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ISO 9001 Certificated ce S DNB D70IIs gijenc® OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL DNS Co., Ltd. MODEL : D70Ls SERIAL NUMBER : Office (Hankook tire Bldg, 4F) 424 chulean-dong, Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea(423-030) Tel: +82-2-2617-5001 Fax | +82-2-2611-8004 Factory 27-5. Sengjeong-dong. Heungdeok-gu. Cheongit-si Chungcheonabuk-do. Koreal36'-250) Tel: +82-42-267-2500 Fax © +82-19-267-5001 “Spectications and design presented in this manual are subject to change without notice -1- Introduction The DNS high-performance breaker has been developed by concentrating the latest technology based on DNS‘s abundant experiences. Since this equipment has passed strict inspections and tests before delivery, it can be used with ease. This manual describes the construction, correct operation, inspection and repair in order to use this equipment safely and efficiently. Refer to the specified instruction manuals for the Breaker. Before using this equipment, be sure to read this manual and to fully understand the operation, inspection and repair. If you do not follow this manual, any serious accident may occur. * This equipment should not be used for other works except the specified works. * ff this equipment is used carelessly, such an accident as injures seriously or kills a person may be caused «The operator and maintenance man should read and fully understand this manual before operating oF repairng this equipment, » This manual should be kept near this equioment, and those who use or manage the egupment shoud read it periodically. «If ths manual is lost or damaged, order a new one from DNS or DNS's selling agent. «If this equipment is transferred, be sure to attach this manual to the equipment * Since the product has been improved constantly, this manual may not cover alll of the equpment. Please contact DNS or DNS's selling agent for obscure things. * For safety, common items are described in the succeeding pages. * Use this equipment according to the regulations of @ nation where it is used. « llegal waste cisposal has much to do with the envionmert destruction observe the laws and rules about the waste disposal strictly SAFETY INFORMATION Most of the eccidents are caused by disregarding the basic rules of operation, inspection or repair, or by negectng the inspection before operation. Many accidents can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before snd accident occurs. Before operating, inspecting or repairing this eouipment, be sure to read and fully understand the preventive methods and wamings described on the equipment or in this manual. If not, never operate, inspect or repair this eouipment. Safely lebels and messages are clessifed as follows (based on ISO9000) so that the users can understand the warnings on the equipment or in this manual Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will A DANGER resut in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations, A WARNING — Indicates a potentialy hazardous siuation which, it not avoided, could resut in death er serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous stuation which, if not avoided, may A CAUTION resut in minor or moderate injury. it may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. @ NOTICE — Signs used to indeate a statement of company policy directly or inalrectly related! to the safety of personnel er protection of property The safety messages include the preventive measures to avcid danger. DNS cannct anticpate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard on operation, inspection or repair. Therefore the wernings in this manual are not all inclusve. If an operation, inspection or repair not descnbed in this manual is used, you must take measures for safety by yourself. 1. SPECIFICATION 1.1 General specifications of DNB D70lIs 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Position of Identification Detals and Sign plates 2.2 Safety 2.3 DNB D7eils 24 Principles of operation 3. OPERATION 3.1 Correct workng methods .... 3.2 Operating temperature .. 4. MAINTENANCE 4.1 Service instructions for operator... 4.2 Inspection 43 Yearly service 4.4 Hydraulic oil 4.5 Lubrication 4.6 Long term storage - 28 47 Cleaning the hanmer.. 4.8 Trouble shooting .... 5. DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING THE DNB D7OlIs 5.1 Removal and instalation of tools..... 5.2 Changing tool bushing .. 5.3 Wear limits for tools and tool bushing 5.4 Removal and installation of the harnmer 5.5 Assembling and installing the accumulator S@eeRe 5.5 assembling and installing the accumulator 5.6 Charging the accumulator. 5.7 Removal and installation of main valve... 5.8 Removal and installation of pressure control valve. 5.9 Removal and installation of check valve . 5.10 Loosening and tightening side rods. .. 5.11 Disassembling and assembling the cylinder... 5.12 Disassembling and assembling the front head. 5.13 Disassembling and assembling silencing parts. 6. INSTALLATION 6.1. Installing the hammer. 6.2 Hydraulic installation. 6.3 Measuring hammer operating pressure... 7. PARTS LIST 7.1 DNB D7Olls Tools 7.2 DNB Dolls Breaker 8, SERVICE DATA 8.1. Main inspection.. 82 Yearly service .. 8.3 Tightening torque 8.4 Application of sprays and greases. forsFlel( yam DT SPEGIFIECA TIONS 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS OF DNB D7OIIs co V 7 \ B70 Me j sizes | " \\ unit + mm Working weight 1,60 kg Back pressure 5 bar Impact energy 400 4 Tool shank diameter 180 mm Operating pressure 140 bar DI temperature -20~ +80 Pressure relist (min) 175 bar Hydraulio oll viscosity 15~1,000 ost Oil flow 120~160 Ipm Accumulator pressure 40 bar Line size Carrier weight 16~22 ton Prassura ine 25 mm Return line 25 mm Chapter General Iniormeation 2.1 Position of Identification Details and Sign plates All safety instructions and hazard wamings on te equipment must be kept complete and in a perfecty legible conaition. It is your responsibilty as owner and operator of the equipment to ensure that any safety instructions or warming plates on the machine that have been damaged or rendered illeable are replaced wittout delay. DAB a Do wear ear protection or keep over 7.5m distance away as over 85dB can make hearng disorder. Do keep over 20m away from work site as flying debris can make person dangerous. As spraying pressure of Ne gas can meke eye sight lose, do work after dischar2 of Ne gas. In air frighting, Ne gas must be cischarged as there is possibilty to exaloce. DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. + This manual is a guide to the safe operation and maintenance of your ONB C7dlls HAMMER, + Fead this manual carefully before installing, ‘operaing or mainiaining this equipment. + The hammer is a powerful tool. Using without proper cate can cause damage. + Be sure to use it comectly. Chapter 3 Operation is to assist you in the sale use of the hammer. Special attention should be paid to all safsty notices. They are to warn you of possible hazards. & WARNING sAlways be aware of potertial hazards. To avoid inury or damage always take the necessary precautions & CAUTION *Always adhere striclly to safe working practices. ‘Failure to do so could result in injury to the operator or cihers and possible damage to the equipment + You should be a competent operator of the cartier machine to use hammer correctly Do not use or install the hammer until you ean