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Incoming Procedural Supply

Usage Interface Technical

Version: August 2023

Last Updated: August 04, 2023

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Technical Specification Introduction

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This technical specification documents the subset of an industry messaging standard that an Epic interface supports in
the released software version. It might not support the entire standard specification, depending on functional needs.

Message Specifications
The interface is used to update supply usage information in procedural logs.
DFT^P03 Supply Financial Transaction
This message event is sent from an external system where supply usage is being documented (such as a cabinet
dispensing system) to update supply usage documentation in the procedural case. These messages are not treated as
charges and do not update Resolute directly. Charges can be dropped within the application based on the supply
usage documented in the procedural log.
Message Format for Event Type DFT^P03
DFT^P03 Supply Financial Transaction Chapter

MSH Message Header 2

PID Patient Identification 3

[PV1] Visit Identification 3

FT1 Financial Transaction 6

[ZPA] Additional Supply/Implant Usage Information

[NTE] Notes and Comments 2

ACK General Acknowledgment Chapter

MSH Message Header 2

ACK General Acknowledgment Chapter

MSA Message Acknowledgment 2

[ERR] Error Information 2

Notes on Format of DFT^P03

The ZPA segment is an optional Z-segment that contains information about the inventory location from which the
supply was taken. If the interface is being used to file implant information, the ZPA segment contains information
related to the implant.

Sample Messages
DFT^P03 Supply Financial Transaction
Format Example
FT1|1|||20090409104611||V|SUT3^MODEL SUT VICRYL 3-0 CT1 J046|||4||||||||||TUAN^Tuan|||
FT1|2|||20090409104611||V|DRAPE35X23^MODEL DRAPE IOBAN 35X23|||2||||||||||TUAN^Tuan|||
FT1|3|||20090409104611||V|GLOVES^MODEL GLOVE SURG INDICATOR 8-1/2 PF|||2||||||||||
FT1|4|||20090409104611||V|SPONGE^MODEL SPONGE,MIRASORB 4X4 4 PLY|||3||||||||||TUAN^Tuan|||
FT1|5|||20090409104611||R|GOWN^MODEL GOWN,SURGICAL LARGE|||1||||||||||TUAN^Tuan|||145||||||
FT1|6|||20090409104611||W|DRESSING^MODEL DRESSING STERISTRIP 4-4|||2||||||||||TUAN^Tuan|||
NTE|||Dropped on floor||
Supported Segments and Fields
Fields in gray are not supported by this interface.


MSH - Message Header
Element Name Type Usage Notes
2 - Encoding ST Required Value is typically: ^~\&
3 - Sending — — Format: Free text
4 - Sending Facility HD Optional Pharmacy external ID
Format: Free text

5 - Receiving HD Optional Format: Free text

6 - Receiving Facility HD Optional Free text

7 - Date/Time of DTM Optional Format: Standard HL7 date/time format

8 - Security ST Optional —
9 - Message Type MSG Required Format: <Message type>^<Trigger event>
Example: ORM^O01

10 - Message Control ST Optional Value to be returned in MSA-2 in the Acknowledgment message

11 - Processing ID PT Required Values:
• D: Debugging
• P: Production
• T: Training

12 - Version ID VID Required HL7 version number. For example, 2.5.

13 - Sequence NM Optional Optional field used in sequence number protocol. By default, Epic does
Number not use sequence number protocol.

14 - Continuation ST Optional In conjunction with the HL7 DSC segment, this field is used to identify
Pointer continuations of messages. It allows large messages to be broken into
multiple smaller messages, which is necessary under certain
implementation limitations.
MSH-14 contains the identifier matching the value sent in the DSC
segment in a previous message, identifying the current message as a
continuation of the previous.

15 - Accept ID Optional This field identifies the conditions under which Accept Acknowledgments
Acknowledgment must be returned in response to a message. This field is required for
Type enhanced acknowledgment mode. If null, acknowledgments are sent in
original acknowledgment mode.
Element Name Type Usage Notes
• AL: Always
• ER: Error/reject conditions only
• NE: Never
• SU: Successful completion only

16 - Application ID Optional —
17 - Country Code ID Optional —
18 - Character Set ID Optional —
19 - Not Supported — — —
20 - Not Supported — — —
21 - Message Profile — — —
22 - Sending XON Optional —
23 - Receiving XON Optional —

PID - Patient Identification

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

1 - Not Supported — — —
2 - Patient ID — — —
3 - Patient Identifier CX Required Format: <ID>^^^<SA>^<Assigning Authority>
4 - Alternate Patient CX Optional —
5 - Patient Name XPN Required Used for validation purposes only.

