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Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science

Factory plan 2023

Student’s guide

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science

 H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. H. ép. I.  Tel: (36-1) 463-2967 Fax: (36-1) 463-3474
Overview and requisites of completion

The main task is to design a factory that can produce goods determined in the title
of the assignment. While you have to complete this task independently, this does certainly
not imply that you cannot ask for help. Beside the above mentioned task, you’ll receive
the contact info of a supervisor as well, whom you can ask for help anytime (in fact, this
is highly encouraged). If you have any kind of inquiries, do not hesitate, ask her or him:
your supervisor obviously won’t solve your problems but she/he can and will answer your
questions which grants you the information required to overcome difficulties that could
(and probably will) arise during the competition of this task. We would like to ask you to
take into consideration that a creation of a complete design of a factory is especially time
consuming, thus an early commencement of the work is strongly advised. If you start your
work just days before the submission deadline, you are certainly not going to be able to
create a design of an acceptable quality.

The tasks are assigned to individuals randomly, the students are subsequently ac-
quainted with the title of the task as well as the name and contact info of the supervisor.

In order to facilitate quick and effective communication, a Microsoft Teams class

has been created (the access code is mrkkm6w), please connect to this class if you intend
to complete this subject in this semester. This Teams class, however, is not the only chan-
nel of information: an introductory presentation is also going to be held on the first or
second week of September, the exact time is going to be announced soon. At this point,
we would like to emphasize again, that the earlier you start your work the more probable
your success is. For that reason, you may start working on the first four chapter of your
factory plan now, as if you are not familiar with the principles of the design, you may not
be able to understand the introductory presentation at all. The deadline of submission of
the finished assignments is 16.10.2023 23:59, the files are to be submitted to the Teams
group. Please keep in mind, that the finished design is to be signed by your supervisor
(who acknowledges this way that you offered her or him the chance of helping you). This
acknowledgement is to be given by filling a Teams form (this form will be available
soon), once your supervisor has signed this form, you have to download, print, and finally
attach it to your finished document. The deadline disclaimed above is very important, as
eventual delays will be taken into account during the calculation of your final grade.

Every submitted design will be reviewed by two lecturers. If they find that your
design contains all the necessary chapters, figures and calculations, you may proceed to
the next step of the completion of this subject. As a part of this second step, you have to
defend your design in front of a committee that comprises the lecturers of our laboratory.
First, your plan is to be briefly and concisely introduced in two minutes. Then, you have
to answer the questions and inquiries of the reviewers and lecturers present in the com-
mittee. Your final grade will be calculated by taking into account both the quality of your
submitted plan, and your oral performance whilst defending the factory you have de-
signed. The grades given by your reviewers contribute to the final grade in 70 % while
the remaining 30 % is calculated as the average of the grades given by the lecturers who
witnessed your oral performance. The final grade will be disclosed in an e-mail. Students

have to defend their design in the second week following the submission deadline. The
exact date is yet to be announced.

If your efforts of completing this task remain unsuccessful (for any reason, e.g. a
severe error or missing subscription from your supervisor), or you couldn’t defend your
design, you have to contact Róbert Várdai ( who will famil-
iarize you with your options. If you have successfully passed both of the steps introduced
above, but you are still not satisfied with the result, you may contact your reviewers, and
you will be given a list enumerating your flaws and errors. If you agree to resubmit your
design, please inform Róbert Várdai beforehand. Please bear in mind that the oral per-
formance you’ve given while defending your design cannot be amended.

Important dates and deadlines:

Announcement of the tasks: second or third week of August 2023

Submission deadline: 16.10.2023
Accepted designs are to be defended in the week beginning with 30.10.2023 or

