Pathfinder 2nd Edition Stated Settlement Compilation

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I will attempt in this simple format to compile all settlement stats that we know of, using a

standardized format.

Let me know if you want to add your own city stats to it in the appropriate thread:

Information in Italic is house rule and non cannon, but often inspired by official sources

Special thanks to: Soup D’état (discord), Onkonk, Rivermesa, Loreguard

Government: grand council
Population: 306,900 (62% human, 11% halfling, 8% half-elf, 7% gnome, 5% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% goblin,
1% half-orc, 3% other ancestries)
Languages: Any
Religions: All (Primary: Iomedae, Cayden Caelian, Norgorber)

Primary Imports: books, coffee, cultural artifacts, pack animals, spices, tea
Primary Exports: alcohol, armor, art, fashion, literature, lumber, magic items, metal, pearls, precious
gems, seafood, ships, skymetal, textiles, weapons, woodcrafts
Threats: political unrest over the missing primarch, external sieges, thieves’ guilds, gang uprisings, cult
plots, noble machinations, clashes between houses of rival nations, Firebrand provocations, monstrous
activity in the Undercity
City at the Center of the World: Absalom is the largest city in the Inner Sea region and is strategically
placed to be an ideal staging point for trade. Imports from all over the world, and even from the bottom of
the oceans, can be found in Absalom’s many markets and bazaars. Items that would normally be
considered uncommon are instead considered common while within the city walls. Some uncommon
items, such as those created by specific organizations or hailing from remote regions, might still remain
uncommon at the GM’s discretion.

Lord Gyr of House Gixx: (N Male Human) Ruler of the city (Missing)
Primarch Winsal Starborn: (LG Male Human) Acting Primarch of Absalom ‘’in Absentam’’
City Planner Olansa Teramor: (LG Female Human) City Planner and Grand Councilmember
Blune Bandersworth: (CG Male Gnome) Grand Architect and Grand Councilmember

Source: Absalom City of Lost Omens, Agents of Edgewatch AP

Akrivel Settlement 5
Akrivel is the home city of the Leopard Clan, a clan of several hundred Ekujae elves.
CG| Small Town| Elf (Ekujae)

Government Elected Representatives

Population Several hundred Elfves, a few half elves
Languages Elf, Common, Ekujae Shape Script,
Religions Desna, Findeladlara, Yueral, Calistria, Ketephys

No monetary system You cannot purchase items in this settlement, but you can learn spells and access
spellcasting services.

Ose Panin (CG Female Elf) Leader of the settlement, identical twin to Ose Atsu
Ose Atsu(CG Female Elf) Leader of the settlement, identical twin to Ose Panin
Nketiah (CG female half-elf) chief linguist of the settlement
Jahsi (LG male elf) Keledi of the clan
Akosa (CN male elf) Hunter of the clan

Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Cult of Cinder


Government: constitutional monarchy
Population: 53 600 (93% dwarves, 4% humans, 3% other)
Languages: Dwarven, Kelish, Osiriani
Religions: Abadar, Brigh, erastil, Irori, Torag
Primary Imports: books, coffee, cultural artifacts, pack animals, spices, tea
Primary Exports: alcohol, armor, art, fashion, literature, lumber, magic items, metal, pearls, precious
gems, seafood, ships, skymetal, textiles, weapons, woodcrafts
Threats: criminals, magical surges, Mana Wastes monsters, mechanical malfunctions, pollution, rogue
clockworks, saboteurs, union busters, wasteland raiders
Source of Guns: Firearms and cannons are available in Alkenstar even though they’re uncommon in
most of the world, and such items of up to level 18 can be purchased or commissioned in its specialized

High Chamberlain Lael Branain: (LN Male Half-Elf Aristocrat 9) prominent bureaucrat
High Clockmother Athlenth Llanalir: (N female human cleric 15) head of the Church of Brigh
Ironmaster Ytharia Vulane: (LN female human shieldmarshal 16) commander of Alkenstar’s
Trietta Ricia: (NG Female human inventor 11) grand duchess of Alkenstar
Source: Outlaws of Alkenstar AP

