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Pere eae nuns eee each LT WR nae Vulturine guinestow) unning, Samburu National Reserve, Ke A About the task 4 Read the following information about the ‘The Aaree/Diseqree task tess your ability to write an essay in response to a question that asics to what extent you agree or d'sagree with 27 opinion (On the question aaper you see # task which presents @ proposition le staterrent that exaresses en opinian abot ‘5 topia) and a question about the proposition: To wnat extent do you agree or disagree? There are also basic instiuctions on hew to write your response, The propasitions are quite general and co not require you to have any special knowledge about the topic. Here are the asic cles for wriiig Agree /Disagree Essays: gad anid analyse the proposition and the question carefully - don't tush through this stage. Decida whather you agree or disacree with the pranosition. write a brief, welhorganised Introduction, atleast two main paragraphs, end ¢ short conclusion, Ba sure to state your opinion clearly in the insraduction and conclusion Provide supper: for oF against the proposition by giving details and exemples. Write in paragraphs: do not use notes or bullet points Use an acadamic register or style Yiite at least 250 words. Complete the task in about 40 minutes. ‘There is no correct answer. You van agree, disaures or partially agree: 2 Work in pairs, Look at the writing task below and answer the questions. itis much easier to leam in a small class than in a larger one. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ‘What part of this task is the proposition? If you agree with the proposition, think of some reasons why you agree Iyou d’sagree with the proposition, think of some reasons why you disagree Is teneceasary to fully agree or disagree with the proposition? 5 How long should your ossay be? How much time do you have te wr 12 your essay? 284 ACADEMIC WRITING B Sample question 'B Read the task and answer the question. Use the rules about the task from Section A to help you. Then compare your answer with the sample answer on page 339.Which aspects of the task did you find difficult? IELTS PRACTICE TASK Yite about the following topic should spend! ebout 40 minutes on this task Children all over the world should learn to speak a single, universal lenguage fluently in addition to their native language. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Bvereasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your awn knowledge and experienc White at least 250 words, C Tips and tactics 4. Work in pairs. Read the tips and tactics and discuss these questions. Which tips and tactics do Did you use any of these tips and tacties when you answered the sample questions in Section B? Which tips will you use in the future? ‘Spend a few minutes reading and thinking about the task. Meke sure you understand the proposition anc the question. Underline key words, You con't have a let of tme, but you should make a brief plan, White several reasons why you might agree with the proposition and several reasons why you might diseares Is iteasier to think of reesons to egree or to disagree? This can help you dacide which position to take. Your essay should include an introduction, two main paragraphs and ¢ conclusion. Your intreduction can be brief. You should restate the proposition in your own words, and provide a little background on the tonic. For example, vou can explain why this topic is {an important one, oF wiry it has become more Important in recent times. Then state your ‘wn opinicn: do you agree, disagree or partially agree? Begin each main garegrapn with a tooie sentence (a sentence tht states the main idea of the peragraph), This sentence can be quite simple, for exernple, There are several imoortent reasons to agree with this iaea. All of the sentences in the paragraoh should supgarl the topic sentence, In aach of the main paragraohs, you should use linking words and phresas 10 move smoothly trom one reason to another. The second main paragraph should follow on from the fist using a linking word or phvase, for exemple, Furthermore, there are additional reasons to favour this idea, You should support the reasons that you give in your main paragraphs with specitic datails and exemples. The final paragraph can be brief, You should summerise the main points end restate your ‘awn position, You shouldn't introduce new information or reasons in the conclusion The final paragraph should also begin with a word or phrase to signal that itis @ conclusion Your paragraphs should be clearly separated, For example, you can leave a blank space batwoen them or inden: the first line of each new paragraon Keep track of the urne. You have about 40 minutes to do Task 2, Make sure your handwriting is clear end legible enough for the examiners to read ‘As you write your essay, keen In mind the criteria that the exeminers use to merk your ‘essay. (For maiking criteria, see About the Academic Writing Test, page 180.) ACADEMICWRITING — 235 5 Read this proposition and write two sentences agreeing wit ‘ disagreeing with it. Use expressions from the language box above, Remember to Sita teeens rewrite the proposition in your own words. why you aoree oF SEED EE PE nn eae Face-to-face meetings with people are much more effective than meetings held proposition | on the telephone or via the Internet. ACADEMIC WRITING D Skills-building exercises AGREEMENT There ara @ number of strong arguments to support the idea that pacpie share too of thoir private fivas on social networks. Jagree that its bettor to raise often in a small town Jagree with the idea that childhood is the happiest tinve of hie It's true that there is too much violence in movies, I share the view that children leein more outside of school than in sched). J support the Idea that violent sports such as boxing should be banned. DISAGREEMENT There are some important reasons to disagroe with the idea that teenagers should allowed to drive a car. Idisagree with the idea that tecchors should be paid according to their stuclents a results, Idon’t agree that traffic in the city centre should be restricted during certain times of ey. I disagree with the proposal that a high-schoo! students should study music Jr's not true thet pure scientific research has no practeal benefits, Idon’t share the view that it's more important {0 lecin how 10 use @ comeuter bey than to