ commanded (IMPERATIVE)
d) said----exclaimed with sorrow/joy that (EXCLAMATORY )
e)said—wished/prayed that( OPTATIVE)
2. Pronoun/ person change

*I/we ---------------------- ---------------(ist person)----------------------------- (follow s the sub of reporting verb)

*you---------------------------------------(2nd person)---------------------------(follows the object of reporting verb)
*He/she/karim/it /they--------------(3rd person)---------------------------(no change)

Subjective /genitive case objective case /accusative case possessive case
I me my
we us our
you you your
He his him
she her her
They them their

3. Tense change 4. Adverb change 5.Other changes

( present indefinite> past indefinite a. yesterday--------the previous a.hello—-------------------drawing the attention
A) Am/is /are--------------was /were . day. b.well---------------------- 0mission of well.
B) was/were----------------had been. b.Last week-------the previous C.sir—-----------------------politely/respectfully
C) have /has--------------------had . week. d. Of course"--- Agreed with/surely/certainly
D) can /may /shall/will--could, might, C.Today------------that day. e. Sorry ------------------ apologized
should, would. d. Tomorrow-----the nextday f.good morning/Merry Christmas/Shuvo
E)must--had to/must(0bligation). e.Here---------------there . Bijoya/Eid Mubarak---wished good morning..
f)see----------------------------saw f.Now---------------then . -g. good bye/ fare well/good night--------
g)go---------------------------went, g.Ago---------------before. bid /bade good bye…
h)play------------------------played h.This---------------that. h. By Eshwar/Allah/God/Jove----------
i) do not go--------------did not go. i. These------------ those. Swearing by Eshwar/God/Allah.
j.congratulation—----congratulated J.So-----------------for that i.But(in the middle)----------------no change
k..thank —-------------thanked reason. j.But(in the beginning)------------express
k.yes—------replied in the dissatisfaction and said that
( pastindefinite> past perfect affirmative. K.Excuse me--seeking an excuse/ apologized.
J)saw ----------------had seen l.No--------- replied in the l.come (position of the speaker)-----------go
k)came---------------had come negative. m. oh I see--------------- supporting someone.
l)played------------ had played Then—in the beginning of the n. "Oh------------------ Exclaimed with wonder.
m)did not play---- had not played sentence. O."Sure."-Giving assurance/certainly/surely

Assertive sentence
Reporting verb:
say,----------say that says,-----says that says to---- tell +object+ that
will say----will say that said---- said that said to—told+ object + that.

Structure: Said to----- told + object+ that + sub+ verb + object

Direct speech Indirect speech
a.Abir said to me’’ I am a teacher.’’ --------- ---------------- Abir told me that he was a teacher.
b.’’I was a doctor,’’ Kripa said to me------------------------ Kripa told me that she had been a doctor.
c.Tony said to Lopa’’ you were going to buy a flat.’’ ---Tony told Lopa that she had been going to buy a flat.
d.Topu said to his teacher,’’Sir, I do not talk.’’ ----------- Topu respectfully told his teacher that he did not talk.
e.He said to me,’’I saw him but did not talk to him’’---- He told me that he had seen me but had not talked to him.
F.Raj said to me.’’ I learn English ‘’-------------------------------------Raj told me that he learned English.
g. Raj said to me,’’I learned English.’’ ---------------------------------Raj told me that he had learned English.
h. Raj said to me,’’ I do not learn Chinese.’’-------------------------Raj told me that he did not learn Chinese’’
i.Raj said to me.’’ I did not learn Chinese ‘’ .-------------- ---- Raj told me that he had not learned Chinese.
J.Sabuj said to me,’’ I have learned a paragraph.----------------Sabuj told me that he had learned a paragraph.
K.Sabuj said to me,’’ I should have called him,’’ ------------------Sabuj told me that he should have called him.
l.He said to me,’’ we must respect our teacher’’(0bligation) --He told me that they must respect their teacher.
m.He said to me,’’ If i were you, i would help you.’’------He told me if he were me, he would help me.

n. He smilingly said to me, ‘’Thank you ,sir.’’------------- He smiled and politely thanked me.
o. ‘’Congratulation,’’said He.--------------------------------- He congratulated me.
p. He said, ‘’we are all mortal.’’ ( universal truth ) ------He said that they are all mortal.
q The teacher said,’’ Ice floats on water’’.( scientific truth) -----The teacher said that ice floats on water.
R.He said, ‘’Its high time ,they left the place.’’ -----------He said that it was high time they left the place
s. the Daily Star says,’’We publish current news regularly.”----The Daily Star says it publishes current news regularly.

Note: 1. reporting verb(future and present)----------------no change of tense of reported speech.

Direct: He says/will say to me,’’ You are a genius’’ Indirect: He says/will say that i am a genius
Note :2 Universal truth, historical truth, scientific truth, proverb, quotation of famous poets, writers etc.tense of the
reported speech does not change even if the reporting is in past form.
Direct:The teacher said, “ice floats on water” Indirect: The teacher said that ice floats on water.