Government: Grand Admiral (elected for life), Secret Syndicate
Population: 7,817 (79% human, 5% dwarves, 3% elves, 3% goblin, 10% other ancestries)
Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Mwangi, Taldane
Religions: Abadar, Besmara, Erastil, Gozreh, Hei Feng, Norgorber

Ressources: Alcohol/Drug, Weapons/Armor, Grain/Fruit/Vegetable, Jewelry/Gems, Lumber, Luxury

Goods, Magic Item, Mercenaries, Seafood, Ships, Spices/Salt
Threats: Pirates, Aspis Agents, Aquatic Monsters, Turf Wars
Trade Connections: The pirates of Bloodcove use unique methods in acquiring items to sell. The city
has items up to level 15 available for purchase, but anything higher than level 9 must first be acquired
outside the city and thus requires to waiting 3d6 days for the item.
Harthwick Barzonni (CN Male Human Corsair 13) Grand Admiral of Bloodcove, a mostly defanged city
Erwyn Harvacus: (N Male Human Druid 9) Leader of a druid circle keeping the mangroves from
swallowing Bloodcove
Malika Fenn: (NE Female Human Ranger 8) Head of Aspis operations in the city and disgruntled ex-
Kunari Mobo: (N Female Human Merchant 8) Retired Free Captain that maintains a major pirate trade
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse


Breachill was founded in 4520 AR by Lamond Breachton, a traveling wizard and scholar, when he came
across a group of 100 stranded humans in the wilds of Isger with no memory of what had happened to
them or how they had ended up there

CG Small Town
Government: Breachill town council
Population: 1300 residents, mostly humans but also some dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, goblins.
Language: dwarf, elf, goblin, common

Religion: Cayden Caelian, Desna

Adventurer's Discount: Accomplishing a significant quest earns you a 5% discount of all items and
services purchased in Breachill.

Greta Gardania: (Female Human) Council member

Jorsk Hinterclaw (Male Dwarf) Council Member
Quentino Posandi (Male Human) Council Member
Melma Ann Sendari (Female Human) Council Member
Trinni Sprizzlegig (Female Gnome) Council Member

Source: Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill

Cypress Point, Ravounel Settlement 3

Small fishing town.
Currently leveled
Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Tomorrow Must Burn

Graydirge SETTLEMENT 6
Remote and somber ossuary-city
Government: government-appointed municipal dictator (high governor)
Population: 9400 (75% undead, 20% human, 3% halfling, 2% half-orc, 2% other ancestries)
Languages: Common, Kelish, Necril, Osiriani
Religions: Nethys, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon

Threats: feral ghouls, feuding aristocrats, haunts, hungry undead, residents, wandering zombies
Undead Rule: Graydirge follows a strict hierarchy which places undead above all others and limits the
rights of the living. Undead have broad discretion to mistreat or even slay living residents who aren’t
under the protection of another undead. Most living NPC’S are helpful toward undead characters out of
fear, while undead NPC’s are generally indifferent to living characters, at best.

Berline Haldoli: (LE female halfling necromancer 6) Low-ranking Blood Lord who is a member of the
Reanimators and oversees many of graydirge’s zombie-worked farms.
Ortagar Stitch-Skull: (LN male human priest of Zon-Kuthon 4)) Head of the Empty Threshold,
Graydirge’s temple to Zon-Kuthon
Taf-Gekhta Seven Stomachs: (LE ghast aristocrat 5) High Governor of Graydirge

Source: Blood Lords AP

Government: Republic
Population: 7,105 (70% human, 28% Iruxi, 2% other ancestries)
Languages: Iruxi, Lirgeni, Mwangi
Religions: Desna, Gozreh, Uvuko