use the carer machina, Do not tush the job of learning Take your time and leam safely * if there is anything you do not understand, ask your DH! Service Center for advice + Hammer Model and Serial Number + This manual is prepared for deaing with the ONB O70lls. + O70lls is designed for breaking oversized bouklars, and demolishing reinforced structures, DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. +The weiaht of the O7Olls is 1,660/1860Ka 2.2 SAFETY together wih tools, hoses and adaotors. Wf operated wihout care or correct +The impact energy of fhe hammer is constant maintenance, all mecharical equipment can land independant of the ea‘iar’s hydraulic ve hazaidous system + Read and understand the warming messages * The O70lls is designed for major heavy of this manual. They tell you of hazards and excavation and clearing work how to avoid them. If you donot +The hammer serial number is stamped on a understand he messages, coneut your metal plate, amployer, your dealer or DHI Service which is inthe valve nousng, near the in-ine Center connection + Safely Is not just a matter of responding to * Comeet reference to the serial number of the ‘he warring. hammer is important in case cf repairing or + Whenever you are working with your O7Alls ‘ordering spare parts, Maintaining and hammer you must consider what might D2 identfyng parts for speotic hammer is possible hazards and how to avoid them possible only through serial number. + Do rot work with the hammer # you are unsure of iis operation, + Using the Manual * Do not start any operations unless you and ‘hose around you are sate +The purpose of this manual is to give you an + you ate unsure of anything about the understandng of the equipment and ts sale D7Olls hammer or the job, consult 2 ‘operation, It algo contains maintenance information ‘eehnielan and technical spectications. + Do not assume anything. You must cheek it + Study te manual thoroughly before using or ‘horoughiy maintaining the hammer. If you do not understand anything or you are unsure, consut your DH Service Centar. Do not guess. Read al the safety statements carefully, Always work carefully and safely CN Fi LL) First read carefully the following waming ee messages. They will keep you from hazards and how to avoid them. IF proper precautions are not observed, there is a risk of injury. * CARE AND ALERTNESS * Every time you work with the hammer, handle with care and stay alert. Always be careful. Always be alert for hazards. DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 1) Manuals a. Read this manual before installing, operating ‘or maintaining the hammer. if thare is anything undear, ask your employer or your DHI Sarviea Carter for dotals. b. Keep this manual in good condtion 2. Obothing a. You can be injured it you do not wear proper ckthing. Loose clothing can get aught in the machinery. Wear protective clothing to sut the job. Examples are: a safety helmet, safaty shoes, safely glasses, well-ling overalls, ear-prolectors and industial aloves. Keep cutts fastened. b. Do not wear a neckte or scart and keep long hair restrained. + Lifting Equipment = The use of faulty Ifting equipment can cause an injury, + Make sure that the lifting equipment is in good condition, + Make sure that lifting tackle complias with all local regulations and is sutable for the job. + Make sure that lifting equipment is strong enough for the job and you know how to use it & CAUTION! * Read carefully following safety messages. Failure to follow these safety practices could result in inury to the operator or others and possible damage to the equipment. ¥ Regulations and Laws # + Observe all laws, worksite and local regulations which affect you and your equipment. # Practice + You and hers can be seriously injured # you carry out unfamiliar operations without practiong them firt + Practice away trom jobrsite, on a clear area, + Keap other paopla away. + Do not perform new operations until you are sure you can operate them safely. ¥ Equipment Condition # + Getective equipment can injure you or others. Do not oparate equipment which is defective ‘or has missing parts, + Make sure the mantenanee procedures in this manual are completed before using the equipment. ¥ Equipment Limits # + Operating the equipment beyond its design limits can cause damage. It can also be dangerous. = 10 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. + Oo noi operate the ecuipment beyond its limits. + Do noi try to upgrade the equipment's Performanca with unapprovad mosificatione. 3) Communications @. Poor communications can cause accidents. b. Keep people around you informed of what you will be doing. ©. if you will be working with other people make sua they understand any hand signals you will be using. d, Remember work sites are noisy. Please do not raly on spoken commands. 4) Work site @. Work sitas can be hazardous, b. Inspect the site before workng on it ©. Check for potholes, weak ground, hidden rocks ete. d. Check for uilties (electric cables, ges and water pipes ete.) 2. Mark the positions of underground cables and pipes it you wil be preaking the round naar to tham 5) Meta Splinters You can be injured by fying spinters when stiving metal pins in and out b. Always wear safaty glasses. 8) Banks and Trenches a. Banked material and trenches can collapse. b. Do not work too close to banks and ienches where there is a danger of collapse 7) Safety Bariers a. Unprotected equipment in public places can be dangerous, b. In public places, or when your visibilly is reduced, place barriers around the machine to keep people away. ACAUTION * Obey all safety regulations and always be alett to hazards. ACAUTION * Grease the hammer regularly during operation. * Do not operate the hammer as a standard assembly under water, or it will be damaged » Pay careful attention when lifting and handing. 8) Repairs and Maintenance a. Do not ty to do repairs or any other maintenance work you do net understand. b. Unapproved repairs andlor maintananee ean cause inury and damage Contact your DHI Service Center for advice before repairing and/or maintaining the hammer. =u DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 9} Accumulator a. The hammer incorporates ona pressure accumulator. b. The accumulator is pressurized even when there no hycraule pressure to the hammer. . Attempting 1 dismantle te 2ocumuletor without first releasing the pressure can cause serious inury. d. Do not try to dismantle pressure accumulators. 10) Hydraulic Pressure a. Hydraulic fluid at system pressure is dangerous, b. Before disconnecting or connecting hydraulic hoses, stop the carrier engine and operate the controls to release pressure trapped in the hoses. cc. Keep people away trom the nydraulic hoses during hammer operation = 12 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2.3 DNB D7OIIs #Main Components # 1) Hammer 2) Housing 2) Side buffer 4) Ring buffer 5) Wearing plate 6) Top cover = 13 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2.4 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION + Pressue inside the hammer increases and compresses the nifogen 93s inside the 1) Stat Up -acoumulater. + Ol tows trough the creck vaNetA) into the 2) Rotuen Stroke ‘accumulator (8) and to the space() undar the * When the preset operating pressure has pistontP) been reached, the vahe(D] opans the outlat channel from space(E) to lank line. + The pressure control valveiO) has closed the ‘outlet channel trom spacelE) and prevents the + Piston starts the return stroke, due to the piston from moving pressure under the piston. HEE HIGH PRESSURE SK TANK PRESSURE = ta - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. [9 HIGH PRESSURE SSG TANK PRESSURE 2) Impact Stroke + In its highest position, the piston allows the pilot pressure to pass through the channel!) to the other and of tha main vaivel(G), + Main valve changes postion and opens the ‘space(E) to the accumulator(é) * The piston starts its impact stroke during which oil is suppied trom the accumulator. 