Turn the following into Indirect Speech:-

*1. He said to me, "I have often told you not to play with fire."*2. "You have all done very badly!" remarked
the teacher. *3. They wrote, "It is time we thought about settling this matter." 4. The teacher promised, "If
you will come before school tomorrow, I will explain it. *5. She wrote, "I am waiting and watching and
longing for my son's return." *6. The examiner's orders were, "No one is to bring books into the room nor
ask me questions about what I have told you to do." 7. The dwarf said to her, "Promise me that when you
are Queen you will give me your first-born child."* 8. "That is my horse," said he, "and if I do not prove it in a
few minutes I will give up my claim."* 9. "I will avenge your wrongs," he cried, "I will not enter Athens until I
have punished the king who had so cruelly treated you." *10. He wrote and said, "I am unable to come just
now because I am ill, but I will certainly start as soon as I am well enough to do so."* 11. One day he sent for
Cassim and said to him, "You are now old enough to earn your living, so you must set off, and make your
own way in the world." *12..Nila said to me ‘’I know him well because I used to live with him .*13.He says, ‘’I
am glad to be here this evening.’’*14..He will say,’’ I am a doctor.’’ *15.Aslam said to me ,’’you were very
small when i saw you last’’*16. Ali says,’’ I did not play yesterday’’ *17.’ i did not play yesterday ,‘’ said Ali.
*18.Biva said to Eva,’’ you must suffer a loss if you are not an efficient worker ‘’ . 19.He said,’’ Bangladesh
became independent in1971’’. 20.He said,’’ that was bad’’ 21.I said, ‘’Mother i feel feverish today’’ 22..She
said,’’ i wish i were a child again.’’ 23.About his conquest of Britain Julius Caesar said,’’I came, i saw, i
conquered’’. 24.He said to me ‘’If i were you, i should wait.’’(advice) m) *25.The president said, ‘’Two days
ago a member of the club came to me, not yesterday, and he will again come to me tomorrow’’.

Interrogative sentence (?)

Reporting verb: said------asked/enquired of/wanted to know [says--- asks ][ say--- ask ]

Structure: a) yes /no question: [ said—asked if/whether + sub + verb+ object.]

[am,is ,are ,was, were, have , has, had, do, does, did, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, etc].

Direct Indirect.
a.He said to me,’’ Do you know me? ‘’-------------------------------He asked me if/whether i knew him.
b.He said to me, ‘’Don’t not you go to school?’--------------------- He asked me if I did not go to school..
c.’’Did you go to school?’’ He said -------------------He asked [enquired of ]me if i had not gone to school him.
d.’’Didn’t you visit Dhaka last week’’? He said.------He asked me if i had not visited Dhaka the previous week.
e.’’ Were you watching TV ? ‘’asked my friend.---------------My friend asked me if i had been watching TV.
f. Susmita said to Nila, ‘Will you go to college?” ---------- Susmita asked Nila if she would go to college.
g. She said to me, ‘Do you take tea?’ -------------------------She asked me if I took tea.
h. He said to her, ‘Did you come here yesterday?’-------- He asked her if she had gone there the previous day.
i. Father said to his son, ‘Are you reading now?’ --------- Father asked his son if he was reading then.
J. My father said to me, “Did you learn your lesson?”----My father asked me if I learnt my lesson.

Interrogative sentence (?)

Structure: b) [said—-------------asked + wh word +sub + verb + object ]

[who, whose, whom, why, which, what, when, where, how, etc ]
Direct speech Indirect speech
a.Robi said to me,’’ what is your name?’’----------------------------He asked me what my name was.
b. He said to me ,’’ who are you and what do you want?’’------ He asked me who I was and what I wanted.
c.He said to Roma , ‘’when do you go to school?’’ ------He asked me when I went to school.
d.She said to me,’’why did you go there? ‘’ -----she asked me why I had gone there.
e. Rupa asked,’’ why do not you read newspaper?’’ -------Rupa asked me why i did not read newspaper.
f.’what’s your programme after Eid?’asked Hira. ----Hira asked me what my programme was after Eid.
:g. Karim said to me, ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ ----- Karim asked me where I had gone the previous day.
h. The man said to Keya, ‘What is your name?’ ---------- --The man asked Keya what her name was.
i. He said to me, ‘Which book do you want?’ ---------------He asked me which book I wanted.
j. the teacher said to the student, ‘Why have you not learnt your lesson?’--- The teacher asked the students
why she had not learned her lesson .
k. Rahim said to his friend, ‘Which book do you want?----- Rahim asked his friend which book he wanted.
l. Mother said to her daughter, ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ ------ Mother asked her daughter where she
had gone the previous day.

Structure: c) [said--------------------------asked + w-h word + verb + object ]

[who, whose, whom, why, which, what, when, where, how, etc ]
Direct speech Indirect speech
a.’’who has called you?’’ said my friend. -------------------my friend asked me who had called me.
b. ‘’what happened?’’ he said to me. ------------------ ------He asked me what had happened.
C.what’s wrong with you?’’ Mina said to me. –-----------Mina asked me what was wrong with me.
d.’’ What’s up? he said to me.----- ----------------------------He asked me what was up .
e.’’Who did it ? he said to me.-------------------------------- He asked me who had done it