Ressources: Books/Lore, Grain/Fruit/Vegetable, Livestock/Hides, Luxury Goods, Magic Item, Textiles

Threats: Mysterious Disappearances, Undead
Insular People: The Jahaxi people are wary of outsiders and slow to trust. This doubles the time it takes
to gather information and increases the DC by 2.
Reader of Stars:Many Jahaxi people are skilled at divination. Including at least one of these people as a
secondary caster of a divination ritual decreases the ritual’s DC by 1.
Barashzi (NG Non-Binary Lizardfolk Astrologer 8) prominent social restorationist
Iakanne Aarsani: (LG Female Human Aristocrat 7) Prominent Sociopolitical Leader
Versenne: (NG Female Human Diplomat 7) Head Ambassador of Jaha
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

Resilient seaside town under Norgorberites’ thumb
Government: Authoritarian Cult (but previously an elected council)
Population: 292 (77% human, 14% halfling, 9% other ancestries)
Languages: Mwangi, Taldane
Religions: erastil, Gozreh, Norgorber

Threats: Knights of Abendego, predators, sea creatures, strange forest manifestations

The Town That Stares Back: Jula defies the nearby Eye of Abendego, surviving such oceanic threats as
flooding, a leviathan attack, and a Chelaxian flotilla.
Blackfinger’s Grip:Jula is controlled by the Knights of Abendego, a vicious band of Norgorberites.

Ajbal Kimon (NE amale human gang leader 13) cruel and ambitious leader of the wicked
Knights of Abendego
Heveril Dagambi (LN male human ex paladin of Erastil 7) former paladin of Erastil struggling to
overcome personal challenges and lead the town through adversity.
Imara High Hearth: (NG Female Human tavern keeper 8) warm, good-natured proprietor of the
now-overrun Jula Alehouse.

Source: Pathfinder Hurricane’s Owl PZ090171E Strength of Thousands AP

Katapesh Settlement 13
City of trade

Government Plutocratic merchant council with alien overseers

Population 212 300 (73% human, 6% halfling, 6% gnome, 5% half-elf, 5% gnoll, 2% dwarf, 1%
half-orc, 1% elf, 1% other)
Languages Common

Religions Abadar
City of Trade: Anything can be found in Katapesh… for the right price. PC’s with the bargain
hunter, Criminal Connections or Connections skill feats can find common and uncommon items
of up to level 20 in this city with an appropriate skill check of a standard DC for that item’s level.
They gain a +2 circumstance bonus to this check.
Planar Connections: Any item of level 15 or less can be purchased without a check in

Pactbroker Hashim Ibn Sayiid: (N Male Human) Pactbroker and manager of daily affairs.
Jalal Abdul-Abadar (N Male Human) Leader of the clergy of the immaculate repository
Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Against the Scarlet Triad

Kerrick Settlement 6
Small city in the isle of kortos

Government Autocracy
Population 3.533 (64% humans, 11% halflings, 8% half-elves, 17% other ancestries)
Languages Common

Religions Abadar, Erastil

Primary Imports Luxury Goods, Spices
Primary Exports fruit, grain, livestock, lumber, vegetables

Jemaig Hendri (LN male human minister 8) town priest of Abadar

Lartressa Toulune (LG female human landowner 5) dockmaster
Opper Vandy (NG male human mortician 10) master of the Kerrick Grange
Perivar Altrusi (N male halfling lackey 3) Mayor
Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Life’s Long Shadows


Mercantile city-state where diverse interests rub shoulders

Population 3,885 (71% humans [predominantly Zenj], 8% elves [predominantly Mualijae], 5%

orcs, 5% lizardfolk, 11% other)

Government representative council

Languages Common, Mwangi

Trade Hub Items of up to 11th level can be found in Kibwe with diligent searching. Items higher
than 6th level, when found, are for sale at 90% + 2d10% of their normal price.

