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9º Ano

1) Quais expressões abaixo têm relação à mudança climática? Circule

Animal Protection - global warming - melting glaciers - water waste - stronger storms - weather conditions

2) Qual o principal objetivo do texto pág. 130 ( global climate change) ?

a) ( ) To provide students with basic information about climate change

b) ( ) To encourage students to take simple steps to stop global climate change

3) Escreva (T) para true (verdadeiro) e (F) para False:

a) ( ) The Earth is getting warmer

b) ( ) It’s easy to see that the Earth’s climate is changing

c) ( ) Human activities are the main cause of climate change

d) ( ) Climate changes in the past were bigger and happened faster than today’s climate changes.

4) Enumere as colunas de acordo com as definições dos seguintes desastres naturais:

(A) bushfiree (queimadas)

(B) flood (enchente)

(C) drought (seca)

(D) hurricane (furação)

(E) earthquake (terremoto)

(F) tsunami

( ) A violent storm with very strong wind

( ) A long period when there is little or no rain

( ) A fire in a large, unpopulated area, especially one that spreads quickly

( ) A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry

( ) An extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea.

( ) A sudden violent movement of the Earth’s surface, often causing great damage

5) Como está o tempo de acordo com cada figura?

Cloudy freezing rainy stormy sunny windy

(nublado) (congelando) (chuvoso) (tempestuso) (ensolarado) (ventoso)

a) b) c)

It’s __________ It’s __________ It’s hot and ____________

d) e)

It’s cold and _________ It’s _______ and snowy

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