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{1517}{1633}If you only knew what I just dealt with.|This guy in front of me...
{1634}{1681}That guy deserves a ticket!
{1682}{1743}A woman never reveals her age.
{1744}{1877}...going ten miles an hour|on the highway...
{2026}{2175}And only then will the people of Tajikistan|know true and lasting
{2176}{2281}Andie, it's brilliant. It's really moving.
{2282}{2402}But it's never going to appear|in Composure magazine.
{2403}{2537}I busted my butt in grad school|to be Andie Anderson, How To girl.
{2538}{2650}And write articles like,|How To Use The Best Pick-up Lines,
{2651}{2736}Do Blondes, Like,|Really Have More Fun?
{2737}{2876}I want to write about things that matter,|like politics and the
{2877}{2981}- Things I'm interested in.|- Keep at it, you'll get there.
{2982}{3052}Hey, I have something to cheer you up.
{3053}{3191}That editor from Sports Illustrated|you've been flirting with on the
{3192}{3317}for about a month now,|he made a little delivery this morning.
{3318}{3389}Let me see.
{3486}{3548}- Tomorrow night...|- What happens?
{3549}{3665}Only the most exhilarating display|of athletic competition known to
{3666}{3773}- The Icecapades?|- No, the NBA finals.
{3774}{3858}And I got tickets.
{3858}{3969}- Come with me?|- All right. But I am not putting out.
{3970}{4094}Two jumbo dogs and a couple of beers,|you'll be whistling a different
{4095}{4142}You know what I like.
{4143}{4304}Morning, ladies.|Don't forget, staff meeting in 30 minutes.
{4326}{4416}- Haven't seen Michelle yet.|- Ten to one she's wallowing.
{4417}{4485}My turn, I'll get her. You get coffee.
{4486}{4581}Wait, take some samples.
{4582}{4658}Samples, great idea!
{4659}{4763}Oh, boy. Drama, drama, drama.
{5948}{6013}Hello, Ben.
{6014}{6113}Hey, good morning, Spears.
{6168}{6246}What's that?|Catching up on current events?
{6247}{6332}Turn-on Tricks,|How To Make Him Hot...
{6333}{6385}Wanna try those out some time?
{6386}{6468}Green and I have an appointment|at Composure,
{6469}{6550}the fastest-growing women's|magazine in the country.
{6551}{6681}As our clients run a lot of our campaigns|in their nationally-
syndicated magazine,
{6682}{6743}it wouldn't hurt to read it.
{6744}{6798}- Hey, Benny.|- Morning, Green.
{6799}{6858}- Finally decided to show?|- Yes.
{6859}{6963}- Ready?|- Ready. Later, Ben.
{6968}{7063}Have a nice day, ladies.
{7200}{7270}Good morning, sunshine.
{7271}{7318}OK, get dressed.
{7319}{7430}Staff meeting, fifteen minutes.|Let's go.
{7431}{7482}I'm going back to bed.
{7483}{7557}- I have no reason to live.|- The sun's out.
{7558}{7668}- OK, I'll just...|- You do now!
{7754}{7846}It'll make your eyes|look fiercely green.
{7847}{7945}Get up. I won't let you|lose your job as well.
{7946}{8031}- Come here.|- Oh, Andie...
{8032}{8073}- OK?|- OK.
{8074}{8139}You only dated the guy a week.
{8140}{8277}- It was the best week of my life!|- Sweetheart...
{8278}{8318}Good morning, ladies.
{8319}{8395}What's up, T-Dog?
{8433}{8520}- What's up, kitty cat?|- Hi, Daddy. Big night?
{8521}{8561}- Not bad.|- Orgy?
{8562}{8638}- Where were you?|- Not at an orgy.
{8639}{8716}- You hear?|- That the Knicks made the finals
{8717}{8826}and Tone the Bone here owes me $20?
{8827}{8910}You were right. DeLauer Diamonds|wants a new ad agency.
{8911}{9058}- Warren wants to move aggressively.|- Yes! Oh, this is a good day.
{9059}{9142}Diamonds are as common|as taxis on Fifth Avenue.
{9143}{9206}Their value is entirely sentimental,
{9207}{9305}maintained by supply,|demand and advertising.
{9306}{9398}Stripes. DeLauer dominates|the world diamond market,
{9399}{9527}so if I represent them,|I represent the entire industry.
{9528}{9592}- What?|- Warren gave it to the Judys.
{9593}{9659}- Spears and Green are already on it.|- No!
{9660}{9798}- He's kinda partial to hot, leggy chicks.|- We're the sneakers and
beer guys.
{9799}{9925}- Precious gems aren't our forte.|- Lips and Hips are at Chicks
{9926}{9989}- I gotta get to Warren...|- He's on a plane.
{9990}{10029}Easy. Chicago meeting.
{10030}{10104}It's too late.|They're meeting at Mullins tonight.
{10105}{10170}This isn't happening. This was my tip.
{10171}{10241}It'll be my pitch,|my account, my campaign.
{10242}{10321}- They will not ace me out of this.|- I heard that.
{10322}{10445}- OK. Mullins, tonight.|- I heard that?
{10512}{10548}- Hi.|- Hi.
{10549}{10651}- I don't really want to talk about it, OK?|- OK.
{10652}{10728}Why does this always happen to me?
{10729}{10869}Things are great for a week and a half,|and suddenly it's over. I'm
{10870}{10988}Seriously, I am mystified,|'cause it always starts so well.
{10989}{11037}Just roll with it.
{11038}{11124}Mike and I had such a connection.
{11125}{11235}The first time we had sex,|it was so beautiful...
{11236}{11307}...I cried.
{11367}{11426}- You cried?|- Yeah.
{11427}{11498}One glistening tear on your cheek, right?
{11499}{11620}No, I was really emotional.|I even told him I loved him.
{11621}{11717}- After how many days?|- Five. Two.
{11718}{11780}I wanted to express what I felt.
{11781}{11846}OK. Well, what did he say?
{11847}{11973}Mike didn't have to say anything.|I know that he felt the same.
{11974}{12057}But then he got really busy.|I never knew where he was.
{12058}{12125}So I kept calling him...
{12126}{12212}- You kept calling him?|- I didn't leave a message.
{12213}{12296}He didn't know it was me,|my number's blocked.
{12297}{12352}I'm sure he thought it was a friend.
{12353}{12442}Men often call their friends'|answerphones and hang up.
{12443}{12553}Anyway, I know why he dumped me.
{12562}{12672}- I'm too fat.|- You're not fat!
{12676}{12825}If the most beautiful woman in the world|acted like you, a guy would
still run away.
{12826}{12904}No guy would go running|from you, Andie.
{12905}{12997}You could barf all over him|and he'd say, Do it again.
{12998}{13077}That was both disgusting and untrue.
{13078}{13207}If I did what you did, I'd get dumped too.
{13207}{13298}OK, family, shoes off.
{13337}{13413}And breathe...
{13525}{13575}OK, Lori, let's start with you.
{13576}{13688}The Botox For Beginners piece is|done. It's a little scary, but
mostly upbeat.
{13689}{13800}Now I'm on What Your Gyno Won't|Tell You. Also scary but... upbeat.
{13801}{13945}I've been researching deadly pedicures,|about the woman who got that
{13946}{14007}It's a terrible story,
{14008}{14092}although surprisingly... upbeat.
{14093}{14193}Marvellous.|What's next for How To With Andie?
{14194}{14275}I've been working on something different.
{14276}{14372}- It's a political piece...|- No.
{14373}{14434}You work at Composure magazine.
{14435}{14554}We are fashion, trends, diets,|cosmetic surgery, salacious gossip.
{14555}{14631}- OK, but...|- Look, Andie...
{14632}{14774}The column is new for you. Turn it into|a must-read, then write what
you want.
{14775}{14857}Until then,|you write about whatever I want.
{14858}{14933}- Understood?|- Yeah.
{14934}{15033}Michelle, what have you got?
{15034}{15119}- Sorry, Lana, I wasn't very well.|- She got dumped.
{15120}{15202}Oh, no, Michelle.
{15204}{15323}What a hellish ordeal for you.|But I must say you look fabulous.
{15324}{15396}Are we loving the way she looks, all?
{15397}{15464}You're so right, she looks great.
{15465}{15568}- I haven't eaten since the split.|- Good for you. Write about it.
{15569}{15700}- I can't use my personal life for a story.|- I understand.
{15701}{15811}- Who'll use her personal life for a story?|- I will.
{15812}{15974}No, Lana. With all due respect,|Lori has no business in my personal
{15975}{16029}- I'll do it.|- What?
{16030}{16141}I'll sort of do it.|It's... You will be my inspiration.
{16180}{16293}Look at Michelle.|She's a great girl, right?
{16294}{16377}- Yes...|- An amazing woman.
{16378}{16456}But she has a problem|hanging on to relationships
{16457}{16592}and doesn't really know what she's doing|wrong, like a lot of our
{16593}{16666}So, I was thinking,
{16667}{16737}I could start by dating a guy,|then drive him away.
{16738}{16850}But only using the classic mistakes|most women, like Michelle,
{16851}{16935}make all the time.