Abuyone Munme (LG female human) Council Representative for the Zenj Trading Alliance
Clatriani Orridik (LE male human) Bloodman of Bekyar Block and former slave-trader
Darvian Estabar (LN male human) Lord Magistrate of the East Mwangi Mining Company
Kosa Et (N agender elf) Council Representative for Whitemarks
Source: The Slithering

Kintargo, Ravounel Settlement 7

CG| Large City

Government: Silver Council

Population: 12000 citizens(10% halflings, orcs, tieflings)
Languages: Common, elven
Religion: Sarenrae, Milani, Asmodeus

City of trade: Being a major trading hub, permanent items up to level 10 can be purchased in
this city

Mialari Docur (Female CN elf) Headmistress of the Lacunafex

Nolly Peltry (Female CG Halfling) Head of the Bellflower Network
Mayor Jilia Bainulus (Female CG Human) Mayor of Kintargo and Dominia of Ravounel
Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Tomorrow Must Burn

Korvosa Settlement 9
LN| City
A gateway for trade that bears scars of a bloody past.

Government Queen
Population 15.250 (79% humans, 6% dwarves, 4% elves, 3% halflings, 3% half-elves, 2%
gnomes, 3% others)
Languages Common, Shoanti, Varisian
Religions Abadar, Asmodeus, Pharasma, Sarenrae, Shelyn

Threats: Crime family violence, Ileosa loyalists, Lorthact’s machinations, underground dangers
Arcane Learning: Although Acadamae is the most notable college in Korvosa, smaller schools
also teach arcane arts. Many graduates remain in the city, leading to a thriving trade in arcane
items and information. Arcane scrolls and wands of up to level 13 are often available in shops,
along with many other components and ritual ingredients.

Cressida Kroft (LN female human soldier) former guard, field marshal and reluctant queen
Toff Ornelos: (LN male human wizard 17) calculating headmaster of the acadamae.
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens, Knights of Lastwall

Kovlar Settlement 5
LN | City| Dwarf
Reclaimed quarter of the bigger fallen dwarven city of saggorak

Government council
Population 4,620 (99% dwarves, 1% other ancestries)
Languages Common, Dwarven
Religions Torag, other dwarven deities

City of Artisans Items of up to 8th level can be found in Kovlar, and armor and weapons of up
to 12th level.
Primary Imports Meat, iron, wood
Primary Exports Armor, artisanal goods, weapons

Forgemaster Kelda Halrig (LN female dwarf) leader of the Anviller's Guild and Chief Councilor
of the Court of Regents
Commander Grokar Hammersong (LN male dwarf) leader of the Guild of Arms
Fortunate Algera Kord (CN female dwarf) leader of the Gamblers’ Guild
Sentinel Frastin Stoneborn (LG male dwarf) high priest of Torag
Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Fires in the Haunted City



Agricultural hub and headquarters to a grim guild of executioners

Government civic administrators overseen by the Gray Gardeners

Population 4,990 (84% humans, 8% halflings, 3% gnomes, 3% elves, 2% other)
Languages Common

Rampant Suspicion No one in Litran knows who might be a Gray Gardener in disguise. NPCs
are reluctant to make deals openly and begin with an attitude one step worse than usual toward

Babry Wrenolus (N male human bureaucrat 9) Finance Minister

Keznin Nevarmo (NG male tengu herbalist 9) Proprietor of Soul Mother’s Herbs
Otvald Gharmino (LN male human judge 11) High Magistrate
Raina Carlezio (CN female human duchess 7) Patron of the arts
Zintaya Calbieste (NE female elf advocate 14) Secretary of the Farming Cooperative
Source: Pathfinder Adventure: Night of the Gray Death

Government: Divine Theocracy
Population: 37,813 (99% human, 1% other ancestries)
Languages: Mwangi, Mzunu
Religions: Walkena, Chohar, Luhar, Tlehar

Ressources: Armor/Weapons, Grain/Fruit/Vegetable,Jewelry/Gems, Livestock/Hides, Luxury Goods,

Magic Items, Mercenaries, Ores, Spices/Salt, Textiles
Threats: Bright Lions, Karinas, Undead, Walkena’s Servants
Banned Outsiders: Walkena bans all non-native Mwangi individuals from the city. Such outsiders find
fearful citizens unwilling to engage with them, imposing a -4 circumstance penalty to all Deception,
Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks. In addition, when you get a failure on such checks, you get a critical
failure instead.