4) Impact Stroke (Final Stage) + Piston moves downwards with high valoetty. + GroovelK) in the piston connects pilot channeliL) TO TANK LINE + Main valvelG) starfs to move back and eonnacts spacelE) to outlet channal. + Moving of piston causes reduction in the accumulator pressure and activates the pressure control valve(O) to close the gullet channel + After the impact the piston remains in postion Until the of pressure rises and the cycle is repaatediphase 1) = 15 - for el(aae S OPERATION + This chapter descrizes the correct working b) Impact Breaking methods and how to choose the correct tool for the job, + In impact breaking, mstarial is broken by + To inoraase the hammar's working iile, pay transferring very strong mechanical stress from articular attention to correct working methods. the tool inio material t be broken. +The hammer is a powerful machine and lols of + Best possible energy tlansier between tool and damage can ba done i you do not krow how ‘object is achieved with a blunt tool to use it correctly + Impact breaking is most effective in hard, brite + Read this chapter betore operating INE and very abrasive materials hammers, + The blow energy of O7Olle is suitsbla for the impact breaking operation Choosing Tools DHI can offer a selection of and special tools to suit each application. The type of tool must be selected 19 get the best possible working results and life time for tool 1) Blunt + For igneousle.c.granite) and tough metamorphic roek(e.g.gneiss) into which tool doesn't penetrate * Concrete * Breaking boulders 2) Chisel and Moll + For sedimentary (eg.sandsione| and weak metamorphic rock into which tool penetrates * Concrete + Tranching and benching Principles of Breaking + There are basically two ways of breakng with a hydraulic hammer. a) Penettative(or Cutting) Breaking ‘In this form of breaking the moil point or chisel tool is foread insida tha material. This method is mest effective in soft, layered or plastic, low abiashe material = te - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 3.1 CORRECT WORKING METHODS: 1) Prepare the carrier for normal excavation work. a. Move the cartier to a required positon b. Engage the parking brake ©. Sat the crive to neutral 4. Disengage the boom lock lif fitted). 2) Set tha engine spaad to tha recommended engine RPM, 9) Place the tool against the object at 30 depress. 1. Avoid small imegularties on the object which can break easiy and cause either idle strokes of incorrect workiig angle b. Incorrect working methods may cause failure in the operation of hammer or housing 4) Use the excavator boom to press the hammer fimly against the object a. Do rot pry the hammer with the boom, b. Do not press too much or too iitle with the boom, e. Correct foree is appliad when the sice buffer is compressed against the vahe housing about 2~Smm, -- DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 9) Start ne hammer. 4. Do rot allow the hammer to fall down and rake idle strokes whan te object breaks 6) Do net let the tool move outwards from The constant idle strokes have a hammer when t penetrates, deteriorating effect on the hammer. + Feed the hammer all the time with the b. It hammer falls cown, side-plates wear out exeavator boom. rote quickly. 7) Keep the tool at 80 dagrees at all times. 9. Do net stike in one spot for mora than 15 seconds ai a time a. It object moves or its surface breaks, correct tha angle immaciatoly. “If an objact doas not break, styp tha b. Keep feed force and too! aligned. hammer and change the position of the tool which dampens the impact effect and cause ©) Sp he hammer quickly the tool to overheat xK ea Max 15 sec HEATING. COMPOUND “J Normal Option = 1g - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 10) When breaking concrete, hald oF frozen cround, never sirke and bend wih the tool at the same time This action may causa tha tool to break b. Bending may be caused by stone which is, insi¢e hard or ftozen ground. ¢. Slop siriking if you find sudden resistance under the tool & NOTICE Listen to the hammer’s sound while you are using it «lf the sound becomes thinner and the impact less efficient, the tool is misaligned with the material andlor there is not enough “pressing” force on the tool * realign the tool and press the tool firmly against the material & CAUTION The hammer es a standard assembly must not be used under water. «If water fills the space where the piston stikes the tool, a strong pressure wave is| generated ard the hammer may be damaged, 3.2 OPERATING TEMPERATURE +The operatng temperature is -200~80C (-#F~176 °F) if the temperature is lower then -20U(-4"F), the hammer and tool must be praheatad betore starting the operation in order to avoid breakage of the accumulator membrane and the tool. During the operation they will remain warn, +80°C +176°F eo°c = 19 - forty 4 MAITTENANEG2 + This section of the manual describes how to maintain your hammer. ¥# General Intormation ¥ + Keep the following rules in mind when you carry out maintenance work 1) The hydraulic hammer is a pracisaly made hydraulic machine. Absolute cleanliness and feat care are base and essential reauirements for handling any hydraulic components. Dirt is the worst anemy in hydraulic systems, 2) Handle the hammer parts carefully and Temember to cover cleaned and dried parts ‘with clean tint tree cigtn 2) Do not use anythng other than purposefully designed fliids for cleaning hydraulic parts. Den't use water, paint thinners or carton tetrachioride 4) Components, gaskets and seals in the hydraulic system should be oiled with clean hydraulic oll before assembly. 4.1 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATOR + The operator must carry out following ingructions. 1) Every 2 Hours in continuous use or Daily use a. Grease the tool shark and the tool bustings, b. Observe hydraulic oil temperature, all lines and connections as well as impact efficiency and evenness of operation 2) Every 10 Hours or Weekly a. Remove the retaining pin and the tool and check thelr condition. Grind me burrs away t necessary. >. Check that the tool has received sufficient greasing. Grease more frequently if necessary. 3) Every 50 Hours or Monthly a. Check the tool shank and tool bushings tor wear >. Check the hydraulic hoses. Replace necessary. Do not let dit get into the hammar or hoses. 4.2 INSPECTION 1) Check all hydraulic connections. 2) Check that the nysraule Noses do not rub against anything in any boom position 3) Replace the hydraulic oil fiters of the carrier. 4.3 YEARLY SERVICE 1) After €00 operating hous, yearly service is Tecommended i be catried out by your DHI Serviee Center. 