{16956}{17094}I'll keep a diary of it|and it will be sort of a...
{17095}{17183}...a dating How To in reverse.
{17184}{17279}- What not to do.|- Yeah.
{17280}{17401}How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days.|Yes. Go.
{17402}{17486}- Bart, what's new in the shoe?|- Wait.
{17487}{17523}Why ten days?
{17524}{17606}Five days is too short,|we go to press in eleven.
{17607}{17679}We found men are attracted|to purple shoes.
{17680}{17749}Thank you.
{17767}{17897}Maybe toss in something spiritual. Who's|that chic Buddhist Richard
Gere knows?
{17898}{17978}- The Dalai Lama.|- He's great. Here's my ten o'clock.
{17979}{18015}- Welcome.|- Hi.
{18016}{18115}Ladies. Judy Spears and Judy Green|from Warren Advertising.
{18116}{18194}We're going to cook up|some fabulous tie-ins for the fall.
{18195}{18262}Jeannie Ashcroft, fashion and trends.
{18263}{18325}Michelle Rubin, fitness and health.
{18326}{18394}Andie Anderson,|our resident How To girl.
{18395}{18458}I've seen your column.|What are you working on?
{18459}{18542}How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days.
{18543}{18685}She's going to start dating a guy and|drive him away in a week and a
{18686}{18774}- Sounds needlessly vicious.|- It's going to be fabulous.
{18775}{18845}Now she just has to find the lucky guy.
{18846}{18920}- Go, go, go.|- Nice to meet you.
{18921}{18991}Find the guy. Find the guy!
{18992}{19065}You are never going to pull this off.
{19066}{19126}Watch me. Tonight I'll hook a guy,
{19127}{19239}tomorrow I'll pull the switch.|In ten days he'll be running for his
{19240}{19322}You won't burn his apartment down|or anything, will you?
{19323}{19436}No, I'll limit myself to everything|girls do wrong in relationships.
{19437}{19513}Everything we know guys hate.
{19514}{19591}- I'll be clingy, needy...|- Touchy-feely.
{19592}{19672}Call him at night and tell him|what you ate that day.
{19673}{19791}What's wrong with that?|I'm kidding.
{20061}{20126}Hello, Ben. What are you doing here?
{20127}{20207}- Phil, I'm here for the meeting.|- You weren't invited.
{20208}{20298}But I should've been.|DeLauer was my tip.
{20299}{20411}Yes, it was. But I have to decide|who's best suited in the company.
{20412}{20487}Yes, and that's me. I wanna do this pitch.
{20488}{20551}You sell Joe Blow better than anyone.
{20552}{20652}But these girls sell luxury better|than anyone else in the business.
{20653}{20767}We put our best foot forward.|DeLauer would be our biggest account.
{20768}{20878}Yes, annual advertising billings|of 50 to 60 million dollars.
{20879}{20942}And I'm the man|to bring this home for you.
{20943}{21007}- Why this place?|- It's perfect.
{21008}{21164}Hi, Ingrid. Mullins is the apres work|watering hole for the upwardly
{21165}{21242}The diamond industry|has always targeted men.
{21243}{21325}The message is, a woman|needs a man to buy the rock.
{21326}{21440}They say a diamond is forever.|We say, A diamond is for everyone.
{21441}{21509}- I like that.|- We don't.
{21510}{21559}A diamond is for everyone?
{21560}{21671}It sends the message that diamonds|are everywhere. So, they're not
{21672}{21744}If they're not rare, they lose their status.
{21745}{21808}Status is the reason to buy them,
{21809}{21965}as Benjamin would know if he|understood women. But you don't.
{21966}{22046}You can't feel bad about that, Ben.|No man does.
{22047}{22114}- There you go.|- Thank you.
{22197}{22294}- Here you are.|- Thanks.
{22305}{22369}Don't pressure her, she's perusing.
{22370}{22444}Yes, exactly.
{22457}{22559}Selling a diamond to a woman|is like making her fall in love.
{22560}{22687}She has to feel giddy, desirous,|adventurous and desperate.
{22688}{22809}Take a look around, Phillip. Most of the|women here are looking for
just that.
{22810}{22861}So, marketing diamonds
{22862}{22941}demands the same skills|as making a woman fall in love.
{22942}{22984}I don't mean lust.
{22985}{23114}A woman in lust wants chocolate.|A woman in love wants diamonds.
{23115}{23175}I'm not talking about lust either.
{23176}{23345}I'm talking about deep, meaningful,|head-over-heels, let's-grow-old-
{23385}{23480}Look, I love women. I do.
{23481}{23635}Whether they're 4, 40 or my 88-year-old|grandmother, I respect women.
{23636}{23723}And I also listen to women.
{23724}{23822}That's why I can sell myself|to any woman, anywhere, any time.
{23823}{23968}Make a woman fall in love|with diamonds, or with you?
{23969}{24032}- Either one.|- That's cocky, Ben.
{24033}{24130}No, not cocky, confident.
{24130}{24195}- I'd like you to prove that.|- You would?
{24196}{24304}The agency is co-hosting a party|for the DeLauers at the Astor
{24305}{24423}It's a week Sunday. Can you make|a woman fall in love with you by
{24424}{24517}- Ten days?|- Any woman, anywhere, any time.
{24518}{24607}Any single, available,|straight woman, yes.
{24608}{24752}Yes. I'm not trying to trick you, Ben.|In fact, we'll choose a woman
right here.
{24753}{24886}Right now, in this bar.|And then you decide.
{24890}{25015}- So, who's the lucky girl?|- OK. Let's see here.
{25016}{25108}That blonde babe|in the leopard print looks like fun.
{25109}{25223}- Be nice, ladies.|- Or... Miss Babylon Five.
{25224}{25272}Now, she's on the prowl.
{25273}{25338}No. Her.
{25354}{25503}- Her who?|- In the grey dress. Blonde, pretty smile.
{25750}{25819}- Done.|- What?
{25820}{25898}- Done.|- Done.
{25926}{26031}See the guy next to the horrible guy|in the green shirt that I'd
never consider?
{26032}{26111}- See that guy?|- Very cute.
{26112}{26200}- Good.|- Here I go.
{26217}{26323}OK, you're on. But here are the stakes.
{26324}{26401}- After I win, this pitch is mine.|- Agreed.
{26402}{26444}- Phil?|- Agreed.
{26445}{26596}Come to that party with a girl that's really|in love with you, and
you make the pitch.
{26597}{26715}- But, Phillip, you can't...|- I've made up my mind.
{26716}{26770}- To the DeLauers.|- The DeLauers.
{26771}{26857}- Cheers.|- Cheers.
{26872}{26988}I was just wondering if you find...
{27042}{27193}Yes. My wife and I love New York.|Especially at this time of year.
{27194}{27230}- Hi.|- Hi.
{27299}{27348}- Enjoy New York.|- OK.
{27349}{27450}- Thanks.|- You're welcome.
{27510}{27575}- Good luck.|- Thank you, Phil.
{27576}{27688}Now, if you'll excuse me, ladies,|I have a bet to win.
{27868}{28002}- What's going on?|- You don't recognise her?
{28118}{28189}- Hi.|- Hi.
{28301}{28368}- Andie Anderson.|- Benjamin Barry.
{28369}{28407}- Cute.|- Thank you.
{28408}{28474}I meant your name.
{28475}{28517}Thank you two times.
{28518}{28582}- Unattached?|- Currently.
{28583}{28658}- Likewise.|- Surprising.
{28659}{28745}- Psycho?|- Rarely.
{28760}{28835}- Interested?|- Perhaps.
{28836}{28925}- Hungry?|- Starving.
{28935}{29009}- Leaving.|- Now?
{29010}{29057}- OK.|- OK.
{29058}{29094}One second.
{29095}{29149}I'll meet you at the door.
{29150}{29286}- Hey, guys. I think I've got one.|- He was married.
{29287}{29447}No, not him. It's the guy by the door.|But don't look! Guys!
{29448}{29563}- He's really cute.|- I'll check him out, see if he's a keeper.
{29564}{29606}And if he is?
{29607}{29721}- Tomorrow night, I'II...|- Flip the switch.
{29722}{29816}- I'm doing this for you.|- Good luck. Be safe.
{29817}{29929}- Call me.|- Drama, drama, drama.
{30211}{30293}No, no. This one.
{30581}{30698}You get to wear|the goofy-Iooking helmet.
{30699}{30800}- This won't look goofy on me.|- It does on everybody.
{30801}{30855}Look at you.
{30856}{30938}Pretty damn cute.
{30967}{31041}There you go.
{31166}{31349}- Ready to go for a ride, Andie?|- Are you ready to go for a ride,
{31583}{31636}- Get it. Get it?|- Yeah.
{31637}{31741}- So, what do you think?|- About the food or you?
{31793}{31911}This is delicious. And I'm still deciding.
{31912}{32007}- Anything I can do to help?|- You can answer some questions.
{32008}{32087}Some is too indefinite.|I'll give you three.
{32088}{32157}- What do you do?|- I'm in advertising.
{32158}{32235}Alcoholic beverages, athletic equipment,
{32236}{32331}and I'm trying to break into|the jewellery market right now.