Nkiruka the Voice(N female human diplomat 14) Prime Speaker of Walkena and arbiter of conflicts.
Themba Sufu the Shadow: (LE male human spy 15) Commander of Walkena’s secret police force.
Worknesh the Golden Blade: (LE female human inquisitor 16) high-Inquisitor fo walkena and
commander of Mzali’s martial forces
Zubari the Guiding Ray: (LE male human priest of Walkena 15) High priest of Walkena and overseer of
day-to-day administration of Mzali.
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

Nantambu Settlement 10
NG City
Nantambu, also called the Song-Wind City, is a colorful, cheerful city-state in the western Mwangi
Expanse. A haven of peace, learning, and culture within the Expanse, it is home to the Magaambya, one
of the oldest arcane schools on Golarion.
Government Democratic Council
Population 15,470 (80% humans, 4% halflings, 3% elves, 2% amurruns, 2% iruxi, 9% other)
Languages Amurrun, Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Iruxi, Mwangi, Xanmba
Religions Adanye, Gozreh, Mazludeh, Irez, Nethys, Shelyn

Resources: books/Lore, Grains/Fruit/Vegetables, Jewelry/Gems, Livestock/Hides, Lumber, Luxury

Goods, Magic Items, Ships, Spices/salt, Technology, Textiles
Threats Magical accidents
Service of the Magaambya Spellcasting services of up to 13th level can be found in Nantamby with
ease. Acquiring higher-level services requires 1d4 weeks of work and usually requires an additional
donation of 10% of the value to Nantambu.
High Sun Mage Oyamba (NG male Human Wizard) Master of the Magaambya.
Luchomo (LN male Human politician 5) Nantambu’s Head of council
Ciko (NG female human glassmaker 4) Council representative from the Glassmaker’s Guild
Ebele (N female human restaurateur) Influential socialite
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

Otari Settlement 4
N Town
Diverse lumber town and trade port with a storied past and a fair share of sinister secrets.
Government Mayor (elected leader)
Population 1,240 (60% humans, 8% halflings, 7% half-elves, 6% elves, 5% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 3%
half-orcs, 2% goblins, 4% other)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Halfling
Religions Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Gozreh, Nethys, Sarenrae
Threats aberrant horrors, eerie hauntings, kobolds, smugglers
Trinket Trade Otari has a long tradition of catering to adventurers, and consumable items of up to level
10 can be purchased in its markets and shops.
Lardus Longsaddle (CN male human soldier) foul-mouthed and short-tempered captain of the town
Oseph Menhemes (N male human mayor) current mayor of Otari, patriarch of one of three local lumber
Vandy Banderdash (NG female halfling cleric) chatty priestess of Sarenrae and unusually
knowledgeable town historian
Wrin Sivinxi (CG female tiefling merchant) eccentric occult items dealer, artisan, and collector of stories
and rumors
Source: Gamemastery Guide

Osibu Settlement 9
NG City
The streets of the southeastern city of Osibu are literally paved with gold. Located in the Screaming
Jungle within the greater Mwangi Expanse, the city is protected by a ring of statues called the Circle of
Twice-Honored Women, which somehow reduces the cacophony of noise from the jungle and also keeps
out the jungle's carnivorous plant life.

