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• Origin:
Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, and Myanmar. It is also cultivated in South
America and the West Indies.
• Production:
Indonesia is the world's predominant producer of cinnamon. In fact, the
south Asian archipelago accounts for 43% of all the cinnamon grown worldwide, which
generates an average of $85 million on a yearly basis.
• Advantage:
Cinnamon supplements may benefit overall heart health by improving blood
pressure and circulation, and reducing blood lipid levels, like LDL cholesterol. Having
high blood pressure and high blood fat levels can increase your risk for heart disease, so
taking cinnamon supplements may help reduce cardiovascular risk.
• Disadvantage:
While eating a bit of cinnamon may help lower your blood sugar, eating
too much may cause it to fall too low. This is called hypoglycemia. It can lead to
tiredness, dizziness, and possibly fainting ( 20 ). People who are most at risk of
experiencing low blood sugar are those taking medications for diabetes.
• Today's market rate:
To produce the most valuable cinnamon, the bark must be made
extremely thin. The thinner the quills are, the more costly they will be.
(Inr 500-1000 per kg)

2. Clove
• Origin:
Cloves come from the flower buds of an evergreen tree that is native to the North
Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.
• Production:
Tamil Nadu produced the largest volume of cloves in India in fiscal year 2023.
This was an estimated 1,012 metric tons over an area of 1,052 hectares. The country
produced over 1,224 metric tons of cloves that year.
• Advantage:
Cloves have many potential health benefits, including keeping blood sugar in
check and helping block the growth of bacteria. As with many healthy foods, they're
most effective when included as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
• Disadvantage:
Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts. Children: Clove oil is likely
unsafe to take by mouth. Even small amounts of clove oil can cause severe side effects
such as seizures, liver damage, and fluid imbalances. Bleeding disorders: Clove oil
contains a chemical called eugenol that seems to slow blood clotting.
• Today's market rate
Cloves also have to be picked by hand as they are only harvested
when they reach a particular length. This need for a visual inspection means that clove
harvesting takes an extremely long time. The second reason that cloves are expensive is
that the trees which produce the spice have a very low yield.
(Inr 1000-1800 per kg).

3. Elachi
Evergreen forests of Western Ghats of South India are considered as the centre of
origin as well as natural habitat of cardamom. Cardamom is commercially cultivated for
its dried fruits (capsules), which is also referred as cardamom of commerce.
India, formerly the foremost producer, consumer and exporter of small
cardamom, is second to Guatemala which fortuitously is currently the largest producer
of cardamom. India has reported substantial diversity in small cardamom and is
considered to be the centre of origin of E. cardamomum.
Cardamom has also been touted for its pharmacological effects. Some studies
have found cardamom to be:

Heart protective
Liver protective
May aggravate gallstone complications, cause respiratory allergies, and
lead to premature labour in pregnant women. Excessive cardamom intake may interact
with anticoagulants, antidepressants, aspirin, antiplatelet drugs, and HIV, liver, gallstone,
and Irritable bowel syndrome medicines.
Current market rate:
Among some of the factors responsible for the soaring wholesale
prices of spices are an increase in exports, a rise in demand of spices, a decrease in their
supply, unseasonal rain, and climate change.
(Inr 3000 per kg)

Native to Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean region, anise is cultivated in
southern Europe, southern Russia, the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, China, Chile,
Mexico, and the United States.
Star Anise is indigenous to South Eastern China. Commercial production is
limited to China and Vietnam. In India, it is produced to a small extent in Arunachal
Anise is well known as a carminative and an expectorant. Its ability to
decrease bloating and settle the digestive tract still is used today, especially in pediatrics.
In high doses, it is used as an antispasmodic and an antiseptic and for the treatment of
cough, asthma, and bronchitis.
Diarrhea.Hallucinations. Vomiting.
Current market rate:
A large amount of star anise in India is produced in Arunachal
Pradesh. The star anise needs unique agroclimatic conditions found only in traditional
producing regions, which is the reason why star anise is not massively grown in the
world except for Vietnam, China and Arunachal Pradesh in India.

5. Pepper
Origin :
Black pepper is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, and has been known to
Indian cooking since at least 2000 BCE. Pepper was grown in southern Thailand and in
Malaysia, its most important source was India, particularly the Malabar Coast, in what is
now the state of Kerala.
Production :
The smallest pepper is hottest. The top producer of pepper – by far – is Vietnam,
followed by Indonesia, India, Brazil and China.
Good for Digestion, Prevents Constipation, Treats Skin Problems, Good for
Your Hair, Aids in Weight Loss, Treats Depression, Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases.
You may experience indigestion, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal issues,
though, if you eat too much. If it accidentally gets into the lungs, black pepper could
even result in death, especially in children. In some cases, individuals who are allergic to
black pepper will have a severe respiratory reaction.
Current market rate:
Unpredictable weather changes can detrimentally affect production. There were
campaigns that claimed pepper production would drastically reduce next year. This is
what prompted masala manufacturing companies to procure and horde large quantities
of pepper.
(Inr 650-1000 per kg).

6. Chilli
Although originated in Mexico, chilies are today cultivated around the world, with
Peru holding the highest cultivated capsicum diversity. Christopher Columbus
encountered these chilies when he discovered America, calling them “peppers” because
of the similar spicy taste like the familiar peppers in Europe.
India is the largest producer with 1.98 million tonnes and contributes 43% of
world chilli production, followed by China, Ethiopia, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
• Improves immune system
• Boosts metabolism
• Reduces inflammation
• Improves heart health
• Fight against diabetes
• Burning pain.
• Tingling (prickling sensation)
• Erythema (skin redness)
• Oedema (swelling)
• Blisters.
Today’s market rate

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