Ped 321 Movement Analysis Project

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Movement Analysis Booklet

PED 321

Name TC: _____Peter Santorelli__________

Instructor: ____Dr. O’Sullivan____________

Class: _____Movement Education______


PED 321 Movement Analysis Project

TC Name: _Peter Santorelli_______ Preschooler’s Name: _Keldon_________________

1. Data Recording – first in class, then submit typed to BB

Reflections should include details on the Pyschomotor, Cognitive and Affective abilities displayed
during that station.
Station 1: Pushing a hoop/tire through, in between, under, around, zig zag pathway with #s,
over ropes.
Student Directions: Grab your hoop/tire! We need to get Blaze to Red Field to warm up and get
ready. Be sure to follow the pathway to the field, you will have to go under, around, in-between,
and though. Get Blaze there as fast as you can!
Motor Skill
Overall Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Completes it without Has difficulties, Did not complete
difficulty, fluent choppy movement, drops independently
object, has difficulty
maintaining balance, etc.
Picking up Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
tire Post:  Post:  Post: 
By themselves Sometimes needs assistance Often needs assistance
Tire rolling Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Without dropping With dropping Completes with assistance
Movement Concepts
No difficulty / fluent Some difficulties Needs assistance
Through Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
In Between Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Under Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Zig Zag Pre:  Pre:  Had difficulty following #s Pre: 
following #s Post:  Post:  Had difficulty following #s Post: 
Over Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Around Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Hoop over pole Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Push flat tire Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Pull flat tire Pre:  Pre:  Pre: 
Post:  Post:  Post: 
Pre Tire dropping #______. Timing: how long to complete station _1:32___min

Post Tire dropping #______. Timing: how long to complete station ____min
Qualitative Reflections: Pre and post assessment students are different due to my student being

PRE- Keldon appears to be in the initial stage. Student had a little trouble on following numbers
which is expected of children this age. Keldon did a great job of being engaged in the task but
just needs a little extra motivation to perfom the task correctly.

POST- Matthew appears to be in the mature stage. Matthew did a god job of following
directions, following the numbers and seemed to have very few difficulties. The only thing was
Matthew would not return the hula-hoop over the cone, but I believe this was out of excitement
since he wanted to just keep going without stopping.

Station 2: Self-toss and catch / UHT in bucket

Pre Post Self-toss and catch
  Can toss object upwards below the eye line
  Can toss object upwards above the eye line
  Tosses object in front of body for all attempts
  Eyes tracking object
  Hands only catch, does not catch with chest
  Catches object below the eyeline after they throw it above the eyeline
  Catches object within the space they tossed (no more than 2 steps)
2/3 /3 Catches #___/3 times
Pre Post UHT in the bucket
  Throws underhand
  Steps in opposition
  Uses a pendulum swing
  follow through
  Eyes on Target
  Ball goes in the bucket
I UHT Motor Stage
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be in the initial stage. Keldon would often throw overhand instead of
underhand, it appeared that’s what he was more comfprtable with. With a little bit of corrective
feedback Keldon did a good job of switching from overhand throwing to underhand throwing.
Keldon was very capable of throwing the bean bag in the air. As far as catching it goes he did a
great job of positioning his body behind the ball, he just needs work on using two hands and
bringing his pinkies together or thumbs together to catch the ball.

POST- Mattew appears to be in the initial stage. Matthew was capable of throwing the bean bag in
the air, but slightly lacked the height of the toss. Matthew was very good at focusing his eye on the
object throughout the catch. While underhand throwing Matthew did a good job of using a
pendulum motion and following through. Looking ahead, Matthew could work on stepping in
opposition while practicing underhand throwing.