{32332}{32404}Saving the world one keg party at a time?
{32405}{32493}Something like that.
{32562}{32653}- What about you?|- What about me?
{32654}{32728}- Have I seen your work?|- I work at Composure.
{32729}{32839}Fastest-growing women's magazine|in the country. I'm impressed.
{32840}{32933}Saving the world|one shopaholic at a time?
{32934}{33012}Hey! Look here, Sparky.
{33013}{33094}I have a masters in journalism|from Columbia.
{33095}{33234}My boss loves me, and if I do it her way|for a while, I can write
what I want.
{33235}{33321}- Like shoes?|- No.
{33389}{33503}Like alcoholic beverages|and athletic gear.
{33504}{33574}Touch�. Very nice.
{33575}{33690}- So, you've got me all figured out, hey?|- Almost.
{33691}{33797}- I've still got one last question.|- Shoot.
{33798}{33874}True or false?
{33920}{34021}All's fair in love and war.
{34176}{34286}- Great answer.|- Good question.
{34397}{34448}Oh, nice place.
{34449}{34546}- Thank you.|- Very tidy.
{34552}{34644}- Want a cold beer?|- Sure. Can I use your restroom?
{34645}{34798}Yeah, you can.|It's up the stairs, through the bedroom.
{34804}{34878}{y:i}The first night! I can't believe you!
{34879}{35012}- Michelle, I'm not sleeping with him.|- Hussy. You can't hide those
lying eyes.
{35013}{35138}No! I can practise some self-control,|unlike some people I know.
{35139}{35251}{y:i}Really? That hurts, kind of.
{35373}{35453}- I'm going to dangle the bait...|- What's the bait?
{35454}{35609}- I'm the bait, Michelle.|- OK, I'm with you. Then what?
{35713}{35823}A diamond is no one-night stand.
{35975}{36072}A diamond is a long-term commitment.
{36073}{36147}- Take notes...|- I can't talk. I have to go.
{36148}{36267}- Call me later, you slut.|- OK. Bye.
{36514}{36620}- Thank you.|- You're welcome.
{38159}{38277}Hey, hey. Let's not go too fast, OK?
{38316}{38387}Yeah. Yeah.
{38704}{38764}We're moving too fast.
{38765}{38868}You're right. It's too fast.
{39289}{39344}- Too fast.|- Too fast.
{39345}{39461}- Yeah.|- I want you to respect me.
{39492}{39566}- I do.|- OK.
{39579}{39706}- And I want your respect.|- I respect you for respecting me.
{39707}{39804}- I respect that.|- Good.
{40068}{40167}Goodnight, Andie Anderson.
{40227}{40324}Oh, you are already|falling in love with me.
{40325}{40471}I'm going to make you wish|you were dead. Poor guy.
{40701}{40804}Of all the women they could've|thrown at me! She's amazing.
{40805}{40880}Hanging with her|for ten days will be no problem.
{40881}{40969}Right. Nine days longer|than your other relationships.
{40970}{41055}That's why I didn't go for gold.|I'm taking my time.
{41056}{41151}- It's a marathon, not a sprint.|- Ten days is a marathon?
{41152}{41259}OK, more like the 3,000 metres hurdles.|Point is, she's already on
the ropes.
{41260}{41328}That's a lot of sports analogies.
{41329}{41385}- That it?|- That's it.
{41386}{41440}- Have you looked inside?|- No.
{41441}{41552}- Do you have an ethical problem with it?|- Yeah, I guess I do.
{41553}{41625}It's hardly a purse. It's more like a clutch.
{41626}{41728}Guys, a woman's purse.|It's her secret source of power.
{41729}{41803}There are dark|and dangerous things in there
{41804}{41863}we males should know nothing about.
{41864}{42042}Unless she left it behind intentionally|to secure a next-day
{42043}{42120}She's a very clever minx.
{42121}{42249}- Oops, I'm sorry.|- We gotta clean that up.
{42250}{42339}Carefully, carefully.
{42358}{42482}- Oh, what have we here?|- Let's see, let's see.
{42483}{42569}Oh! Knicks tickets.
{42570}{42644}For tonight's game.
{42645}{42725}Delivery, Andie.
{42746}{42830}Andie! Oh, my God!
{42874}{42973}Wait. One hundred times...
{42976}{43109}...more beautiful...|than one hundred roses.
{43110}{43220}- Catchy.|- He's in advertising, he can't help it.
{43221}{43327}- Does this mean he's hooked?|- It means he found the Knicks tickets.
{43328}{43418}- You left the tickets in the purse?|- Yeah.
{43419}{43504}You are just on|a whole different playing field.
{43505}{43578}Here you go.
{43578}{43672}- Andie Anderson.|- Hey, hey, pretty girl.
{43673}{43773}Guess what? I've got a really|embarrassing display of white roses.
{43774}{43839}{y:i}You are welcome.|{y:i}Last night was wonderful.
{43840}{44004}- I have your bag.|- I know. I can't believe I left it there.
{44034}{44207}You must need it back, with all that cash,|cards and tickets for
tonight's game.
{44208}{44277}Sounds like|you've been peeking in my bag.
{44278}{44395}Absolutely not. Tony, my art director,|he's an oaf and knocked it
{44396}{44485}Ow, right, yeah. I'm a clumsy man.
{44486}{44576}All right, but I'm going to the game|with somebody else.
{44577}{44683}Not any more. Besides,|you think you left it by accident?
{44684}{44760}Subconsciously, you wanted|to take me to the game.
{44761}{44862}Denying your subconscious desires|is really bad for your health.
{44863}{44981}- Does that psychobabble ever work?|- You tell me.
{44982}{45071}Andie, you're so bad!
{45092}{45160}All right, meet me|at the 7th Avenue entrance.
{45161}{45310}- Seven-thirty, don't be late.|- You got it. Bye-bye.
{45338}{45491}- And that's how it's done.|- And that's how it's done.
{45555}{45668}{y:i}Foul on number 20, Allan Houston.
{45669}{45730}- Bullshit! C'mon, ref!|- What is that?
{45731}{45795}Call it both ways!
{45796}{45941}You're soft, man! You were soft last year|and you're still soft!
{45942}{46018}What was that?
{46133}{46215}Way to go, Allan!
{46549}{46670}Come on up! All right, take your time.
{46689}{46797}It's all right. Twenty seconds.
{47603}{47687}{y:i}Knicks' ball.
{47698}{47799}- Bring 'em back.|- Charge!
{47992}{48091}Benny? Benny, I'm thirsty.
{48092}{48205}- Benny, can you get me a soda?|- There's a minute left of the game.
{48206}{48321}- I'll go afterwards.|- I'm really thirsty. I'll go get it.
{48322}{48395}- You want it right now?|- Yeah.
{48396}{48497}No ice, Ben. Thanks, Benny.
{48716}{48804}- My man. Coke, no ice.|- Next line over, pal.
{48805}{48896}Hi, buddy. Small Coke, no ice.
{48897}{48937}OK, you got it.
{48938}{48998}{y:i}... beyond the three-point line, fires...
{48999}{49090}- Don't let him shoot!|- Was that ice or no ice?
{49091}{49188}No, no ice. Coke, no ice.
{49189}{49269}- Did you want a small?|- No, I want that one.
{49270}{49347}For 25 cents more, you can get a jumbo.
{49348}{49487}Take that right there.|Keep the change, I'm in a hurry.
{49633}{49730}Excuse me. Ah, excuse me!
{49774}{49870}- Throw it into the net.|- Here's your drink.
{49871}{49971}Hey! Hold it, hold it. Move it.
{49972}{50075}- Watch it! Three steps, travel!|- Ben, it's not diet!
{50076}{50144}Please, I'm so thirsty.
{50145}{50225}With a lime. OK.
{50414}{50465}Shoot it!
{50466}{50578}{y:i}Sprewell for the win... Yes!
{50648}{50802}{y:i}It's all over! The Knicks have defeated|{y:i}the Kings in the
final seconds!
{50803}{50988}{y:i}Sprewell with the game-winning shot.|{y:i}Knicks over
{50989}{51147}What an incredible game! I've never|seen a more exciting game ending.
{51148}{51217}Wow! No, neither have I.
{51218}{51318}Hey, hey, hey!|It's too bad you missed it.
{51319}{51435}- Yeah, it's too bad.|- One second.
{51445}{51564}So, are you as nice as you seem, Ben?
{51730}{51816}Good, neither am I.
{51837}{51892}Fifth and twelfth, please.
{51893}{51969}See you later.
{52077}{52121}Horse shit.
{52122}{52183}More horse shit.
{52184}{52294}The horse shit continues.|Horse shit. Come on, people!
{52295}{52381}We've got to do a lot better|if we're... What?
{52382}{52471}- Phone call for Mr Barry.|- Can you take a message?
{52472}{52561}Mr Barry, it's Andie.
{52568}{52631}- Make it quick.|- I will.
{52632}{52755}- It's line two, Mr Barry.|- Thank you.
{52794}{52859}It's me!
{52864}{53029}- I'm in a meeting. Can I call you back?|- I miss you, Benny Boo-Boo-
{53030}{53107}I miss you, too.