learn how to write Idon’t accept the idea that electronic books vill completely replace conventional book PARTIAL AGREEMENT White there are reasons to support the idea that students need time off, | still bolove th the amount of class time should be increased. It may be true that poverty can never be completely eradicated. However, | think that governments should work harder to reduce the amount af poverty. Ipartially agree with the idea that text books are loo expensive, but . Idon’t completely agree that it's berter 10 travel in groups than alone, think is only partly true that violence in video games leeds to violence m real fe. I partly agree with the proposal that nurses should be paid as well as doctors Certainly, many paople fee! that games are only fun if you win, but it’s not that simple. To what extent do you agree or disagree? eth idea that facet re treo to a phone or ernest mesrings, L dlvagree win the concept that vergon-Io-gerson mestings are more usefil than ¢ Read this proposition, Write two sentences strongly agret sentences strongly disagreeing with it. People learn more from failure than they do from success. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 7 Read this proposition. Write three sentences partially agreeing with it. ‘The money used to fund space research would be better used to solve the many problems we face on Earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree? & Work in pairs, Look at the proposition and read the sample introduction. Then answer ‘the questions. 1. Which sentence in the intraduction provides background information (1, 2.0 3)? 2. Which sentence is a restatement of the proposition? 3. Which semtence is the writer's opinion? ‘The best way to reduce emissions from vehicles is to impose a higher tax on | vehicles which use a lot of fuel and a lower tax on those that dor To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample introduction (1) One solution to the prablem of air pollution caused by cars and trucks is to increase the tax on those vehioles that use a lot of petrol and ta decrease the tax on more ecenomical cars (2) OF course, its Important to find a vay to solve this problem, because emissions from petrolzowered engines are a major source of air pollution and global warming. (@) However | do not think this solution is fail for many people, and therefore | strongly disagree with it 9 Read these three propositions. Then write an introduction for each proposition. You should agree with one, disagree with one and partially agree with another. The most important reason for a young person to attend a university is to increase the amount of money that he or she will earn in the future. ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree? The use of cell phones while driving should be strietly forbidden. ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is better to run your own business than to work for someone else. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ACADEMIC WRITING i we ll i aur ileal 28 QUEER 19 Work in pairs, Read the question and the essay below. Then try to find as many in capitalisation and punctuation as possible. Editing your answer onal a S founetuation and 2 Instead of being held in a different city each time, the Olympic Games should: held at a permanent site. To what extent do you agree or disagree? games in the-same city There are. certainly some adi having the games in different sites around the World, First ofall the Olympics are a ch ¢ host country to be in the spotlight and offi nple people: ever mpressed by the opening and closing ceremories of the 2008 O! befing china, Moreover hosting the games hae financial benefits. Mote! owners taxi drivers waiters and al benefit because so many visitors see the game nevertheless: think it would be a geod ides to have the ames ina permanent location expench stadium ahd other facilites for athletes hd fens. For example, the london games of 2012 cost over ¢40 bons 0st of the-sporis facilites bul in cities that have hosted the games inthe. past are not very iseful after the games are, over A recent article in time magazine sald ‘that mary ofthese facilties are, empty have-been torn down’ For these reasons | think iti @ good idea To move-the Clymnples to a permanent location. Ifthe Olympics were alway held In one place the sante facile coud be used over and over | sugéest that the games that ar played in Summer besheld in athens greece: because the ancient games were: first played there, and the first modern games were also held there. Since Cutizerland isa neutral country | recommend that the games that are played Hy Winter be held there, Having permanent homes for the Chympics Is the most economical efficient way to sta important event How many punctuation mistakes did you find? And capitalisation errors? ne Se Pe TGF ACADEMIC WRITING 12 Look at the topic and answer the questions. (4-5 minutes) Success in life is more 2 matter of luck than of ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1. If you agree with the propasition, vat is your position? What will you try to show in your responso? If you disagree with the proposition, what is your position? Think of two or thioe ressns to agree with the orogasition, Think of two er three reasons to disagree with the proposition. Do you have any personal background ~ knowledge or experience ~ that mskes you ‘support or oppose this propositian? 13 Write your introduction. 1. Restate the propositian in your own words, 2. Write one or two sentences of background information about the proposition 3. Write one or two sentences indicating that you agree/disagree/partielly agree with the proposition 14 Write the main paragraphs. 1 Write @ paragraph with one or two reasons why you agree (or disagree) with the proposition 2. Write another paragragh with one or two reasons why you disearee (ar agree) with the proposition, 15. Write your conclusion. Write a brief paragraph summarising your main points and. restating your opinion. 16 Check your work. (4-5 minutes) + Look for mistaes in spalling, capitalisation, punctuation, and grammer. 2. Make sure that you have clearly divided your response into paragrephs, and that your handwriting is cleer enough for an examniner to read 17 Work in pairs. After you have finished, look at the model answer on the DVD-ROM. Compare your answers with the model answer and think about the marking criteria. (See page 180 for marking criteria.) rr se se LTS PRACTICE TASK i Mite about the following topic. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Language teachers should concentrate on giving positive feedback to students when they do ‘god work, rather than om erticising bad work To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Gye reasons for your answer and include any relevant examiples from your avn Knowledge and experience. “Wiite at laast 250 words. Eicon ene 200 ESTE Read the following information about the task. The Discussion/Opinion Essay tesk tests your ability ta discuss opposing opinions and to cive your own opinion (On the question paper, you see a task witich presents two different epinions about the sama topig and 3 {question asking you To ciscuss both points of view and to explain what yau think abcut this topic. These assay ‘questions o'ten follow this patter Some people think ... Other people think Here are the basic tules for writing Discussion/Opinion Essays Road and enélyse the epinions and the question carefuly Decide whether you agree of disagree with Opinion 4 or B. ‘wine a brief, wel-organised introduction, atleast two main paragraphs and a short conclusion, Include examoles 19 support your asans. ‘Were in parearaphs. Do not use notes or bullei pants. Use an academic register cr style Write at least 260 words. Complete the task in about 40 minutes. ‘You have to explain and suppert Opinion 4, explain and support Opinion B, ahd then give your own opinion 2. Work in pairs, Look at the writing task below and answer the questions. Some students think itis better to attend university in or near their hometown, Others think it is better to attend a university away from home, Discuss both views and give your opinion. Whet is the fist opinion? ‘What is the second opinion? When you write your assay, what three things must you include? Wan your partner, think of some reesons to support thi ‘With your partner, think of some reasons to supper the second opinion Do you have ery personal exporiences or background information related to thas ¢ ‘What's your own opirion? Discuss with your partner in the exem, how much time do you have to waite your essay? Haw long shoule your essay be? ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 2 A Discurcion/Opiaion Exsny B Sample question 3 Read the task and answer the question. Use the rules about the task from Section A ‘to help you. Then compare your answer with the sample answer on page 340. Which aspects of the task did you find difficult? IELTS PRACTICETASK ] ete about the following topic. Youstould spend about 40 minutes on this task: Some people think that schools should use teaching methods that encourage students to cooperate, Other people think that schools should use teaching methods that encourage students to compete. __ Discuss both views and give your opinion. Dyite m least 250 words, C Tips and tactics 4. Work in pairs. Read the tips and tactics and discuss these questions. a Which tips and tactics do you think are the most useful? Did you use any of these tips and tactics when you answered the sample question in Section B? © Which tips will you use in the future? Spend a few minutes reading and thinking about the task. Make sure you understand the two opinions end the question. Underline key words, 2. You don’t have lot of time, nut you should make a brief plan. Vite several reasons why you might agree with the first opinion and several reasons why you might ogree with the second opinian, [s it easier to think of t0 agrae with the first cr second opinion? This Gan helo you decide which pasition to take, 3. Your essay should include an introduction, two main paragraphs end @ conclusion 4. Your introduction can be brief, You should restate the twa opinions in your own words, and if possibie provide e litle backgraund on the issues. For exemple, you ‘wiry this issue is an important one, oF wily il Has become more important in recent times, 5 You don't heve to state your opinien in the introduction in tis type of essay, You ear main paragraph, then discuss the ogposing pinion in the second main paragreph, and thon give your own opinicn in the conclusion 8 Begin each mein aaragraph with 2 topic sentence (a sentence that states the main idea of tha paragraph). This sentence can bio quite simple. All of the sentences in that paragreph should suaport the topic sentence. 7 In-both paragrepns, you should use linking wards and phrases te move smoothly from cone reason 10 another end to connect the two paragraphs, & You should support the reasons that you give in your main paragraphs with si details and exemples 9 The final paragrach can be brief. You shou and cleatly state your own opinian 40. The final paragrapn should also begin with a word or phrase to signe thet itis @ conclusion. 11 Your paragraphs should be clearly separatad, for axamole, you cen leave @ blank space between them or inder the first line of each new paragraph 12. Keep track of the time. You have about 40 minutes ta do Task 2. 13. Make sure your handwriting is clear and legible enough for the exeminers 10 read. {a_ As you write your essay, keen in mind the criteria thal the examiners use to merk ‘your essay. (For marking criteria, see About the Academic Writing Test, pege 180) discuss one of the opinions in the firs ecific 1ummarise the main points of both opinions [ACADEMICWRITING 247 D Skills-building exercises (QUEEN © Work in pairs. Look at the topic below. Then look at three introductions for the essay Haier tel Which one is best? Why? What problems do you see in the other two introductions? makes @ good introduction ‘Some people like to shop in traditional shops. Other people prefer to do their shopping online. Discuss both views and give your opinion. B ‘Many people would rather Some people find it shop in the traditional There are a number preferable to chop wa. They enjoy ing to of good reesons wh inadlilonaletores, shopping malls, bookstores ‘some people ike to buy ogi oe and other places to shop. things oie. Thee ae thinkin pralarable On the other hand, there Good reesors em to shop online. Why? wenger aes of people would rather ‘ ieee! people who like online trot they nesta Because shopping online ey sary Gea ae popu lag They Houle stores, Personally, ef severe inal rather ue their computes, berhernie a phones, or other devices to friends. make their purchases. amy, © Read the topic below. Then write a short introduction