OCP - 17 Waste Management Plan

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Gal Engineering Works Doc. No. GEW-0¢P-17 00, ea Procedure for Waste Management | Date: 24/11/2022 fet Galadari Engineering Works Gpwaiall Jloci gilts ed Procedure for Waste Management contents + Purpose + Scope + Detsiions + Responsibilities + Procedure of work + HSE Records Prepac Reviewed Appi \ee- Qa of HSE Officer uci Manager HSE Manager Page 1 of 7 Galidari Engineering Works Doc. No, GEW-0CP-17|00 Procedure for Waste Management Dat 41/2022 1. score ‘Waste collection and its disposal of Hazardous and nonhazardous waste of GEW workshop and office. 2. PURPOSE ‘This document HSE to describe the way through which waste materials gererated on the production site and office wil be disposed of propery in accordance with local regulations and the relevant Client proceedings. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF WASTES 341 HAZARDOUS WASTE + These are materials, which constitute a high degree of hazard tothe public health and the environmen. ‘+ Hazardous waste includes materials, which are ignitable, corrosive, reactive, tonic, radioactive or infectious. These specially include: 8) nitable waste (Oils) ») Corrosive liquids ©) Reactive wastes (Chemicals) 8) Municipal sludge ©) Blasting Dust. 1) Paint waste. 32. DECOMPOSABLE WASTES These are non-hazardous solids and sludge, which are biological or chemically reactive in the natural environment. Example including papers, word, household garbage, some metal, animal waste and digested sewage sludge, 33 INERT WasTes ‘These are wastes which are not biologically and chemically rescting in the natural environment examples include broken glas, concrete and such material, broken clay and chinaware, most plastics and manufactured rubber products and general Production debris 4. IDENTIFICATION & CLASSFICATION OF WASTES. ‘+ HSE Officer, in coordination with the Waste Management Committee and all department heads, shall identify ll types of wastes generated by your company name onthe basis ofthe ‘environmental aspects identification & impacts assesement ‘+ Each type of wastes shall be classified either as RECYCABLE (non-hazardous), NON: RECYCABLE (non-hazardous) and HAZARDOUS wastes; and shall be listed using the “Waste Inventory Form”. Page 2 of 7 = Galadari Engineering Works Doe. No. GEW-0CP-27|00 G pe Gee Procedure for Waste Management Date : 24/11/2022 “ee ‘+ It shall be the responsibility of the HSE Officer to update the list of identified wastes Whenever necessary. 'S._ Segregation & Storage of Waste + HSE Officer and the Waste Management Committee shall ensure that ll employees are aware 8nd tained in implementing waste segregation az a means of minimization contol. Waste Segregation shall be applied to both hazardous & non-hazardous wastes. ‘+ Waste segregation bins for cach classification of waste shall be deployed and utilized with the following color-coding scheme: CATEGORY OF Re COLOR CODE Reeyelable (Non Ww Hazardous) Mo Non-Recyelable (Non-Hezardous) uae Hazardous Waste Red + Waste segregation shall be implemented onthe basis ofthe following criteria: ') Flammable substance must be kept away from sources of ignition and from oxidizing agents. by Acids must be segregated from alkalis, and from other substances which they could react dangerously, suchas compounds of arsenic and eyanide. ‘9, Strong corrosive agents must be kept away from gas olinders and other ypes of container *+ Hazardous snd non-hazardous waste als refered to as “incompatible waste) shall not be mixed-up together. However, inthe event that both have been mixed together, i shall sutomatially be treated as hazardous waste (regardless ofthe amount ofeach waste), ‘+ All segregated wastes shall be collected by assigned personel on a daily basis and shal be temporarily transfered and propely stored atthe designated Central Waste Storage Are, in ‘order to minimize adverse impact to environment and human health. *+ HSE Officer, in coordination with the Waste Management Committe and Enginoering Department, shell ensure thatthe Central Waste Storage Area is propery identified and ‘maintained; end the segrgated wastes remain inact and fre from spillage nding collection & disposal. ‘+ There willbe adequate provision to prevent the contol of windblown material and to prevent the spread of pets and foul odors. Page 3 of 7 Galadari Engineering Works Doc, No, GEW-0CP-17|00 Suse Procedure for Waste Management Date : 24/11/2022 i cue 6. Collection, Transport & Disposal of Wastes ‘+ All segregated wastes stored atthe Cenral Waste Storage Area shall be collected, transported ‘and disposed on a weekly basis by an accredited Environmental Service Prov des (aso referred teas “ESP”, “waste collector” of “waste transporter) ‘© Allcollected wastes shall be measured and recorded using the “Waste Inventory Form” which shall contain the types of waste produced, generation process, amouns generated and transported tothe waste treatment or storage facility. It shall be the responsbilty ofthe HSE. Officer to update this information ona regular basis. ‘+ HSE Officer shall ensure thatthe ESP contracted by GEW has all the valid permits from municipality wth regard tothe transportation of wastes. In adtion, HSE Officer shall ensure thatthe Waste Management Facility which is responsible for processing waste is permite to receive the collected & transported wates ‘+ GEW remains the “owner” of all wastes collected and transported by the contracted ESP and shall ensure proper handling of wastes unt it reaches the Waste Management Feil. ‘+ HSE Officer shall require the Waste Management Facility to submit receipts andlor certificates ‘on the final disposal or treatment of wastes. This receipts and certificates shall be Kept as ocords and shall be retained for a period ofa least 3 yeas. ‘identify another suitable location forthe final disposal of wastes. If no suitable location is found, then the rejected wastes shall be returned back to GEW and shall remain under the custody of GEW pending the selection and approval of anew location fo wast disposal 7. Hazardous Wastes “+ It shall be the responsiblity ofthe HSE Officer to secure