{53108}{53249}- You busy tonight?|- No, why don't we catch a movie?
{53250}{53301}- My choice?|- Your choice.
{53302}{53403}I'm so excited! OK, I'll call you later.
{53404}{53486}- Bye-bye.|- Bye.
{53638}{53757}I always wanted a man like Tom Hanks.
{53788}{53861}- It's my favourite movie of all time.|- Me, too.
{53899}{54038}{y:i}What if something had happened|{y:i}to you? What if I couldn't
get to you?
{54039}{54141}- What are you thinking about?|- Nothing, the movie.
{54142}{54280}- But what's on your mind?|- I like this movie.
{54291}{54419}Oh, so I suppose your mind|is a complete blank?
{54420}{54516}- Who is she?|- Who's who?
{54517}{54585}- The girl you're thinking about.|- Can't hear.
{54586}{54634}I'm not thinking about a girl.
{54635}{54775}You can't watch Meg Ryan for two hours|and not be thinking about
another girl.
{54776}{54886}- Wanna know what I'm thinking about?|- Yes.
{54887}{54981}I'm thinking about|how damn beautiful you are.
{54982}{55095}That's what I'm thinking about.|So, watch this movie, it's good.
{55096}{55169}Oh... Benjy!
{55308}{55364}Oh, sweetie!
{55365}{55431}- I love sharing this with you.|- Yeah.
{55432}{55528}- Can't hear and can't see.|- If you don't shut up,
{55529}{55605}my boyfriend is gonna pummel your ass.
{55606}{55693}Put a muzzle on her next time|you bring her out in public.
{55694}{55832}- What is that? Do something...|- You, outside.
{55877}{55973}Have a little class.|Don't talk like that to a lady.
{55974}{56083}- Ben... he's huge.|- I'm not looking for a fight.
{56084}{56177}He owes you an apology.
{56203}{56306}I'm going back inside|to finish watching Sleepless In Seattle.
{56307}{56343}Nobody screw with me.
{56344}{56441}- Son of a bitch!|- Oh, Ben.
{56442}{56549}Are you OK? Ben,|maybe we should get you to a hospital.
{56550}{56600}No, you could've... Excuse me.
{56601}{56722}Hey, could you hold still right there?
{56744}{56882}Oh, yeah. I'm starting|to feel a little better.
{56895}{56999}Ben! Oh, my God. You're fine.
{57097}{57198}OK. Come on, Rocky. Get up.
{57214}{57285}Ouch! Yeah.
{57302}{57425}Don't feel bad. If I had a nickel for every|fist fight I got into
during a chick flick...
{57426}{57469}It wasn't that bad.
{57470}{57621}Getting punched in the face sucked, but|getting cared for afterwards
was nice.
{57622}{57705}Oh, yeah.|Florence Nightingale syndrome.
{57706}{57802}- Shall I tape the game for you tonight?|- No need.
{57803}{57907}I'll be watching the Knicks|from the comfort of my own home.
{57908}{57947}How'd you swing that?
{57948}{58040}- The coup de gr�ce. Heavyweight.|- You're making the lamb.
{58041}{58182}- A woman loves a man who can cook.|- Bringing out the big guns.
{58183}{58304}- They forgot my bacon again.|- I can't believe you got him knocked
{58305}{58352}Only for a few seconds.
{58353}{58488}He was the most adorable|unconscious man ever.
{58489}{58609}Are you dating him|or are you contemplating adoption?
{58610}{58743}Andie, I am loving|your notes on this piece.
{58757}{58816}- Thanks.|- When do you see him again?
{58817}{58922}Tonight. He's invited me over for dinner.
{58923}{59012}Marvellous.|I've got a feeling about this one.
{59013}{59073}Thanks, Lana.
{59074}{59142}I hate it when she|pops her head in like that.
{59143}{59292}I heard that.|And Andie, tonight, take smaller bites.
{59321}{59375}Oh, my God!
{59376}{59499}Disgusting. I can barely eat over here.
{59559}{59662}Come on in, the door's open.
{59673}{59724}- Hi.|- Hey, there.
{59725}{59899}I hope you brought your appetite, girl.|We've got a feast tonight.
{59973}{60058}Benny, isn't that sweet?
{60059}{60111}Pour yourself a glass of wine.
{60112}{60206}We got dinner in about five,|tip-off in about eight.
{60207}{60295}Great, I'm starving.
{60552}{60643}Oh, so perfectly pink!
{60954}{61066}{y:i}Pour la piece de r�sistance.
{61160}{61274}Sheryl, Tori,|Sin�ad, Jewel, Fiona, Carly...
{61275}{61339}...the gang's all here!
{61410}{61468}Got two minutes to game time.
{61469}{61629}{y:i}You walked into the party|{y:i}like you were walking onto a
{61630}{61766}{y:i}Your hat strategically dipped|{y:i}below one eye
{61767}{61845}{y:i}Your scarf it was apricot
{61846}{61909}Wow, look at all this stuff.
{61910}{62001}- You had one eye in the mirror|- Cute.
{62002}{62071}Saw the new comforter.
{62072}{62226}{y:i}And all the girls dreamed that they'd be|{y:i}Ben's partner,
they'd be Ben's partner
{62227}{62294}- You're so vain|- What's in the box?
{62394}{62464}- It's a baby fern.|- Really?
{62465}{62667}It's like our relationship. A helpless|little baby in need of tender
loving care.
{62678}{62748}- Thank you.|- You had me several years ago
{62749}{62811}Sit down.
{62812}{62905}Have a seat. Get ready.
{62921}{63016}Game two.|Welcome to the front row, madam.
{63017}{63090}Oh, up here!
{63147}{63286}Dinner is served. Chef's special tonight,|lamb with a cherry glaze.
{63287}{63435}Start you off with the main dish,|right about there.
{63442}{63522}A few carrots...
{63527}{63616}Whoa. Hey, hey. You OK?
{63617}{63695}It's beautiful.
{63717}{63765}- Thanks.|- You're beautiful.
{63766}{63869}The game, the whole thing...
{63872}{63956}I wish I ate meat.
{64022}{64153}{y:i}Mary had a little lamb, little lamb...
{64167}{64266}Take it away before I gag.
{64269}{64360}This stuff's for cows.
{64501}{64556}- Hi.|- How are you doing?
{64557}{64676}- It's just a little indigestion.|- Are you OK?
{64677}{64772}Excuse me. Do you know|the score of the Knicks game?
{64773}{64857}Do I look like|the kind of person who would?
{64858}{64934}No, you don't.
{64981}{65042}Is something wrong with the barley?
{65043}{65110}No, no...
{65221}{65324}My boyfriend thinks I'm fat!
{65360}{65466}And I can't eat in front of him.|I can't eat in front of you!
{65467}{65624}- I have to go to the bathroom.|- I don't think you're...
{65634}{65729}I don't think she's fat.
{65911}{65947}What's happening?
{65948}{66035}Spree just tied it up.|23 seconds left, Knicks ball.
{66036}{66097}Oh, come on!
{66098}{66138}There it is.
{66139}{66253}That was in! Come on, get it back.
{66292}{66376}Get the ball back!
{66407}{66463}- Get back!|- No! Damn!
{66464}{66608}{y:i}And the game has run out. The Kings|{y:i}have their first win of
the series.
{66609}{66678}Next game.
{66816}{66902}Well, that was fun.
{66902}{67027}Eleven twenty-five sports. There we are.
{67125}{67193}- Sorry we missed the game.|- Pose, pose.
{67194}{67289}Come back. Reverse!|There we go, baby.
{67290}{67444}- Can't believe he missed that shot.|- Take it! Take it!
{67445}{67549}How'd you know he was going to miss it?
{67550}{67694}He always misses|the shot from the top of the key.
{67839}{67973}Houston never misses|from the top of the key.
{68188}{68279}Does Princess Sophia|want to come out and play?
{68280}{68349}Who's she?
{68406}{68499}No, no, no. Whoa, whoa.
{68509}{68557}You're kidding me, right?
{68558}{68662}Little? Big? I don't know, we will find out!
{68663}{68756}Hang on, there. Oh, no.
{68775}{68877}Listen, you can't name|my member Princess Sophia.
{68878}{68999}- Yes, I can.|- If you're gonna name my member,
{69000}{69156}it's got to be something masculine like|Spike, Butch or Krull the
Warrior King.
{69157}{69226}What did you just say?
{69227}{69281}Spike. You know what I mean?
{69282}{69352}- No, after Spike.|- Butch.
{69353}{69426}After Butch.
{69466}{69518}Krull the Warrior King.
{69519}{69670}Does Krull the Warrior King|want to come out and play?
{69696}{69749}- Oh, come on.|- No.
{69750}{69871}- Krully-Wully! Krull!|- You know what?
{69872}{69934}Due to intense humiliation,
{69935}{70071}the King has momentarily|abdicated his throne.
{70130}{70189}In that case...
{70190}{70285}...I'd better get going.
{70333}{70447}Take care of our love fern, honey.
{70879}{70963}- Can I see you tomorrow?|- Really?