Government Democratic Council

Population 11,470 (98% humans, 2% other)
Languages Arboreal, Elven, Halfling, Mwangi, Sylvan
Religions Green Faith

Resources: books/Lore, Grains/Fruit/Vegetables, Jewelry/Gems, Lumber, Luxury Goods, Magic Items,

Ores, Spices/salt, Textiles
Threats Hostile jungle flora and fauna, the Nemesis Well
Primal Connections: Osibu contains a large number of primal spellcasters, increasing the availability of
magic items and services. Osibu offers magic items of up to 13th level and primal spellcasting services of
up to 7th level.
Dimari-Diji (N Arboreal Nature-Speaker 25) Titanic and ancient arboreal guardian
Umanja-jinga (LG female halfling seer 15) Oracle of the Honored
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

Government: Boss (Overlord)
Population: 598 (57% virulaks, 25% mindless constructs, 10% forge-spurned, 8% other undead)
Languages: Common, Necril
Religions: Droskar, Norgorber, Urgathoa

Threats: Rogue Constructs, Self-Destructive Undead

Impoverished: The maximum level to Earn Income in Pagked is 3.
Shun the living: Decrosia poisoned Pagked’s living population, which has since risen as undead. Living
creatures other than Decrosia are shunned. Living creatures have a -2 circumstance penalty on
Diplomacy checks, if townspeople deign to deal with them at all.

Decrosia: (CE Female rust hag 8) known simply as ‘’the Boss’’ Decrosia rules the town.
Supervisor Haka: (NE male forge-spurned overseer 5) Maintains the town’s constructs
The Shroud: (NE Male Virulak necromancer 7) Maintains Carters Consortium interested in town, is a
visible supporter of Norgorber.

Source: Blood Lords AP

Port Peril Settlement 11
CN Metropolis
Pirate city and black-market capital of the Shackles.
Government Hurricane Queen (overlord)
Population 43,270 (65% humans, 10% half-elves, 8% half-orcs, 5% gnomes, 5% halflings,
7% other)
Languages Common, Kelish, Osiriani
Religions Besmara, Cayden Cailean, Gozreh
Threats anti-pirate policing from the Inner Sea region, opposing pirate forces, supernatural
storms from the Eye of Abendego
Pirate Town Port Peril thrives on black-market and stolen goods. Items that might be
difficult to acquire or dispose of in other settlements due to legality can be purchased and
sold more easily in Port Peril. NPCs begin with an attitude one step worse than usual
toward characters openly displaying insignia of law-enforcement agencies, religious
iconography of lawful deities, or affiliation with a lawful nation.
Pherias Jakar (CN female elf troubadour) merchant master and joint overseer of Port
Sabas Odabio (LN male human administrator) accountant and joint overseer of Port Peril
Tessa Fairwind (CN female half-elf pirate lord) Hurricane Queen of the Shackles
Tsojmin Kreidoros (LE male dwarf wizard) harbormaster and joint overseer of Port Peril
Source: Gamemastery Guide

Torch Settlement 5
Free city and best place all around to smith some sky-metal
Government Council of Elected Representatives
Population 4 320 (3,167 humans, 498 dwarves, 392 half-orcs, 168 gnomes, 32 half-elves, 28
halflings, 25 elves, 10 androids)
Languages Common
Religions Brigh, Pharasma

Threats The Technic League is a constant threat to the freedom of Torch and as such any agents
that bear an insignia of the league start with most NPC's in town being hostile.
Skymetal Forge: Due to the abundance of skilled craftsman plying their wares in town, any items
made out of Skymetal of level 12 or below can be bought here.
Tribute to the League: The heavy tribute the town must pay to the league stiffles the local economy,
earn income activities can only go up to level 4, and the checks take a -2 circumstance penalty.

Dolga Freddert: Lead councilwoman, female dwarf.

