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Background to the Study

Mathematics is a subject which is studied from the basic level to the tertiary

level of education in Ghana. It is considered as one of the core subject in formal education. It is

describe as science of numbers and a way of finding solution to problem Encarta (2009). The

study of mathematics is vital to individual, for instance, in measuring and estimating of things

in business and commerce. Fractions are highly used in mathematics, the word fraction has it

origin from a Latin word‘’fractus’’which means ’’broken‘'. the research was carried out at

Gnani M/A Primary School, the school is direct opposite Gnani old market and situated in

Yendi municipal in the Northern part of Ghana, the school was established in the year 1990.

The school admits pupils from different religious denominations. The school has a total

population of three hundred and eighty (380). Out of this one hundred and eighty seven (187)

are boys and one hundred and ninety three (193) are girls. The school has twenty four (24) staff

members and thirteen (13) mentees.

The people living in the community are mainly business men, women and farmers.

Despite this, fair number of the community members who understood the importance of

education express great interest in getting their wards good education. The main ethnic group of

people in the community is Konkombas, while others such as Dagombas and Eves are the
minority. The educational background of the people in that community is quite good. This made

the people in that area to help their wards in getting good education.

Statement of the problem.

The researcher is a teacher trainee (mentee) in Gnani M/A Primary School. After

staying in the school for some time, the researcher observed that most of the pupils in Basic six

(6) had difficulty in solving addition of fraction of the same denominators in mathematics after

observing them in mathematics class for two weeks. The problem was also confirm after an

exercise on fraction was given to the Basis six (6) Gnani M/A primary School. Again the study

becames necessary when it was observed that some pupil couldn’t operate on fraction, in the

topic addition of fraction of the same denominators. And if this problem not resolveed will

affect the academic ladder of the pupils.This prompted the researcher to focus his study on

helping the class to solve mathematics problems involving addition of fraction with the same


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to address the following concerns;

1.To identify the courses of the inability of solving mathematics problems in addition of fraction

of the same denominator .

2. To design teaching and learning materials to be used in teaching addition of fractions of the

same denominators.

3. To explain the methods or strategies to be employed in solving addition of fractions of the

same denominators,
4. To develop the appropriate methods that will arouse pupils interest in the concept of fraction

in mathematics

Research Question

As the researcher tries to find solution to the problem identified as well as reaching

out to the objectives of the study, the researcher hope to answer the following research


1. What are the problems pupils faces in learning fractions at Gnani Primary School, Basic six?

2. What are the relevant teaching and learning materials to be used in teaching addition of

fraction with the same denominators?

3. What practical activities are being put in place to solve problems on fractions at Gnani M/A

Primary School, Basic six (6)?

Significance of the Study

The strategies employed in this study will help pupils to develop interest in the study

of mathematic.The finding, suggestion and recommendation of the study would help teachers

and Ghana education service (GES) to adopt new strategies of solving problems on fractions

and mathematics in general. In addition, this study will enlightened teachers on the need to vary

teaching methods to enable pupils to understand the concept of fraction. Again it will serve as

concept to those who will undertake similar project work.

Limitations of the Study

Although the research may not cover the whole school but based on form one (1)

pupils of Gnani M/A Primary School. Also absenteeism on the part of the pupils may hinder

collection of date for the research work. Again, some of the pupil may not know how to use the

teaching and learning materials well because they are not familiar with such materials .Lastly,

there are some unavoidable factors that may come into focus, during the intervention phase like

limited time, financial strength, inadequate teaching and learning materials for all pupils.

Delimitation of the Study

Challenges of this nature may extend to other topic in mathematics and in other school as

well. But this research work is focused on only helping pupils in Gnani M/A Primary School

Basic six (6) to solve problem involving addition of fraction with the same denominators using

paper folding.

Organization of the rest of the Study.

Following chapter one (1) is chapter two, chapter two (2) review literature of the study

supports the study, breaks the review into sections to cover important aspects, review literature

from both primary and secondary sources and finally summarized in the literature review.

Chapter three (3) explained how the study will be conducted which is closely followed by the

methodology of the study. It is made up of research design, population and sample selection,

research instruments, processes and data collection and analysis. Chapter four (4) provide an

overview of statistical procedure and other findings. It also presents result of research question

and summary of the chapter.

Chapter five (5) deals with the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study. It

consists of summarized areas for further research.

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