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Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSE) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017.
Time: 1:30 Hour! ] [ Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii)· Both Sections are compulsory. "'-
1. Write TruelFalse : (I x5=5 Marks)
(a) Floating point representation is available in
SIC architecture with exponent by 5 bits.
(b) Forward referencing creates the problem in
trying to assemble a program by one pass
(c) The flags n = 1 and 'i = 1 are set for direct
addressing in SICIXE architecture.
(d) Modification record can be used to write the
.relocatable program; •
(e) Loaders that allow for program relocation are
called relative loader.

8-57 P.T.O.

[2] TCS-501
[3] . TCS-501
2. Attempt any jive parts : (3x5=15 Marks)
(a) Define the instruction set of SICIXE
machine. 3. Attempt any two paJ1S of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(b) What are the different types of expressions
that are used in SICIXE machine ? Give the (a) Explain the different components of SIC

machine architecture.
examples of each.
(b) Consider the following SIC program, write
(c) Find the object code for each instruction of
the object program. Indicate the start and end
the following SIC program. (Opcodes are
of each object code in the object program by
given corresponding to the mnemonics).
using 1\ sign. (Opcodes are giv:en
corresponding to the mnemonics in the
LDA(OO) ONE program) :
ADD (18) TWO 1W:D2 START 2000
SUB (1 C) TIlREE LDA (00) ZE'tO
(d) List the name of the records that are written ADD (18) THREE
in object program when control section and STA (OC) INDEX
program linking is implemented.
(e) Define the different loading schemes applied'
in any machine architecture. JLT (38) LABB
t-. ;

(f) Write the rules for writing the text record of INDEX RESW 1
an object program. ALPHA RESW 100t.

8-57 P. T. o.
[5] TCS-501
[4] TCS-501
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
BETA RESW 100 and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
GAMMA RESW 100 (a) What do yop mean by Assembler
Directives ? Explain any four assembler
ZERO WORD o directives with examples.
KTHREE WORD 100 , (b) Consider the following SICIXE program
THREE WORD 3 which contains three program blocks as
object code for each instruction in the
(c) Considering the following SICIXE program, program. (OPCODEs are given
write the object program. Indicate the start corresponding to mnemonics in the program)
and "end of each object code in the object
program by using A sing. (Opcodes are given
corresponding to the mnemonics in the
0006 LOA (00) =C'EOF'
MID3 START 1000- 0009 "COMP(28) #0
LDT(74) #100 0000 RETADR RESW I
JEQ (30) RLP 0000 BUFFER RESB 4096
TIXR(B8) T 0011 CLEAR(B4) A
JLT (38) RLP 0013 TO (EO) INPUT
REC RESB 100 " 0004 • =C'EOF'

8-57 P. T. O.

(7] TCS-501
[6] TCS-501
(c) What is the importance of program relocation Content
in system programming ? Explain the 3030
program relocation with example. . .
5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) 3600
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) . .
(a) Write the different steps that occur in two 6390
pass assembling and indicate where the . . .
important data structures are built and used.
What are the various fields and their types in 003030
the different data structures ? Memory Content.
(b) Consider the following scenario, find the
(c) Explain the machine dependency systemof
software. Explain the different types of
target address and the value loaded in register
system software.
A (opcode for LI;)A is 00 (in Hex))
Object code Target Value loaded
(in Hex) Address in Register A

032600 ? I ?

022030 ? ?

010030 ? ?

003600 ? ?

0310C303 ? ?

Consider the following data :

(B) = 006000
(PC) = 003000 I TeS-50l
(X) = 000090

B-57 ..

Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSIIT) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours.] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory. ".
1. Fill in the blanks/True-False : (1 x5=5 Marks)
(a) A counting semaphore was initialized to 10.
Then 6 P (wait) operations and 4 V (signal)
operating were completed on this semaphore.
The resulting value of the semaphore will be

(b) In a time sharing operating system, when the

time slot given to a process is completed, the
process .goes from RUNNING state to
BLOCKED state.
(c) In a Unix-like operating system any
orphaned process will be immediately
adopted by the special init system process.

8-55 P. T. o.

"'=- 1,P'
I.~. e ,... ".

- -'

i~~ TCS-502 [3] TCS-502

(d) When an interrupt occurs, an operating What do you understand by critical section ?
system may .change the state of the . Give the solution to the solution to the
interrupted process to "BLOCKED" and critical section, problem by using
. schedule another process. TestAndSet( ) instruction and explain how
(e) Program counter specifies the current this solution satisfies the different
instruction to execute. requirements.

