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Iosbho Setpselitesis
Von Neomann aschitechixe Corsptex
.lhe abaue copaing Saplen cansisls o
a Centzal paocesin ont (ceu) and a
The bnersosy holds boh dato and insackons
and chn be xead os cositlen tohenqìuen
addaessA Computex uohase menas
halde both data and instauatianss
Koosn as a Von
oo Nemann mnachine
The dpu hos Seuerol intexnal eqiakex&
halt stoxe Ualues_usedltinlexnlya
u poogam courex PC - address af memary
o an inslsuchon The cou
cpU elches the
instauthon from menmsy decodes he
TinaBsochoo, and execukes
lasvand onchlece
14larsuornd nachine Bepokale memoieg os
Alo and psoaam
hhe Pc poinls oa psogrorn rmermozij. no
dato memaxy uhichmokes basdeso
Lhat coxke dato \al andhen use
Abose Jalues os inslauckons) orbvazd
Dalathenon Data CPU
psogram me
B hese ase used usidehy because he
Sepaxaian of psaqrarm and daa
oemoxies psouides highexpexfostonce
fox Dacilal Sal paassing
Dealtne places
Poocessinq Biqnals in
Qteat on-he dala access Salem
oxgeorount of data flao-hough he
CPU Jhaldela must be paocesseda
psecise inleauals, not ust cohen cR qets
Doto Sela hot aasie coninuausly and
pesiodcally alled slzedrnng data
memosies coth Sepanale
buing psouide
poots highex memast bandoidth
dide hiahes
memosy compete -fx Barme poa al
roakes easiex o rooue he doto
Hhe psapex -limeg Exasple Mosk of he
Aelephohe calla in he Looaldgo hrogh d
least ho0 pses one at each end o theph
Computex oschitechuses xehBes tothei
instckons nd haothey axe Cxecuted
CIst complex nstsucien Set compohex
These macbines pouide d a Uaxiehy ce
instauhons hat may pesfoxro Vexy Complex
dasksch shing Seaschira, hahey also
qenexaly useda hocbex of dtesent Fxo
.OnelE he aduances inHhe deueloprmen oh
hiah- pexioxmance micsaproceggoKS oas the
Concept o edoced insBauchon Set Combler
[RIsc The se Compobexs lended to pzouide
Socmeuhak Tenex and
RISC nstuchons toexe alsoSmplex instsuctions
chosen So thot
hey cold be eficiedlyeealedin ppehoed
The ingsuchon Sel of he conmples
ckezfose beleer othoose moddesdeioeshe
hesederlginq hasckoce the hondoae instaudu
deloe cho he hadoase sll co ondes
Cetai Ciscurnstances lnssuctons con houe
a Naxey o chaxoexis hcs
Exed Vexgas Whicble lengh
LAddressing Modos
Nanbexs opetanda
Types o opezaians Doppoated
The Set of xeaialexs Quailoble to use by
psogams is called Hhe psqorrnig mode
bs poqrammex made)
cpo has many ahax egislexs hataxe
used fox inletnal gpesohons and aae
onaualable poacamnes
Assembly langosge?
These haue some basic Teaores
e instsucioo cppeoits hioe
ADD GT o,otS
he opoode hed ood be set tohe
bioaxy code osho ApD inshucion (o10)
Ahe sst opesand xeistex Ro oold ba
Set to o sepxesentXhe deshraton
BegiekexLood be get taD fos doard
inmediake Value 5
Assembless must also proide pseudo-ops
Ho help psocsaoness ceate compleBe
assenbh lanquaqe praqzamns
paeudo-opsdo help psoosornmexa Ho cteake
Cooplele assembl lanquage paogams
allucs data aloeao be loadad
memos locakons Example Memasy albcaioo.
-op -fax ARM, TheARM paeuch -op
alocalea a block of memony o he sze spealie
by heapeard ard inilaliges those localisng
abeliADR X4,C

3 Commen

cond opcode sRoRad FoonabXb

xal (epresenls opeond o):

X=0osroc 8-bieide

ARM Poocessan
AR) paocessox
AR doesot baue oon LS) deuces axchtece
Aocobaoruloce he cpu inselFox inteqtale

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