Khonnir Baine: Local councilman, human male (Currently missing)
Garmen Ulreth: Local gambling entrepreneur and suspected leader of the ropefist thief guild.
Sanvil Trett: Local technology expert and technological item trader.
Joram Kyle: Local elderly cleric of Brigh

Senghor Settlement 8
N City
Government Mercantile Council
Population 27,819 (96% humans, 2% halflings, 1% dwarves, 1% other)
Languages Calda, Dwarven, Halfling, Mwangi, Taldane
Religions Balumbdar, Brigh, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Pharasma, Sarenrae

Resources: Armor/Weapons, Grain/Fruit/Vegetables, Luxury Goods, Magic Items, Seafood, Ships,

Spices/Salt, Textiles
Threats pirates, hurricanes, flooding, sea monsters
Shipbuilder’s Hub Nautical vehicles of up to 13th level can be found for sale in Senghor with diligent
searching. Vehicles higher than 8th level, when found, are for sale at 90%+2d10% of their normal price
Isaara (LN female human merchant 8) Major shipping facilitator
Gyan Baako (N male human brewer 5) Luxury goods merchant family patriarch
Dini Okpara (LN female human sorcerer 11) Magical merchant and scholar of antiquities
Bosede Eku (NG male dwarf trader 6) Prominent textile importer

Half Submerged port town
Government: None (loose leadership by tradition and local dignitaries)
Population: 1260 (45% human, 35% ghouls, 10% lizardfolk, 5% dhampirs, 5% other undead)
Languages: Common, Iruxi, Necril
Religions: Abadar, Dagon, Green Faith, Urgathoa

Threats: Dagon cultists, Ocean Predators, Sahni Bride-of-the-sea

Amphibious: Any item of 5th level or less that provides a swim speed or allows a character to breather
underwater (or not breath at all) costs 10% less in Sallowshore. Formulas for such items are discounted
by 50%
Flooded: Much of Sallowshore is flooded, and individuals confined to the shore find themselves excluded
from town business. Characters with a swim Speed or who can survive underwater gain a +!
Circumstance bonus on checks to Earn Income or subsist, and on Diplomacy checks to Gather
Information, Make an Impression or Request.

Gishkar the Fishmonger: (N Male Lizardfolk Merchant 6) Export Guild representative and customs
Sahni Bride-Of-The-Sea: (NE Sea Hag Lawyer 7) Cruel sea hag who has bound much of the town’s
populations with magical bargains
Stana Keystone: (LN female human architect 5) grand master and local representative of the Builders
League, caretaker for her dying son.
Tobias Highridge: (LE Male Vampire aristocrat 7) lovelorn representative of the Tax Collectors and
pillars of the community.

Source: Blood Lords AP

Shraen Settlement 15
NE Town

Government Overlords
Population 1633 (18% duergars,16% morlocks, 14% deep gnomes, 12% drow, 11% zombies, 7% deros,
22% other ancestries)
Languages Elven, Undercommon
Religions Urgathoa

Threats: blightburn radiation, drow plots, rogue cave worms, urdefhan assaults
Prohibited enemies: ghouls and Urdefhans are prohibited in the city and attacked on sight.
Rule by the Dead: Undead drow rule Shraen with an iron fist, no one gains power without their leave
Nyrinda Sharen (CE female drow vampire 19) is one of Sharen’s two scheming rulers. She orchestrates
a network of spies to watch the city’s many enemies.
Sirian Shraen(LE Female drow graveknight 18) commands the city guard and army. She is one of the
few non-spellcasting drow in Shraen.
Zavizik Sharen (LE Male Drow Lich Bard 18) is the master of the Red circus arena and the head of
Shraen’s entertainment scene.
Zyra Shraen (NE Female drow lich conjurer 20) is Shraen’s other ruler. She focuses her efforts on
growing the city’s slave population to supplement its defenses.
Source: Pathfinder Extinction Curse: Lord of the black sands

Usaro Settlement 7
CE City

Government Anarchy
Population 9,640 (78% Charau-Ka, 12% Human, 10% Other)
Languages Abyssal, Draconic, Mwangi, Ocatan
Religions Anghazan