2. Attempt any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks) (c) Consider following set of processes with the
CPU burst time given (in' millisecond),
(a) Compareniultiprogramming, multitasking
arrival time and priority :
and multiprocessing operating systems.
Process Arrival Burst Priority
(b) Why context switching is required ? Write
Time Time
names of Vl:!POUsfields which can be useful
to save during context switching. A 0 8 4
(c). Discuss .pros and cons of microkernel "",B 1 4 3
approach in operating system design. C 2 6 1
(d) What do you understand by a system call ? D 3 1 2
Write a program to create an orphan process. Find the average burst time. and average
(e) Differentiate user level thread and kernel waiting time for priority. scheduling in case .
level thread. of:

(f) Explain convoy effect in CPU scheduling.

~ ..."V
(i) Preemptive Scheduling
Section-B (ii) Non-Preemptive Scheduling

3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) 4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) and (c). (5 x 2=1 0 Marks)
(a) What are requirements to have two different (a) Draw the 7-state tr.ansition diagram for a
modes of operations ? Also discuss the process. Explain the need of adding
different 'services provided by an operating suspended state and dividing it's into -two
system. different states e .

8-55 S,55 P.T.C.


'-- - . .
~... t...

(5) TCS-502
[4] TCS-502
and 8 time units. All processes arrive at time
(b) Consider the solution used by processes PI
zero. Consider the longest remaining time
and P2 for assessing their critical sections
first (LRTF) scheduling algorithm. In LRTF
whenever needed, as given below. The initial
ties are broken by giving priority to the
values of shared boolean variables 81 and S2
process with the lowest process id. Find the
are randomly assigned:
average turnaround time and average waiting
Method used by PI Method used by P2
While (S 1 = = S2); While (SI ! = S2);
(c) What is semaphore and its uses? Give the
Critical Section Critical Section solution to the producer consumer problem
using semaphore.
81 = S2; S2 = not (81);
Explain different requirements needed for the
solution of a critical section problem. Also.
explain how does the above solution satisfy
these requirements ? ..
(c) How virtualization is important in operating
system development ? Also show the
relationship hetween a guest operating
system and a host operating system in a
system like VMware ?

5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)

and (c). (5x2=lO Marks)
(a) How are threads different from processes?
. Explain different multithreading models.
(b) Consider three processes (process id 0, 1, 2 TCS-502 600
respectively) with. compute time bursts 2, 4
B-55 •
._-- ------ ._---

Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSIIT) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017

Time: 1:30 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50

Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory .

. Section-A

1. Fill in the blanks: (1 x5=5 Marks)

(a) Data redundancy means .

(b) Data means that the data is accurate

and up to date.
(c) contains .the structure of the
(d) A relationship is always established between

(e) Dr. E. F. Codd laid down rules

which a true RDBMS should adhere.

8-55 P. T. O.
• J'
[2] TCS-503 [3]

2. Attempt any five parts:' (3x5=15 Marks) (c) Construct an E-R diagram for a hospital with
(Defme/Short NumericaVShort Programming/Draw) a set of patients and a set of medical doctors.
Associate with each patient a log of the
(a) Differentiate between Specialization and
various tests and examinations conducted.
5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
(b) What is physical data independence?
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(c) Differentiate between delete and drop
(a) Explain how concurrency can lead to
(d) Define data dictionary.
(b) What are the advantages of relational data
(e) What is derived attribute? model as compared to other traditional data
(f) Write a short note on Weak entity. models?
Section-B (c) Consider the following schema:
3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) SUPPLIER (SUPPLIER_ID,SUPPLIER__
and (c). (5)<2=10 Marks) SUPPLIER_ADDRESS)
(a) Explain the three levels of data abstraction. PARTS (PART_ID,PART_NAME, COLOUR)
(b) Explain the role of responsibility of Database CATALOa (SUPPLIER-,-ID,PARTJD, COST)
. Administrator. Write the following queries in relational
(c) Explain operations of relational algebra along algebra and SQL :
with their syntaxes. (i) Find the name of supplier who supply
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) yellow parts.
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) (ii) Find the name of suppliers who supply
(a) Explain any five Codd's niles? . , both blue and green parts.