for this question. Use linking words to show that the two opinions are in contrast to each other. | Some people think that multiple choice tests are better than tests which require you to write an essay. Other people think that tests which require you to write an essay are better. Discuss both views and give your opinion. However, .. Although On the other hand, .. Even though Nevertheless, Whereas .. In contrast, Despite Whisyvvhile In spite of (QUESTER 7 19 discussion/opinion essay, each of the two main paragraphs can discuss one of the opposing opinions from the question. Each paragraph should begin with at sentence that summarises the opinion. Look at the topic again and at the notes & student made to prepare their essay. How will the student start each main peragr ‘iting topic pinion Some people prefer to shop in traditional stores. Other people prefer to do ther ‘shopping online. Discuss both views and give your opinion. © Introduction © Main paragraph F Reasons why people favour online shopping © Main paragraph 2: Reasons wey people prefer traditional shoeing Conclusion 242 ACADEMIC WRITING — I x=== & The topic sentence of the second main paragraph should contain a linking word to link this paragraph with the first main paragraph. This type of linking word indicates concession. (You admit that information in the first paragraph Is true, but you indicate ‘that there is information that is in contrast to it.) Work in pairs. Read the topic sentences (1-7] and answer the questions. a Decide which sentences would make a good topie sentence for the first main paragraph, Mark thase sentences A b Decide which sentences would make a good topic sentence for the second main paragraph. Mark those sentences 8, © Ife sentence is not a good topic sentence, mark it X Discuss your answers with a partner Atthough online shopping is popular, there are some advantages to shopping at traditional stores. Certainly, there ere some excellent reasons why people prefer anline shoppine. A reason people prefer to buy things online is because it's convenient. Increasingly, online shopping is becaming a mare popular choice, for the fellewing reasons. However, not everyone likes to shop 2t traditional stores It ig not hard to understand why mere and more shoppers are buying products online. Despite the convenience of online shopping, there are some reasons to prefer more traditional forms of shopping. In the two main paragraphs, you can provide two or three reasons that support each point of view. Use sequencing words and phrases to introduce these sentences 0 that the paragranh flows smoothly from one reason to another. FIRST REASON First... First of all, .. One reason is that ‘The fist reason . For one thing, OTHER REASONS Secondly... /Thitdy,«.. A seconeithitd reason is that Anothet reason is that... Moreover, .../ Furthermore, ../ In addition, . Equally importent is the fact that. What's more, FINAL REASON Finally One final reason is that .. 2 3 4 ‘Read the question about online shopping again. Then look at the two main paragraphs bolow. Complete the paragraphs with linking words and expressions words. In some cases, more than one word or expression can be used. Increasingly, online shopping is becorning @ popular choice, for the following reasons. 1 prices at anline sites are genoraly somewhat ower than they are at traditional stores. 2.-.. ‘online shopping can be done quickly and easily. 8 your purchases are delivered directly to your home. 4 it coesn't take long at all to receive your purchases, Despite the convenience of online shopping, there are some reasons to prefer more tracitional forms cf shopping. 5... many people enjoy shopping 2s 2 social EXPEFIENGE, 6 on evn-- YOU €2N examina the merchandise you might buy closely, and in ‘the case of clothing, you can try LON. 7 e-mrme-w It '$ usually easier to retumn items toa traditional store if you decide they are not right for you. ACADEMICWRITING 243 You con suppor your reasons by giving details anc cther specific information, The ‘three Es effective ways 19 support your reasons: examples, explanation and experience. EXAMPLES For example / For instance There ate sovsral strong reasons why stuconts should ba encoureged t0 work while they are attending university. One veason is thet 9 part-time a ‘help prepare them for a career. For example/For instance, 2 jot in a vtevision studio a help a student to prapare for a career in broadcasting EXPLANATION In other words There ars 2 number of reasons wiry the government should provide & support 10 artists First of al. faneial suoport gives artisis creat\ve freedom In other wa they are nat forced to create art that they can easily sell. "EXPERIENCE Inmy experience / In my ease Howaver, there are also reasons why tis pro from traditional textbooks rathar than electronic textbooks. For one thing, you ean take in traditional toxtbooks easily. In my experience, this (s an important way to remem you nave read. Once Once, my family had a birthday pert for my grancimother at our house art to nearly a the next day t0 ti up, 10 Werk in pairs, Read the two main paragraphs below, which are part ofan essay 244 ACADEMIC WRITING the traditional/online shopping question on page 242. Then look at the sentences. (A-D) and answer the quostions (1-3). 1. Are the sentences exemples, explanations or experiences? 2. Add an introductory phrese (in other words, for examole, in my experience, atc) bel each sentence. 2 Decide the bast place in the paragraphs to put the four sentences, Vite the letter ¢ sentence in thet position, -n----s they view shopping as a soci experience. + Gan often deliver books or other purchases to you in a matter of days, especially if you onda express shipping, | ordered an exercise machine fram an aniine company, After I had npecked rt, | realized that it was not the one | wanted. Rapecking it end shipping it was not convenient at al os "One tool | ordered anne cost half as much as it did eta local harcware Increasingly, online shopping is becoming a more popular choice, for the following reasons, First ofall prices at online sites are generally somewbat lower than they are at traditional teres, Furthermiore, ordering goods online is quick and easy. What's more, rutchases are delivered directly to your home. One final reason is that it doesnt take Ia atall to reeeive your purchases. Despite the convenience of ealine shopping, there are some feasons to prefer more traditional forms of shopping. For one thing, many people enjoy shopping with feiends, In addition, you can examine the merchandise you might buy closely, and in the case of clothing, you can try it on, Finally, itis usually easier io return ilems to a traditional you decide they are not right for you. 11 Read the exam question below about different types of test. Then look at the notes a ‘student made before writing their essay. Using the information in the notes, write two main paragraphs. Make sure you include the following: topic sentences, linking words ‘additional details (explanations, examples or experiences) Some people think multiple choice tests are better than tests which require you to write an essay. Other people think that tests which require you to write an essay are better. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Essay teste © allow you to express your own Ideas (explain -) © allow students 10 wrte comect grammar (Ave-example.) ‘© dorit merely ect memorication (ge example.) Muttile choice test ‘© there is-cnly one ancwer so marking is fair (explain .) ‘© dont depend only on wring skis but on knowledge * easy io mark, so shudents get marks faster (experience .) EXPLAINING OPINIONS closrly Clearly, free higlior education could benefit people, especially those who cennot ‘otherwise afford to attend college. obviously Open borders would obviously mato it easier for tourists and business people to travel intemationally certainly Smartphones can certainly serve an educational purooss. GIVING YOUR OWN OPINION In my opinion It's my opinion that ... I'm of the opinion that Personally, ... I'm convinced thet. As| see it, . From my point of view, . DISAGREEING OR PARTIALLY DISAGREEING {Personal I'm not at al convinced that. is not ahwaysfentirely tuo, | don't think that... is justifiable | dor't share the view that In your conclusion, you should summarise the important points made in the main parsgrephs. in general, you do not want to bring up specific ponts or new ideas. Conclusions can be intfoduced with linking words. ! In conclusion In conclusion, there ere argurnents in favour of free higher education and arguments against it In summary /To summarise /To sum up ... To sum up, i's clear why some the idea of a word without passports; bu it also clear that there are reasons why some. people oppose this concept ‘On the whole On the whole, | don't agree that we should nat have passports. ‘ACADEMIC WRITING 5 ‘12 Workin pairs. Read the sample ion. Then ans ue Wieting @ enclusion ssopetlon, Thien onsiver thera ® |h conclusion there are scvantages ts bath forms of shopping, Online shopalng ic quick and Coheriem, especially for busy people, Personally, howener, | veel prefer the redtonal form of shopping because | enjoy interacting with people wihen shop. What is the writer's opinion of the two types of shopping? What is the purpose of the firs sentence in the conclusion? ‘What s the purpose of the second santance in the eonelusion? What is the purgose of the last sentence in the conclusion? 5 Do you feel that the conclusion ‘complotes’ the assay? Wty ar why no:? 13 Look at the box about conclusions, Then write @ conelusion forthe question about ‘multiple choice and essay tests that you wrote about in Exercise 11 on page 245, 14 Work in pairs. Read the task and the essay below. Then try to find as many errorsin spelling as possible. (Note: IELTS accepts both US and British English spellings, but you need to be consistent) Exiting your response (spelling) ‘Some people believe that the activities of large multinational corporations mo ‘benefit the economies of developing countries. Other people take the oppo! view and feel that these large multinationals are generolly harmful. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ‘There-are: varying opinlons about the role. multinstonal corprations (MNCS) play hy developing courtries. While many peopel feel that their role is primarly helt, many che think that MNCs damage the economy of he host counties: FSclear that i{gouermerts alow MNCs to operate inthe countries, there sre certan dangers iwolved. Frstof al, MNCs can atu local cbmpanies out of business Gel chains such as McDonalds, Walmer and Coca-Cola have many more resorces that can draw cn than local companies co For instants, they have huge bugets for ade ‘their prodcts, Verover, MNCs generaly send most ef thir profs back tothe home country unl local companies that keep the money within the local economy, Fly ‘some Inlemastonal companies cut corners’ whien it comesto enviromental issues. and polhte the ar and water of the host country (On the other hand. equally obius that MNCe can serve useful purposes. For oneal they tire a ict oflocal workers Whie fs true that not all ef these workers have ge level positians they stl improvethe employment picture in developing nations. n mmulinatlonal trancterteckrology to underdeveloped nations, For exampiss my ater hired an acountan by ¢ European ol company. He wsed the kncwege he learned {his postion o start his own beoeeping company: In chort there are both advartges and disadvantsgess involved in permitng MNCs bussiness in developing counts. They may unfairly compete with local firms arf ‘hem ino bankruptcy and they might cause ecological dainage. Oh the whol, howe lm nando hele that they pay a mostly postive role. The presents of MNCB in developing country sa major part of glotalzation All the reserche| am fara wih Inelcatos that counties that are open io hobalzaton are more sucestl than are not 15 How many spelling mistakes did you find? (There are 26.) Write the correct ste the misspelled words. 245 ACADEMIC WRITING 1G Look at the topic and answer the questions. (4-5 minutes) i ‘Many people believe that public facilities (e.g. z00s, museums, parks) should be ial free, Other people think that you should pay to use these facilities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 1. What are the two opposing opinions? What is the question asking? 2. Werte down three of four reasons ta agree with Opinion A, 2. Think of three or four reasons io agree with Opinion B, 17 Write your introduction. 11 Restate the proposition in your awn words, 2 Write one oF two sentences of background information about the two opinions. 18 Write the main paragraphs. 