Turn the following into Indirect Speech:-

1. "What do you want?" he said to her. 2. He said, "How's your father?" 3. "Are you coming home with me?" he asked. 4.
He enquired, "When do you intend to pay me?" 5. He said to us, "Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing?"6.
"Do you really come from China?" said the prince. 7. The poor man exclaimed, "Will none of you help me?" 8. "Which
way did she go?" asked the young Rakshas. 9. Aladdin said to the magician, "What have I done to deserve so severe a
blow?" 10. "Don't you know the way home?" asked I.11. "Do you write a good hand?" he said.12. "Have you anything to
say on behalf of the prisoner ?"said the judge fin ally.13. "Which is the proper way to answer this question, father?" the
boy enquired.14. "Have you anything to tell me, little bird?". asked Ulysses.15. The young sparrow said, "Mother, what
is that queer object?"16. Then aloud he said, "Tell me, boy, is the miller within?"17. "Who are you, sir, and what do you
want?" they cried.18. "Dear bird," she said, stroking its feathers, "have you come to comfort me in my sorrow?"19. The
Rajah was deeply grieved, and said to his wife, "What can I do for you?"20. When the sun got low, the king's son said,
"Jack, since we have no money, where can we lodge this night ?"21. She said to him, "What is it that makes you so much
stronger and braver than any other man ?"22. When the Brahmin approached, the first thief said, "Why do you carry a
dog on your back ?Are you not ashamed ?" 23. The teacher said to the students, ‘Have you learnt your lessons today?’
24. Mother said to me, ‘Did you go to college yesterday?’ 25. The man said to the girl, ‘Will you buy new dress

Imperative sentence
Expresses order, advise, request, command, forbiddance. Starts with main verb—go, come, do, don’t, be,
etc. Please, kindly, let, let’s, let us, always, never etc may come in the beginning.

Structure: a) said to------ ordered/advised/requested/ commanded/ forbade + to + present form of verb+ ext.
Direct speech Indirect speech

He said,’’ Abir, be polite’’. -----------------------He told Abir to be polite.

b. Apu shouted, ‘’Let me go .’’(request)------------- Apu shouted(to) /requested me to let him go.
c. She said to me,’’ Don’t go’’. ------------------------ Shamim told/ordered me not to go. /She forbade me to go.
d. He said ,’’Let him tell the story’’.(permission)--He said that he might(or,might be allowed) to tell the story.
e.Father said to me, ‘Do not run in the sun.’ ------------Father ordered me not to run in the sun. Or. Father
forbade me to run in the sun.
f. The teacher said to the students, ‘Never tell a lie.’---: The teacher ordered the students never to tell a lie.
Or. The teacher forbade the students ever to tell a lie.
G.He said to me, ‘Do not do this.’ ----------------He ordered me not to do that. Or. He forbade me to do that.
H. Father said to me, ‘Go home at once.’------- Father ordered me to go ho me at once.
i.. The teacher said to me, ‘Please come here again.’---The teacher requested me to go there again.
J.The officer shouted to his men, ‘Halt’. --------The officer ordered his men to halt.
K.. He said to me, ‘Please open the door.’----- He requested me to open the door.
L. The teacher said to the students, ‘Do your homework now.’ --The teacher ordered the students to do their
homework then.

Structure: b) said to (let’s/ let us)------ ----proposed to/ suggested to + object+ that+ we/they +
should +present form of verb+ext
( or ) said to--- proposed/suggested +our/ their + verb +ing + ext.
Direct speech Indirect speech
a. He said,’’ Let’s go.’’ -------------------- He proposed to me that we should go./He proposed our going home.
b. He said to Ram,’’ Let us drop the matter.’’ ------He suggested to Ram that they should drop the matter.

Vocative(adj):pertaining to a case used to indicate that a noun refers to a person or thing being addressed.
(sweetheart, honey, little bird etc).

Put the following in Indirect Speech:-

1. "Bring me a drink of milk," said the swami to the villagers. 2. "Sit down, boys," said the teacher. 3. "Halt!"
shouted the officer to his men.4. "Take off your hat," the king said to the Hatter. 5. The teacher said to him,
"Do not read so fast."6. He said to me, "Wait until I come."7. "Hurry up," he said to his servant, "do not
waste time." 8. "Run away, children," said their mother.9. He said, "Daughter, take my golden jug, and fetch
me some water from the Well."10. "Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice." ordered
his master.11. He said to me,’’ Go away’’. 12.Father said to the son, ‘’Don’t run in the sun.’’ 13.‘’Let him do
whatever he likes ‘’ He said to me. 14. He said ,’’ Let us wait till the rain stops.’’ 15.‘’Go to school or you will
miss the classes.’’said He. 16..’’Run away, children,’’ said their mother. 17.He said,’’ Never tell a lie.’’ 18.He
said ,’’ Always speak the truth.’’19. He said to me, ‘Please, give me a glass of water.” 2o. Mother said to me,
‘Always speak the truth.’ 21.Mr. Kamal said to the boy, ‘Do the sum now’.

A few inferences on Exclamatory sentences:
(a) Exclamatory sentence is used to express something wonderful or surprising. For expressing in Exclamatory
sentences -- What / How / Alas / Ah / Oh / Hurrah, etc. are used at the beginning of the sentence.
(b) According to the meaning and intention, 'said' in the Reporting Speech of the sentence is changed into -
exclaimed with joy ----hurrah! Bravo! Well done!/ exclaimed with sorrow / exclaimed with grief / exclaimed
with regret / shouted with applause/ cried out, / eagerly wished, etc.
(c) As per requirement, sometimes the Verb is changed into Tense.