{70964}{71033}I hope so.
{71047}{71122}- Call me. And I'll call you.|- Sweet dreams.
{71123}{71175}Answer your phone.
{71276}{71369}- What was icy again?|- Arctic, freezing, frigid.
{71370}{71434}- And glitter?|- Thayer's favourite movie.
{71435}{71486}It was underrated.
{71487}{71564}Glint, glisten, scintillation.
{71565}{71638}- Scintillation's not bad.|- It sucks.
{71639}{71736}Guys, let's take a break.|A little coffee, nine-ball.
{71737}{71850}Maybe I'll be able to concentrate,|as the woman is driving me crazy.
{71851}{71954}Which one, Andie or Princess Sophia?
{71955}{71991}Yeah, yeah, yeah.
{71992}{72057}After the game,|you called her a goddess.
{72058}{72197}Oh, she was. That was the good Andie,|this amazing, fun, cool, sexy
{72198}{72324}I'm talking about the evil Andie. It's like|a crack-enhanced Kathie
Lee Gifford.
{72325}{72430}- She's probably bipolar.|- Her south pole's definitely prevailing.
{72431}{72520}All you got to do|is rock her for five more days.
{72521}{72582}- Muffin!|- Shouldn't be too hard.
{72583}{72619}- Hi!|- Andie!
{72620}{72711}Sweetie, we were just talking about you!|Hello, there.
{72712}{72768}- You look gorgeous.|- Thank you.
{72769}{72886}- This is Tony and this is Thayer.|- Benny-Wenny's told me all about
{72887}{72977}Well, Benny-Wenny's|said wonderful things about you.
{72978}{73050}They don't look so simple-minded.
{73051}{73152}Honey, look what I got for us.
{73153}{73244}Look at that! Come on.
{73246}{73322}- Wow.|- Look at him go. What is it?
{73323}{73451}- It's a Chinese Crested, of course.|- No kidding, a Chinese Crested.
{73452}{73516}So, it's like a dog, right?
{73517}{73628}- Whoa! There he is!|- Ben, you're hurting Krull's feelings.
{73629}{73707}- Krull, is it?|- Krull the Warrior King.
{73708}{73812}- Sure, that's clearly what...|- Wait, there's more.
{73813}{73896}What's that?|For me? Get out of town.
{73897}{73969}- Try it on.|- It's like the inside of a raincoat.
{73970}{74045}- Matching!|- That's going to fit nicely.
{74046}{74088}No, Ben, put it on.
{74089}{74153}You should. In case it doesn't fit.
{74154}{74335}- Manners never hurt anybody.|- I was saving it for a special
{74336}{74404}Oh, yeah, it's nice. Huh?
{74405}{74488}You're a vision in khaki.
{74489}{74562}It's gonna be a happy family.
{74563}{74653}- Just the three of us.|- We are, aren't we?
{74654}{74737}- Wow.|- He's our boy, Ben.
{74738}{74822}See, that's sweet.
{74893}{75044}Hey, Andie, it's good to see you too,|sweetie. Gotcha!
{75050}{75130}He's not potty-trained yet.
{75131}{75256}- Oh, wow. He's a pisser!|- Oh, God. No!
{75265}{75332}Come here, tinkle king.
{75333}{75376}You tinkle-tinkles.
{75377}{75465}Well, congratulations, little plaid family.
{75466}{75569}We've got work to do, but we're on|for poker at your house this week,
{75570}{75618}Boys' night!
{75619}{75683}It was nice meeting you and Krull.
{75684}{75725}Bye. Say bye, Krully.
{75726}{75797}A little soap and water'll fix it.
{75798}{75867}Come here.
{75874}{75957}- Do you love him?|- Oh, I do.
{75958}{76062}Look at Krull's necklace. It's got|more ice than Liberace, don't you?
{76063}{76166}It's just a little frosting.
{76193}{76283}- Frosting?|- Frosting.
{76284}{76348}We were thinking bold, new, fresh.
{76349}{76455}- Frost yourself.|- Excuse me?
{76466}{76511}The slogan for the campaign.
{76512}{76571}- You frost a cake.|- I'm talking diamonds.
{76572}{76687}They're frosting. As in, Whoa,|would you check out her frosting?
{76688}{76756}Frost yourself.|How did you come up with it?
{76757}{76833}From the woman who's fallen for me.
{76834}{76926}It may work,|but as for her falling in love with you,
{76927}{77013}- I'll decide that at the party.|- If you get her there.
{77014}{77095}Just think about it,|Ladies, frost yourself.
{77096}{77138}Frost yourself.
{77139}{77236}- Introduce it at the party.|- It'll be the theme! Everything
{77237}{77285}- Martini glasses.|- Chandeliers.
{77286}{77341}- Jewels everywhere.|- The women.
{77342}{77503}- The whole party a sparkling diamond.|- All of it frosted.
{77503}{77628}- Women of New York, frost yourselves!|- Hey, frost this!
{77629}{77709}Well, I like it.
{77781}{77858}Yeah, yeah. I hear you.
{77859}{77932}{y:i}You have 17 new messages.
{77933}{78011}{y:i}Message 1 received at 5.44.
{78012}{78113}- Hi, sweetie-pea. Where are you?|- I'm not home.
{78114}{78231}- Message 2, 5.47.|- It's Andie. Guess you're not home.
{78232}{78379}- Message 3, received 5.48.|- Are you not answering your phone?
{78380}{78478}- Message 4, received 5.49.|- Hey, buddy. Game 3 tonight.
{78479}{78523}{y:i}Blondie's, don't be late.
{78524}{78617}- Who is it?|- It's me.
{78625}{78699}{y:i}It's me!
{78745}{78790}- Ow!|- What a surprise!
{78791}{78854}- I tried to get hold of you.|- Yeah?
{78855}{78949}- I did something kind of wacky.|- Yeah?
{78950}{79095}I composited our faces together|to see what our kids would look like.
{79096}{79178}Our Family Album!
{79457}{79528}You don't want to see our children?
{79529}{79628}We don't have... children.
{79999}{80099}You know what?|I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
{80100}{80177}Show me, show me. Please, show me.
{80178}{80306}- We don't have children!|- I thought you meant Krull. I just...
{80307}{80370}- Can I see them?|- You don't want to.
{80371}{80499}I do. Please, please show 'em to me.|I really do want to see 'em.
{80561}{80626}- Yeah.|- OK.
{80627}{80713}That's our wedding.
{80740}{80857}And this is our first child, Benny Junior.
{80931}{81008}There's us vacationing in Hawaii.
{81009}{81160}Little Andie's on my shoulders and...|Benjamin Junior on yours.
{81161}{81278}There's little Andie. There are the kids|in Switzerland, yodel-odel-
{81279}{81393}Our kids are really... attractive.
{81576}{81684}Hey, Mom. I'm doing fine, yeah.
{81723}{81823}- Yeah, she is. One second. It's for you.|- Oh, great.
{81824}{81939}- Hi, Glenda.|- Why is my mom calling you?
{81940}{82019}I just showed him.
{82020}{82181}Yeah. Well, he thinks|our children will be very attractive.
{82215}{82308}No! All right, you go back to cooking.
{82309}{82456}Call me later. Tomorrow, great.|OK, Glenda. Love you, too. Bye.
{82457}{82541}- Thanks, honey.|- Yeah.
{82542}{82638}So, you and my mom, you talk, huh?
{82639}{82747}I called her to get some baby pics|of you for our book.
{82748}{82900}Hey, you never told me that|you wore diapers till you were five.
{82901}{82995}- I gotta go to the...|- Uh-oh.
{82996}{83048}Oh, no. Come on.
{83049}{83187}Do you think maybe|he thinks the felt is grass?
{84115}{84212}Oh, no, no! Man, come on!
{84367}{84413}Hey, Benny-Bear.
{84414}{84475}- Do you have plans tonight?|- Tonight?
{84476}{84589}- I have another surprise for you.|- You know what?
{84590}{84694}- Not a good night. I gotta work.|- Oh, no.
{84695}{84855}I know, we got a Knicks game on,|I had a broccoli casserole planned.
{84856}{84919}That's off too, 'cause I gotta work.
{84920}{85017}That's too bad, I had tickets for tonight.
{85018}{85079}- Tickets?|- Great tickets!
{85080}{85254}Front row seats, right in the action.|I mean, you can smell sweat!
{85258}{85300}I guess I...
{85301}{85402}I... I don't really have to.
{85403}{85472}I'll call Tony, he can fill in for me!
{85473}{85570}- Great!|- Oh, yeah. Thank you!
{85571}{85691}- Honey, you're more than welcome.|- Yes!
{85692}{85785}Oh, look what time it is. Huh?
{85786}{85981}This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,|and I am going to share it
with you.
{86031}{86103}...reaches up, she brings it down.
{86104}{86242}It's the most powerful thing|I've ever... seen.
{86256}{86319}After all this, he still didn't leave you?
{86320}{86435}I tell you, this calls for drastic measures.|Come on, guys,
{86436}{86501}Are you being clingy?
{86502}{86593}- Clingy, needy, whiny.|- Baby-talk?