vali permit() from the authorities forall hazardous wastes generated by GEW. Itis also the responsibility of tie HSE Officer to ensure that ESPs contracted by GEW for collecting and transporting hazardous wastes have the sppropriate licenses obtained fiom the governing authorities. ‘+ Hazardous wastes shall be stored and managed according tothe identified hazard to minimize riskto human health and the environment. Itshall be properly seyreyatedandlabeled for proper ‘identification. ‘+ HSE Officer shall secure a copy ofthe Manifest for Transporting Toxic & Hazardous Waste from the ESP and shall be kept as records ‘+ HSE Officer shall roquite all ESP the following requirements in handling, collecting and transporting hazardous & non-hazardous wastes: 8) Submission of copes of permits and liens ) Any vebicle used to transport wastes shall be constructed and maintained s0 as to prevent spillage of wastes; ©) Any container usd to transport wastes shall be secured safely on the vehicle sed to transport wastes; 4) Any vehicle used by the person to transport wastes shall be covered when loaded; Page 4 of 7 Galadari Engineering Works Doe. No. GEW-0CP-17 00, G Seas Procedure for Waste Management i a L Date: 24/1)/2022 ©) Incompatible wastes shall not be mixed or transported together on any vebicle used by the person to transport wastes; 1 Any material seprepated for recycling. shall not be mixed with other wastes during teansporttion; 1) Wastes shall only be taken toa permitted Waste Management Facility: 1b) Keeping # record of waste consignment no. and the waste transfer note fora period of atleast 4 years and 8. Applicaton of Waste Management Mi 8.1. Source Reduction 1) HSE Officer, in coordination with the Waste Management Committee, shall ‘consider the reduction of waste at the source as the fist option to be implemented onthe basis ofthe hierarchy of principles in waste management, ') In considering source rection, the following may be applied as deemed appropriate, practicable and necessary by the HSE Officer: ‘Matera elimination; ‘Inventory contol & management; Matera substitution; + Reduction inthe consumption of natural resources; 1 Process modification; Improved housekeeping. 82, Re-Use 8) Afterall opportunities for source reduction have been corsidered, the HSE Officer, in coordination with the Waste Management Committee and depertment ‘head, shall consider the second option which isthe re-use of waste materials, 'b) In considering the reusing of waste materials, the following may be re-used a5 deemed appropriate practicable and necessary by the HSE Officer: Chemical containers + Office wastes (eg. papers, toners, printer cartridges, et); + Buming non-hazardous waste ol for enexgys 1 Produced water. (©) In case waste materials are sent back to its suppliers for re-se or re-processing, hss be ppey connate, mamas scot wh te concen supplier. 83, Recycling & Recovery 3) The third option to be considered in managing waste shall bs the application of reoyeling & recovery. Poge $ of 7 Engineering Works oc. No, GEW-0CP-17 00 Procedure for Waste Management | Date: 24/11/2022 by HSE Ofcer shall coordinate with all department heads and other interested partis in implementing a recycling and recovery program where the generation of wastes for disposal is minimized and where it is converted to other usable saterials ©) Recycled wastes shall be clearly demonstrated by using andor playing reeycled items for company use, 84. On-Site Temporary Storage ') Another option tha shall be considered isthe on-site temporary storage of wastes atthe Central Waste Storage Area 1) The Central Waste Storage Area shall beard stand (conereteimpervious loor) to prevent sol & ground waste contamination, ©) All Higuidaype wastes shall be stored atthe Central Waste Sorage Area using secondary containment. 4) All waste bins and containers shall be color coded according tothe color coding Scheme specified in Section 5.0 of this procedure. Containers & waste bins for hazardows wastes shall have a posted weming signage ©) These waste bins & containers shal be propery labeled in Arabic and English as sppropriate. 8S Treatment 8) The last option to be considered afterall other options were explored is the proper treatment of wastes. 'b) Waste may be treated according to any of the following: * Solidification, Stabilization, Encapsulation Composting = Biosrestment ‘+ Thermal methods (Incineration) 86 Disposal ‘When all other means of waste management was considered, the HSE Officer shall dispose the waste asthe let means of resor. 9, DISPOSAL OF WASTES ‘A log register shal be maintained inorder to record the disposal of diferent types of ‘wastes fom the Factory or camp + WATER WASTE: The water waste consists of the domestic sewage and other water collected in septic tanks. These tanks will be made from either glass reinforced plastic or reinforced concrete It shall be connected to sewage teatment plans va close drains / septic collection tanker shall suck off the waste water on requirement bass Page 6067 Galadari Engineering Works Doc. No. GEW-0CP-17 00, Procedure for Waste Management Date : 24/1122022 Page 7 of 7 SOLID WASTES: Theses solid wastes consist mainly of metals, paper, garbage, food, plastic and packing materials, These materials wll be contained in Steel skips which will cover and labelled. These skips willbe collested on regular basis by the Environmental service provider assigned. The skips wil be loaded ona vehicle, transported and discharged into a designated landfill site approved by the ESP and the ste serap will be handed over toa scrap dealer for recycling, with the approval ofthe respective production manager. HAZARDOUS WASTES: These wastes consist mainly of chemicals, waste oils and paints. These will be collected and stored in impervious catainers which ‘ill be suitably labeled The storage area for such wastes shall be clearly marked ‘on Factory. Such material willbe disposed as per Dubai Municipality Guidelines and handed over tothe recycling facility accepting such kin of hazardous waste along with a permit obtained by the Dubai municipality for disposal ofhazardous

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