A Free Ruse Final Script PDF

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A Free Ruse Script

INT. DYLAN’s bedroom – Daytime

We start off in an unkempt room, clothes and plates are

seen across the floor. Camera scans across the mess.
There’s a desk covered in random objects, once again to
show how messy the main character is. There’s one final
shot of a shelf with lots of Lego and toys on it, the
camera moves up to reveal three Yoshi plushes looking
down to show that the main character is youthful. We
finally settle on Dylan, the main character. He’s sitting
on his bed, playing on his Nintendo Switch, quite content
with his day. A few shots focus on what he’s playing, and
some show his reactions to what’s happening in his game.
A noise can be heard, and Dylan looks down, sighing. It’s
his stomach rumbling, he’s most definitely hungry.

(Internal) Oh god…
is there anything in the fridge?

He gets off his bed and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

He opens the fridge, looking around to see if there’s any
food he wants. The camera cuts to a shot behind him,
showing the contents of the fridge. He isn’t satisfied
with anything he finds.

(Sighs) There’s nothing I want...
what about the cupboards?

Dylan goes to look around the cupboards. Each shot is

filmed from within the cupboards as he opens each one.
Once again, he is unsatisfied.

Nope nothing, damn it

He closes the cupboard and feels his stomach rumble

again. Trying to shake it off, he runs back up to his
room and sits in front of his computer, turning it on.

Wish I could have some McDonalds.

Dylan searches for the McDonalds website on his computer

and looks longingly at the pictures of the food. He
reaches out to the screen and touches the icon of the
classic McDonalds burger, his stomach rumbling again.

Do I even have any money right now?

He picks up his wallet and looks inside to find no money

What?! How did I spend it all?!

Dylan opens his desk draw and starts looking around for
any cash he might have. He finds nothing and huffs,
falling back into his seat.

Crap... now I’m just gonna starve

He hops off his chair and back onto his bed, lying down
and just staring at the ceiling. Once again, his stomach
rumbles and it's clear that it’s paining him. His eyes
wander and settle on the three Yoshi's that are on his

I don’t know what to do Yoshi...
I don’t have any money, but I need that burger.

The camera focuses on the three toys, they are silent. It

then returns to Dylan who frowns.

You all think I’m broke and that I
should get a job?

The Yoshis are silent. Dylan scoffs and turns away.

Jeez, that’s harsh. You know how difficult it is to
get a job in this day and age.
He turns back in shock.

Okay give me the benefit of the doubt,
I’m just hungry!

Back to the Yoshi’s.

No need to call me that...
Give me a chance and I’ll make it worth your while.

There’s silence as the Yoshi’s consider this.

Cool, awesome. Thanks guys!

He lies back down and starts to wait. It only takes a few

seconds for him to get bored.

Okay so what now?

His phone suddenly starts ringing.

Huh? Why are they phoning me now?

He picks up the phone.

Hey dude, didn’t you hear?
McDonalds is selling free burgers today!

Dylan is silent.

Uh you there? Was just wondering if you knew,
d-don't hang up on me-

He hangs up and slowly places his phone down. Then he

jumps off his bed and runs downstairs, quickly puts his
shoes on and reaches for the front door handle. This is
cut off as the opening credits roll.
After the credits finish, an outside shot of Dylan’s
house fades in. Dylan jumps into view only pausing for a

Wait, am I forgetting something?

He ponders upon this for a moment then comes to a


My keys!
He jumps back inside to go find his keys. A shot of the
driveway is shown, and he finally comes outside, slamming
the door behind him and running past the camera.

(Internally) I’ll get the bus...
there’s a stop not too far from here...

Dylan runs off his road and looks both ways before
starting to run up. The camera follows from behind as he
comes up to the bus stop, then it comes up ahead of him
and focuses on him as he stops.

Look, there it is!

He points and the camera goes to face the bus stop before
going back to him.

Let’s wait for one to come.

There’s then a short montage of Dylan waiting for the

bus, him getting progressively more bored as time goes
on. Eventually, he gives up.

Guess I’ll have to run all the way
there... Sounds like fun.

He breathes in the starts to run in a random direction

and another montage starts to play as he goes. There are
shots of him running up and down streets, jumping over
tree roots in woods.

(Internally) It’s all worth it, I swear.
All for that sweet, sweet burger...

The scenes pick up in intensity as he goes faster. He

runs through fields and through roads (carefully). People
around watch in confusion, some even join him.

(Internally) And as long as I have people
behind me, I’ll be able to keep going.
People cheer as he runs past, everything begins to move
in slow motion as he draws closer to the finish line in
town centre.

I can reach the finish... I CAN DO IT!!

He approaches the end of his journey and everyone around

him is celebrating, clapping for him. People are
following his step as he sprints to the end in front of
the McDonalds. He stops, out of breath, and raises his
arms into the air in celebration.

Thank you all for joining me,
now it’s time to get some McDonalds!

The crowd cheers as he goes inside the restaurant, the

crowd follows him inside as he approaches the counter.

(smugly) One *free* big mac please.

The cashier looks confused at him.

Uhm, we aren’t selling free burgers.

Dylan’s face drops as he tries to explain.

B-But I was told-

Sorry, you were told wrong.
Go home guys.

The audience all sigh in dismay and begin to disperse.

Dylan looks dejected as he walks out the McDonalds. He
drops to his knees outside and shouts to the skies


The camera zooms out as the shot fades out

The End.

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