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Which of the following is an example of 1, Seiaugpoueraupfle arg) sth Gempéiny organic semiconductor? eprigmrb ? (A) Gas (A) oumuy (B)_ Polypyrrole : (B) umenuGgre (©) Anthracene (©) awbsanben (D) Allof the above (D) GwGa eran s\onenpgib In a nuclear reactor, heavy water is used 2 sign) eeroule songs fir to ——_——. LUWEUGSSUUGADs (A) Accelerate the neutrons (A) Bluytoréracner Cp@ée (B) Slow down the speed of neutrons (B) Ausconcraafler Caussons G@pse (C)_ Decrease the number of neutrons (©) Buyconcnsafien creimeaAsensenuss eas () Increase the number of neutrons (D) Supe omeracfler cretsrenflsenscous adeies Optical fibre works on the principle of 3. tis <.eouisit ———— Qandren. AGLUOLUIG GewouGApgy. (A) Refraction (A) gefidlosa (B) Scattering @) Aspe (©) Total internal reflection ‘ © Gongs acnIgGucdiiy () None of the above MD) Copsamr egapd Gama Which one of the following is 4. Weragamaydple agi ungn snip 5 paramagnetic in nature? Qeinetm_gi? (A) Tron W Ben (B) Hydrogen 5; @) wanciigat (©) Oxygen © yaedger () Nitrogen (D). aope.sgen 3 LDG ‘When a person lifts an object in hishand 5. ,to certain height energy is stored in the object. (A) Kinetic energy (B) Potential energy (C) Chemical energy (D) Electrical energy Hydrometers and Lacto Meters work on 6. the principle of (A) Pascal's law (B) Archimede’s principle (© _Rernoulli’s principle ) Boyle's law Goldsmiths use aqua-regia which is a 7. combination of (A) Nitric acid and sulphuric acid @®) Nitric acid and hydrochloric acid (©) Sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid (D) Citric acid and benzoic acid LDc2023 4 86 BUA peng) maTS odor Gq QuTG@er GAUL sunphoe sisGb Gung, bpd Gunga CabessuOdngs. A) Quis gopd B) ensfuoren ood C) Qremuer ape ©) Wer yon @antGymBciied opps oC BeLitesr aren QesmérensuSeir gL GewiouGAerper. (A) umevad Af B) BrsWgsr Asneiroos (©) QuiGanne Asnérens ©) unde ag GunpAenéorisdr — sySeur-Gygflusrenaucs LusuOssiBerpent, Os somal A epcfs sab wpm eayis led B) @peié sBlooid opp mane Cyne Garis oudlerd (O sayAs idle wppid ape GngGennie Seow @) ALAS sod wppd QuerGemds auBoord 10. 1. Which ‘one of the following is not a property of salts? (A) Salis have ordered packing arrangements called lattices (B) Salts have low melting points but high boiling points (C) Salts are brittle (D) Salts-conduct electricity in molten state Buckminster-fullerene is (A). an allotrope carbon (®) apolymer of fluorine (©) an isotope of carbon heavier than cck (@) None of the above Which among the following is ‘not a polymer? @) Nylon @®) Teflon (©) Caprolactam () Polysterene Which of the following is called wood spirit? (A) Ethyl Alcohol (B) Methyl Aleohol (©) Glycerol (D) Ethylene Glycol Berargacrarpple og 2tYysfer gseireno 2100? @) @) © ) eWYsd Corned ceniude Sums QeiunucL — Cuséiy — sn0seU Qanain@araren euysd Gaps eG@b Yerafledr gad afs Qanffeoo usraflscr QsneinQcrarer eLYysdr 2 @LUéEy. WEA eyed 2g8u laonudeo crenrpenss 5 sgSenper ualerdoLtt — Ayderfiér crenigs @) @) © @) 9G AGom Gomis smitucr. UGornfler uredhoa CCh g efi. senoner snitelter gCenGLmiy Cupscin agian Qoao Berouareresipled ergy Ueioi 216007 @ ®) © @) Aeagamapie «gy wy e@porren QLterer GaGqneondiib unedleig fdr el (Qc OAC) craig SKopssUGAlpg)? @) @) © ) GSO gosenre Avs gdsenre Aafegned apple SenenGancs LDC/2023 12. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is 12. connected with (A) Microbes and organic matter (®B) Organic matter (©) Microbes (D) None of the above 13. Nettle sting is a natural source of which 13. acid? (A) - Methanoic acid (B) Lactic acid “© Citric acid (D)- Oxalie acia 14. In bisexual flower, if androecium and 14. gynoecium mature at different times, the phenomenon is known as (A) Dichogamy (B) Herkogamy (C) Heterogamy (D) Monogamy 15. Which of the following is the correct 15. sequence of a food chain? (A) Diatoms ~ Crustacéans ~ Herrings (B) Crustaceans - Diatoms ~ Herrings (©) Diatoms ~ Herrings - Crustaceans (D) Crustaceans ~ Herings ~ Diatoms LDC/2023 6, avid _éallger, Ge Qsqr-dr Opn myooiwigs (A) pergifiscr — wobg Qumgcsér @) aflots Qumgesdr (©) perapudfadr @) Cwpser agiad Qedoee Qgriind afeegn On eue aS lord 2 crag)? (A) QngsGonmuds o1Serb QB) anéigés ooo ©) ACME Herd OD) sserrds sow Qourd yell, san Gonfus @sGamAubd QadiGagy YAKEAUELub, Papa) oops (A) oo Geremi B) GawiGsnsma (© Gane Gpnsma ©) GonGerrams Daragamapphe og cemas = eflusmer euflone? @) Lucuibsdr - AgevGiedu am ifiitien B) AysvGLefucrsér - Lune Qewitfrisco © curioser - — @ginnnr Age afwscnsar ©) SyevCiefucrscr — ape Lu Libadr 16. 18. 19. 20. Which of the following is used in genetic engineering? (A) Plastid (B), Plasmid (©) Mitochondria (D) Ribosome Dinosaurs were (A) Cenozoic reptiles () Mesozoic birds. (©) Paleozoic amphibians (@) Mesozoic reptiles Polyphagia is a condition seen in (A) Obesity (B) Diabetes mellitus (©) Diabetes Insipidus @) AIDS ‘Choose the incorrect pair : (A) Trypsin - Pancreas ®) Pepsin - stomach (©) Ptyalin- mouth (D) Chymosin - liver A person with AB blood group is sometimes called a universal recipient because of the (A) _ lack of antigen in his blood (B) _ lack of antibodies in his blood (©) lack of both antigens and antibodies in his blood (D) presence of antibodies in his blood 20. Aerougacrarp ple org) wpL™D! AuinGuch uMeuOSsUUOA pg? (A) Gerncdgt (B) Gerneinue. (©) ot Cupane Aur (D) @yGunGemd eo Gennehacr erénugs (A) GeGonnGemés aarteser @) SCenCemds upercscr (©) GucSiGunGsmis Sreumpellsdr (D) BGenConds oartcucr unc .Gugguur ered PG Bre snemuiGar (A) 216 ugar B)- SAP QwdcLev (©) SfPay Geno @) oie, ). saupren C_rneus CripAsOssayd (A) qifadér ~ senarund @B) Quod — ang (©) @cuscilen — aumis (D) wsGwonAlen ~ seoofqe AB Qrbps Gust eran 9g put £ prised cose Guppi ore Siapssu@dipnk, qGenehe (A) seg DusssH — yang Qe Qoorss, ® i : ) Beebe Q1S558H — yergumg (C) sieng . Qrss886 ag ges sare Aibgebe |e ans Qoongs: ©) says Oisssho yenqum 9o0ug) LDC/2 21, Who was the Governor General of 21. WS® = sipmss — Gunflen Gul Pondicherry during the first Carnatic Ure. sa Auesr seuitonit Agony Qopseut wire War? (A) La Bourdonnais (A) on GumiGLnenereiv (B) Captain Paradise (B) Gatien ungeocv (C) Dupleix ©) GuGeraco @) Count-de-Lally D) sayime--1g-eoe 22. The first split in Indian National 22, QsSu Csfu snAyald so Gar Congress took place at put. Oud (A) Surat : A) 66 ®) Calcutta B) sasgse (© Allahabad © sesrung @) Madras (@) Quwtgnen 23. The Cabinet Mission came to Delhi in 23. Caden Hager QL eclsG USE! (A) 1938 i (A) 1938 (B) 1946 : @) 1946 (©) 1944 (©) 1944 @) 1935 ©) 1935 LDC/2023 8 26. Captain William Hawkins visited the Mughal Court to secure a right to trade in Mughal ports during the reign of (A) Aurangazeb (B) Shah Jahan (©) Akbar (D) Jahangir . Match the following : Philosophy Seer () Samkhya (a) Patanjali (2) Yoga (>) Kapila (3) Purva + © Badarayana Mimamsa (4) Uttara @) — Jaimini Mimamsa : @) ()-@), 2)-©, @)-0), 4)-@) ®) (1)-©), 2-0), (3)-@), (4)-(@) © (1-0), 2)-); @)-@), (4)-) ©) @-0), 2-@), @)-@, 4-O Rock cut architecture in Harappan culture context has been found at (A) ‘Kotdiji @) Amri (©) Dholavira (D) Kalibangan 24, Catan AddSurd aprédlencv, ~psomsg sopysiscdld ansgsb Aswaspsner eflarneut Qup 65 SOMA L17seA1E 6, Qaenpmit? A) garriases (B) agngemn © séut ©) gaommdir 25, GeaGgaaapeops Gur@sge BépeuD oral () ° embéun (8) ups Q@) Cunen (6) eer @ yin "> upymucer uriben @)) espnor @) giles Giombenr (A) ()-4), @)-©), @)-(0), (4)-(a) B) (2) ©), @)-®), (3)-(), (4)-(a) © ()-©), 2)-©), (8)-(@), (4)-(@) @) (1-0), 2)-(a),.(8)-@), (4)-© 26, sorsur sandeny Gps 9m ai SCHL ssae sar OMgss0Ucrg “ (A) Gaming) (8) snbAl (© Ggremnefig (D) smrafluniscir LDC/2023 7. Joshimath is located in * (A) Himachal Pradesh () Uttarakhand (©) Sikkim (D) Uttar Pradesh 3. Which one of the following describes the lithosphere? (A) Upper and lower mantle (B) Crust and upper mantle © Crust and core @) Mantle and core Debris avalanche can be included in the category of (A) Landslides (B) Slow flow mass movements (©) Rapid flow mass movements @) Subsidence 1/2023 10 27, 28. 