Station 3: Jumping or hopping on and off spots “In this station, we want you to try both jumping
and hopping to make it across the pond”
Pre Post Jumping 2 feet
  Loses balance when jumping (1 or 2 hands on ground)
  Attempt to jump but does not lift or land with 2 feet together
  Includes a jump with 2 feet lift and land together
  Preparation includes bending of knees
  When jumping, arms swing back and forth for propulsion
  Extends body fully in flight
  Landing includes bending of knees and bringing arms downwards
Motor Stage
Pre Post Hopping – Preferred foot
  Attempts to hop on 1 foot but lands on two or the other foot
  Includes a hop – 1 foot lift and same foot land
# # Can hop consecutively stationary/ FW (check box) + add #
  Foot of non-hopping leg remain behind hopping leg
  Uses a pendular motion on non-hopping leg to propel forward
  Uses opposition arm to leg movement while hopping
  Maintains balance throughout the hop
I Motor Stage
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Kedlon appears to be in the initial stage. Keldon was very capable of jumping off of two
feet. The landing part is what Keldon could use work on. He did a great job of understanding that
his knees needed to be bent while landing but would lose balance occasionally. Keldon would
use his hands to catch himself. Keldon was understanding of the hopping concept but would often
try to hop on two feet instead of 1. With a little outside support Keldon was able to hop on one
foot. Looking forward, Keldon could work on landing with “soft feet” while performing jumping.

POST- Matthew appears to be in the initial stage, working his way to the elementary stage 2.
Matthew did a good job of jumping with a 2 feet lift and landing together. Matthew did a good job
of bending an exploding to jump. When hopping Matthew was most definitely capable of hopping
on one foot just not quite consistent yet. Looking forward, one thing Matthew can work on is using
his arms for lift.

Station 4: Strike 3 times with long implement across the ground, retrieve in between each trial.
Pre Post Striking with long handled implement
  Uses two hands with dominant hand on top
  Makes contact with the ball all 3 times
  Eyes on the ball
  Perpendicular stance to the target
  Pushes (not slaps) the ball with a pendular swing
  Long handled implement remains below the waist
2/3 /3 Strikes the target ______/3 times
Pre Post Retrieve between each trial
  Puts the stick down
  Accurately orients to the location of the ball
  Retrieves without losing balance
  Uses one hand to grasp the ball
  Returns the ball to the striking area without prompting or assistance
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be in the initial stage of striking. Kedlon did a good job of keeping his eye
on the ball. While swinging Keldon did not use two hands while striking, he would often hold the
implement with only his dominant hand. Keldon still did a great job of stading sideways and
staying side on to the target. Keldon did not drop the implement while retrieving the ball, as most
students didn’t since that is the bat they hand picked themselves. In the future, Keldon would
greatly benefit from practing a “swing back” using two hands while performing striking.

POST- Matthew appears to be in the elementary stage 3 of striking. Matthew did a fantastic job of
keeping his eyes foced on the ball and making contact with it. For the most part Matthew would
use two hands with his dominant on top, but would sometimes randomly switch his hands.
Matthew would sometimes lose balance when retrieving the ball, but this seemed to come from

Station 5: Balancing and walking heel toe on different pathways straight, curved, zigzag
Pre Post Dynamic Balancing: Straight pathway
  Alternate heel to toe pattern used to follow the pathway

  Eyes remain forward

  Fluid and relaxed movements
  Maintains balance (losses balance no more than 1 time)
Motor Stage
Pre Post Concept of Pathways (Select one)
  Student follows the person in front
  Student repeatedly selects the same pathway
  Student looks at the sign to determine pathway incorrectly
  Student looks at the sign to determine the pathway correctly
  Student looks at the sign to determine the pathway correctly but needs help to
determine the correct pathway to walk on.
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be in the initial stage. Keldon did a great job of keeping an alternate heel to
toe pattern to follow the pathway. Keldon eyes were focused on his feet, which is not uncommon at
his age. Keldon was also unable to balance without support, once again not uncommon at his age.
Keldon appeared to be more comfortable when he was following the person in front of him. In the
near future it would be beneficial for Keldon to practice using “airplane-arms” to help maintain
balance while practicing the skill!

POST- Matthew appears to be in the initial stage. Matthew did a great job of grasping the concept
but needed work on some minor things. Instead of following a heel to toe pattern he would position
his feet sideways while following the pathway. Mattew did a great job of looking at the signs to
determine the correct pathway.