Structure:a)Said------------exclaimed with/cried out in joy sorrow(shame/wonder/ surprise )that + s+ V + ext.

Direct speech Indirect speech
(i) The coach said, "Well done! my players." I) The coach exclaimed with joy that his players had done well.
(ii) Pankaj said, "Alas! I am undone." ii) Pankaj exclaimed with sorrow that I was undone
(iii) The businessman said, "Ah! I am ruined."iii) the businessmen exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
Iv)’’Hurrah !we have won the match’’ he said. iv) He exclaimed with joy that they had won the game.

Structure : b)what a/an + adjective:

said—--------------------exclaimed with sorrow/joy that + S+ V + very + adj+ ext
Direct: He said,"What a long journey"! Indirect: He exclaimed that it was a very long journey.
Direct: ‘’What an exciting idea!’’ he said. Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that it was a very exciting idea.
D..’’ Ah me!’,’ exclaimed the queen, ’’What a rash and bloody deed you have done!’’ Ind. ------The queen
exclaimed sadly that he had done a very rash and bloody deed.

Structure: c) what a /an+ noun:

said--------- exclaimed with sorrow/joy that + sub + V + great+ noun+ ext
Direct.’’What a fool you are!’’ He said . Indirect: He exclaimed sadly that i was a great fool.
Direct: He said to me,’’ what a man!’’ Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that he was a great man.

Structure: d) how + adjective:-

said--------- exclaimed with…. that S+ V + very + adj
Direct. He said,’’ How foolish you are!’’ --------------- indirect :He exclaimed sadly that i was very foolish.
Direct. He said,’’ How exciting the match is!---Indirect: He exclaimed joyfully that the match was very exciting
Direct:He said,"Who knew that it would happen"! Indirect: He said that nobody knew-that it would happen
Direct:He said,"ByGod! I have never done it". Indirect:He swore byGod that he had never done it.
Direct:He said,"Had I the wings of a bird!" Indirect: He wished he had the wings of a bird.

Put the following in Indirect Speech:-

1. "What a rare article milk is, to be sure, in London !" said Mr. Squeers with a sigh. 2. "What a stupid fellow
yo u are!" he angrily remarked. 3. He said, "My God! I am ruined." 4. He said, "Alas! our foes are too stron g.
" 5. He said, "What a lazy boy you are! How badly you have done your work!" 6. "How smart you are!" she
said. 7. He said. "Oh ! that's a nuisance." 8.He said, "How cruel of him!" 9. He said, "What a pity yo u did not
come!" 10. "Ah me!" exclaimed the Queen. "What a rash and blood y deed you have done !"11. ‘’How lovely
the doll is!’’ He said12.. He said,’’ what cheering report!’’ 13..’’What terrible cousin poor Samira had!’’ said
Jaman. 14. Labiba said,’’ What a nice gift i have got for you!’’ 15.’’what a pity! ‘’ he said.16. I said to my
friend, ‘’what a nice fellow your father is !’’. 17.the prisoner said,’’ Had I the wings of a dove!.

Optative sentence: (MAY)

Optative sentences is used to express wishes, desires,curses, etc. Begins with ‘may’ . Sometimes starts
without May but expresses wish or prayer .

Said---------------------------------- prayed/wished that + sub + might+ verb +Ext

Direct speech Indirect speech

a.He said to me,’’ May you shine in life’’ --------------He wished that I might shine in life.
b. He said to me,’’ May Allah bless you.’’ ------------He prayed that Allah Might bless me.
C. He said to me,’’ Long live Bangladesh’’. ------------ He wished that Bangladesh might live long.
d. The girl said, ‘Oh! May I have the wings of a bird!’.------- The girl wished that she might have the wings of a bird .
e. He said, ‘Long live our President’. ----------------------He prayed that our President might live long.
F.. The woman said, ‘Long live the King’. ---------------The woman prayed that the King might live long.

Put the following in Indirect Speech:-

(a). Father said to me, ‘May you be happy’.. (b. )Mother said to me, ‘May Allah bless you”. (c) His mother
said, ‘May God bless you.’( d. )The man said, ‘Long live the martyrs.’ (e. )The mother said to her son, ‘May
you succeed in the examination.’( f. )The teacher said to the student, ‘May you stand first in the examination
(g) Father said, "May God bless you."(h) Granny said, "May you succeed in the examination."(i) They said,
"Long live the king."(j) We said, "Lord save the earth from evil."