{86594}{86673}Occasionally.|I could kick that up a notch.
{86674}{86800}- I obsessed over Mike's old girlfriends.|- Better yet, talk about
old boyfriends.
{86801}{86922}It's good, but it won't crack this guy.|This is Defcon 5!
{86923}{87064}I have to do something|truly appalling. It's not funny.
{87065}{87142}I have to think of something|before tomorrow.
{87143}{87234}- Why not tonight?|- Poker night. Boys' night out.
{87235}{87281}Mike had a boys' night.
{87282}{87381}- You're giving him a boys' night?|- They do it every week.
{87382}{87502}- Before he met you.|- What are you suggesting?
{87503}{87585}I think you know.
{87603}{87664}Feel lucky, boys?
{87665}{87734}- You know, Ben...|- That's two bucks.
{87735}{87864}...I feel luckier than you. I didn't|sit through a Celine Dion
{87865}{87949}- That's what true love is all about.|- I fold.
{87950}{88013}Raise fifty. She's in love with you?
{88014}{88077}Is she? She's planning the wedding!
{88078}{88179}All right, guys. Read 'em and weep.|I got ladies over fours.
{88180}{88219}- Damn.|- Nothing.
{88220}{88324}- I have a three and an ace.|- It does not get better than this.
{88325}{88446}- Look at that.|- Honeykins, I'm home.
{88475}{88574}- Hi, honey.|- Hey, Andie.
{88615}{88708}- She has a key?|- Is that legal?
{88709}{88772}I wasn't expecting you.
{88773}{88847}How'd you get a key?
{88848}{88959}Oh, honey, Francesco,|your super, made me a copy.
{88960}{89017}Francesco, huh?
{89018}{89156}- You're not mad, are you, Binky-Winky?|- No, I'm not mad. No, no,
{89157}{89288}You know the guys.|Tony, Thayer, Francis...
{89328}{89397}- Watch the felt!|- Tony, hi.
{89398}{89449}- Ronald.|- Hello.
{89450}{89488}- Joe.|- Hey.
{89489}{89572}- I didn't mean to interrupt your game.|- We got it.
{89573}{89648}- I brought some yummy snacks.|- Snacks? Mmm.
{89649}{89708}The game is... Hold 'Em.
{89709}{89814}Three up for company.|Ante a dollar, please.
{89815}{89917}- Tony. Yucky, yucky pizza!|- Oh, no.
{89918}{90019}Yummy, yummy cucumber sandwich!
{90020}{90115}First card up is a nine.
{90131}{90180}- Take one.|- Yeah, sure.
{90181}{90290}- Good boys.|- Put that over there. Thanks.
{90291}{90339}- Three up.|- You follow?
{90340}{90471}Look around the horn,|look around the horn.
{90884}{90926}Thanks, Benny.
{90927}{91025}Thayer! That means you too, Thayer.
{91026}{91156}Everyone in for a buck. Next card, five.|Nines and fives. Back to
you, T-Dog.
{91157}{91278}Nine and a seven. Go for the straight.
{91290}{91387}- That's you. Tony, you're up.|- She told you my hand.
{91388}{91481}- Peek-a-boo!|- Oh, hi!
{91511}{91672}- Are we gonna play cards here?|- What game are we playing?
{91708}{91833}I'm already maxed out.|We got a nine up.
{91867}{91951}Blow. Nobody likes Mr Sniffles.
{91952}{92086}- I hate Mr Sniffles.|- Come on, stuffy head.
{92170}{92283}- Good, good. White. Healthy boy.|- Good.
{92382}{92439}Oh, no.
{92440}{92503}Oh, no!
{92514}{92611}Our love fern! It's dead.
{92706}{92850}- No, honey, it's just sleeping.|- You let it die.
{92851}{92948}Are you gonna let us die?
{92967}{93060}You should think about that.
{93061}{93164}What the hell's a love fern?
{93178}{93324}All right, guys.|Let's try to get through one hand.
{93349}{93474}- Is she on something?|- God, I hope so.
{93695}{93781}Are you saying|I'm some kind of mental person?
{93782}{93869}- No, no, he wasn't...|- Oh, Tony!
{93870}{93922}- He meant...|- That's it!
{93923}{94007}- That is it.|- Andie?
{94008}{94122}I'm taking this love fern with me.
{94313}{94356}Hang on.
{94357}{94486}Hey. Hey, hey.|What just happened in there?
{94487}{94587}I'm gonna go listen. Quietly.
{94588}{94705}This is getting really creepy.|You're acting completely insane.
{94706}{94745}Oh, so I am insane?
{94746}{94873}No, you're acting insane.|Shut up, Krull.
{94874}{94947}- He's an innocent animal!|- He'll live.
{94948}{95048}I can't be with someone who|dislikes animals and thinks I'm mental.
{95049}{95098}That's what I'm talking about.
{95099}{95210}Where's the sexy, cool, fun,|smart, beautiful Andie that I knew?
{95211}{95297}The one who wanted to be|a serious journalist, huh?
{95298}{95402}You're up, you're down,|you're like a one-woman circus!
{95403}{95481}- I guess this means we're over.|- I guess so.
{95482}{95549}- Fine.|- Fine.
{95550}{95623}Oh, finally.
{95953}{96061}- It's over, man.|- No, no, no.
{96065}{96118}- It is, man.|- Four more days!
{96119}{96213}Guys, you were here. Did you|see her homage to The Exorcist?
{96214}{96315}- I did. I thought it was sexy.|- It was not sexy.
{96316}{96393}- He's right. Forget it.|- He's right.
{96394}{96499}Do you think Spears and Green|will like their new office?
{96500}{96578}Sure. And he gets to sell|footballs for the rest of his life.
{96579}{96667}- Or a really good douche campaign.|- Hey, it's done.
{96668}{96718}- What?|- Couples therapy.
{96719}{96805}Every time my wife wants a divorce,|I suggest couples therapy.
{96806}{96877}- It's true. She hates him.|- Couples therapy.
{96878}{96930}Couples therapy!
{96931}{97035}- Come on!|- Couples therapy!
{97439}{97544}Can you forgive me? I don't know|what I was thinking. I'm sorry.
{97545}{97684}I am way out of line, Andie.|Can you give me another chance?
{97685}{97744}Haven't you had enough?
{97745}{97816}- I'm willing to do anything.|- Get up.
{97817}{97897}I'll do anything, Andie.
{97898}{98040}Look, what do you think about...|couples therapy?
{98079}{98130}Couples therapy?
{98131}{98216}Thayer has this doctor,|says he's a hell of a guy.
{98217}{98323}No. I know a therapist who'll work|wonders with somebody like you.
{98324}{98404}- That's what I need.|- I'll get an emergency session.
{98405}{98474}- Baby, whatever it takes.|- I guess.
{98475}{98560}Thank you, sweetheart.
{98561}{98670}- Thank you for understanding.|- I love you, Binky.
{98671}{98794}But I don't have to like you right now.
{98836}{98918}Thank you, Andie.
{99020}{99094}Dammit! Shit!
{99129}{99225}If you're really going to commit to this,|you'll have to open up.
{99226}{99283}- Dig deep.|- OK.
{99284}{99400}Bare your soul. Show me your teeth.
{99402}{99480}Andie Anderson. Benjamin Barry.
{99481}{99584}Please come in.|Hi. Welcome.
{99691}{99803}Before we start, how will you be paying?
{99804}{99851}- Sweetie?|- How much is it?
{99852}{99928}- $300.|- 300?
{99980}{100060}- Whatever it takes.|- So tell me,
{100061}{100129}- how long have you been going out?|- Seven days.
{100130}{100274}- Seven days. Interesting.|- Is that too soon to see a therapist?
{100275}{100411}- Seven days isn't like a lifetime, but...|- It's like a week.
{100412}{100464}Did you hear that tone?
{100465}{100559}How can we not have a gulf between us|with a tone like that?
{100560}{100678}How are things between you sexually?
{100705}{100807}- We haven't had sex.|- No, Ben has a little problem.
{100808}{100860}- I don't have a problem.|- You do.
{100861}{100933}- I do not have a problem.|- It's a big problem.
{100934}{100976}- I don't.|- You do.
{100977}{101091}The one night that we|even thought about having sex,
{101092}{101180}- she decides to nickname my...|- Penis.
{101181}{101297}Princess Sophia!|Talk about shooting a man's horse!
{101298}{101353}I thought it was a beautiful name.
{101354}{101415}I see, Benjamin.
{101416}{101524}When did you first realise|you were attracted to other men?
{101525}{101618}- What?|- That's serious.
{101619}{101667}Benjamin, this is a safe space.
{101668}{101749}It's simple, I like women.|It just happened that way.
{101750}{101822}Methinks thou doth protesteth too much.
{101823}{101925}You see? This is the shit I'm talking|about. What the hell's that?
{101926}{102088}- This is what she does. Stop that!|- I'm hearing a lot of latent
anger here.
{102089}{102181}- Rage-oholic.|- I'm not a rage-oholic!
{102182}{102263}Take a deep breath for me, Ben.
{102264}{102365}OK, just let it go... Yeah.
{102385}{102466}- I feel better.|- OK. Come here.