1. Write @ paragraph with two or three points supporting Opinion A. When possible, add specific doteils jexamples, explanations and experience). Use linking words, 2. White another paragreph with two or thrae points supporting Opinian B. Add specific details and use linking words, 19. Write your conclusion. W: mentioned in the two main paragraphs and clearly state your own opinion. 20 Check your work. (4-5 minutes) 1. Look for mistakes in spelling, capitalisation, punctuation and grammar. 2 Make sure that you have cleerly divided your response into paragraphs, and that your ‘handwriting is clear enough for an examiner to read 21 Work in pairs. After you have finished, look at the model answer on the DVD-ROM. Compare your answers with the madel answer and think about the marking criteria, (See page 180 for marking criterla,) IELTS PRACTICETASK Wiite about the following topic. ‘You should spend about 40 minutes on this tesk - 1 Soine jobs are based at a single work place where the hours are the same each day, while | other jobs involve frequent travel and irregular working hours. Discuss the advantages of bath types of job and give your awn opinion about which one is best.| [Give 1eesons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knawlodge or experience, Yite at least 250 words, {fel content cbt witha Tsk’ 2 DacusioyOpnon Esse | did OK, but | sti! need to:do more work on writing Tesk 2 Discuss I need more practice with writing Task 2 Discussion/Opinion Essays. need to focus on So ACADEMICWRITING 247 A About the task 1 Read the following information about the task. The Problem/Solution task tests your ability te write about a prablom and suagest ways to solve it (On the quastion paper, you see a statement about a contemporary problem and then two questions, One ‘question aka youl to dantfy the ceuse ot the problam and the ether question asks you te prepose solutions i the prablam. Here are the asic rules for writing ProblemySolution Essays Read and analyse the problem and the questions careful \Writs about the causes of tne problem and propose ocssibie solutions. Writs a bref, welkorgenisad introduction, at laast two main paragraphs and a stort conclusion, ‘Support your answer by civing reasons from your own knowledge 9” experience. \Vurite in paragraphs. Do not use notes or bullet 9 Use an academic reg/ster or style Write at least 260 words: Complete the task in about 40 minul Be sure to answer BOTH questions. You need to give the causes of the pretilem and you nead to propese Every year millions of people around the world suffer from poor health as 8 of air pollution. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions ean you suggest? What problem is the task esking you to discuss? Whet does the first quostion ask you to do? What daes tha second question ask you to do? With your partner, think ef some answers to tho fist and second quest Do you hava any personal experiences or knowledge related to th 248 ACADEMIC WRITING B Sample question & Read the task and answer the question. Use the rules about the task from Section A to help you. Then compare your answer with the sample answer on page 342, Which aspects of the task did you find difficult? ELTS PRACTICETASK fe about the follawving topic bu should spend about 40 minutes on this task In many parts of the world, there is not enough food for everyone. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? reasons for your enswer and include any relevent examples from your own knowledge and experience, ite at least 250 words. C Tips and tactics 4 Work in pairs. Read the tips and tactics and discuss these questions. Which tips and tactics do you think are the most useful? Did you use any of these tips and tactics when you answered the sample question in Section B? Which tips will you use in the future? ‘Spend a few minutes reading and thinking about the problem and the questions. Make sure you understend what the tas is asking you ta do. Underline key words. You con't heve a lot of time, but you should make @ brief plan Think about the mast important ideas you need to include, for example, the main causes and main solution the probiern ‘Your essay should include an introduction, two main psragraphs and ¢ conclusion, Your introduction can be orief. You should fist restate the prodlem in your own words and hen briefly explain wiy this problem is a serious one. Begin each mein paregraph with a topic sentence ja sentence that states the mein idea of the paragraph. In the first paragraph, the topic sentence should incicate that you are going to discuss the causes of the problem. In the second paragraph, the topic sentence should indicate that you are going to discuss the solutions to the problem: In both paragraphs, you should use linking wards and phrases to signal that you are moving from one point to anather, Inthe frst paragraph, you should use vocabulary of cause and effect to explain why the problem exists, Ii the second paragraph, you should support the solutions you give with examples, xplanations or experiences ‘The final paragraph can be brief. You should restate the main arguments and bring the essay toa conclusion, for example, you could indicate wich solution is best. Your paragraphs should be clearly separated, for exemple, you can leeve a blank space between them or indent the first line of each new paragraph. Keep track of the time, You have about 40 minutes to do Task 2. Maka sure your handwriting is clear and legible enough for the examiners to read, As you write your response, keea in mind the criteria that the examiners use to mark your response. (Far marking criteria, see About the Academie Writing Test, page 180.) ACADEMICWRITING 249 250 BaeeRETEE iL ae. maida ‘problem ACADEMIC WRITING D Skills-building exercises 5 Inthe introduction to a Problem/Solution essay, you should restate the problem in your own words and then explain why this problem is a serious one, one that people should try to solve. Look at the task below. Then look at three introductions for the essay. Which one is best? Why? What problems do you see in the other two introductions? | In many parts of the world, illiteracy rates are stil high. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? | A {fetrue that in many parts ofthe wor'd, literacy rates are stl high. There are a number of causes or this. There are alsa some Solutions | wil suggest Witeracy isa global problem. The main cause of this problem kt poverty When poverty decreases, so does literacy However ‘here are algo some ways to improve this stuation. Providing more educational television programe might be one. solution. Iiteracy ic problem in almost every country and every ‘community It affects the economy of a nation and causes ddficulties for businesses. Most ofall the inablty o read and write lowers people’ quality of Ife. G Read the task below. Then write a short introduction for this question. One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 7 Work in pairs. Look at the task below. Then read the four topic sentences to paragraph about the causes of illiteracy. Two of them would be good topic: What problems do you see in the other two sentences? Discuss your answers, In many parts of the world, illiteracy rates are still high. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? The areblem of literacy has multiple causes, (One cause of iliteracy is @ lack of trained teachers. There are a number of ways this prodlem can be approached. Several ‘actors are al the root of the problem of literacy. 1 2 3 4 Een INTRODUCING CAUSES ‘One cause of... is ‘The primaryfmain cause of «is Perhaps the most important cause of .. is . A second cause of... is. also causes/can also cause ... Another cause of ...s Furthermore/Moreover/in accition, is responsible for also plays role in Finally, UNCERTAINTY ABOUT CAUSES IH you do not know if @ factor is @ cause of something or not, you can indicate uncertainty ‘about causes in 2 number of ways. One possible cause is . Perhaps ... causes Another cause may/might be mayim ight be responsible for mayfmight also play a role can also lead to Look at the language box for talking about the causes of a problem. Complete the sentences with words or phrases to talk about causes. (in some cases, more than one: answer may be possible.) literacy in many countries is poverty, 2 literacy is a lack of textbooks and othar educational materiais. 3. Geographical factors 4) Alack of trained teachers iter Look at the task about traffie congestion. Then look at the notes a student made for ‘the first main paragraph of the essay (to talk about causes). Wite a topic sentence for this paragraph 2. ite three sentences to describe the causes for the tratfic probiem 3. Use words and phrasas from the language box on pege 252 to introduce each cause, ‘One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion. | What do you think are the causes of this? | What solutions can you suggest? | Causes of traffic congestion ‘© more vehicles on the road ‘public transport such as buses crovided and incor people have less time for journeys ACADEMICWRITING 281 ‘Those words and phrases can be used to explain why a problem exists. ‘CAUSE > EFFECT therefore / consequently any drivers lack proper training: therefore, they don't know ‘what to do in an emergency ‘80 Sometimes drivers use their cel phones, s0 they are too distracted to avoid a situations. as a result Sometines drivers use ther cell hones; as a result, they are too astra avoid dangerous sievabons. results in / accounts for Equipment failure also plays a role. For example, a loss of. results in accidents, causes / leads to / gives rise to / is responsible for Bad! weather coruiticns in win feads to an increase in the number of accidents an the roads. EFFECT ¢ CAUSE because / since The most impartent cause of tvefic accidents is excessive seed. they are traveling so fast, drivers don't have time 10 react. due to / because of / owing to Tiredness is a common cause of traffic accidents, 50 per cent of accidents were due to drivers not taking frequent breaks whist or isfare caused by Foor weather conditions. such as iey roads, may also play 2 role. In ‘winter many accidents are caused by icy rca0s. 10 Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the language box above, (M¢ than one answer may be possible.) Inmy country, @faily large proportion of the population is iliwerate 7 poor. Some teachers era unable to teach students to read and write lack propor training, Many families barely earn enough te pay for food: education is al they cannot afford Hiveracy in one generation often ilteracy in the next generation In.some cases, the problem... by geographical factors. people lve in isolated communitios in the mountains or the desert, ther Gildren attend regular schoo's, Look at the task below. You are going to write a paragraph discussing the ca stress-related illnesses in the modem world. Read the task and underline the key words Brainstorm a number of causes for this probiem and then choase two or three 13 in your essay. Write a topic sentence for vour paragraph White the main peragraph, using linking words. | Nowadays, stress-related ilinesses are becoming increasingly common. | What do you think are the causes of this? | What solutions ean you suggest? 252 AGADEMIGWRITING 12 Work in pairs. Look at six possible topic sentences for a paragraph describing solutions: to the problem of high illiteracy rates. Three of them would be good topic sentences. ‘What problems do you see in the other three sentences? Discuss your answers. 1. There are a number of ways tine problem of iliteracy can be approached. 2. Furthermore, there are some effective ways to deal with iliteracy. 3. Although iliteracy is @ persistent worldwide problem, there are @ numibar of staps that can be taken to correct it. 4 Just as there is no single factor behind the problem of ilieracy, there is no singlo solution, 11d like to suggest that every child receive a cheap laptop oF tablet loaded with how-to read programs Lot's take 2 look at the reasons wiry literacy is such 2 big problem. recommend that young divers be tequired to take an addtionel motorway dhiving test ‘before they get their diving licence. ‘My recommendation is that the folowing steps be taken. / suggest that the government do this right away | propose that the government identity dangoraus roads and fi the problems Manufacturers should build safer vehicles. Laws requiring sect belts must be enforced ag ere ee Remember, the question asks you to suggest solutions — not just one solution. Use linking ‘words such as first, another, fnelly end 36 on, to propose alternetive solutions, Se ee 13 Complete these sentences with words or phrases from the language bex above. (More than one answer may be possible.) One...» »--~18 for the government to spend more money on taining teachars. Another 18 {0 produce and broadcast more television shows that teoch children to ead and write. Finally, | ---------- that simple reading materials be made available for free. 414 Look at the task again. White a paragraph proposing possible solutions to the problem of stress-related illnesses. 