1. Layout and format of the design

The importance of the format of your document is mainly originating from an

eventual necessity of writing a BSc dissertation: the formats of these documents are to be
the same, thus a creation of your factory plan is an exquisite opportunity of practicing the
proper way you are expected to format your final dissertation. The first and most im-
portant requisite concerns the sequence of content you feature in your document: please
make sure that the information is arranged logically, and possibly according to the process
of production. The reviewers evaluate primarily the content and not the aesthetic of your
finished document, but – as a general rule of thumb – looks do matter. Your work must
comprise a table of content, which both implies and assumes that you have split your
document into chapters that are given a logical and informative title. While this may
appear obvious, submitted documents lack these features way too often. Please turn on
page numbers as well – this makes the work of both your supervisor and reviewers sig-
nificantly easier. While there aren’t any pre-defined limits concerning the length of the
document, if you scrupulously and thoroughly write each chapter, create each diagram
and perform each calculation, the finished document will presumably be a length of at
least 30 pages. Minor flaws and a lack of subtle details may not necessarily lead to a low
grade – this is what the subsequent step of defending your design is for. As a part of that,
your reviewers are going to point out and highlight these minor flaws, thus you are given
the opportunity of addressing these mistakes, deficiencies and / or ambiguities.

2. Required content
1. Description of the product (1-2 pages):

▪ What is the purpose / area of application of the product?

▪ What are the requirements the product has to comply with?

▪ Submit the technical parameters, description and possibly the blueprint of the
▪ Please determine the raw material you propose to be used to a manufacturing
of your product and explain your choice!

2. Chose the technology of production and explain your choice (1-2 pages):

▪ Compile the technologies that could be applied to a manufacturing of your prod-

▪ If multiple technologies could be used, select the one that fits the chain of produc-
tion the best.
▪ Please explain your choice!
▪ You also have to determine the type, technical parameters and quantity of the ma-
chines required to a successful manufacturing of a product of an acceptable qual-

3. Scheme of the chain of production:

▪ List and explain each of the steps present in your chain of production. You have
to pay special attention to the phases where either the raw material or the interme-
diate product is going through any kind of modification or conversion.

4. Sequence of production and the estimated time required to the steps of production

▪ Thoroughly describe each steps making up your chain of production separately!

▪ Determine the type and quantity of the machines and devices required to a suc-
cessful manufacturing of the amount of product given in the title of your assign-
ment. You also have to explain each of your choices.
▪ Estimate the approximate time required to particular steps present in your chain
of production. You may want to corroborate your estimations with actual calcula-
tions as well.

5. List of machines and devices (type and technical data):

▪ Compile the list of the machines and devices you intend to use in your factory.
▪ You also have to augment the list with the technical data of these devices, while
paying special attention to the parameters that influence the quality and quantity
of the final product the most.
▪ Determine the type and manufacturer of these devices. Your preferences in
selecting a manufacturer / brand are to be supported by actual data that concerns
the price, accuracy and last but not least the reliability of the manufacturer / brand.

6. Calculation of the balance of the material and energy flow of the process:
6,37 kJ/h

▪ Calculate the amount of material and en- 636,32 kJ/h

ergy required to particular steps present 4,26 kJ/h 4,26 kJ/h
in your chain of production (raw materi- Daráló
als, additives, cooling and / or heating 17870,84 kJ/h molding
Fröccsgép 9222,06 kJ/h
▪ Subsequently, you have to calculate the
energy conveyed by the materials you 13198,09 kJ/h

have quantized in the previous subchap-

ter. To these calculations please use the Szerszám
Tool 10933,54 kJ/h

specific heat values you can find in the

corresponding literature. 2,55 kJ/h 8,18 kJ/h

10,22 kJ/h
1409,19 kJ/h 636,96 kJ/h
7. Shankey diagram of the material and energy 5,63 kJ/h Minőség-
flow (Figure 1.): check, pack-

▪ Create the Shankey diagram of the mate- 3,82 kJ/h

633,14 kJ/h

rial and energy flows present in your

technology of production Figure 1. Shankey diagram of injection molding

Keep in mind that your diagram has to be in compliance with the law of conser-
vation of mass and energy in case of each and every step making up your chain of pro-

8. Blueprint of the factory (Figure 2.):

Offices, öltözők, szociális helységek
and social rooms


200/45 HL

200/45 HL

200/45 HL
Repair shop,

Packing room

Nyersanyag Üzemcsarnok
Workshop, (daruzott)
plant hall Készáru
Storage room
raktár Finished
raktár goods

330/110 HL

330/110 HL

330/110 HL


Szerszám anyag raktár

Factory plan,
Telepítési ábra size = 1:200
M= 1:200
Figure 2. Blueprint of a factory optimized to a housing of the manufacturing process of injection molding

▪ You have to draw / sketch the geometrical arrangement of the machines and de-
vices. Heed the minimal distance between two adjacent machines: without enough
space between two machines a change of the mold and / or the feeding of the
machine is not possible.