2] Contaet your DHI Serica Center for more, information about yearly service 4. Check all hy¢raulc connections, D. Check that the hydraulic hoses do not rub against arything in any boom postion. ©. Replace the hydraule oll titers of the camer. = 20 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. AA HYDRAULIC OIL, a. Generally the hydraulic oll originally intended for the carrier to be used in the ONE hydraulic hammer b. However working with the hydraulic hammer will heat the oil much more than normal excavation work, the viscosity of the oll must be checked. ©. When the hammer is used continuously, the temperature of the hydraulic oll normalizes at a certain level depending on conditions and on the catrier At this temperature, tha viscosity of the hydraulic of should be 20~ 40st2.90~ 5.25°E). d. The ONE hydraulic hammer must not be started if the visoosity of the hydraulic oll is above 10000S1(131°E) or operated when the viscosity of the hydraulic oil is below 15e812.35°E) 1) Whan the oil © too thick, the following problems may occur a. Difficult start up. b. Stiff operation cc. Hammer strikes irregularly and slowly d. Danger of cavitation in the pumps and hydraulic hammar 8. Sticky valves 1. Fiter bypass, impurities in oil not removed 2) When the oil is thin, the following problems may occur a. Efficieney losses internal leaks) b. Damages to gaskets and seals leaks ©. Accelerated wearing of parts, because of decreased lubrication efficency & NOTICE DHI strongly recommends dfferent hydraulic ois for use in summer and winter if there is an average temperature difference of more than 36°0(@5"F). The correct hydraulic oll viscosity would thus be ensured, 3) Special Oils + In some cases special olisie.g/ologieal ols and non-infammable oils) can be used with DNB hydraulic hammers, Observe following aspects when considering the use of special lls a. The viscosity range fh the special oil must be In the given range of 15~1,000est (235~131°E) b. The lubrication properties must be adequate. & NOTICE * Although special cil could be used in camer, always check suitability with hammer due to the high piston speed in| hammer. ¢. The corrosion resistance properties must be adequate, d. Contact the oll manufacturar or DH Sarvica Center for more information about spacial oils. 4 cleanness of hydraulic oll +A seperate fitter iS not required when the ONE hammer ‘installed in the hydraulic etreut. +The hydraulic oil fitar of the carrier will clean the oil flowing through the hammer. +The purpose of the oil fer is to remove Impurites from the hycraule oll since they cause accelerated component wear, blockages and even seizure. -al - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. impurities also cause the oil to overheat and deteriorate. + Air and water ara also impurities in oil + Not all impurities can be seen with the naked eye. a. Impurities enter the Hydraulic System + During hydraulic ol! changes and refiling + Whan components ara rapairad or senicad. + When the hammer is being installed on the carrier + Because of component wear “When working with hycraule hammers, the carrier oil fiter must fulfil the folowing specifications a. The oil fiter must be rated at 25 microns maxirum b. The oil filer must be a high quality pressure fiter rated to maximum working pressure ©. The ol fiter must have a volume flow capacty of at least twice the nammer's maximum flovt 4. The cooler must withstand 2 dynamic pressure of 230 psi (20ber). @. Il the carers oil cooler is too small either the orginal cooler must te replaced with a 8) 1 fiter larger on or an auxilary cooler must be instalad Temperature (*‘C) Viscosity) Nome of Oil J ey-i@ 0 40 20 40 40 60 60 70 0 ost Shell Teas OH, e Z A 38 Me 2 ZA 460 Neste Hyérauh body a3 a 20 Esso Univia 8 Me | a is3 Texaco Rondo Of) a se. ‘Dz46 Hi B10 FTebo Hydraulic 01 79.0 -51 Bs 88 3 Mobs C 4 pm 4 BEE is i as Motor oils saw Zz 40.0 38 2/20 CA 51.0 26 es0 a 190 aii BR/20 i 40.0 4B igw/30 790 =x irae ie 35 LE WELIILILLLE sont 6s Ect Bos Permitted oil temperature EB Recommended oil temperature = 22 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 6) The auxilary hydraulic cooler can be installed a. In front of the radiator, in which case an additional fan is rot required, ie, maximum rise cf the ecoling air is 80 40°F) b. Any other sutable place, using a fan either hydraulically or electrically driven ©. If the oll tamperature is fill foo high in spite of the coolers, please contact your DHI Service Center 7) Damage caused ty hydraulic oll contamination in the camier and hammer circuits a. The working life of the pumps is significantly shortened + Premature wear of parts + Cavitation b. Valves do not function property, * Spools bind + Premature wear of parts * Blocking of small hoes © Wear of cylinders and gaskets. 4. Reduced hammer efficiency. Premature wear of moving parts and seals Danger of piston seizng up Dll leakage ©. Shortened working life and reduced eificiency of hydraulic off + Dil overheats + Oil quality deteriorates + Ekctro-chemical changes in hydraulic oil = 23 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 4.5 LUBRICATION 1) Frequency # Every 2 Hours for continuous operation or Daily # a. The grease tings tor wear plates must be lubricated daily. (onee in a shit hours) b. Adapt interval and amount of grease according 19 wear rate of tools and workng conditions ¢. Tool shank must be well lubricated before instaling the tool 2) Greasno a While greasing, the hammer must stand upright against the tool to ansura that the grease wil penetrate between the tool and the bushing. & WARNING » IMPORTANT Do not fill the space between piston and tool with grease. 9) Insufficient greasing may cause a. Abnormal wear of tool bushing and tool b. Tool breakage. 4 Grease Specification a. No cropping point in the condition of over 250% (480°F) b. Should ba worked over the max. 15070 (20°F). ©. should be worked under the lowest air temperature. d. Appendix : MoS, Blank lead or aqual stuff 2. Density: NLGI O~2 glade. 1. Should be water resistant t O Standing up = 24 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5) Recommended Lubricants: a. ESSO EDL 252 b. WYNNS GS80 ©. SHELL Kuggiett d. SHELL Extrema MOS 2. KL PER Unimoly GB2 1 LE 8751/5752 = 25 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 4.6 LONG TERM STORAGE + Dbay following points when the hammer is. storad 1) The Storage area must be dry. 2) The tool must be removed 3) The kower end of the piston, ‘oo! and bushing rrust be wall protactad wih crease 4) Connections must be sealad with clean plugs to prevent oil leakage and dit from getting into coupings 2) The hammer must be stored in the vertical position €) Make sure the hammer would not fall 7) In this way the vial parts of the hammer are Protected fom rust and the machine is ready to be used whenever necessay. A7 CLEANING THE HAMMER 1) Before cleaning the hammer, plug the Pressure and retum line. Otherwise, Cts can aniar into the hammar and this may cause damage to the hammer. 2) Olean the outside of the hammer with a steam cleaner. = 2 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 4.8 TROUBLE SHOOTING TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1) The hammer doss not start a. The piston is in ts lower hydraulic brake, b. The hammer control valve does not open ©. The ‘eliet valve in the hydraulle creult opens at too kw pressure. The hammer operating Pressure S not reached. 