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Assignment 4.

1 1/2
Jose Angelo Pagaduan | STE - 9 Mendeleev

Free Fall:
Is the term applied to objects that are in motion with having no other
forces acting on it other than gravity, Any objects that are only being influenced by
gravity are said to be in a state of free fall.

For example, Planets are in free fall in the gravitational field of the sun, While an
astronaut orbiting earth experiences weightlessness because they are in a free fall
around the earth.

Characteristics of free fall:

● Free falling objects does not encounter air resistance
● All objects that are in a state of free fall accelerate downwards at a rate of
9.8m/s/s (sometimes approximated as 10m/s/s for other type of calculations)

Free fall Equation:

Vf =g*t
Vf = final velocity
g = gravity (9.8m/s/s)
t = Time

Assignment 4.1 2/2
Jose Angelo Pagaduan | STE - 9 Mendeleev

Projectile Motion:
Is the term that is applied to the object’s motion when projected
into the air when, after the initial force that launches the object, air resistance is
negligible and the only other force that object experiences is the force of gravity.

The object being thrown is what is called a projectile, while the path that it takes is
called a trajectory. Air resistance plays a major role, alongside gravity on altering the
trajectory of the projectile. Most calculations about Projectile motion are only
possible if air resistance is ignored and horizontal/vertical motions are independent
meaning that they don't influence each other.

Characteristics of Projectile Motion:

● Free falling objects does not encounter air resistance
● All objects that are in a state of free fall accelerate downwards at a rate of
9.8m/s/s (sometimes approximated as 10m/s/s for other type of calculations)
Projectile Motion Equation:

Vf =g*t

Vf = final velocity
G = gravity (9.8m/s/s)
T = Time

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