Racism and Unity Choral Speaking Script Sample

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Racism and Unity Choral Speaking

Everyone: Good morning wonderful teachers and friends

Today, we are privileged to talk to you about Racism and Unity.

Solo: Racism is always going on around us.

Solo: Really?
Solo: Yes, really.
Solo: But what is racism?
Solo: Racims is when someone hates you because of your skin color,
your race, your background.
Solo: Oh…

Everyone: The racist clocks his loathing thoughts

Behind deceiving eyes
Those men who once wore hoods and robe
Today wear shirt and tie

Their methods changed but yet and still

Their mission is the same
Today they lynch with politics
The racist’s favourtite game

Divide and conquer is their plan

To keep minorities
From seeing that forest trees
Just shortly past tress

Racism lurks within the press

Courthouse, banks and school
Black folks convinced that all is well
Have certainly been fooled

A racist underground exist

A chilling fact indeed
They seek to kill, steal and destroy
We can’t let them succeed
Solo: There is no balck or white
Skin color mans nothing
Solo: What matters?
Solo: Your attitude
Your values
How you treat others
Things inside you matters
The color of your skin certainly doesnt matter
Everyone: Racism causes death not one or two but a thousand
Racism is in people’s daily speech but it does not hurt any less
There is no excuse for racism

Solo: Racism has a human heart

Its cruel and deadly
Solo: Racism has a human mind
An intellect of terror and delusion
Solo: Racism has a human tongue
It has a tongue of torture and depravility
It has a lip of sorrow

Alternate between three rows: R.A.C.I.S.M

Everyone: Ain’t needed in our sociaty
Issues of their variety
Madness for hem to condemn
Cant punish people for,
Sadness is caused by them
Racists people spreads hatred

Solo: But how can we stop racism?

Solo: We can stop it by not juding others, by not seeing the difference in
them, by not comparing them.
Solo: I see.

Everyone: Theres a proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’

Ten sticks together is an breakable
Can be broken easily if given to all
The wind easily blows the dust
But cannot move the rock
Birds trapped in a net, united;
Along the net, flew the flock

Solo: Black tribe, yellow tribe, red, white or brown

From where the sun jumps to where it goes
All one family, so why make war?
They're not interested in rumbly ruins
We dont hanker after midnight suns
Everyone: We’re all humankind, not color gibes
We’re international., we never mind tribes

Solo: Black, white or brown race, yellow race or red

From the torrid equator to the ice field spread
All one family, so why make wars?
We’re not interested in their igloos
They’re not mad about kangaroos
Everyone: We’re international, we never mind tribes
We’re for humanity, all one race

Solo: Why do you think you’re better?

Everyone: If one is balck and one is white,
If one is man and one is woman.

Solo: They’re the same, that’s their rights

Solo: If one is straight and one is gay

They are not different, just the same
Solo: If one is chrisian and one is muslim
All comes from God, we are the same

Everyone: Please remove the symbols of racism from our parks

Please get rid of the status of hate next to our lake
Put them in the old bunkers, put them in the basements
Please let’s unite against racism
God created men and women with mud not with diamond
Gold is nothing but a special rock made of sand and mud

Please remove the symbol of disunity

You and I are one
We need to eradicate the ills and wrongs of pur society

Everyone: God is unity and love

God abhors discrimintation and negativity
Solo: Imagine how great it is to get along with everyone in this country

Solo; I came from a far away land

Your ideas of color, i don’t understand
We synthesize together as one gland
In harmony we sing as one band

Solo: I come from a far away land

A land beyond the sands
Segregation, discrimintation, those are things we dont understand.

Solo: Are we going to stay silent?

Everyone: No!
We all must bring racism to an end
A message to all, we long to send
The color of the world joned as one.

Thank you.

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