4. Leakage from pressure to return in excavator hydraulic circuit e. Too much back pressure 1 Failure in hammer valve or distributor operation 8. Piston failure Keep the hammer corti! valve open and push the tool firmly against an object ‘The tool head lits the pision ‘out of the brake. When operating the hammer control valve, check that the pressure line will pulsate (this means tha_nammer control valve opens), Hf the valve does not ‘operate, check the actuating mechanism. Check the installaton. (heck that the relat wave ‘operates correctly. Measure the pressure in high pressure line of the hammer and adjust the relef valve in the hydraule eircuit hack the installaton Check the pump and other hydraulic components. check the installation (amount of oil, pressure, etc.) Disassemble the hammer. Check the pressure ‘operating valve and other valves. Disassemble the hammer and remove the damaged parts. - 27 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 2) The hammer operates irregularly but the blow has full power. a. The ‘elle! vaWe in the hydraulic circuit opens at too low pressure. The hammer operating Pressure S not reached. b. Failure in hammer valve or distributor operation . Not enough fed force from the cartier, After checking the installation, check that the relef valve operates correctly, Measure the pressure in the high pressure line of the hammer. Adjust the safety valve of the hydraulic circuit Disassemble the hammer. Check the pressure ‘operating valve and other vaives. Refer to correct working methods in Chapter 3 Operation 3) The hammer operates Poorly ard the bow has re power. a. The ‘elle! vaWe in the hydraulic circuit opens at too low pressure. (The hammer operating pressure is not reached.) b. There is no pressure in the pressure accumulator. ©. The working method is not correct. d. The hammer vaWe does not operate. Check the installaton. Check the operation of the relet valve, Measure the pressure of he high pressure line of the hammer. Agjust the ralief valve in the hydraulic circuit Disassemble the accumulaior. Check membrane. Recharge the accumulator. Refer to correct working methods in Chapter 3 Operation Disassemble the hammer. (Check the pressure control vave and other valves = 28 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 4) Impact rate slows down. . Dil has overheated (over 80 U/I76°F). b. Too much back pressure ©. The rellet vave in nydraute creut opens at too low pressure. (The hammer ‘operating pressure is not reached.) d. Leakage from pressure to return excavator hydraulic rout e. Failure in hammer valve or distrbutor operation. 1. No pressure exists in the pressure accumulator. 8. Hydraulic oll viscosity is too low. Check for fautt in of! cooling system or internal leak in harnmer. Check hycraule creuit of the cartier. Install extra oll cooler. Check line size Check the installaton. Check line size of return Ine. (Check the installaton. Check the operation of relief vaive. Measure the pressure in the high pressure line of the hammer. Adjust reliet valve in the hydraulle circu Check the pump and other hydraulic components. Disassemble the hammer. Check the pressure ‘operating valve and other vaives. Disassemble tha secumulator. Check the membrane. Recharge the accumulator. Check hycraule of viscosity, = 29 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 5) Oil overheats. a. The rellel vale in hydraulic circuit opens at too low pressure. The hammer ‘operating pressure is not reached, b. Leakage from pressure to return excavator hydraulic oreutt © Interral cil leak in the hammer. d. Hydraulic oil viscosity is 199 low. 2. Cooling capaety of the cil cooler is too small Check the installaton. Chack the operation of safety Measure the pressure in the high pressure line of the hammer. Aqjust safety valve in the hydraulic circuit Check the pump and other hydraulic circuit Disassemble the hammer Find the leakage part and replace all O-ring and seal. Check hycraule of viscosity, Install extra oil cooler. Chapter Ey Disassembling and Assembling Tihe DMB DFO & WARNING Do not attempt to disassemble or assemble this equipment before reading through this chapter of the manual first 5.1 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF TOOLS 1) Removal Place the hammer on level ground b. Make sure that the carrier's transmission i in neuttal and the paking brake engaged ©. Stop the engine 4. Remove rubter plug A, using screwerver e. Remove the retanng ning f Ramove the mbar plug © a. Remove the lockng pin Dl 1pes). h. Remove rubber plug &, using screwdriver i Remove tool pin FlZocs). | Remove the tol 2) instatiation a. Dlaan and lubrieate the tool and the tool Pin. b. Install the tool G, tool pin F, and locking pin O ©. Check that the tool pin F is secured by the looking pin O . Install the rubber plug ©, and retaining rng B into front head e. Install the rubber plug A. {. Install the rubber plug E. DS ReMowat => INSTALL ~al DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.2 CHANGING TOOL BUSHING 1) Removal ‘a. Place the hammer on level ground. b. Make sure that the carrier's transmission is in neutral and the parking brake 's engaged. . Remove the tool d. Remove the plug A using screwdriver. 2. Remove the retaming ring B. 1. Ramove the mbbar plug 0. 8. Remove the lockng pin D. h. Remove the tool bushing E irom the front head, using sleeve puller iL If tool bushing is tight, warm the under part ‘of the front head. i. Check tool and tool bushing for wear. 2) Installation a. Clean all pats. b. Apply MoS2 spray to the contact suriaces of tool bushing and front head. . Install tool bushing & 4. Instal locking pin O. e. Instal rubber plug C. {Install the retaining ring B. fa. Instal the plug A. h. instal the tool tS Renova. => ssa = 32 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.3 WEAR LIMITS FOR TOOLS AND TOOL BUSHING 2 Tool Pin 2. Driginal width for the tool pin is 40rm, b. Replace the tool pin if the width of the tool pin Is more than s7mm Inspect the tool bushing and the 1901 shank tor wear every £0 hours of hammer use or monthly: 1) Tool 3) Tool Bushing . Original diamater(01) for the tool shank 120mm. b. Replace the tool if the dameter(02) of the tool shank is less than 128mm. . Original diameteriO9) for the tool bushing is 130mm, b. Replace the tool bushing if te diamater(D4) ‘of the tool bushing is mere than 12mm. = 33 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.4 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF THE HAMMER 1) Removal a. Remove the tool and set the hammer to the vertical posttion on the floor and support. Make sure that the hammer ean not fall whan the exeavator is taken aside b. Disconnect the hoses and plug them as well as the hammer inlet and out. ©. Open the top cover bolts AIM24,14pc8) d. Remove the top cover B carefully e, Remove plate O, and ring buffers 0. 1 Lit the hammer so that there Is 1omm clearance between the valve housing and side butter. 8. Shake the hamrrer, f the hammer moves more than 10mm at the level ‘of valve housing, litt the hammer out of the housing and replace the wearng plates. 2) Installation a. After changing tha waaring plates ect the hammer into the housing, and check the clearance by staking the hammer, b. After placing the hammer into the housing, Ring buffer, slate, hoses and mouning brackettiop cover) are put in their places: ©. Tighten the top cover bots A(14pes). 