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Computer Application: Dr.

-1explain the macro and how can you active it ?
-2What is the benefit of each of :
A- Vlookup
B- condition formatting
C- pivot table
D- Sumif
-3a snapshot of the movie list, then ask for revenue. To solve this question we use the if
function .
15MCQs (I can not remember all of them)
-1what is the rate of nominal interest rate
Answer 11.58%
-2The NPV by given the PVs
Answer: 147
-3cell of E$12 copy it up
Answer: the same value in the cell
-4given the yield of the coupon and ask which function apply ?
Answer: PMT
-5To arrange the data we use
Answer: Sorting
-6Select the data form A10 till A20
-7question about Slicer
-8what is the most important of giving a name to cells
-9which function would work in the snapshot given
Final :
-1Sensitivity analysis
-2Two benefits of “ named range “ in formula.
-4Calculating WACC
-5Calculating ROE and components of Du pont analysis
-6difference between comparative and common sizes analysis and the way to calculate .

-1Why there is table in some function, answer I think when enter new data it will update into
-2The user can choose between them, answer I think option box
-3Calculating NPV, he gave us the PV
-4Calculating dividend that paying 1$ and r= 14% g=7%, answer 15.3
-5fixing the column and row of the page ,
-6What should we modify to calculate the price using Price function, answer I think FV
-7Calculating dividend, answer by multiple dividend payout ratios by the net income
-8Give us the Vlookup function that if he drags down what will change, answer it will just
change the first cell since he fixes the range .
-9Calculating Earnings per share
-11The rate which we use in calculating NPV, answer nominal rate
-11What is residual value, answer 1400
-12Give us if function that If(A23>=100, “bonus”, “no bonus”) A23 is 89, answer no bonus

I can not remember the rest of MCQ, but it was easy.

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