Exercise: Worked out

1.’’What’s the registration number of your car?’’ said the manager
Ans. The manager asked what the registration number of my car was.
2. ‘’Remember, too much watching of TV makes people lazy’
Ans. I reminded him of that too much Watching of TV makes people lazy .
3. ‘’I can lend you .But return it in time’’, I said
Ans. I said that i could lend him but requested him to return it in time.
4. ‘’What’s your programme after the examination?’
Ans. Hira asked me what my programme after the examination was.
5.’’Hello rickshawpuller ,will you go?’’ said I.
Ans. Drawing the attention of the rickshawpuller I asked him if he would go .
6.’’But what’s the use of it ?’’ Dipa said to Rupali
Ans. But Dipa asked Rupali what the use of it was.
7. ‘’But what shall i do with it?’’Rosamond again said to her mother
Ans. Rosamond again asked her mother with dissastisfaction what she would do with that.
8.The teacher assured her saying,’’come to my room.’’
Ans. The teacher assured her and told her to come to his room
9. The cobbler replied laughing ,’’ I earn barely enough to pass a day’’.
Ans. The cobbler laughed and replied that he could earn barely enough to pass a day.
10. ‘’Sorry , sir’’, said the student.
Ans. The student respectfully told (apologised to/ begged pardon of) the teacher.
11.’’ What tips may help me to be a successful astronaut?’’said Prioti
Ans. Prioti asked me what tips might help me to be a successful astronaut.
13. A vehicle seller said,’’ which vehicle would you need?’’
Ans. A vehicle seller asked which vehicle i would need
14. Suddenly a voice called out,’’ Good morning, gentleman’’.
Ans. Addressing them as gentleman a person/voice suddenly wished them gentleman

15. ‘’But you look so pensive,why?’’, the voice said to the six blindmen.
Ans. The voice told the six blindmen that they looked so pensive and asked them what the reason was.
16. ‘’Hello sir, may i ask you a question?’’
Ans. Drawing the attention of the teacher the student asked the teacher if he might ask him (t)a question.
17. ‘’Sure , i wll help you’’ he told me.
Ans. He told me that certainly he would help me.
18. ‘’Wow! What an intelligent boy!’’ he said to me.
Ans. He exclaimed with wonder that he was a very intelligent boy.
19.’’sir,please wait a few more minutes said the student’’
Ans. The student respectfully requested the teacher to wait a few more minutes
20.He said,’’ yes, i have a book.’’
Ans. He replied in the affirmative that he had a book .
21. ‘’No, i don’t have a book.’’
Ans. He replied in the negative that he did not have a book .
22.’’What kind of stories did Aesop tell ?‘’asked Mita to Simi
Ans Mita asked Simi what kind of stories Aesop told.
23. The mother frog saw this and shouted , ‘’Hey, boys, stop your cruel game. What is play to you is death to us.’’
Ans. The mother frog saw this and shouted to the boys to stop their cruel game and added that what is to
play to them (boys) is death to them( frogs)./ Drawing the attention of the boys........
24.’’ Hey young chap,you have been outstanding.’’The chief guest appreciated the best performer at the grand finale
Ans.Addressing him as young chap the chief guest appreciated the best performer at the grand finale that he
had been outstanding.
25.’’Excellent! where have you collected it from?’’
Ans. He exclaimed with surpised that it was excellent and asked me where i had collected it from.
26.he said to me’’ You are a liar,arent’you?
Ans. He asked me if I was a liar and assumed that I was./He asked me if it was not true that I was a liar.
27.’’ you say your hair is gone?’’ Jim asked Della.
Ans. Being surprised Jim asked Della if she said her hair was gone.

Rules of Writing Passage Narration

Rule 1: When you write down same type of sentences of one speaker frequently, then the following system
should be followed:
Sentence type Writing style

a.Assertive……said / told…that >>added that/ also said that >again said that> further said that.
b.interrogative……… Asked if >And Further asked if >>And more asked if>>>>And again asked if
c.imperative… ….told/requested/advised/ordered > again ordered.
d.optative… …wished that/ prayed that> also wished that
e.exclamatory……exclaimed with sorrow/joy that > again exclaimed that

Rule 2: No Speaker in the sentence ‘The speaker said to the person spoken to’
Rule 3: Calling in the name of person
Ex: He said, “Raven, don’t misbehave with anyone.”* It will be added as object of reporting verb]
Ind: He advised Raven not to misbehave with anyone.
Rule 4: Calling in the name of relations
Ex: The student said “Sir, please forgive me.”[ Addressing as brother/sister/friend/sir/Great king of the
genies/your highness/your majesty]
Ind: Addressing as sir the student requested to kindly forgive him.

Rule5: By Allah/by God/by Jove/by my love/by my life

Ex: “By Allah,” he replied, “I will not forget you.” [Swearing by Allah/God/Jove/Life/Love ]
Ind: Swearing by Allah, he replied that he would not forget me.
Rule 6: If there is a Present participle phrase with the reporting verb, it will come in front of the reporting
verb in doing the indirect speech. But if it is not present participle phrase then the position of it will remain
Ex: “Are you brothers?” asked the mistress of the house turning to the Dervishes.
Ind: Turning to the Dervishes the Mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.
Rule 7.: Assertive sentence with question mark.
Ex: He said to me “You are angry with me?” [Use ‘Being surprised’ with the reporting verb and follow the
rules of doing interrogative sentence. ]
Ind: Being surprised he asked me if I was angry with him.
Rule 8: Would/could/will in asking questions
Ex: He said to me, “would you help me to do the sum?” Use the rules of imperative sentence
Ind: He requested me to help him to do the sum.
Rule 9: Imperative sentence with tag question
Ex: He told me, “shut the door, will you?”[ Tag question will be omitted and rules of imperative sentence will
be followed.]
Ind: He asked/requested me to shut the door.
Rule 1o: Well, you see (if used with in inverted comma)
Ex: the teacher said, “well Raven, I shall reward you.” [Omit them and do in general way.]
Ind: The teacher said to Raven that he would reward him.
Rule 11: If the reporting verb or reported speech is split in different parts in the Direct speech, they will be
added together in the indirect speech.
Rule 12: He said to me, “Thank you.” He thanked me.
Rule 13: Good bye
Ex: He said, “Good bye my friends.” Use ‘bade’
Ind: He bade his friends’ good bye.
Rule 14: Replied/Muttered/Cried (in the reporting verb)
Ex: “Hold your tongue!” He muttered on fiercely. [Remains unchanged in the indirect speech.]
Ind: He muttered on fiercely to hold his tongue.