4. Install the tool > REMOVAL > INSTAL Oy LD oe = 34 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2) Changing the Wearing Plates. a. The distance between the wearing plates has fo be in 300 mm in section A and B. b. The wearing plats C can be changed. ©. O-rings U are put in their places. SI SIKH = 35 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.8 ASSEMBLING AND INSTALLING THE ACCUMULATOR ¢. Remove the lifting eyes, d. Remove the plug A. Carefully open the ting screw B and lat the nitrogen gas tlow out 2. Remove the screw B and Ust rng © when there is no pressure in the accumulator. 1) Release the pressure trom the accumulator. Lift the hammer from housing with iting eyes. b. Set the hammer into the assembly stand. +e @ | | | | ! = 36 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. > remo 2) @) @) arom OD OO G DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2) Removal a. Open the accumulator bolts D(8pes). b. Lit the accumulaior K using M2é Iifting eyes ©. Ramova the sealing = 4. Set the accumulator K on the assembly stand. @. Open the sockel bolls Fit2pes) 1. Ramove the aocumulator bottom and diaphragm H g. Remove guide phs J pos) 9) Assembling Clean and diy parts carefully b. Sel the accumulator cover Mon the assembly stand. ©. Install the guide pins J(2pes). 4. Fit a new diaphragm Hin place. Apply slicore grease on the gas side of the ac well 25 on the accumulator bottom G @. Install accumulator bottom G. 1 Grease the tab area and bolt F 8. Install and tiohten the socket bots F with a torque wrench first to the torque of 200Nm (orem, |4sie 1) and tnally t te torque ot s00Nm (59kpM, 27OIb! ft “Torque = turning effect 4) Fiting the accumulator Install the sealing E into the arcove in the accumulator bottom Use some grease to prevent the sealing trom ‘aiing down aurng mounting b. Apply MoS spray on the contact surfaces of accumulator K, and valve housing L ©. Lit the accumulator into the valve housing 4. Grease the tab area and accumulator bolts (Epes) @. Tighten tne bots wit a torque wreneti trst to the torque of 200Nm 2nd ‘inally to the torque of 5OQNm (50.0kpm, 27D ft.) 1. Fil the holes for the liting eyes in tha accumulaigr bottom with silicone sompound §.6 CHARGING THE ACCUMULATOR Ue The only gas pemitted for charging the accumulators is nitrogen(N2). The use of any other gas is extremely dangerous and may cause the accumulators te explode. 2. Fumbh the aocumulstor wih a new Ust-ring A and screw B. b. Gonreet the charging deviee G to the ascurulator ©. Open the screw B through the crarcing device (3 tums) 4. Open the discharge valva of tha charging device, Onen caretuly the nitogen gas bottle vale and check that the nitrogen gas flows prope’. Shul the nitogen g2s bolle valve Shut the discharoe valve of the charging davies. @. Open catetuly nitrogen pas botle valve and opserve the gauga pressure 1. Shut the nitrogen gas bottle valve when the pressure is 45Mpa (é6bar, 66ps\ in the pressure accumulator) Wait 10 minutes (because the temperature changes) 8. Adjust the pressure to 40MpaldCbar, 580psi) in the pressure aocumulator by carefully ‘opening and closing the discharge valve of the chargng device h. Tighten the screw 8 with a torque wrench to the torque of 20Nm (20kpm, 15ibf ft) i. Let the pressure out of the hose by opening the dscharge vae of the charging ceviee |. Ramove the charging devies = 38 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 4& CAUTION! k. Check the gas-tightnass by dropping some oil ‘on the screw B. The charging device does not have ary |. Insert plug O. pressure relief valve. Shut the gas bottle valve when the pressure is 4.5IMPa (4Sbar056psi) in the pressure accumulator. ae — C 27 C J C _) oI Jay = 39 - DNB D70lIs Co., Ltd. 5.7 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAIN VALVE 1) Removal a. Loosen tne bolls A(Bpes), spool cover B and C b. Use M12 bolts to pull the covers out . Push out the main spool 0. Take care of srrall spools E and F in the ends of spool O. d. Fasten tha pullar in the holes of bolts A of valve housing. Put the flange against the sleeve land drive the skeve carefully out 2. Remove o-rings H{gpes) trom valve nousing 2) Installation a. Check tha parts carefully. If necessary, use fine emery cloth or grinding agent. Gean and oillgrease parts. b. Install new O-rings G gn the covers B and 0. ¢. Fasten the puller in the holes of bots A of valve housing side marked with X Install the sleeve | so thal X on is end comas to tha same side with the valve housing X. . Install the main spool 0 so that X on ts end will ba again on tha X-side of the valve valve housing. Do not forgat the spools E and F. Check that the spools move freely. Use some oil 2. Install covers B and C. 1. Grease tab area and bots A Install looking washers J and bolts A, 8. Tighten the bolts with a torque wrench to the torque of 200 Nm (20.0 kpm, 148tbf ft) Install new O-rings Hi6pes) in the valve housing te i" ® secu < [e3) OEE) a = 40 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.8 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE 1) Removal @. Opan the boits Alapes). The pressure control valve is Icated in valve housing return side Use MIO screws to pull he cover B out b. Use a screwdriver to pry the valve carefully out ©. Fix the valve cover B on a bench viea and kosen tha guide 0. d. Remove spool E, spring F. spring guide G, adjust plete H. @, Remove the sealings K, J, |, O-rings ©. ho IK; oxen =n Oo - al - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2) Adjustment a. When the pre-bad of the spring changes, the operating pressure changes as well . The comact operating pressure, which ic preset at factory, i achieved when the measured height is 64mm{ 2.52 in ). ©. The operating pressure of the hammer is adjusted by adding or removing the adjust plate H between the cover B and sping guide G 3) Installation a. Check parts carefully If necessary, use ine emery cloth or grinding agent b. Set new D-ring Con the valve cover 8 ©. Fix the vave cover Bon a bench vice and insert the adjust plate H, spring guite G and spring F. 4. Install the spool E. @. Fasten the guides 0. {. instal the seating 1, J, K 0. Pus the pressure control valve into the vale housing, Grease the tap area and bolts Install looking washer M, ard bots A i. Tighion the doe A with a torqua wranch | Refer to the torque of specifications). 64mm = 42 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.9 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF CHECK VALVE 1) Removal a. Loosen the bolts A (4pes). And pry the valve out by using a sorewdiiver. The check vahe Is Wocated In me valve neusing pressure side b. Push the spring guide & in with 2 scteworiver © Pry out the spring ring C with a screwdriver. d. Remove spring guide B, spring D, spool E, O-ring F and G. 2) Installation a. Ii necessary, use fine emery loth oF grinding agent b, Install naw O-ring G and F. install spool E, spring O and spring guide ®. © Instal the spring ring ©. Check that the spool moves propary. 4. Install bots A and locking washer Lidpes) , Tighten the bots A with torque wrench to the torque of BaNmB:3kpm, Gilt fl I = ® ll => = 43 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.10 LOOSENING AND TIGHTENING SIDE RODS. 1) Loosing ‘a. Remove the accumulator b. Remove the rubber rings Alépes) and locking rings 2(4pes). © Nark each site fod G and it nut D as pairs . Heat the side rods with neating deviee or propane flame so much that the screws can be opened (max. temperature 300, 572°F). 