Classroom Management

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Classroom management

The concept of “classroom management” is difficult to define, because it

embraces many variables. Different authors have tried to define it, but we usually find
descriptions, rather than definitions. Here are some examples:

Classroom management refers to the decisions a teacher makes regarding the physical
environment and resources available to them, including furniture, resources, learners
and themselves. These decisions are made to support the aims of the class.

Classroom management refers to the practices and procedures used by a leader to

ensure that instruction and learning will take place. Thus, it is the leader who makes the
difference in the classroom, group, business, home, etc.

 A well-managed group has the following characteristics:

 Participants are genuinely involved in their work or activity;
 Participants know what is expected of them;
 There is very little wasted time or disruption;
 There’s a task oriented but comfortable environment.

If we want to manage classrooms effectively, we have to be able to handle a range of

variables. These include how the classroom space is organised, whether the students
are working on their own or in groups and how we organise classroom time. We also
need to consider how we appear to students and how we use our most valuable asset,
our voice. The way we talk to students –and who talks most in the lesson- is another key
factor in classroom management. We also need to think about what role, if any, there
may be for the use of the students’ mother tongue in lessons. Successful classroom
management also involves being able to deal with difficult situations.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. How to Teach English. Harlow: Pearson (page 34)

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Classroom management is a term used by many teachers to describe the process of
ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students.
The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult
aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area
causes some to leave teaching altogether.

Most definitions or descriptions coincide in some essential aspects of classroom

management, but each of them emphasizes a different set of variables, be it discipline,
focus on learners, physical factors or other aspects.

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Write a post in the forum “Classroom management definitions”. Please state which
definition you like best and the two essential variables or factors related to classroom
management that you would highlight. Give reasons for your choices.

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