6 - Not Supported — — —
7 - Date/Time of Birth DTM Optional Used for validation purposes only.

8 - Sex IS Optional Used for validation purposes only.

9 - Not Supported — — —
10 - Not Supported — — —
11 - Patient Address XAD Optional Format: <Street 1>^<Street 2/House Number>^<City>^<State>^<ZIP
code>^<Country>^<Address Type>^^<County>^^^^<Start
Date>^<End Date>
Element Name Type Usage Notes
&<Street 1>&<House Number>^<Street 2>^<City>^<State>^<ZIP
code>^<Country>^<Address Type>^^<County>^<District>^^^<Start
Date>^<End Date>

12 - Not Supported — — —
13 - Phone Number – XTN Optional Format: [nnn](nnn)nnn-nnnn^<Telecommunication use
Home code>^<Telecommunication equipment type>^<E-mail
address>^<Country code>^<Area/city code>^<Local
number>^<Extension>^<Any text>^<Extension prefix>^<Speed
dial code>^<Unformatted telephone number>

14 - Not Supported — — —
15 - Not Supported — — —
16 - Not Supported — — —
17 - Not Supported — — —
18 - Patient Account CX Optional This is the visit number that is used to locate an encounter. The value is
Number not stored.

19 - Patient ST Optional Used for validation purposes only.

Format: Numeric with or without dashes
National Identifier –
Patient Note: The national identifier can also be received in PID-3.

PV1 - Patient Visit

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

1 - Not Supported — — —
2 - Not Supported — — —
3 - Not Supported — — —
4 - Not Supported — — —
5 - Not Supported — — —
6 - Not Supported — — —
7 - Not Supported — — —
8 - Not Supported — — —
9 - Not Supported — — —
10 - Not Supported — — —
11 - Not Supported — — —
12 - Not Supported — — —
13 - Not Supported — — —
14 - Not Supported — — —
15 - Not Supported — — —
16 - Not Supported — — —
17 - Not Supported — — —
18 - Not Supported — — —
19 - Visit Number CX Optional This is the visit number that is used to locate the encounter. The value is
Element Name Type Usage Notes
not stored.

FT1 - Supply Financial Transaction

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

1 - Not Supported — — —
2 - Not Supported — — —
3 - Not Supported — — —
4 - Transaction Date DTM Required —
5 - Not Supported — — —
6 - Transaction Type IS Required Value indicating the usage action for this supply. External values should
indicate one of the supply actions below.
• Used
• Returned
• Wasted
• Wasted - Not Used

7 - Transaction Code CWE Required The identifier for the supply whose usage documentation is being

8 - Not Supported — — —
9 - Not Supported — — —
10 - Transaction NM Optional The quantity used, returned, or wasted
11 - Not Supported — — —
12 - Not Supported — — —
13 - Not Supported — — —
14 - Not Supported — — —
15 - Not Supported — — —
16 - Not Supported — — —
17 - Not Supported — — —
18 - Not Supported — — —
19 - Not Supported — — —
20 - Performed By XCN Optional The provider who used the supply
21 - Not Supported — — —
22 - Not Supported — — —
23 - Filler Order EI Optional The identifier of the pick list for which usage should be updated

ZPA - Additional Supply Usage Information

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

Element Name Type Usage Notes
1 - Not Supported — — —
2 - Not Supported — — —
3 - Inventory CWE Optional The inventory location from which the supply or implant was pulled.
4 - Not Supported — — —
5 - Not Supported — — —
6 - Not Supported — — —
7 - Not Supported — — —
8 - Not Supported — — —
9 - Not Supported — — —
10 - Not Supported — — —
11 - Not Supported — — —
12 - Not Supported — — —
13 - Not Supported — — —
14 - Not Supported — — —
15 - Not Supported — — —
16 - Not Supported — — —
17 - Not Supported — — —
18 - Not Supported — — —
19 - Not Supported — — —
20 - Not Supported — — —
21 - Lot Number ST Optional Lot number of supply. Used when supply identifier from materials
management system is not available.

22 - Serial Number ST Optional Serial number of supply. Used when supply identifier from materials
management system is not available.

23 - Expiration Date DTM Optional Supply's expiration date.

