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A stereotype it’s a simplified mental image or perception that people have
about a particular group or individuals that can be positives or negative.


Farmers, people who produce food

Region, an area of a country or of the world
Crop, plants grow, for food
Mountains, very high parts of the land
Humid, describes air with a lot of water in it
Coast, land near the ocean
Flat, describes land without a mountain
Geography, features of place, such as rivers
Meal, Breakfast, lunch and dines
C,imate, normal weather in certain place

This video tells us about how the basic foods of each place, whether it is a
country, state or city, contribute greatly to the diet of its inhabitants since
there is a wide variety of food groups that provide different nutrients such as
vitamins and minerals or meats. that provide protein and other fibers and
this is how people have learned to take advantage of the few or many
resources that the place where they live gave them.
Be very hungry
How much do you value the food on your table?
A lot because I don’t lack and I don´t have a lot of hungry, besides the food
that are in my house has a lot of nutrient value and I value that a lot.
However the food is one of the greatest things in the life and I known that a
lot of people don’t have it and I need to value that because I have it.

Unit 2
Express yourself
Unit goals
1. Talk about personal experiences.
2. Make a small talk with new people.
3. Use a small talk to break the ice.
4. Learn to overcome language barriers
Burden, Carga
onward, adelante
merely meramente
companion compania
heaviest el mas pesado
half mitad
failures fracasos
drag arrastatrar
profit progreso
servant sirviente
managed administrado
might podria
ruin ruina
destroy destruir
though aunque
alas lamentablemente
may puede

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