Resources: Armor/Weapons, Jewelry/Gems,Livestock/Hides, Magic Items, Seafood, Spices/salt,

Textiles, Technology
Threats Awakened Apes, Demons, Charau-Ka, religious cultists, orc and elf raiders
Ravenous Domain: Anghazan’s demonic power suffuses the city. Evil creatures that worship Anghazan
gain the effects of protection against good creatures and effects while in Usaro
Shosenbe (NE male human wizard 16) Leader of the Chosen
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

VIDRIAN, Anthusis (Capital) Settlement 8

NG City
Government Representative council
Population 10,548 (82% humans,4% halflings, 3% elves, 2% dwarves, 9% other)
Languages Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Iruxi
Religions Abadar, Gozreh, Grandmother Spider, Iomedae, Kalekot, Lubaiko, Sarenrae, Shelyn

Resources: books/Lore, Grains/Fruit/Vegetables, Jewelry/Gems, Lumber, Luxury Goods, Magic Items,

Ores, Spices/salt, Textiles
Threats: Pirates, rogue foreign adventurers, secret diabolists, thieves.
Everyone Talks: The citizens of Anthusis have a strong national spirit and look out for each other, and
event hives and politicians will put their differences aside for an external threat. Deception and Stealth
checks against residents of Anthusis take a -2 circumstance penalty in Anthusis, as the citizens share
information with one another.
Gbemisola Mambi (NG Female Human Overseer 7) Representative of the organized farming unions
Mandila Dube (NG Male Human Cleric of Sarenrae) Representative of Vidrian’s Religious Interests.
Merredin (N Genderfluid halfling banker 12) Representative of Vidrian’s united banking institutions.
Source: Pathfinder Lost Omens: the Mwangi Expanse

Whiterock, Ravounel Settlement 4

Small City, CG
Quarrying city 50 miles south of Kintargo.

Government Autocracy
Population 1200
Languages Common
Religions Desna

Canton Jhaltero: Local Elderly ruler

Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Tomorrow Must Burn

Willowside Settlement 5
LN City

Government Elected Leader (Mayor)

Population 1831 (77% humans,7% halflings, 5% half-elves, 11% other)
Languages Common
Religions Abadar, Erastil, Iomedae

Threats: Blighted vegetation, odd nightmares, Xulgaths

The Welt: A spreading blight known as the Welt afflicts local vegetation and chokes local industry
Estessa Vandy (LG Female human mayor 7) Open to outside aid, Mayor Vandy grasps at any hope
to save the town she’s seen decline around her.
Ledorick Banyan (N Male Human Folk Hero 14) Dashing and vain, Ledorick Banyan leads the Banyan
Boys, the town’s peacekeeping force.
Trytalla Frynt (LG Female Human Priest 5) This elderly priestess of erastil also serves as town historian
Source: Pathfinder Extinction Curse: Siege of the Dinosaurs

Government: Dictatorship
Population: 119 200 (81% undead, 11% human, 2% half-elf, 2% half-orc, 1% fetchlings, 3% other)
Languages: Common, Kelish, Necril
Religions: Nethys, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon

Threats: amoral researchers, elemental storms, military brutality, necromantic mishaps, undead
Mortal Morsel: While the capital of Mechitar at least present a veneer of civility to the living, the few living
beings in Yled who aren’t twilight sages or minions of a powerful undead soon find a quick end. Undead
NPC’s begin with an attitude two steps worse than usual toward such characters, and while hostile
citizens might simply wish you ill in other nations, in Yled they’re very likely to try to eat you.

Blood Lord Haeqajet: (LE Male Mummy administrator 18) Overseer of Yled
Necrolord Grihana: (LE male dullahan pike-master 16) Leader of Geb’s Armies
Pesabnet Zoheri: (NE Male ghast cleric 14) Head of the Temple of Urgathoa

Source: Blood Lords AP

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