29. Cagrahng irs simopsscrorgs (A) Quréea ayGsan (B) egAyemein ©. aso QO) esArcuGyGgew Geragamarppia og AsCgncvIwens HausAlpgs? (A) Godvpp &p Gods B) GvGorQ wppr Coe Crodingdd © . GoGon@ wogns Cant D) Codrgd wppid Gant Uailéefley Gaits5CULemb? @ueusér ops weeds (A) Besefasscr B) Augean gid Bagger Quésisdr (C) Bergener gcd Gagggar Quissrisdr ©) Gapso Match the following : 41) Totalsolar (a) The explosive eclipse death of a star 42) Galactic (b). A magnetic storm movement on the sun (3) Solarflare (c) Earth ‘4) Super Nova (d) Diamond Ring (-0), Q-(2), @)4€), 0) (a) ®B) _ (1)-€), 2)-(), ()-@), 4)-(a) © .()-©; @)-@), @-@), 4-0) ©) @)-@), @-©, @-), 4)-@) ‘The Inter’ Tropical, Convergence Zone normally occurs (A) Near the Equator (B) Near the Tropic of Cancer (©. Near the Tropic of Capricorn (©) Near the Arctic Circle Spring tides are caused (A) As result of the moon and the sun pulling the earth gravitationally in the same direction As result of the moon and the sun pulling the earth gravitationally in the opposite direction ®) (©) _Indention in the coast line () _ None of the above iL 20, Beragasraep Gung sss @ 1c} (3) 4) (a) @) © @) 31. Quongs @) Oo pLasAnsher ofu Qoaigtiny Agsamb Hanser — (b)_ Gflucr Bg GG Quéaw ans Yue Gilw gal (ce) isl Glut Cpreun (A) aug ConAyio . (D-0), 2), @)-@), ©) (2)-@), (2)-©), (8)-(b), (4)-(a) (1)-©, @)-), (8)-@), (4)-(b) (1)-@), (2)(0), (8)-(b), (4)-(a) Gant cynIsd serGasnQegencis anand Qungyaunes Sleperg) “ @) © @) 32. (a) (B) @) YUssu CrmasG Ghd SLs Cross 1G 80 wsy CrnséG GAO Bisys UUZMHG SiGAO aishs sloassr sand gpuGdérper spirg@b Gfugh yweou Gy Pesde rin Aosides Oypiuser Blenerauns spArgo GEflugd yisleow rity Amsund afr Pens apcuser Aenereunes sLGongé semua 2crgcreré Cropscin agian Qedorw LDC/2023 33. Choose the correct sentence 37, (A) It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine on a river bank as long as ninety feet (B) It is a pleasure to see an alligator as long as ninety feet basking in the sunshine on a river bank (C) It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine as long as ninety feet on a river bank (D) It és a pleasure to see an alligator aa basking as long as ninety feet in the sunshine on a river bank 34. Choose the correct idiom to complete the following sentence : When does the convoeation (A) come about (B) come by (©) come off. @) come up : 35. The plural form of ‘commander-in-chief’ is (A) Commanders: (B) Commander: (©) Commanders-in-chiefs (D) None of the above -chief 36. Match the following : (2) One who is over (a) Fugitive anxious about his health (2) One who (®)Epicure pretends to be somebody else (8) One who is for (©) Impostor pleasure of eating and * 40, drinking (4) One who runs (4) Hypochondriae away from justice A) ()-), 2)-6), (8)-@), (4)-) B) @)-©, 2)-), (8)-@), (4)-) (©) ()-@), @)-©, (3)-(b), 4)-(@) ©) ()-©)--©, (B-(@, (Ca) LDC/2023 12 chiefs 39. Go by the book means (A) To buy a book of one’s choice (B) To understand the book (©); To follow someone who reads the book (D) To follow rules exactly Rearrange the following sentence which is split into four parts P, Q, R and S and choose the correct answer late sixties (P) / he still enjoys vigorous (Q)/ hes in his (R) / health although (S) (A) @PRS @®) SPRQ (©, QSRP () PQRS Improve the underlined part of the following sentence grammatically ‘I told him clearly that he hadn't ought todo that to me’. (A). ought not done (B) ought not to have done (© ought not has done (D) hasn’t ought to do He used to pray every day, believing that as long as he ———~— so, he would be safe. (A) did 8) willdo (©) does (D) is doing

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