1 Brainstorm a number of solutions to the problem and then choose two or three to discuss in your essoy. 2. Write a tapic sentence for your paragraph. 3. Write the second main paragraph, using linking words. Nowadays, stress-related illnesses are becoming increasingly common. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? ACADEMICWRITING 253 15 Work in pars. Read the conclusion for an easay about the literacy problem. Then ‘the explanations of the role of each sentence in the conclusion. Match the s¢ wwiting oe in the conclusion (1-4) with the explanations (A-E). One of the explanations will be used. In many parts of the worl, illiteracy rates are still high, What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions ean you suggest? (0) There isa singe cause ofthe problem of iiteracy, but certainly the higner the rate oF poverty thehigher the. rate of llteracy. (2) Becauce poverty such a stubborn problem, lteracyis net an easy problem to solve, (3) Howener there are some practical steps that can token, such ae improved teacher trang programs that can improve the stution. (4) Tesch people to read and write nat only ies them richer ives, t benefits society asa whole, This sentence explsins the benetits of solving the problem. This sentence gives an exemple of a Solution that might be effective ‘This sentence ives the most important cause of iliteracy. Tris sentence expleiis what will happan ifthe problem is not solved, This sentence explains why solving the problem will be difficult. 16 Reread the task below. Write a conclusion for an essay based on this topic. Nowadays, stress-related illnesses are becoming increasingly common. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 254 ACADEMIC WRITING 17 Work in pairs, Read the task and the essay below. Then try to find as many grammatical errors as possible. Use the table below to help you, Many species of animals have become extinct in recent times. What are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Jong as humans have been n the Earth, they have exploited nature. They have cleared land for farms and cities, unted andi trapped wild animals, and catch gh in rivers, lakes, and seas. All ef these actities have put many snimal feces in danger, and some have completely vanished. This has been a problem for centuries, but in the last OO years: ‘the problem of extinct has accelerated, Dozens of species disappears every yeat There are mutiple cause of ths problem. One major cause. isthe loss of habital. Forests have been cut down, wetlan ve been filed in, and grassy plains have been paved over: One tragic example isthe rainforests of the Amazon. ares of forestland cut down daly, destroying the homes ef courtless species of nimals. Another cause [oecinction i potion. Farmers use fertizers and pesticides on his land, These wash Info streams and rivers and feentily into the ocean, poisoning fish and other water creatures. Factories and cars produces alr pollution which tious for global warming, This endangers polar bear and many other species, Stil another cause ofthe extinction animals were often hunted for food or for the skins. For example, in North America, the buffalo ict because so many wat killed by hantens, Today, hinaceroses are. hunted for their horné and phenis are hunted for Its Wory tusks, both of which is very valuable, This hasled toa decine sharg in the number of ¢arinna n the wld. rare certain steps that can be taken to save animals from extinction. Areas such as parks natonal and ether types avimal reserves need to be protected. Exsting ones should be expanded and new ones should estsblish. Then too, ution and greenhouses gasses should be curbed. Finally there heeds 10 be more protect for endangered ankmals ich ae rhinos, gers and elephants. Love against posching should be: more. enforced rigorous ahd pope who hunt rats ilegal should be punished 62 animals have become extinct there ie nothing thar can do to help it They are gone forever But itis stil possible to some of he many species of animals that share this planet by humane. Error type Propositions ActivePass problem Word order Pronoun agreement ‘Word form Singular/Plurel nouns 18 How many grammar mistakes did you find? Correct the mistakes. ACADEMIC WAITING 19 Look at the task and answer the questions. (4-5 minutes) janning, writing 7 ae Dietary experts agree that many people have unhealthy diets. essay What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 1 What problem is given in the task? 2. Write down three or four causas of this problem. 3. Write down three or four ways to solve this problem. 20 Write your introduction, Restate the problem in your own words. Then write one oF: ‘two sentences of background information about the problem. Why is this a serious. problem? 21 Write your main paragraphs. 1. Write a peragreph with two or three causes of the probiam. 2. White another paragragh with two or three possible solutions to the problem, 22 Write your conclusion, Write a brief paragraph summarising the important points: mentioned in the two main paragraphs, Then say what might happen if this p not solved. 23 Check your work. (4-5 minutes) 1. Look for mistakes in speling, capitalisation, punctuation and grammar. 2. Make sure that you have clearly divided your response into paragraghs, and that you handwriting s clear enough for an examiner to read. 24 Work in pairs. Aftor you have finished, look at the model answer on the DVD-ROM. ‘Compare your answers with the model answer and think about the marking cr (See page 180 for marking criteria.) 256 ACADEMICWRITING _ IELTS PRACTICE TASK | Write about the following topic. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task In many large cities, some people waste hours of their time every day because of trattic congestion on the roads. What do you think are the causas of this? What solutions can you suggest? {Give reasons far your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledga and exper ence, \White at least 260 words, ‘feel eontident about writing for Task 2 ProblenvSolution Essays. ‘aid O, but | still need 10 do more work on Task 2 Problem/Solution Essays, (need more practice with Task 2 Problemi/Solution Essays, | need to focus on Cis ACADEMIGWRITING — 257

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