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Ulangan : Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Jurusan : X Teknik Kendaraa Ringan (TKR) dan X Bisnis Daring Dan Pemasaran (BDP)
Semester : Ganjil
Tahun Ajaran : 2023
Alokasi waktu : 60 menit
Jumla soal : 20 Butir
Read the following dialog and answer the questions
Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila : really? Hey what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari I almost forget. Can ask you something?
Sari : oh sure. What’s up?
Nabila : have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?
Sari : yes mean this.
Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I
have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari : Ok. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!
Answer the following Questions refer to number 1 in to 10
1. Who are involved in the dialogue above...........?
2. Where does the conversation take place..........?
3. What is the relationship of the two speakers..........?
4. Who went to the beach.............?
5. Did she enjoy it........?
6. What is she wearing..........?
7. What does Nabila say to compliment Sari.............?
8. Who made the annual report............?
9. Did Sari do it well................?
10. What does Nabila say to compliment Sari about finished they conversation dialogue above........?

Answer the following Questions refer to number 11 in to 15

Paula : That’s terrible. Are you very close?
Emi : He is My Uncle. We are pretty close
Paula : Do you mind if I ask what happened?
Emi : It seems he had a heart attack. He is so young though
Paula : I’m sorry to hear about that. Is there anything I can do to help?
Emi : No thanks. That’s Okay
Paula : I hope he get better soon. Are you going to visit him?
Emi : Yes, I’m going now.
Paula : Would you like me to come with you too?
Emi : Sure you can.

11. Who are the participant in the dialogue...........?

12. How does Emi feel...........?
13. Why does Emi feel like that...........?
14.What Does Emi say to respond Paula’s care.............?
15. We are pretty close. The underlined word refers to…........?

Mr. Steven : Good morning Teacher.

Mr. Grant : Good morning Mr. Anton. Anita has been absent for the last two days. Is she
Mr. Steven : She had an accident
Mr. Grant : Oh, no! I hope it is nothing serious.
Mr. Steven : It is bad. She is hit by a scooter while crossing the road. Her right leg is fractured.
Mr. Grant : How unfortunate! Is she in a hospital?
Mr. Steven : No she’s at home. But she has to remain in bed for a month. So I came to give her
leave application.
Mr. Grant : You must be really upset about it. Please don’t worry about classes. Anta is very
bright girl. She can easily make up for the classes. She will be all right very soon. Please give her my
Mr. Steven : I’ll do that. Thank you. Teacher
Answer the following Questions refer to number 16 in to 20

16. Who is Mr. Steven...........?

17. Why does Mr. Steven come to school........?
18. What does Mr. Grant say to Mr. Steven after hearing about the accident happened to Anita.......?
19. What is the response of Mr. Steven to Mr. Grant saying..........?
20. What is she purpose of the expression of showing care..........?
Ulangan : Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Jurusan : X Teknik Kendaraa Ringan (TKR) dan X Bisnis Daring Dan Pemasaran (BDP)
Semester : Ganjil
Tahun Ajaran : 2023
Jumla soal : 20 Butir

Peserta didk membaca teks dialog 1. Who are involved in the Sari and Nabila
yang dicetak tentang pujian dialog above?
bersayap dan mampu menjelaskan
pertanyaan dari teks dialog
ungkapan pujian bersayap
Peerta didik mampu menjelaskan 2. Where does the conversation They conversation take
pertanyaan dari teks dialog take place place at the Office.
sederhana dan menjawab
pertanyaan dari ungkapan pujian
Peerta didik menjelaskan 3. What is the relationship of They are friends
persetujuan dari dialog sederhana the two speakers?
dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks
dialog sederh
Peserta didik menjelaskan 4. Who went to the beach? Sari went to the bech
pertanyaan dari ungkapan pujian
bersayap dan sebutkan suasana isi
Peserta didik sebukan pertanyaan 5. Did she enjoy it? Yes ,she did
dari dialog sederhana tentang
nikmatnya suasana di pantai
Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan 6. What is she wearing? She is wearing a
dari ungkapan pujian bersayap yang beautiful blouse
menarik dan dasyat.
Pesert didik jelaskan kembli teks 7. What does Nabila say to Hey, what a beautiful
dioalog sederhana dari unkapan compliment Sari? blous you are wearing, it
pujian bersayap yang telah matches your skirt.
dibicarakan siswa dan guru
Peserta didik menjawap pertanyaan 8. Who made the annual Sari did
dari dua pembicara tentang hasil report?
pengetikan laporan
9. Did Sari do it well Yes ,she did
Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan 10. What does Nabila say to I think this report is
dari ungkapan pujian bersayap yang compliment Sari about excellent. Thanks a lot
Nanbila katakan kepada Sari tentang finished they conversation Sari. Your did a great job
persetujuan dari dialog. dialogue above?

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