Short Vowel Exercises For Agility: A E I O U

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Short Vowel Exercises for agility

Papple Pepple Pipple Popple Pupple
Babble Bebble Bibble Bobble Bubble
Tattle Tettle Tittle Tottle Tuttle
Daddle Deddle Diddle Boddle Duddle
Kakkle Kekkle Kikkle Kokkle Kukkle
Gaggle Geggle Giggle Goggle Guggle
Sassle Sessle Sissle Sossole Sussle
Zazzle Zezzle Zizzle Zozzle Zuzzle
Faffle Feffle Fiffle Foffle Fuffle
Vavvle Vevvle Vivvle Vovvle Vuvvle
All Ball, Call, fall, Hall, Paul, stall,
tall, Wall, shawl, sprawl, small, Caw, jackdaw,
jaw, paw, raw, saw, law, Door, bore,
floor, more, pour, pore, sore, soar, tore,
wore, before, store, gore, core, born, morn,
lawn, torn, dawn. corn, forlorn, sport, court,
fort, port, retort, sought, sort, taut, taught,
brought, bought, eight, explore, uproar, story, story,
hoary, gory, drawl maul, daub, force, sauce,
because, gaudy, snort fraud, victorious glorious cause
Long Vowel exercises for clarity of Speech

Pahp Pohp Poop Pawp Pap Peep
Bahp Bohb Boob Bawb Bab Beeb
That Toht Toot Tawt Tar Teet
Dahd Dohd Dood Dawd Dad Deed
Kahk Kohk Kook Kawk Kad Keek
Gahg Gohg Goog Gawg Gag Geeg
Sahs Sohs Soos Saws Sas Sees
Zahz Zohz Zooz Zawz Zaz Zeez
Fahf Fohf Foof Fawf Faz Feef
Vahv Vohv Voov Vawv Vav Veev

 The new corona- virus outbreak, which originated in Wuhan,


 Between one and fourteen days is the incubation period of

COVD 19.

 China Actually alerted the world health organization to unusual

pneumonia cases in Wuhan’s city on December 31.

 At least 14 days is the proper isolation period due to the

incubation period of the Covid – 19

 More than 30.8 million cases, the global death toll surpassed


 The virus circulates in animals and some can be transmitted

between humans and animals.

 Fever, breathing difficulties and coughing are some of the

common signs of infection.

 The Covid Virus can cause death or gatal damage, like

pneumonia and multiple organ failure.

 The world Health organization declared Covid a pandemic on

march II

 The majority of Covid – 19 infections originate from age groups


 Corona Virus disease – 19 or Covid – 19 is also known as corona


 Corona virus is a worldwide pandemic.

 Coronavirus is a communicable disease.

 We must apply a mask on our face and sanitize our hands and


 About 5 crore people are affected by coronavirus in the whole


 More than 12 lakhs peples died from coronavirus.

 The first case of coronavirus is in India was found on 30 January


 The Coronavirus tests are on two types.

 India is on first number in Coronavirus testing.

 Those who are fighting against Corona are known as Corona


 They are doctors, nurses, policemen, Social workers etc.

 Corona warriors sanitize the roads and buildings.

 Corona warriors provide even food to local people in tough


 Some Corona warriors even give their life to save others life.

 Corona warriors donate a large amount of money in coronavirus


 People give respect to the corona warriors.

 Every citizen will also be a corona warrior by staying at home in

the lockdown.

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