Passage Narration
1."We would like to go on an excursion. Can we have your permission, sir?" said the students. "Yes, you can
arrange it after the examination is over. And you should choose a historical place for that'', replied the
Headmaster. "Thank you, sir."
Ans. The students told the headmaster that they would like to go on an excursion and respectfully asked him
if he could give them permission.The teacher replied in the affirmative that they could arrange it after the
examination was over and added that they would choose a historical place for that. The students
respectfully thanked the headmaster.
[yes---replied in the affirmative.No---replied in the negative.Sir---- politely/ respectfully. Thank--- thanked…+

2..Asif said to his sister, "Do you want me to help you?" "No, I need not take other's help. You can go now,"
said his sister. Asif said, "Good night. May God help you."
Ans. Asif asked his sister if she wanted him to help her. His sister replied in the negative that he did not need
take other's help and added that he could go then. Asif wished good night to his sister and prayed that God
might help her. [Good night-wished /wish good night. Good bye - bade/bid good bye ]

Speech/Narrative Style(passage):Exercise
1Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a message before starting from home," he said. 'Did you receive it
in time?" he asked. "No,"I replied.

2.Change the following text into indirect speech:

"Good morning, students, "said the teacher. "How are you?" "Fine, sir. What about you?" " I am fine too.
Please sit down." "Have you prepared your lesson?" the teacher asked. "Sorry, sir. We were a little bit busy
with our practical classes." they replied.

3..Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Are you not well today?" he said coldly. "No, " I said, "Then why are you sitting when all others are
working? Go out at once and give them a hand," he said.

4..Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

The teacher said to the boy, "Do you know that honesty is the best policy?" The boy said, "Yes, I sir, I think
so." "Then learn to be honest from your boyhood, " said the teacher. "Thank you, sir," said the boy. "May
Allah grant you a long life." said the teacher.

5.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

The other day, a man came here for me and asked, "Is there a God?" I said, "Do you exist?" "Yes, " I said.
"There is something which is controlling you. As you exist, he also exists."

6.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

The man said to the official, "Good morning, sir." The official said, "How can I help you?" The man said, "I
am looking for a job. Could you provide me with one?" The official said, Sorry, we have no vacancy."

7.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Have you killed the rats?" said the Mayor. "Yes, I have," said the piper. "Give me the promised money."
"How funny!" said the Mayor. "We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty."

8.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

Portia said, "God will only have mercy on us if we have mercy on others". Shylock paid no heed to her. All he
wanted his pound of flesh." "Let me see the bond, Shylock," said Portia.

9.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Why should you kill me?" said the fisherman. " I have just freed you. Have you forgotten that?" "No, said
the genie. "But that will not stop me killing you." "What an unlucky man I am for freeing you! Please don't
kill me".

10.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Where is my son?" said the grocer. "A crow carried your son away," said the fruit-seller. "You liar! How can
a crow carry away such a big boy?" "Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights,"

11.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"May I come in, sir?" a boy standing at the door said to him. Then without waiting for his reply the boy
entered the rooom and said, "Sir, I have come from Palashpur with this letter from Mr Ajit Bose. "Ajit Bose?
How is he?" he said smiling. "He is not well. He has been suffering from a serious illness for two years". the
boy said. "How sad it is! May God cure him soon, " said he.

12.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

The beggar said, "please, give me some alms. I have nobody to look after me." "Where do you live?" said the
man. "In a slum near the station. My suffering beggars description," said the beggar.

13.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

Suddenly a voice called out. "Good morning gentlemen. Where are you going? What are you doing here?"
Oh, nowhere and nothing." But you look so pensive, why"? Yes you are right. We are looking for something."
said the six blind men.

14.Change the narrative style of t he following text. 5

Asma said to Rakib, "Have you prepared your lesson today?" "No, sister, I could not." "Why?" "I was
suffering from fever yesterday. I shall do my work tomorrow," said Rakib. "Don't put off any work. Time and
tide wait for none."

15. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

I saw a young boy standing before me with utmost" politeness, he said, "Uncle, my parents are calling you?"
I came out of my house and saw an elderly man and a woman. The woman said, "Bhaiya, don't you
recognize me" I am Salma. We looked for you everywhere but didn't find you What a surprise! I said with

16.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Can I have a look at your paper for a moment?" said the man next to me. "I just want to see the cricket
result." "I haven't quite finished with it," said I. "Could you wait for a moment?" "I can't wait long, "he said.
"I am getting off next stop."

