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What will you recommend to the Philippine government to value the multiple benefits of R and D in the

interest of the Filipino people? And what will you recommend one more time to the government on
what to “research” to improve technological advancement in terms of education, health and safety,
militarization and defense, etc? Give your practical insights.

-Philippine government must support the R and D to keep pace with the researchers to increase the
dissemination of research results and to enhanced the talent in terms of scientific and engineering that
Filipino people have. The Philippine government needed to reflect in the increased research activity in
every organization to compromise advanced strategic and productivity to meet the improvement of the
research demands. If a project is large-scale, highly concentrated, likely to require the coordination of
the work of numerous researchers, and is subject to somewhat tight time constraints, direct
government financing or conduct of the research may make the most sense. Government assistance for
R&D is predicated on a sufficient level of national capability to conduct successful research at the
desired scale. The availability of skilled scientists, engineers, and other technical employees is a key
factor in determining that capability. Using a variety of policies to promote R&D may be a viable method
for the time being, as long as care is taken to assist scientists and engineers receiving support in taking
varied, possibly even opposing, approaches. Supporting various solutions to a problem at once enhances
the probability of success as well as chances for collaboration or healthy competition. In this kind of
innovative activity that government conducted it will able to measure the effective growth the value of
the R and D in every Filipino. In terms of the improvement of the technological advancement in
education government must look on the equipment that surely can helps the student to acquire skills to
for the future. In every person has their own learning styles most of them are better through visuals and
others in hearing, apply creative learning helps to improve and increase the productivity and the
performance of the students. Teacher's must communicate to the student inside and outside the vicinity
of the school to remain in touch and chance to ask questions for particular projects to help them work
properly and effectively. Health and safety recommendation to the Philippine government, the global
economy is at risk as a result of the crisis, as activity, employment, and consumption are affected. The
crisis shows how crucial it is to give health systems backup capacity as well as agility. It is challenging to
respond quickly to demand and supply shocks due to tight health labor markets. Government needs to
act fast and effectively when health is on the line, it is important to be ready in all virus like the COVID-
19. In the future, a better norm will be characterized by increased attention to predicting responses,
unity within and across nations, agility in controlling responses, and redoubled efforts for cooperative
acts. Lastly, militarization and defense must cooperate to the other country that has an advance military
equipment and compare the current equipment to see the difference between the two. Conducting this
helps our military to improve the technology they use and can protect many civilians. Investing to
defense industry can improve and expanded quality of military equipment, to keep the industrial
foundation for longer and maintain a military industry, output must be spread out over a longer

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