2. Remove the side rods using M12 lifting eyes 1 Remove the nuts 0, Oo not tun nuts 0 upside down. 2) Tightening a. Use crack detecting equipment to chack Were ate any cracks on side rods, Hf there are, change the side rod and its nut, b. Clean the side rods and the contact surface of the sida rods. ©. Grease the screw threads of side rods. d. Spread cold-galvanizing spray on the part of the side rod which goes inside the front head. 2. Install the side rods C. Check that each side rod has the correct rut ae te parts. 1. Using a torque wrench to tighten the serew in three steps. (first to 100m, second to 800Nm and finally to SOON. (©. Kom, 370 Ibt ti) 9. Heat all side rods with neating device or propane s0 much that all side rods can be tightened propery (max. temperature 300, 572°F) 1, Install looking ring ® so fat tha side rods can not loosen. Install rubber rings A \. Fil the groove between sie rods and front head wih sitcone compound eal © ~ 44 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 5.11 DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING THE CYLINDER: 1) Disassembling a. Remove accumulator and side rods. b. Remove the valva housing, and sealing A, B ©. Screw M24 itfing eyes in the hoe of cyinder and remove the cylinder D caretully. d. Screw Mi2 iting eyes in the piston E and iit it carefully out 2. Remove ring F fom the front head. 1. Ramove the wadge 0, oomplatad with O-ring P. 8. Remove guide ph O, sealings K, M wiper J and o-ring N h. Remove guide ph G, sealing H, o-ring L and wiper | 2) Assembling a. Check the condition of cylinder D , piston E, ring F and the front head. If necessary, use fine emery of gringing agent (Gean the oll parts carefully b. Install sealing |, wiper H and o-ring L, into ring F ©. Install wedge O with O-ring P into front head 4d. Install ring F in the front head, Fit quide pin G. 2. Install the piston in the ring F. 1. Install seaiings K, M, wiper J, and o-ring N into the cylinder. 1. Lit the cylinder into place so thet auide pin on the ring fis in the respective hole of cylinder. Fit the eylinder carefully into place. h. Check that the opposite surfaces are clean. Put the guide pin © into place in the cylinder i Install sealing A and B into place in the valve housing and instal them on the cylinder. |. Install side Fods 2nd accumulator. 9 & = 45 DNB D70Is DNS Co., Ltd. 4 NOTICE Remove the liting eye from the piston 5.12 DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING THE FRONT HEAD 1) Disassembiing a Remove accumulater, site rods, valve housing, cylinder, piston and ring b. Remove the wedge A and the thrust fing 8 and the inner bushing ©. ¢. check the wear limits of innar bushing. the biggest diameter is more than 117mm the tool bushing must be rejected d. In case of gisassembling the tool bushing = Remove the dust wiper and wear rings installed in too bushing. ~ Pull the tool bushing cut using sleeve puller. ~ If gol bushing is ight, waim the under patt of the front head 2) Assembling a. Chesk the condition of thrust ring B, innar bushing ©, and tool bushing Ii necessary, use fine emery elo or grinding agent. Cean oll pails carefuly. b. Heat the front head with propane flame and insert the tool bushing. . Install the inner bushing ©. 4. Install the thrust ring 2. install wedge A, complete with o-ring & . Install ring, piston, cylinder, valve housing side rods, and accumulator. - 4 - DNB D70Is DNS Co., Ltd. 5.13 DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING SILENCING PARTS. 1) Disassembling @. Lock IN-OUT stop valves. b. Disassemble the IN-OUT hoses from step valves. . Remove spit pin A 4. Loosan the cover pins B and nuts C. 2. Remove the IN/OUT cover FIE 1. Disassemble the pint seal H/G from IN/OUT cover FE. 8. Mark IN/OUT covers and joint seals as pairs.(/4" and 1") h. Remove the plugs |, J, K from housng. i Remove the tool bushing, and front sal L 2) Assembling @. Check the wear of front seal, ft is necessary to change the front seal b. Clean and lubricate the tool bushing, and front seal L. © Install the plugs |, J, K into housing d. Assemble the joint seals H/G into IN-OUT covers FIE. 2. Install IN-OUT covers inty housings. Check that IN-OUT line is correct. 1. Tighten the cover pins B, washer D, and nuts ©. 0. Install spit ph A h. Assemble the IN-OUT hoses to stop valves, L Open the stop valves using spanners. 47 - Chapter fT INSTALLATION 4& CAUTION! 2) Line Sze 4. Oil flow: 120-160 Vin Incorrect installation can cause premature faire and possible damage to the + pressure fine: 19mm hammer and to the carer. Do not install + return tine: . Return hose SAE 100 R2~16(t 1/4" 4) Pressure and Return Pipes a. Check max. working pressure >. Seamless precision steel pipes 1) Hoses and Pipes 2. Sze according to recommenced ine size a, When selecting Ine components chack ° re 6.2 HYDRAULIC INSTALLATION + correct tine size > max working pressure #4 cullable oll supply is the most important facter * euitablty for high vibrations = for cortect opeialion of hygraule hammer. + cultabity 0 hammers hose connecter 1] Increase the thw causes an Increase in the ‘operating pressure DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 2) Flow Control valve a. The hammer needs a flow control valve it the output of the pump is more than the maximum allowad for tha harmar b. The oll fw controls the impact rate of he hammer. 2) Pressure Reliet Valve a. The pressure relief vaWe is a salety dewee which is usad to protaet the hammar when the pressure rises in the hydraulic circutt b. The operating pressure of the hammer determines the setting of the pressure reliel valve in the pressure line ©. The pressure relist valve sating should be approx, 435 psi(@0_ bar) higher than hammer's ‘operating pressure 6.3 MEASURING THE HAMMER OPERATING PRESSURE 1) Operating Pressure a. Hall the earrer engine b. Assemble the hich pressure gauge 2625 psi (250bar) to the high pressure measuring port (R 1/4"). Star the engine Sat the tool of tha hammar a.g. on a thick steel plate Adjust operating enghe revolutions and start to operate the hammer. Read the averan pressure fom the high Pressure gauge = operating pressure. Operating pressure is preadjusted at the feotory and thare should be no reason to adjust it Stop the carer and remove the gauges. Tighten the plug of the pressure measuring point, torque 33Nm 33kpm. 24 Ibf tt). = 49 - Chapter W PARTS LIST 7.1 DNB D70Is TOOLS A B C STANDARD TOOLS A 8 c Name Chisel tool Moi pont Blunt tool Lenati 1.100 mm 1,190 mm 900 mm Weiatt 100 ka 100 ka 90 ko Diameter 120 mm 120 mmm 130 mm Note = 0 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 7.2 DNB D7OIIs BREAKER D7Olls CODE : 23107024 DSOlls CODE + 7310902. D7Ols / 90s DINE DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. DN B D70lls CODE : 9142-0011 DMS D7O/90 Is DNB D7@is DNS Co., Ltd. MODEL NAME : ON 07015 NO. PART NO. PART NAME DESCRIPTION QTY _REMARK 1 SM42-0011 HANMER ASS T 2 9141-0020 VV HOUSING ASS'Y 1 3 9141-0030 Pre’ CONTROL ViV ASS'Y 1 2enn-cons 4 gigi-aya0 CHECK VALVE ASS'Y 1 22mn-con4 5 Q141-0950« MAIN VALVE AgS'Y 1 6 9141-0960. CYLINDER ASSY 1 7 9142-0071 FRONT HEAD ASS. 1 & 9141-0080 ACCUMULATOR ASS'Y 1 2ean-cone 9 9142-0100 SEAL SET 1 10 9141-011 VALVE HOUSING 262-310-482 1 11 Qiai-0121 DYUNDER, D250-L574 1 2em-con2 12 gtal-a1ga.— PISTON D145-Lsar 1 Ben-cona 12 Qiai-o14a.— ING D249.6-L140 1 2en-cons 14 9141-0183 FRONT HEAD. 300-200-L€B5 1 18 Qla-GiQ_— THRUST RING Dea0-L172 1 2en-cog 16 9141-0170 INNER BUSHING Dian-Lien 1 pen-cong 17 9142-0183 TOOL BUSHING (0236-L185 1 18 giai-01iga— SIDE ROD D63-L1206 4 pent-oait 1g giai-ea_ SIDE ROD NUT 838-192 4 20 Q141-@210.