9. Operator’s guide:

▪ Write a detailed guide that contains every necessary information required to a

proper and safe operation of a machine determined by your supervisor. Your
main goal here is to provide a detailed manual based on which any employee lack-
ing previous education will be able to accurately and safely operate the machine.

10. Provision of raw material

▪ Please calculate the total amount of raw material required to the production.
▪ What company can you buy the raw material from? If multiple companies sell the
material you intend to buy, explain the factors your decision was based on (price,
quality, etc.).
▪ In what kind of packaging is the shipping available? Please consider the golden
rule of “The bigger the packaging, the cheaper the shipping”!
▪ Calculate the optimal frequency of new shipments. Take into consideration that
delays may occur. An estimation of the size of your store room is to be based on
these calculations.

11. Quality control of the intermediate and final products:

A manufacturing of any marketable product has to be in compliance with the princi-

ples of often rigorous quality control systems.

▪ First, you have to determine the quality control system that is to be applied in your
factory (this depends on the product you sell as well as on the market you want to
sell your product on). Then, you have to settle the steps that are to be taken in
order to be able to recursively check – and improve, if necessary – the quality of
both the intermediate and the final products. You also have to determine the opti-
mal frequency of the recursively executed assessment of quality.

12. Human resources:

▪ Calculate the amount of workers required to each of the technological steps mak-
ing up the chain of production. Mere numbers are not sufficient here: you also
have to determine the (academic) qualifications of the workers you employ to run
and oversee certain machines and technological steps. As a last step you have to
assign workers to jobs that correspond to the qualifications of individual employ-
▪ While the backbone of production carried out in your factory primarily hinges on
the work performed by those working right next to the machines, you inevitably
have to incorporate administrative personnel in your factory design. This pool of
employees contains the secretary (secretaries) as well as the mid and high ranking
leaders of the company that owns, manages and altogether runs the factory.

When you calculate the amount of workers you want to employ, take into consid-
eration that each individual is to be granted a furlough of at least two days per week.
People may get sick sometimes, and they have the right to go on a holyday of a length
settled by law. In Hungary, a three-shift schedule means that the factory operates only on
workdays and halts on the weekends. If you are contemplating an uninterrupted produc-
tion (which can be highly beneficial sometimes), you must run your factory on the week-
ends as well, which implies that you have to organize a four-shift schedule. Even in that
case, you have to stop the production on public holydays, and a necessity of a yearly
executed, general maintenance work implicates further, often several days long full stop
of production which you have to take into account before settling the final schedule of

13. Calculation of the price of the product: (for further info, please consult the student’s
guide devoted exclusively to the economical calculations)

▪ Calculate the total amount of money you have to invest into a purchase of the raw
▪ Calculate the sum of the prices of the machines applied in the factory
▪ Calculate the price of human resources including the allowances
▪ Calculate amount of money you have to spend to a purchase of water and energy

▪ A total sum of the expenses listed above is to be divided by the number of products
you manufacture in one year. This gives the price of production specific to one
unit of product.
▪ Now try to figure out the price you could sell your product for. Be careful: the
price you see when you buy something in stores is augmented with several addi-
tional taxes and fees, thus the price you can sell your product for is significantly
smaller (generally 50 % of the price you see in stores).
▪ A multiplication of this price by the number of products gives your total income.
▪ Calculate the difference of the total incomes and total expenses and thus the prof-
itability of your factory.
▪ Please evaluate the profitability: if the budget shows deficit, you have to pro-
pose changes that may be implemented in order to realize profit.

14. References:

▪ Each reference must be given in a way that makes an unambiguous identification

of the source feasible. While there are no strict rules of formatting, the style must
be coherent throughout the entire list of references.
▪ In case of books, the following information is required: author(s), title, publisher,
year of publication
▪ In case of articles the following information is required: author(s), title of the jour-
nal, volume, issue, page number, year of publication

Without the information listed above, the references cannot be considered correct.
A common mistake is the listing of books of this university among the references. This is
strictly forbidden, as (theoretically) you know everything present in these books by now.

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