{102467}{102564}I've seen this before.|I've seen it many times.
{102565}{102680}- Yeah.|- Would you two like to be left alone?
{102681}{102728}Maybe you should get a room.
{102729}{102803}You are hitting on our shrink!
{102804}{102847}- No, I'm not.|- You are!
{102848}{102980}- You are a pathological flirt!|- Five seconds ago I'm gay!
{102981}{103062}- I sweat when I get nervous.|- Which one is it?
{103063}{103126}Besides, why hit on another woman?
{103127}{103217}You've got enough personalities|to keep me occupied.
{103218}{103328}- That was hurtful.|- OK. Ben, are you ashamed of Andie?
{103329}{103396}Of course he is.
{103397}{103492}- I'm not ashamed.|- How do you think that makes me feel?
{103493}{103608}It's like, when I talked to his mother...|he freaked out.
{103609}{103674}Now, you did that behind my back.
{103675}{103760}- I just wanted to say hi.|- Want to talk to my mother?
{103761}{103899}Then talk to her. If you want to|talk to the whole family, you can.
{103900}{103965}We can go to Staten Island|for the weekend.
{103966}{104025}Now, that is a positive idea, Ben.
{104026}{104106}- It is?|- How about it? Andie?
{104107}{104247}- What?|- Would you like to go to Staten Island?
{104713}{104789}Uncle Ben, hi.
{104865}{104916}Yes, ma'am.
{104917}{105006}- Hey, Mom, Pop, we're here.|- Bullshit!
{105007}{105104}- Who's that handsome guy?|- My dad as a navy ensign.
{105105}{105189}- He got stationed here ten years ago.|- Bullshit!
{105190}{105261}- Hey, darling.|- How are you?
{105262}{105309}- Good.|- Know who this is?
{105310}{105377}I do. See if the baby needs changing.
{105378}{105466}Hey, Andie. I'm so happy|to have you here in the flesh.
{105467}{105533}- You're just as pretty as you sound.|- Glenda!
{105534}{105605}I'm coming!
{105616}{105724}- Oh, yeah. And this is Joey Junior.|- Bullshit!
{105725}{105867}The whole family suffers from Tourette's.|Joey suffers from being
{105868}{106022}We're gonna get you cleaned up.|Go on out back, have a good time.
{106023}{106070}- Got you.|- OK.
{106071}{106149}Hi. He got you.
{106198}{106271}- Uncle Arnold has three kings.|- Yeah, right.
{106272}{106431}Now, dare I say it or not?|I'm just gonna say it. Bullshit!
{106432}{106468}- Hi.|- Oh!
{106469}{106569}- Wow.|- Andie, come on out here.
{106570}{106687}- Meet everybody. This is Ben's father...|- Well, hello!
{106688}{106751}Welcome to our humble abode.
{106752}{106830}- This is our Uncle Arnold.|- Hi, Uncle Arnold.
{106831}{106915}He farts like a howitzer.|But he's family, what can you do?
{106916}{106992}- Intestinal complications.|- Yeah, right.
{106993}{107048}- Did you meet Joey?|- A female Andy?
{107049}{107096}- L-E.|- Nice to meet you.
{107097}{107194}The game is Bullshit and you're|in time for the lightning round.
{107195}{107284}- I don't know how to play.|- It's very simple.
{107285}{107370}The trick is to get rid of|all the cards in your hand.
{107371}{107488}I'm gonna look at my hand.|Do you know, I've got two aces here?
{107489}{107584}What do you say to that?
{107619}{107688}What are you gonna say?
{107689}{107792}- I say bullshit.|- I didn't quite hear what she said.
{107793}{107909}- I said bullshit!|- She knows how to play the game.
{107910}{107985}- Here's Daddy.|- Come to Poppa.
{107986}{108089}Slick as a whistle.|How are you, Unc? Pop?
{108090}{108134}How you doing, buddy?
{108135}{108202}- Want to join us?|- Good luck.
{108203}{108301}The expert's here. OK, we went|through the deck, let's start again.
{108302}{108383}We've got a two. Let's see,|I got myself one deuce here.
{108476}{108514}Human lie detector.
{108515}{108595}Try this, son. Two threes.
{108596}{108664}- One four.|- Three fives.
{108781}{108904}- See whose name's on top there?|- Yes. It says Ben with a star
next to it.
{108905}{108986}- Still want to bullshit me?|- You must be so proud.
{108987}{109025}I'm doing my best.
{109026}{109114}- Yes! We've got...|- No, I told the truth!
{109115}{109246}- Three fives.|- He's good. He's the champ.
{109258}{109318}- What am I?|- Sixes.
{109319}{109405}- One six.|- All right. Look what I got.
{109406}{109491}The key to this game|is being able to read people.
{109492}{109600}- Two eights.|- Bullshit, Mama.
{109630}{109700}I'm gonna have to hurt you.
{109701}{109777}Mom's never been|that great at it, but why?
{109778}{109841}It's 'cause I'm so pure of heart.
{109897}{109996}Hello, where is everybody?
{110056}{110144}- This is Andie. My sister, Dora.|- Nice to meet you.
{110145}{110205}She's kicking Ben's ass in Bullshit.
{110206}{110266}- I like this girl.|- That's right.
{110267}{110327}Ben's starting a card collection.
{110328}{110398}Let me get back on track here.
{110399}{110543}Three ladies. What have you|got to say about that?
{110754}{110860}You heard me. I said bullshit.
{110950}{111068}- What is that, seven in a row, Sparky?|- I think he's met his
{111069}{111192}Well, it's... all about reading people.
{111214}{111311}- Loser.|- OK. Two kings.
{111699}{111742}You have met your match.
{111743}{111821}And you, Mom, Miss Pure of Heart.
{111822}{111898}You're hiding behind that badge,|cheating me.
{111899}{111942}Betrayed by my own parents!
{111943}{112047}The only honest man here|is Uncle Arnold, and he's asleep.
{112048}{112123}- But I won.|- I'm gonna play with the kids.
{112124}{112188}Maybe they won't lie and cheat.
{112189}{112275}Andie, I hope you know|we're expecting you to come back.
{112276}{112427}Because you have held Ben to his lowest|Bullshit score since his
{112428}{112516}- And we are thrilled!|- Lowest!
{112517}{112575}Were his other girlfriends|Bullshit losers?
{112576}{112629}- What girlfriends?|- Ma, he's picky.
{112630}{112723}You are the first girl|he has ever brought home.
{112724}{112799}Don't you break his heart, now.
{112800}{112942}And that dress, Andie,|does that come in my size?
{113393}{113436}The other side.
{113437}{113532}- My turn?|- Yes, ma'am.
{113564}{113676}- It's heavy.|- Turn it on. Good.
{113679}{113734}- Keep the clutch in.|- That one?
{113735}{113829}- Brake right, gears left, one down.|- OK.
{113830}{113949}To take off, you're gonna give|a little on the clutch, go a little
{113950}{113995}A little give, a little go.
{113996}{114140}- How does it go?|- A little give and a little go.
{114427}{114484}I got it. I got it.
{114485}{114582}{y:i}Voila, voila, voila!
{114585}{114656}There's a lot of cool things about a bike.
{114657}{114784}Use less gas, no traffic jams,|park wherever you want.
{114785}{114914}But at the end of the day, chicks dig 'em.
{115031}{115112}You look so cute.|Let me ask you a question.
{115113}{115242}- Chicks dig this?|- Yes, chicks dig this.
{115411}{115534}- I turned!|- Who's driving like a pro?
{115548}{115621}Look at you.
{115626}{115667}Look at this look.
{115668}{115757}Now, this shower is a little bit tricky.
{115758}{115864}The hot is actually cold, the cold is hot.|You gotta crank it all
the way up.
{115865}{116017}And if somebody flushes the toilet|in Bayonne, you'll get scalded.
{116018}{116119}The towels are right there.
{116192}{116248}Everything all right?
{116249}{116348}Oh, no, it's more than OK.
{116365}{116468}I love everything about this house.|The noise, the smells.
{116469}{116587}Oh, the smells. That's Uncle Arnold.
{116870}{116938}What's wrong?
{116939}{117051}It's just that when your mom|hugged me today...
{117052}{117147}...she really hugged me.
{117161}{117240}For winning a game of Bullshit.
{117241}{117315}Sweetie, that's a good thing.
{117375}{117447}Smile. Now, come on, give me a smile.
{117448}{117569}OK, that's hideous, you're scaring me.
{120815}{120933}- This is home, huh?|- This is home.
{121123}{121160}Hey, listen.
{121161}{121250}Tomorrow night, there's a party|for that diamond account.
{121251}{121362}- I want you to come with me.|- OK.
{121363}{121437}- OK?|- Yeah.
{121490}{121572}As my girlfriend.
{121637}{121798}- Are you calling me your girlfriend?|- Yeah, I think I am.
{121896}{122030}Tomorrow's the tenth day|we've been together.
{122032}{122135}Maybe after that we'll know.
{122155}{122250}Listen, don't make any plans|for day thirteen, OK?
{122251}{122365}'Cause... we have a game to go to.