(b) Explain the following keys with examples: (iii) Find the name of supplier who supply
all parts.
(i) Primary key
(ii) Foreign key
(iii) Candidate key TCS-503 600

8-55 8-55

Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSIIT) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours] [ Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections arecompulsory.
, (iii) log n = lo~ n
1. Fill in the blanks/True-False : (1 x5=5 Marks)
(a) Worst case complexity of quick sort is
O(n log n). (TruelFalse)
(b) Time complexity of Kruskal's algorithm is

(c) Bubble sort is more efficient than selection

sort. (TruelFalse)
(d) Total number of passes required by selection
sort algorithm to sort n elements is .
(e) If a graph is a complete graph with n
vertices, then total number of spanning trees
is .

• JI

(2) TCS-505 [3J TCS-505

2. Attempt any five parts : (3x5=15 Marks) (b) Solve the masters method :
(DefindShort NumericaVShort Programming! Draw) .(i) T(n) = 3T(nl4) + n log n
(ii) T(n) = T(2nf4) + 1
(a) Prove that: .. .,
(iii) T(n) = zr.r" + I
f(n) = 100;,+5 ~ 0 (n2)
(c) Remember that the sequence of Fibonacci
(b) Solve the following recurrence : numbers is:
0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8, 13,21, .
T(n) = T (n/2) + 2n In other words, if F(n) denotes the nth
(c) What are the different characteristics for an Fibonacci number then F(O) = 0; F(1) = 1;
. algorithm to be .good ? Comment in your . and F{n)=F{n-2)+F(n-I).
words. Consider the following iterative algorithm for
fmding Fibonacci number:
(d) Write the - pseudo-code to multiply two
Function Fibiter (n)
numbers x and y on a random access machine
-where we have only ~+.and no" ,i.e. we if(n <2)
cannot multiply the numbers directly. Try to return n;
do it in minimum time complexity possible, else
(e) . Writ~ pseudo-code for recursive binary {
tempI =0;
search and analyse its time complexity .:
temp2 = 1;
(t) What are disjoint set data structures ? .. while (n >·1)
Explain where it can be used. {
Section-B sum: = temp 1 + temp2;
tempi =temp2;
3.. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
n =n-I;
(a) Explain asymptotic analysis in detail. Find
. the complexity of the following recurrence : }
T(n)=3T(n-l)+.n, ifn>O return sum;
T(n) = 1 . , otherwise }

8-57 8-67 P. T. o.

[4] TCS-S05
[5] TCS-505
Analyze the runtime of the algorithm. That
. is, provide a function T(n) such that the Capacity of knapsack W = 65. Find tho total
algorithm will take T(n) steps to produce the cost required in filling the Knapsack.
output for input n. . (b) Wnte pseudo-code for brute-force string
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) matching algorithm and explain it with an
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) example. Write the pseudo-code for merge
(a) Write the pseudo code for Quicksor, sort and prove. mathematically the
algorithm and mathematically analyze its complexity of merge sort is 0 (n log n).
worst case time complexity. Apply quick sort
(c) Write the pseudo code for Prims algorithm.
on the following elements and show each
For the. given graph find the minimum
step clearly :
spanning tree using Prim's algorithm. You
, 7, 5, II, 12,2, 14, 14,3, 10,6.
have the show each step clearly in detail.
(b) Expla in in detail Pseudo code of any three ~
recursive algorithms and also determine
mathematically the time complexity of all
these algorithm.
(c) What is a. greedy algorithm? If a problem
can be solved by greedy algorithm is it
guaranteed that the solution is optimal ?
Explain your response.
5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) Assume node 0 as the root node.
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) Solve by Fractional knapsack:
ITEMS (I) = <n, 12, 13, 14, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19,
no, Ill>
WEIGHT(W) = (2, 10,30,5,20,25, 10,4.3 .•
VALUE (V) = (40, 20, 90, 60, 20, 200, 100,
36, 15,49,48)
8-57 •
Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSE) (BDA and Cloud
Computing) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50 "'-

Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.