Station 6: Sliding sideways straight and turn midway

Pre Post Sliding
  Students’ chest remains parallel to the line
  Legs open and close to slide while remaining low to the floor
  Feet do not cross one another
  Pattern is smooth and rhythmical
  At midway student is able to pivot facing the opposite direction
  Traveling remains smooth and rhythmical after pivot
  Pathway traveled is sideways parallel to the line
  Can slide 3 times consecutively with left lead leg
  Can slide 3 times consecutively with right lead leg
I Motor Stage
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be at the initial stage. Keldon did a good job of keeping his chest parallel to

the line. Keldons movement seemed to resemble a choppy run. Keldon did a good job of
comprehending a pivot while sliding but he just didn’t know when to excute the pivot/change of
direction. One thing Keldon can work on in the future is following the pattern of “side, together, don’t
cross” when practicing sliding.

POST- Matthew appears to be in the elementary stage of slding. Matthew did a great job of making
sure his feet did not cross. He used his arms and remained sideways throughout, and he was well
aware of how and when to pivot/change directions. In the future Matthew could work on keeping a
more smooth and rhythmical pattern while sliding.

Station 7: Running and leap over a rope

Pre Post Running
  Eyes are looking forward
  Arms bend at elbows and move in opposition to legs
  Knee bent at 90 during recovery phase – heel to buttock
  Heel to toe foot placement
Motor Stage
Pre Post Leaping
  Eyes looking forward
  Runs over the rope without hesitation or height (continuous run)
  Take off on two feet and land two feet (jumping)
  Take off on one foot and land on two feet
  Take off on one foot and land on opposite
  Arms and legs in opposition
  Controlled landing
I Motor Stage
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be in the initial stage. Keldon did perfectly fine for running but seemed to
be flat footed and ran with a high guard, which could easily be fixed with simple instruction. For the
most part Keldon did a good job of keeping his eyes focused forward with only occasionlly looking
down. Keldon was great at jumping over the pool noodle but appeared to be thinking through the
action in which his leap would become more of a jump. Looking forward one thing Keldon could
work on is the “one leg landing” in which he takes of on one foot and lands on the opposite.

POST- Matthew appears to be in the elementary stage 2 of running. Matthew did a great job of
keeping his eyes focused forward while running. Matthew also did a good job of having a slightly
forward body lean. Matthew kept his arms in a middle guard. In the future Matthew could work on
high-heel recovery. Matthew appears to be in the initial stage of leaping. Matthew once again did a
great job of keeping his eyes focused forwards. Matthew would mostly just continuously run over
the rope resembling an elongated run. Looking ahead, Matthew could work on gaining height while

Station 8: Kicking with high force to a target and return the ball to the spot – retrieve
Pre Post Kicking
  Eyes are focused on the ball
  Stationary kick with non-kicking foot placed near the ball
  Moving approach with non-kicking foot placed near the ball
  Backswing of kicking leg
  Contact the ball with Instep or shoelaces
  Follow through towards the target
  Kicks the ball on the first try
Motor Stage
Pre Post Effort: Force: “Kick the ball as hard as you can”
  Student kicks with a high force
  Student kicks with a light force
Pre Post Retrieval Time “Run quickly to retrieve the ball”
  Student runs quickly to ball
  Student walks to the ball
  Returns the ball to designated kicking area with prompting
  Returns the ball to designated kicking area without prompting
Qualitative Reflections:

PRE- Keldon appears to be inbetween the initial stage and the elementary stage 2 of kicking.
Keldon was able to kick the ball on the first try. Keldon had a stationary leg swing and remained in
a stationary position. Keldon would walk to receive his ball and would return to his correct and
intended spot. Keldon displayed the performance indicator of “plant foot.” Keldon could work on
following through when kicking the ball or following the performance indicator of “swing through.”

POST- Matthew appears to in the elementary stage 2 of kicking. Matthew did a great job of keeping
his eyes focused on the ball and did a good job of portraying backs swing. Matthew was very
consistent when practicing the skill of kicking. In the future Matthew could work on using a forward
step while kicking, instead of remaing stationary. Matthew was very good at making contact with
the ball but could work on contacting the ball with his instep or shoelaces.

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