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It serves as a muscular bag which is situated towards the left side of the
abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm. This vital organ acts as a storage for
the food and provides enough time to digest meals. The stomach also produces
digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid that maintains the process of digestion.

Small Intestine

The small intestine is a thin, long tube of about 10 feet , It is present just behind
the stomach and acquires a maximum area of the abdominal cavity. The
complete small intestine is coiled and the inner surface consists of folds and
 The food reaches the upper part of the small intestine called the
 The food is then passed to the lower part of the intestine called the ileum.
 The liver produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder.
 The pancreas produces pancreatic juice.
 The small intestine also secretes digestive juices.
 The digestion is completed by the action of all the juices together.
 The finger-like villi present in the small intestine carries out the
absorption of the digested food

Large Intestine
This is a thick, long tube measuring around 5 feet in length. It is present just
beneath the stomach and wraps over the superior and lateral edges of the small
intestine. It absorbs water and consists of bacteria (symbiotic) that support the
breakdown of wastes to fetch small nutrients.

Structure of teeth
Humans have different types of teeth that perform various functions such as
cutting, tearing, shearing, grinding and crushing. The teeth are powered by the
jaw muscles and with the help of saliva, which is produced in the salivary
Types of Teeth in Humans
Teeth have different shapes as each tooth has a particular role to perform in
digestion. They are also positioned differently, so as to better serve their
There are four different types of teeth in humans.

 Incisors
Incisors are present at the front of the mouth. These teeth have sharp edges and
are adapted for cutting food into small, chewable pieces

 Canines
. They are characteristically sharp, elongated and pointy surface. Their primary
function is to grip and tear food (tough food such as meat).

 Premolars
Premolars are located behind the canines. These teeth have a flat surface with
ridges, which is adapted for crushing and grinding food into smaller portions.

 Molars
Molars are the largest and strongest teeth. It has a large and flat biting surface,
which is well-adapted for grinding food.

Tooth Decay
When you didn’t clean your mouth property, tooth decay occurs. Tooth decay is
the destruction of the tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of your teeth.
 Many types of bacteria live in mouths and build up a sticky film called
dental plaque on the teeth.
 When you eat and drink, these bacteria produce acids, which remove
minerals from the enamel and eventually the teeth develop cavity.
 Decay begins in the enamel, the main part of the tooth. As the enamel is
broken down, the decay can go deeper and finally reach the nerve of

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