24 - Is Tissue CWE Optional Values correspond to Y or N to indicate whether this implant is a tissue

25 - External Implant EI Optional Implant documentation system's identifier for the implant. Required if
ID filing information from the Implant Action field (ZPA-39).
Format: <Implant ID>^<Assigning Authority>

26 - Supplier Catalog ST Optional Vendor's catalog number for the implant

27 - Manufacturer ST Optional Manufacturer's catalog number for the implant or supply
Catalog Number
28 - Supplier ST Optional Vendor identifier

29 - Manufacturer ST Optional Manufacturer identifier

30 - Implant Type CWE Optional Type of implant

31 - Is Implant CWE Optional This field is used only if the interface is creating a new supply (SUP) record
or if your system treats a one-time SUP record as an implant.
Value corresponds to Y or N to indicate whether the external system is
sending information about an implant. Required to file implant
Element Name Type Usage Notes
information. If not set, information is treated as supply usage.

32 - Item Description ST Optional Description of implant. Also stored as implant title in IMP.

33 - Implanted By ST Optional Provider that documented the implant in the external system. Typically
this is the surgeon performing the procedure.
Format: <ID>^^^^^^^^<Assigning authority>^^^^<ID type>

34 - Body Side CWE Optional Body laterality

35 - Body Site CWE Optional Location of implant in body

36 - Tissue ST Optional Free-text tissue preparation comments

37 - Instant DTM Optional Instant of implantation or instant explanted.
38 - Size ST Optional Size of implant

39 - Implant Action CWE Optional Implant action (e.g. Implanted / Explanted). The External Implant ID field
(ZPA-25) is required to file information in this field.

40 - Reason Wasted ST Optional The reason a supply or implant was wasted in your external system. The
interface supports receiving only one reason wasted per supply or
Format: <reason>

41 - Implant Model — — —
42 - Supply Item Type — — —
43 - Device Identifier — Optional The unique identifier for the device.

44 - Device Identifier — Optional —

45 - SMDA? CWE Optional —
46 - Implant DT Optional —
Manufacture Date
47 - Implant Date DT Optional —
48 - Implant Prepped CWE Optional The providers the implant was prepared by. Only the first three pieces of
By this field are used for each repetition.

NTE - Notes and Comments

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

1 - Not Supported — — —
2 - Not Supported — — —
3 - Comment FT Optional Comment about supply usage

ZTS - Tissue Segment

Segment-Level Summary
Element Name Type Usage Notes
1 - Tissue Preparation CWE Optional —
2 - Tissue Type CWE Optional —
3 - Tissue Prep Start DTM Optional —
4 - Tissue Prep End DTM Optional —
5 - Tissue Prep Staff CWE Optional Staff associated with tissue preparation where only the first three pieces
are used.

6 - Tissue NM Optional —
Temperature at
7 - Tissue Present CWE Optional —
with Ice
8 - Tissue Time of DTM Optional —
9 - Tissue Received CWE Optional —
10 - Tissue Storage NM Optional —
11 - Tissue Storage DTM Optional —
End Time
12 - Tissue Donor ID ST Optional —
13 - Tissue CWE Optional —
14 - Tissue Package CWE Optional —
Storage Environment
15 - Tissue Package CWE Optional —
Storage Location
16 - Tissue Inspection CWE Optional —
17 - Tissue Bank CWE Optional —
18 - Tissue Distinct ST Optional —
Identification Code
19 - Tissue DIC Flag ST Optional —
20 - Tissue Tracking ST Optional —
Barcode ID
21 - Tissue ST Optional —
22 - Skin Substitute? CWE Optional —
23 - Skin Substitute CWE Optional —
24 - Skin Substitute NM Optional —
Area Used
Element Name Type Usage Notes
25 - Skin Substitute NM Optional —
Area Wasted
26 - Skin Substitute NM Optional —
Total Area

ZPS - Prep Solution Segment

Segment-Level Summary

Element Name Type Usage Notes

1 - Tissue Prep CWE Optional —
2 - Tissue Prep ST Optional —
Solution Lot #
3 - Tissue Prep DT Optional —
Solution Expiration
4 - Tissue Prep NM Optional —
Solution Soaking
5 - Tissue Prep CWE Optional —
6 - Tissue Prep ST Optional —
Solution Serial #
7 - Tissue Prep CWE Optional —
Solution Modifier
8 - Tissue Prep TM Optional —
Solution Start Time
9 - Tissue Prep TM Optional —
Solution End Time
10 - Tissue Prep NM Optional —
Solution Rinse
11 - Tissue Prep ST Optional —
Solution Comments
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