17.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

The teacher said to the girl, "Do you think that honesty is the best policy?" The girl said, "Yes, sir, I think so."
"Then learn to be honest from your childhood," said the teacher. Thank you," 'said the girl. "May Allah bless
you," said the teacher.

18.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"How old are you?" one Buddha asked on old man. "Two year," was the humble reply. "But, you look
eighty!" Buddha exclaimed, "Great saint, just two years ago I come to know what true love is."

19.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

"What kind of stories did Aesop tell?" asked Anwar. "Fables", replied Mrs Amin. "Do you know what fables
are?" No", replied Anwar. "Well", continued Mrs Amin, "Fables are stories with a message or a moral".

20.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

The teacher said to the boy, "Do you think that honesty is the best policy? The boy said, "Yes sir. I think so."
"Then learn to be honest from your boyhood," said the teacher. "Thank you, sir," said the boy. "May Allah
grant you a long life," said the teacher to the boy.

21.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

"We would like to go on an excursion. Can we have your permission, sir?" said the students. "Yes, you can
arrange it after the examination is over. And you should choose a historical place for that, replied the
Headmaster. "Thank you, sir."

22.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

Asif said to his sister, "Do you want me to help you?" "No, I need not take other' help. You can go now," said
his sister. Asif said, "Good night. May God help you."

23.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

"Good morning, Rubi," said Rassel. "How much preparation have you taken for the Text Exam"? "A great
preparation," replied Rubi. "Bubi." By Allah I will get GPA-5"- Wow what a lucky girl are!" said Rassel. "But
my preparation is not up to the mark. Pray for me."

24.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

Returning home Robina's said to him, "Y Tour progress is very slow. You are always seen with a group of
friends You are idling away time with them. Can't you be more serious? Remember, if you fail in the coming
examination, I will stop paying your tuition fees. " I am sorry, father, I shall change myself. Robin replied.

25.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

"What's a puppet show?" Mita said to her father. Father said, "Let's go inside and you can know yourself
Inside the tent Mita said, "How strange! A doll is dancing and talking. "Father said, "A man behind the
screen is moving the doll. Do you understand who is talking? "No" replied Mita.

26.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Great king of the genies. "I will never disobey you. "Hearing those words, the fisherman became very brave
and said, "Tell me why you were rocked up in the vase." The giant looked at the fisherman and said, "Speak
to me more politely or I shall kill you." "Why should you kill me? asked the fisherman.

27.Change the narrative style of the following text: 5

"Swallow, swallow, little swallow, "said the prince, "Won't you stay with me for one night, and be my
messenger? The boy is so thirsty, and the mother is so sad." "I don't think I like the boy," answered the

Passage Narration (exercise worked out)

1. "Strange! why are you putting food in your pocket, sir? Why don't you eat'?" asked the noble man. "My
dress deserves this food. Can't you recognize me ?" said Sheikh Saadi. "Sorry, forgive me for my misconduct."
said the noble man.
Ans.The noble man exclaimed with wonder and respectfully asked Sheikh Saadi why he was putting food in
his pocket and why he did not eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that his dress deserved that food and asked the
nobleman if he could not recognize him. The nobleman politely replied that he was sorry and requested him
(S) to forgive him(the nobleman) for his misconduct. [ Sorry --- apologized to /begged pardon of……+

2."Good morning, Rubi," said Rassel. "How much preparation have you taken for the Test Exam"? "A great
preparation," replied Rubi. " By Allah I will get GPA-5"- Wow,what a lucky girl you are!" said Rassel. "But my
preparation is not up to the mark. Pray for me."
Ans. Rassel wished good morning to Rubi and asked her how much preparation he had taken for the Test
Exam.Rubi replied that she had taken a great preparation for the Test Exam and swearing by Allah she
added that she would get GPA- 5. Rassel exclaimed with joy that she was a very lucky girl and added that
her preparation was not up to the mark.
[By God/Allah/Jove/Almighty------swearing by God/Allah/Jove/Almighty]

3. ''you have cut off your hair?asked jim

'Cut it off and sold it,' said Della.
'Don't you like me as well anyhow? I'm me without my hair,aren't ?''jim looked about the room curiously.
'You say your hair is gone?he said with an air almost of idiocy.
Ans. Jim asked Della if she had cut off her hair. Della replied that she had cut it off and sold it.Della asked jim
if he did not like her as well any how. She again asked jim if it was not true that she was she without her
hair. Jim looked about the room curiously. Being surprised he asked Della if she said her hair was gone.

4."Hello sir, may I ask you a question?" "Oh, yes. But why?' "Sir, I could not understand a lesson that you
taught in the classroom yesterday". "Oh, I see. Ok, if you are free after this period, come to me in the
teachers' common room." 'Thank you, sir". "Most welcome, my son''.
Ans.The student respectfully asked the teacher whether he might ask him a question. The teacher permitted
him but inquired about the reason. Then the student told him that he could not understand a lesson he(t)
had thought in the classroom in the previous day. Realizing the problem the teacher gave consent and told
him to go to him in the teacher's commom room if he was free after that period. Then the student
respectfully thanked the teacher. Addressing the student as his son the teacher told him that he(s) was
most welcome.

