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Lady and gentleman

First of all, I wanted to say hello to the delegate like teacher and students were
present at the English Speaking Contest today.
My name is Đào Thị Mỹ Linh. I'm a member of class 12A1 in Dak Song high
I’m glad to be here today to tell you about my presentation. Can you guess what
topic I am going talk to you? I will give you some keywords:
Wait! Excuse me. Why do I talk like this? I expressed the horrible words I heard
form the mouth of the body shamers. Those are terrible words that I don't think
anyone wants to hear.That's the topic I want to talk about today,it’s BODY

BODY SHAMING is a common problem in today's society and becoming an

obsession of many people.
- So, what is body shaming?
- What is the cause of body shaming?
- How is this happening in Vietnam?
- What are the consequences of body shaming?
- How do you overcome this obsession?
Let's find out in the article below!

BODY SHAMING is a term that refers to actions in language such as judging,

reproaching maliciously ( rì bờ râu chinh mờ lí si ợt li) about someone's
appearance, often based on the fact that the person is too fat or too thin, not in
accordance with the standard beauty of society. This is a problem that has
existed (ịch dít s tịt) for a long time in the past, but until today there have been
clear stereotypes( sờ te ri ờ tai ps).

BODY SHAMING may include various behaviors, which have been

specifically (sờ pì sí phi cờ ly) indicated (ín đi cây địt) as:
- Criticize (cờ rí đi sai z) your own appearance ( for example, she is beautiful,
and I am the opposite of her)
- Criticize other’s appearance in front of them. ( for example, with your fat body
you can never wear a dress).
- Criticize other’s appearance behind their back
I believe that each of us has been disdained (địt s đên đ) by others in terms of
body, appearance, skin, face…..
So, what is the cause of body shaming?
Understandably, the more modern life, the more people will see people only
through their external form. They have not explored their opponents in terms of
personality, lifestyle, education... have hastened ( hây s tần) to conclude,
complicated the words are just hard to hear. It may be fun at first, but it later
becomes a bad, malicious habit.
In Vietnam, even if it is a developed culture, body shaming still happens every
day. Nowadays, with the speed of science and technology, social networks have
become an "ideal place" for people who like to attack other people, whose
specific tools are words. It is a means of making Body shaming more
widespread and difficult to control through social media platforms such as
Facebook, TikTok, Instagram....Since then, more and more people are being
criticized for their appearance from people they don't know.
For example :
- A TikTok social media storm girl was stoned by the social media community,
just because she was exposed in a backstage photo that didn't look like on a
- A few month ago, Miss Grand Vietnam 2022- Doan Thien An participated in
the Miss Grand International contest in Thailand, unfortunately she stopped at
the top 20.
It's worth mentioning here that she has been shaming by the owner of this
competition. Although we knew a beauty contest was about grading faces,
shapes and minds, as the president of the beauty contest, he openly criticized the
weakness of a contestant as unacceptable. He said that “Her thighs (thai s) are
big, her face is not bright, and it is not perfect to be in the top 5”. That's rude.
Beside, the ideal setting for appearance contempt ( kèn tơm pt) is the school,
where the victim is the student. In recent years, we have been active in the
propaganda (bờ róp ba gen đờ) and prevention of school violence. But do some
people care about “body shaming” - a form of psychological violence that is
increasingly showing signs of spreading in school life.
My best friend used to have a lot of contempt( kèn tơm pt) because of her
slightly heavy appearance, people used heavy words such as "what to eat, is fat",
" you look pregnant". I believe there are many other students who have also
been being spoken such rude words.


Perhaps not to say, I think everyone knows that the disdain ( đít s đên) for other
people's appearance has huge negative consequences. For the judge, it is just a
fleeting joke. On the contrary, for the listener, body shaming is an obsession,
deeply hurt. According to the National Health Institute of America, visually
contempt for appearance can cause depression, eating disorders, make the
listener feel self-confident, angry, adversely affect their psyche (sai kì) and
health, Lead to negative “improvement” and they do not dare to go to school, do
not want to go out or go to crowded places, hurt themselves, maybe even end
the life of a person.
So how do we deal with body shaming now? What can we do to eliminate
the negative things that people tell us?
If unfortunately you are a victim of body shaming, don't think too much. The
first thing you have to do is to love yourself. Keep the thought of “no one is
perfect” in this world, each one has his own beauty. Maybe the person who just
reproached you is also self-confident about some of their traits
(trâys).Therefore, instead of taking the time to think, worry or blame yourself,
stand up and be confident about your own good points. Besides, take care
of yourself to be the best version of yourself. When you encounter this problem,
don't be silent. Instead, be brave, express your feelings. Each person is born
with their own beauty, without any standards imposed on you.
If you have been and are someone who disdains the appearance of others, then
stop body shaming from the knowledge and awareness of each person from
today. Let us put ourselves in a position and think for others.And never take
things that are unrealistic, don't take the standards of yourself or a group of
people, a place, another time to hurt others.
We all need to speak up to stop the violence of words - BODY SHAMING”
Every individual in the world is unique. We don't have to change ourselves into
someone else to make ourselves better, because originality is what makes the
world so diverse.
Be yourself!
Love yourself!
Liên hệ mlinh:
When I was a child, other people said that I was very ugly, I was not as
beautiful as my sisters, they said " why is her skin so black", " why is she
so thin", " looks like skin wrapped in bones".Of course I didn't think much
at the time, because I wasn't aware that their words were praise or
reproach.But when I grew up a little bit, when I entered puberty, the
words remained unchanged and I felt it was heavier than before.

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