— MAIN SPOOL Ds0-L220 1 2em-cor4 21 gi4i-@220. MAIN SLEEVE. Dii0-L226 1 2en-cons 2 gi4i-@2a0. SPOOL D20-Las 1 2em-co1s 230 gt4-ce40. SPOOL, D1a-Lao 1 Btot-cont 24 Q141-@250- SPODL COVER D138-Le0 1 2em-co12 25 © Q141-@260-—- SPODL COVER, D158-Las 1 2em-co1a 28 = gi4i-@270. PRES CONTROL SPDOL 3é-Lita 1 2en-c08s 27 Qtai-ce80. «SPOOL GUIDE DS0-Lia7 1 pent-cos 28 © g1gi-@290 SPRING e269 1 21n-cora 29 9141-300.“ SPRING GUIDE 028-L10 1 2101-co8a 80 9141-0310. SPRING COVER Deo-L5t 1 2ent-coss 31 g1ai-0920.- DHECK SPOOL Dan-Laa 1 21m-ca8a = 911-0330 SPRING 24-La0 1 2tn-cora 3 9121-0340. «SPRING GUIDE D30-Ls 1 2in1-core 94 © 9141-0350 CHECK VALVE HOUSING Deo-Lita 1 Ben-cora 85 9141-361.» TOOL FIN 50-40-12195 2 26 © 9161-0370. BLISHING FIN Da0-Lz28 1 2en-co1g 3? 05-282810 RETAINING RING ¥20-HO 1 38 91a1-cg00. DIAPHRAGM. D2d0-Les, 1 2en1-co58 39 9141-0401 ACCUMULATOR BOTTOM n3%0-L92 1 40 9141-0410 ACCUMULATOR COVER 10330-L105 1 2en-coa6 41 9141-0420 ACCUMULATOR BOLT D36-LI70) 8 22n1-c084 42 9141-0440 LOCKING RING gT-79+100 4 pent-acea 43 9141-0451 RUBBER RING Ds0-L22 4 pent-0@e3 44 9141-0460 GUIDE PIN D1g-Laa 2 2101-0046 = $3 - DNB D70Is DNS Co., Ltd. MODEL NAME : ONB 0705 NO. PART NO. PART NAME DESCRIPTION QTY _REMARK 45 9161-0460 GUIDE PIN Diner 2 e1or-00ss 46 911-0470 SPRING RING 032-2 1 2101-0os1 4? 9141-0470 AIR: BREATHER PR aia"(Hexa2-L38) 1 2601-0055 48 gIgI-0480 ADJUSTMENT PLATE Thnes 1 2ii-cora 49 9131-0190 ADJUSTMENT PLATE T125.005 1 2tnt-cors s0 9131-0500 ADJUSTMENT PLATE T1005 1 2in-core 51 9111-0510» SOFEW MEP 1 28-L12 1 1g01-c028 = 9181-0550 FLANGE D7S-Las 1 2int-cosa 53 9141-0530 FLANGE D88-La5 1 2en-cosg 54 981-0560 RUIEBER PLUG n34-Lz0 1 2en-co26 55 © gi4i-0570. WEDGE Dat-Laa 1 2em-coea 55 S1BI-0581 PLUG D31-Les. 1 Bent-coes Sr 9891-0380» LOCKING PIN n20-L230 2 5805-28116 RETAINING RING ¥20-HO 2 69 9671-0560 RUIEBER PLUG n24-Lz0 2 9144-2810: HOUSING assy 570661861896 1 61 9144-2820» HOUSING SET 570-618-1894 1 @ © 9144-2170 WEARING PLATE T15e2806140 2 6 9144-2180 WEARING PLATE Tise2an-200 4 64 = 9144-2190 WEARING PLATE Ti5e280-210 2 6 = 9144-2110 TOF OOVER Ta0+8704570 1 @ — BI-118269 HEX BOLT MI2-P 175-120 12 2201-042 6 B1-184571 HEX BOLT NO4-Po.0-LaSS 14 2100-012 @8 —-B3-A0Q001 «SET SOREW Ma0+P3.5-L24 1 2an1-c08a €9 © B6-A00003. «HEX SOCKET BOLT Me2-P1.5-L70S 1@ — 2201-c080 7 BE-111876 = HEX SOCKET BOLT Mio-P1.8-L20 8 22nr-c0so 71 p6-112970 HEX SOCKET BOLT MIOsP 15-135 B — 21n1-0051 72 CI-AQONG = HEX NUT NMo4P3.0 14 1800-co08 73 05-007 LOCKING WASHER, #2 2a 2in-co4T 74 G5-ADDNI7 PLAIN WASHER Tad2098 14 2iog-co1a 7506-10806 «GREASE NIPPLE PT ila 2 tent-aaa2 76 FO-AQQW22 —-D-RING A243. 0-HS90 2 eeni-a@er FO-A0Q061 BACK UP-FING 429, 8+D322.56T2 2 eent-awe? 7? FO-AgQKGa =—-D-FING aD.2-W3.041890 6 — 2ent-cces FO-A00069 = BACK UP-FING 437 BDA. 56T2 6 2201-008 78 FQ-AQQ0S3 —-D-RING 164,245,790 1 2en-coea FO-AGQU?! = BACK UP-RING. d165°01 75417672 1 2an-coea 79 FO-107890 O-RING PrissHso0 1 2tot-cos1 FO-Agou74 = BACK UP-FING d124,8-01204W4,8-72 1 2101-0081 Fo-a00004 = D-RING. d105943.0HS94 8 — 2ent-aaR2 BI FO-AGQI23 «O-RING 126.263.0580 1 2eni-coaa FO-A00M5 = _D-RING dae 2003. OHS9O 4 FO-257010 BACK UP-FING dd5-D50W 1.2573, 4 ~ s4 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. MODEL NAME : ON 07015 NO. _PART NO. PART NAME DESCRIPTION QTY _ REMARK @ FO-ADDMGO —_O-AING EE WE OHEIO 21601-0052 1 FO-ADDN1-D-RING d20.2-WB.0HS90 1 2201-0036 8 FO-103720 O-RING PO2HS80 1 2101-0084 % = FO-INT6 O-RING adh S30 1 zaoi-aasr 87 FO-128110 O-RING @210-Hs70 2 201-0081 8 FO-102928 O-RING POSHS9O 1 FO-104911 O-RING PagHS8O 4 80 © F1-ago003 «OUST SEAL 106-01 18-410 1 2e01-0080 1 FI-AQ0W@S «OUST SEAL d125-0140+H128 1 2201-0050 @ FS-AQ0S —USIT RING dB7-D 4-H + 1801-0036 $3 FS-AQDODI—_U-PACKING 106-0121 5+H63 2 2eni-0062 4 F5-AQ0003_U-PAGKING 4125-D145-H118 + 201-0081 95 I5-001284 LOOKING SOREW PF ja" 6 1801-0009 9 —15-001285 LOOKING SOREW PF gis 2 2101-0042 gf —ip-091287 LOOKING SOREW PF aja" 7 1901-0028 88 9141-2120 “SINE BUFFER 20000181 2 2ent-an76 — g141-2120 RING BUFFER, 0320-L1 18 1 2201-0008 100 9181-2120 -RING BUFFER 0320-L187 1 2200-a007 101 9141-1110 MOLL POINT TOOL, Di30-L1 100 1 102 9141-1120 BLUNT TOOL 190-L300 1 103° 9141-1130 CHISEL TOOL D190-L1100 1 104 9284-2210 JOINT SEAL (Os0-L51)-480 1 105 9144-2210 JOINT SEAL (075-Ls1)-465 1 106 9144-2200 COVER OUT UNE-d80 1 1a? 9144-2240 COVER, IN LINE-a65 1 108 gi44-ai90 COVER PIN MeaeP2.5-L284 4 109 C5-112016 PLAIN WASHER #0 4 11002-12206 © HEX SLOT NUT NMeaP25-2 4 111 A-109213 SPLIT FIN Da-Lad 4 412 gt4d-2570 PLUG D40-L28 4 113 9148-2270 PLUG na2-L20 10 114 9284-2610 PLUG S287 2 115 9144-2250 FRONT SEAL (0268 -c206-L12 1 116 9144-180 LOCKING SOREW Mo0-P3.5+La5 1 117 ca-gogaia. «EVE BOLT MOD-P3.S 1 118 9144-2200 PLATE 150280 1 119 FO-AQOMAS O-RING 144.200.0890 8 120 St-010m-01 PLUG 116 x 120-28, 1 121 S1-0180-01 PLUG 1 5/8 x 12UN-28 1 122 FO-1C2110 O-RING Pig + HS90 1 123° 15-00028T ADAPTER PR V4 1 124 F7AQGOIO. OUST CAP MidP20 1 125 16-001283 LOCKING SCREW PF 1/8 2 126 gi4d-2400 PLUG 229+ 16 1 = 95 - Chapter By SQFUGS DAZ 8.1 MAIN INSPECTION 1) During installation inspection or betwaan 60~ 100 ‘operating hours. @. Check the operaiing pressure of the hammer. b. Check the temperature of the hydraulic oi in continuous operation, max. BO'C(176°F) ¢ Check the efficiency of the hammer, impact rate land hammer's avanness in oparation d. Check the pre-tightening torques of all bots and tighten all bots that are othenwise loose. @. Check all hydraulic connections 1. Check that the hydraulic noses do not rus against anything in ary boom posttion 0. Replace the nydraule on titers of me camer 8.2 YEARLY SERVICE 1) After 600 operating hours a. Change all sealings in the hammer and tha accumulator diaphragm, b. Chack all hammer parts and either replace of fepat damaged parts, ©. Measure the ol supply in the hammer cireut, pressure imtation and the back pressure . Adjust or repair if necessary. 2. Replace the hydraulic oll fiters of the carvan 1. Check all hydraulic hoses and replace it necessary, 8. Chaek the hammer's operation pressura, efficiency, impact rate and evenness of ‘operation as well as the hydraulic oll temperature in continuous operation - 5 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 8.3 TIGHTENING TORQUES tem | Nm | Kem | it tt Part Name Oty A 20 20 6 serew 1 B soo | soo | aro Accumulator Bolt 8 o soo | soa | aro Hex, Socket Bolt 16 D 50 50 5 Hex. Socket Blt 8 E wo | 0 | o Hex. Bolt 8 F 500 50.0 370 Side rod(Tighten further 150°) 4 G 33 33 a LOCKING SCREW (1/4) 2 H 10 15 110 LOCKING SCREW (g/4") 7 ! 70 70 a LOCKING SCREW (2/8") 2 K 100} 110 | 05 Hex. Bolt 14 - 97 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. DN B D70lls = 8 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. 8.4 APPLICATION OF SPRAYS AND GREASES Item Remarks a Tool geaseltool and inside tool bushing, inner bushing...) B Silicone grease (g2s sile of the membranes) c Thiead grease, e.g. ROGOL J 166 and MOLYKOTE BAZ 0 Molybdenum disulphide spray MoS2) E O-ring grease, e.gSHELL ALVAANIA GREASE R2 and ESSO BEAGON2 (all O-rings) Dillall sealings) Cold-palvanizing spray, e.g LPS cold-gawanizng spray Loeking fluid : medium locking force, e.g. LOOTITE 242 ard TRULDO 375 Locking tld © high locking foree, e.9. LOGTITE 275, 270 and TRULOG 397, 350" Silcone compoundithe groove between the front head and the rods) all pligs except pressure measuring plug = 99 - DNB D70lIs DNS Co., Ltd. DN B D70lls = 0 -

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