5.Bhishma said:''Boys! Boys! Remember you play a game. If it be Arjun's turn let him have it. ''
Ans. Bhisma asked the boys to remember they were playing a game and added that if it was Arjun's turn he
must have it.
6.When the king saw him coming he said, ‘pray' who are you, and what do you want?'' The rabbit said, ''I
am an ambassador from His Majesty Chandra-- the Moon!' The elephant king replied, ''Declare your
errand.'' [pray =to make petition/entreaty) errand =special mission function entrusted to a messenger. ]
Ans.when the king saw him coming he asked who he was and what he wanted. The rabbit replied that he
was the ambassador from His Majesty Chandra-the Moon. The elephant king asked him to declare his

7.. A young Rajah once asked his vijier , ''How is it that I am so often ill? I take care of myself ; I never go out
in the rain ;I wear warm clothes ; I eat good food. Yet I am always catching cold or getting fever.''
Ans. A young Rajah once asked his vijier how it was that he was so often ill. He added that he took care of
himself and never went out in the rain. He also said that he wore warm clothes and ate good food. Finally
he said that despite following these rules of health he was catching cold or getting fever.

8. Said a young mole to her mother ,'' mother I can see.'' So her mother put a lump of frank incense before
her , and asked her what it was . 'A stone' said the young one. ' O my child!' said the mother ' not only do
you not see, you cannot even smell''
Ans. A young mole told to her mother that she could see. So her mother put a lump of frank incense before
her , and asked her what it was. The mother exclaimed that not only did she see, but she could not even

9. The director allowed a pause and suddenly screamed, ''Tiger, Tiger.'' ''Where?'' jagu asked involuntarily
in a stentorian voice( loud) looking around in panic; he made a move to spring forward.
The director cried,''Idiot! I told you not to move out of this mark. Get back and stay there.
Ans. The director allowed a pause and suddenly screamed that he had seen a tiger. Looking around in panic
jagu asked involuntarily in a stentorian voice where the tiger was. He made a move to spring forward.
Addressing him as idiot, the director cried that he told him (jagu)not to move out of that mark. He( the
director) ordered jagu to get back and stay there.

10. ' sir, said Daven, fumbling in his pocket for Murad's letter,'''' I have a letter here---'''' could not it wait?
Sighed the oldman in a fading voice.'' Sir, I have come to Delhi only for oneday. I must return to my college in
Mirpore,'Daven stammered,'' I have letter from Murad Beg-editor of Awaz-'

Ans. Fumbling in his pocket for Murad's letter Daven told the old man respectfully that he had a letter in his
pocket. The old man sighed in a fading voice and asked if it could not wait. Murad told politely that he had
come to Delhi only for oneday and he must return to his college in Mirpore. Daven stammered that he had
a letter in his pocket from Murad Beg-editor of Awaz-' [fumble= to grope about clumsily ]

11.'Dev'.''Yes Mirinda''''Do you remember that day we went to mapparium '' of course'''' Do you remember
how we whispered to each other? '' I remember,''Dev whispered playfully. '' Do you remember what you

Ans. Drawing his attention Miranda called Dev and Dev responded. Miranda asked Dev if he remembered
that day when they went to the Mapparium.Dev replied that he remembered that day. Miranda again
asked Dev if he remembered how they whispered to each other. He whispered playfully to tell that he
remembered. She asked further if he remembered what he said.

12.' Who do you love most in the world? Rahel asked Sophie Mol.'Joe,' said Sophie Mol without
hesitation.''My dad. He died two months ago .We have come here to recover from the shock.''[The God of
Small Things- Arundhuti Roy]
Ans.Rahel asked Sophie Mol who she loved most in the world. Sophie Mol said without hesitation that she
loved her dad Joe. She added that he(her father) had died two months before. She further said that they had
gone there to recover from shock.

13.''Where are you going ?''''Market,'' ''Why?'''' For shopping'' ''What will you buy for Eid?'''' Octopus''
''What is that?'''' A dress'''' What an absurd name!'' father said to Nila.

Ans.Father asked Nila where she was going. Nila replied that she was going to market. Father again asked
her(N) why she was going to market. Nila replied that she was going to market for shopping. Father further
asked her what she would buy for Eid. In reply she told him that she would buy Octopus for Eid. Then father
wanted to know what that was and Nila replied that it was a dress. He exclaimed with wonder that it was a
very absurd name.

14. ''Follow my example'', she said as we shook hands. ''And never eat more than one thing for luncheon''.
''I'll do better than that'' ,I retorted.'' I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight''. ''Humorist''she cried gaily jumping
into a cab. ''You are quite a humorist.''

Ans. As we shook hands she advised me to follow her example and not to eat more than one thing for
luncheon. I retorted that I would do more than that and said that I would eat nothimg for dinner that night.
Jumping into a cab she cried gaily and called me a humorist.[ Retort= to reply in asharp or retaliatory way]

15.'' Excuse me, are you jack?''said Hujaifa ''No ,I am not. He is over there,'' said Abubakkar ''Oh, I am
sorry'',said Hujaifa.'' Are you a new student here?'' said Abu Bakar.'' Yes, I am.''

Ans.Drawing his attention Hujaifa asked Abubakar if he was jack. Abubakar replied that he was not Jack and
added that jack was over there. Hujaifa said that she was sorry. Abu bakar asked her if she was a new
student there. She replied that she was a new student there.

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