(ii) Both Sections are compulsory.
1. Fill in the blanks/True-False: (l x5=5 Marks)
(a) You are the marketing consultant of a leading
e-commerce website. You have been given a
task of making a system' that recommends
products to users based on their activity on
Facebook, You realize that user-interests
could be highly variable. Hence you decide
(i) First, cluster the users into communities
of like-minded people and
(ii) Second, train separate models for each
community to predict which product
8-56 P.T.O. •
[2L TCS-507 [3] TCS-507

category (e.g. electronic gadgets, (d) For the dataset 4, 4, 10,11, IS, 7, 14, 12, 6
cosmetics, etc) would be the most find the Interquartile range. Find the standard
relevant to that community. deviation of the dataset 8,9, 10, 11, 12.
The first task is alan . (e) How do you find mean and median ? How do
(supervised/unsupervised) learning outliers affect mean and median ?
problem while the second is alan (f) Discuss the importance of Python in Machine
Learning Or write a short note on WEKA
................ (supervised/unsupervised) (, tool.
(b) "Predicting whether the price of petroleum 3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
will increase tomorrow is a regression and (c). (Sx2=10 Marks)
task"-is the statement true or false. (a) Refer to the dataset shown below. You are
(c) Mother tongue of a person is_a . trying to determine ,,:hether Chhota Bheem
feature (categorical, ordinal) finds a particular type of food appealing
based on the food's, temperature, taste and
(d) "Grouping news articles based on text
similarity is an example of unsupervised
learning"-is this statement true or false. Appealing Temperature Taste Size
,(e) A list ahas 14 examples including 9 positive No Hot . Salty Small
and S negative examples. The entropy of the No Cold Sweet Large
dataset with respect to this classification is No Cold Sweet Large
............. (0.940, 0.06, 0.S6, 0.22) Yes Cold Sour Small
) Yes Hot Sour Small
2. Attempt any five parts: (3xS=lS Marks)
No Hot Salty Large
(Defme/Short Numerical/Short Programming/Draw) yes Hot Sour Large

(a) Define the terms .Dataset, Training, Tuning. Yes Cold Sweet Small
(b) What is a Confusion Matrix ? , Yes Cold Sweet Small
,No Hot Salty Large
(c) Does it make sense to repeat an attribute
along a path in a decision tree? (i) What is the initial entropy of Appealing?

8-56 8-56 • P.T.O .


[5] TCS-507
[4] TCS-507 4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
(ii) Assume that Taste is chosen for the root and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
of the decision tree. What is the (a) If you are working on a medical disease
information gain associated with this prediction model which is more dangerous :.
attribute? False Positive or False Negative? Why ? If
(iii) Draw the full decision tree with Taste as you are working on an email spam detector
the root. which is more dangerous-False Positive of
(b) Differentiate between Regression and False Negative? Why?
Classification. (b) Below is the confusion matrix of medical
(c) NASA wants to be able to discriminate prediction model. Calculate the Precision and
between Martians (M) and Humans (H) the Recall.
based on the following characteristics : Diagnosed Diagnosed
Green E {N,Y}, Legs E {2,3},Height E {S,T}, Sick Healthy
SmellyE {N, Y} . Our available training data is Sick 1,000 200
as follows: Healthy 800 8,000
Species Green Legs Height Smelly
(c) What do you understand by cross validation?
M N 3 S Y Explain.
M Y 2 T N
5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
M Y 3 T N and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
M N 2 S y
(a) What is Harmonic Mean? While working
M Y 3 T N with Precision and Recall why do we use
E N 2 T Y Harmonic Mean and not Average ? Explain
•• E N 2 S N with an example .
E N 2 T N (b) What are the strength and weaknesses of the
E Y 2 S N Decision Tree model ?
E N 2 T Y (c) Explain EntrQPYand Information Gain.
Build and draw the decision tree using any TCS-507 500
. "


Roll No.

B. Tech. (CSIIT) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours] [ Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory. '"
1. Choose the correct answer: (1 x5=:5Marks)
(a) When a host on network A sends a message
to a host on network B, which address does
the router look at ?
(i) Port
(ii) Logical
(iii) Physical
(iv) None of the above
(b) A signal is measured at two different points.
The power is PI at the. first point and P2 at
the second point. The dB is o. This means .....
(i) P2 is 0

8-57 P.T.O.

[2] TIT-50S TIT-50S

(ii) P2 equals PI (b) What are the criteria necessary of an

(iii) P2is much larger than P, effective and efficient network?
(iv) P2 is much smaller than PI (c) The attenuation of a signal is - 12 dB. What
(c) The topology with highest reliability is is the final signal power if it was originally
(i) Star (d) What is the difference 'between bn late and

