LMT3022 Signals & Instrumentation - SO02 Design of PHmeter

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LMT3041 Instrumentation and Signal Processing

SO02 Design

The activity must give evidence of the development and empowerment of the following student

SO-02. '' Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet
specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as
well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.''


By using the Nerst equation


Eg≡ sum of the reference potential and the potential at the liquid
Eg≡ potential when a=1
a≡ hydrogen ion activity
T≡ Absolute temperature
R≡ 1.986 calories /( mol Kelvin) = 8.314472 J/ (mol kelvin)
F≡ Faraday's constant (charge per mole) 96485.3365 C/mol = e
2.303≡ logarithmic conversion factor
Effect of temperature on the sensor

 Design the necessary processing blocks to obtain an instrument for pH measurement.

 Document the operation principle for the designed instrument.
 Manipulate the mathematical model by identifying the inputs, outputs, and assumptions.
 Obtain a proposal of the instrument by using block diagrams.
 Simulate the block diagram using Simulink.
 Replace the blocks with OPAMS analog circuits and individually simulate each block using
Multisim or other simulation software such as PartQuest.
 In your report include the response graphs and not the source files
 Report must be in English.

The report must include:

 Brief introduction of the importance and applications of pH-meters.

 Design of each processing block justifying the selection of topologies.
 Pay attention that temperature and the potential in the measurement electrode are inputs
 Analyze your results and compare them with the expected theoretical response explaining the
differences in each case.
 Conclusion on the design process and its results empathizing your learning.

The structure suggested to the report is the following:

 Title of document
 Brief description.
 Identification of problem to solve and document different alternatives of solution.
 Methodology for the development of the project.
 Results achieved including a section evaluating the solution obtained.
 Conclusions including a special section with sustainability elements according the rubric.
 References and Bibliography.

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