Complex Analysis - Internal and External QP-SNRS

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INTEGRATED MSC COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Semester V First Internal Test, October 2020 Introduction to Complex Analysis Time: 15 minutes Max Marks: 10 I. 1. Verify that V3\:\>|R,<|+(,2| 2. Is the continuity of a function at a point imply the existence of derivative at that point? INTEGRATED MSC COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Semester V First Internal Test, October 2020 Introduction to Complex Analysis Time: 15 minutes Max Marks: 10 IL 1. Find all the roots of (-16)’« is rectangular coordinates, exhibit then as vertices of certain squares and point out which is the principal root. 2. Show that e* never vanishes. INTEGRATED MSC COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Semester V First Internal Test, October 2020 Introduction to Complex Analysis Time: 15 minutes Max Marks: 10 Ill 1. Find and sketch, showing corresponding orientation, the image of the hyperbola x*-y?=C, (C,>0) and 2xy=C,(C,< 0) under the transformation w 2. State why limits involving the point at infinity are unique. INTEGRATED MSC Cochin University of Science &Technology Semester V Il Internal Test, November 2020 Introduction to Complex Analysis Time: 15 minutes Max.Marks: 10 (Answer all Questions) 1. i. Limits involving point at infinity is unique — True or false, Justify |. The real and imaginary parts of a complex function satisfy Laplace's equation - True or false, Verify your answer. Also give ‘An idea about domain, continuity and derivative of the function Here. ili, Let f(z) = e” is uniquely determined by the two properties i fe +i0) =e* ii. (2) = f(@), where f is an entire function. Prove this by using Cauchy - Riemann equations. INTEGRATED MSC Cochin University of Science &Technology Semester V Il Internal Test, November 2020 Introduction to Complex Analysis Time: 15 minutes Max.Marks: 10 (Answer all Questions) Il.i. Consider the following statements a. Composition of two entire functions are entire. b. Linear combinations of two entire functions C; f,(2) + Cofo(2) are entire where C,and C; are complex constants. Check the statements are true or false, Justify your answer. a. Explain branch point and branch cut ¢. Suppose z = x + iy lies in the horizontal strip «< y 0,-2<0<34) 2 2 4/2. of the multiple-valued function z*/?, Show that f(2)dz=0 by evaluating separately the integrals of f(z) over the semicircle and the two radii which make up C. Why does the Cauchy-Goursat theorem not apply here? Let C be any simple closed contour, described in the positive sense in the Z plane, and write s3 +25 “de (6-28 side Cand g(z)=0 and zis ds outside. Suppose that f(z) is entire and that the harmonic function u(x, y) = Re[ f(z)] has an upperbound up: that is , u(x, y) < Up for all points (x, y) in the xy plane. Show that u(x, y) must be constant throughout the plane. COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR INTEGRATED STUDIES V'" SEMESTER INTEGRATED M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2021 MAM1504 INTRODUCTIONS TO COMPLEX ANALYSIS Time: 30 minutes Max. Marks: 10 (Answer all Questions) IV. 1 Find the Maclaurin series expansion of the function 1 Be eS z f@= 2. Give two Laurent series expansions in powers of = for the function fQ=z aes) and specify the regions in which those expansions are valid. 3. Show that the function defined by means of the equations (289 when z #0. a + when z = 0 is entire. 4. Suppose that a function f is analytic throughout the finite plane except for a finite number of singular points Zy, Zpy ++) Zp» Show that Res f(z) + Res f(z) +--+ Res f(z) + Res f(z) = 0. COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR INTEGRATED STUDIES V'" SEMESTER INTEGRATED M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2021 MAM1504 INTRODUCTIONS TO COMPLEX ANALYSIS Time: 30 minutes Max. Marks: 10 (Answer all Questions) V. 1. Let € denote the positively oriented circle |:|=2 and evaluate the integral a) fran b) dz i 2. Use residues to evaluate the integral xsin x dx eo (x* + 1)(x? +4)" Show that if ¢ is a complex number such that |c| > e, then the equation cz" = e” has n roots, counting multipli inside the circle |z

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