(ii) Ring baud rate? Give an example an.explain,

.•.• ,
(iii) Bus (e) Compare telephone network and internet.
(iv) Mesh What are the similarities ? What are. the
(d) The maximum theoretical bit rate defined by
Nyquist bit rate is : (f) Why B8ZS coding is preferred over
(i) Bitkate = 2 *.Bandwidth *.log 2 L Manchester encoding for long distance
(ii) BitRate= 4 *.Bandwidth *-log 2 L
(iii) BitRate = Bandwidth *. log 2 (l + SNR)
3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
(iv) BitRate = Bandwidth *. log 2 SNR
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(e) In a 'broad sense a railway track is an
example of : (a) Draw the layered architecture of TCPIIP
model. List and explain the function of
(i) Simplex'
different protocol for each layer.
(ii) Full-duplex
(b) What are the differences between a port
(iii) Half-duplex
address, a logical address and a physical
(iv) None of these address? Explain with example.
2. Attempt any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks) (c) What is the theoretical capacity of a channel
(a) For each type of network topology discuss in each of the following cases:
the implication of a' single cable fault, (i) Bandwidth: 20 kHz SNRdB = 40
installation and reconfiguration. (ii) Bandwidth: 1 MHz SNRdB = 20

8-57 8-57 P.T.O.

[4] TIT-505
[5] TIT-50S
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=-10 Marks)
. and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) Write short notes on the following:
(a) Make a timing. diagram and show the
(i) Latency
differences between RZ, Manchester
(ii) Transmission modes
encoding and differential Manchester
(h) P~::7.I~
-iaUt travelS through the links at the
encoding for the bit stream 10001011011.
speed oflight :
(b) Define the term Shannon capacity. What
(1) What is transmission delay if :
,-- does the Shannon capacity have to do with

2 MtJpS.
communication. A signal with 300 milIi-
watts power passes through 10 devices, each
4 MtJp$ with an average noise of 3 microwatts. What
3000Km is the SNR ? What is the SNR is dB ?

(c) (i) Explain the concept of synchronization

at physical layer and session layer in
OSI reference model.
(1) A sends a 500 byte packet to B
(ii) A periodic composite signal with time
(2) B sends a 125 byte packet to D
period from 200 t6 400 kHz. The peak
(ii) What is propagation delay between:
amplitude is 2 V for the lowest and the
(1) A to B
highest signals and is 10 V for the 300
(2) B to D
(c) What is the phase shift for the following? kHz signal. Assuming that. the
(i) A sine wave with maximum negative amplitudes ~change gradually from the
amplitude at time zero. minimum to the maximum, draw the
(ii) A sine wave with maximum amplitude frequency spectrum.
after 1/2 cycles.
(iii) A sine zero amplitude after 3/4 cycles
and decreasing.
Draw the sine waves for each case. TIT-50S
• 600
Roll No.

B. Tech. (IT) (Fifth Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
. Time: 1:30 HOUT:$] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two' Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory.
Section-. A
1... Fill in the blanks/True-False : . (1 x5=5 Marks)
(a) is the modification of the code
.without changing its functionality to improve
the performance.
(b) Software ., is the process of checking
that the system conforms to its specification
and that it meets the real needs of the users of
the system.
(c) In waterfall model, output of one phase is
input .to next phase. (True/False)
(d) In incremental model, requirements do not
.need to be prioritized. (TruelFalse)

B~ P.T.O.

[2] TIT-507 [3]

(e) Component-Based software·. Engineering 4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
allows faster delivery. (True/False) and (c). (5x2=lO Marks)
2. Attempt any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks) (a) What do you mean by Life-cycle Models ?
Explain Incremental Model with the help of
Explain the following terms. :
suitable example.
(a) Questionnaire
(b) What are. the problems associated. with
(b) DFD software engineering ? Also elaborate .in
(c) Data Dictionary . detail about modularization.
(d) Interview (c) Explain the term Software Crisis? Write in
(e) ERD .
detail about the history of software crisis.
(f) Coupling- ·5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
Section-B and (c). (5x.?=lO Marks)

3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) (a) What do you mean by the term risk in
and (c). (5x2=lO Marks) software ? Explain Risk identification and
risk refinement along with risk mitigation.
(a) Write short notes on any two of the
following: (b). What is the purpose of Data flow diagrams?
. (i) Software characteristics Explain by constructing a DFD for a library
management system.
(iii Software crisis-problems and its cause
(c) Explain Evolving role of. Software. Also
(iii) Functional .. and non-functional
elaborate the recent software development
now days. Also explain why the software is
(b) What do you mean Requirements called as vehicle to run the software.
documentation ? What are its characteristics
and organization ? Outline IEEE template for
(c) Write in detail about Requirement
Engineering ? Also elaborate various
elicitation techniques. TIT-507 100
8-56 B-56

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