{122377}{122482}They're not the best seats,|but this is game seven.
{122539}{122608}Come here.
{123142}{123183}- OK.|- Yes?
{123242}{123297}I can't write this article.
{123298}{123390}- Is your computer broken?|- I've got to know this guy.
{123391}{123550}Andie, do you see any patches|or insignia anywhere on my clothing?
{123588}{123660}I'm not your girl scout leader,|I'm your boss.
{123661}{123713}You'll write the article.
{123714}{123777}This cover is now at the printer.
{123778}{123923}The special section on diamonds will|take care of my ad quota for
the year.
{123924}{124017}- I want copy on my desk in 48 hours.|- OK. But, Lana...
{124018}{124102}No But, Lana. You'll do it.
{124103}{124209}Because you're a professional.
{124242}{124311}Yes, I am.
{125111}{125193}You're beautiful.
{125374}{125486}You look pretty good too, Sparky.
{125770}{125880}- Champagne, madam?|- Thank you.
{126124}{126189}Chalk one up to couples therapy.
{126190}{126270}Wow. Some party.
{126328}{126386}You're gonna do great.
{126387}{126463}- I'm gonna get us some drinks.|- Good.
{126464}{126538}And while I do that, would you please...
{126539}{126651}...head over there and frost yourself?
{126652}{126781}- I can wear those?|- Yes, ma'am, you can.
{126924}{126983}- Phillip!|- Lana.
{126984}{127093}I don't see you for ages|and you throw the bash of the year.
{127094}{127152}- Glad you could make it.|- Like them?
{127153}{127258}- It suits you.|- I know. Harry Winston.
{127259}{127368}How did you get all these jewellers|to appear at the same event?
{127369}{127457}- At the request of Mrs DeLauer.|- Really?
{127458}{127582}You see, Mr DeLauer controls|70% of the world's diamonds,
{127583}{127689}and Mrs DeLauer controls Mr DeLauer.
{127690}{127781}- You're bad!|- Enjoy.
{127786}{127909}- And this is real?|- No, no. I insist.
{127924}{128062}- Yes, sir.|- Such beauty should be celebrated.
{128079}{128156}- Isadora?|- Oh, no. I'm Andie.
{128157}{128278}It's a pleasure to meet you, Andie,|but this is Isadora.
{128279}{128331}Turn, turn, s'il vous pla�t.
{128332}{128450}84 carats. Named for Isadora Duncan.
{128456}{128532}Congratulations. You got her here.
{128533}{128682}- The question remains...|- Does she, or doesn't she?
{128697}{128775}We'll find out.
{128795}{128943}- An angel of God. I am Frederick.|- Andie Anderson.
{128974}{129118}It looks like you've got|some competition, anyway.
{129118}{129262}Miss Anderson will be wearing|Isadora for the evening.
{129263}{129323}Enjoy the party, Andie.
{129324}{129375}{y:i}Merci beaucoup.
{129376}{129450}- Oh, that's stunning.|- Fabulous.
{129451}{129574}Excuse me.|Two champagnes, please, sir.
{129593}{129703}Pardon me, young man.|Would you order me a whisky sour?
{129704}{129774}- Yes, ma'am, I can. Mrs DeLauer?|- Yes.
{129775}{129844}- Ben Barry, Warren Advertising.|- How do you do?
{129845}{129895}Nice to finally meet you.
{129896}{129980}I'm very happy to meet you too,|that's for sure.
{129981}{130072}A whisky sour, please.
{130225}{130341}I promise you our presentation|will not weary you in the wrong way.
{130342}{130467}I cannot wait to see what you present...
{130521}{130627}Ladies, do you see what I see?
{130651}{130767}- That's ridiculous. She couldn't possibly.|- Don't be so sure.
{130768}{130904}She might, possibly.|I think I'll go find out.
{131170}{131262}Excuse me. You're... Andie, yes?
{131263}{131348}- Yes.|- I'm Phillip Warren.
{131349}{131403}- You're Ben's boss.|- That's right.
{131404}{131467}- Hi, pleasure to meet you.|- Likewise.
{131468}{131577}I understand you've been an inspiration|to Ben in more ways than
{131578}{131707}And I must say,|you look rather inspired yourself.
{131708}{131826}There isn't a diamond that sparkles|like a woman in love.
{131827}{131898}Oh, no, no.
{131923}{131986}- I'm not in love.|- No?
{131987}{132072}- I guess I was mistaken.|- No, no. I mean...
{132073}{132185}I've only known him for ten days.
{132204}{132303}You can't... I can't be...
{132464}{132546}Ben is a very lucky man.
{132547}{132635}- Excuse me.|- Yeah.
{132657}{132795}Mr Warren, please don't tell him.|Please don't.
{132832}{132868}Thank you.
{132869}{132934}- Ben.|- Hello, gentlemen.
{132935}{133033}- She loves you, she loves you not?|- Don't know. We'll see.
{133034}{133099}- Ben.|- Mr Warren.
{133100}{133264}Saw her, met her, she loves you.|You win, get ready to pitch.
{133388}{133484}- Congratulations, point man.|- We're very proud.
{133485}{133558}So, you're the new point man|on the DeLauers.
{133559}{133595}She loves me.
{133596}{133725}Good for you.|And good for whoever she is.
{133755}{133828}- Thank you so much.|- You're so very welcome.
{133829}{133928}- Gloating, are we?|- Yeah, pretty much. Warren told us.
{133929}{133999}You don't mess with my man Ben.
{134000}{134099}- Your man Ben is a cheater.|- The girl knew about the bet all
{134100}{134152}She played along so he'd win.
{134153}{134309}Tell him to enjoy his short-lived, ill-gotten|victory. We're going
to talk to Warren.
{134361}{134462}- Let's...|- Couldn't be...
{134513}{134587}- Hey! Remember us?|- Hi.
{134588}{134680}You know, Warren is gonna|come over here in a minute
{134681}{134762}and it would be so great
{134763}{134869}if you could just, you know,|act like you don't know about the bet.
{134870}{134979}If you could tell him that you|really, truly, love Ben,
{134980}{135067}that you weren't just pretending|so that he'd win.
{135068}{135130}That would be huge.
{135131}{135195}What's the average|Composure reader like?
{135196}{135271}Spunky. Insatiable. Uppity? You bet.
{135272}{135308}Excuse me, Lana,
{135309}{135404}there is a beautiful woman|in a yellow dress that I must go to.
{135405}{135470}- That's my How To girl.|- How To?
{135471}{135568}Right now, she's doing an article|called How To...
{135569}{135638}...Lose A Guy In Ten Days.
{135639}{135687}Just look him in the eye.
{135688}{135758}You love Ben,|you don't know about a bet.
{135759}{135828}- Love, no bet.|- I understand.
{135829}{135922}- Awesome.|- Thank you, you look beautiful.
{135923}{136065}This poor schmuck she's been|pretending to date, no, actually
{136066}{136140}She's doing the most|atrocious things to him.
{136141}{136234}She's actually named...
{136242}{136326}She's named his...
{136409}{136483}You're Krull.
{136631}{136738}Ladies and gentlemen,|may I ask you to be seated?
{136739}{136846}- Now we're all suitably frosted...|- Benjamin, where have you
{136847}{136912}...and the ladies do look lovely,
{136913}{137047}please help me give a warm welcome|to our special guests this
{137048}{137152}Mr and Mrs Frederick DeLauer.
{137310}{137388}And now I want to introduce|a true musical legend,
{137389}{137466}who'll perform some of his|Oscar, Grammy,
{137467}{137571}Tony and Emmy award-winning songs,
{137572}{137658}Mr Marvin Hamlisch.
{137859}{137919}Thank you very much. I'd like to do...
{137920}{138094}Oh, yes! Give another hand for...|Marvin Hamlisch is in the house!
{138147}{138272}A lot of you don't know Benjamin Barry.|Well, shame on you.
{138273}{138342}'Cause he is a talented|advertising executive,
{138343}{138474}a knowledgeable sports fan|and wagering enthusiast.
{138475}{138584}But most impressively,|he is one hell of a singer.
{138585}{138742}And he's prepared a little musical snack|for his new special
friend, Mrs DeLauer.
{138743}{138846}- Isn't that wonderful?|- So, Ben, why don't you come up here
{138847}{138933}and sing your song?
{138955}{139101}Come on, Ben.|Ladies and gentlemen, Benjamin Barry!
{139119}{139193}Come on, Ben.
{139352}{139423}Thank you. Andie! Whoa, don't run off!
{139424}{139517}You do not want this young lady|to leave the room.
{139518}{139589}Thayer, Tony,|would you stop her, please?
{139590}{139744}You see, tonight, the really special event|is that we will be
singing a duet.
{139745}{139908}Yes, Miss Andie Anderson.|Give her a warm round of applause.
{139995}{140035}Knock 'em out.
{140036}{140173}What will our song be?|Maybe one of her personal favourites.
{140174}{140262}Marvin, do you know You're So Vain?
{140263}{140424}- That's not one of my songs.|- Can you work with me? Yeah?
{140527}{140667}{y:i}You walked into the party,|{y:i}like you were walking onto a
{140668}{140758}{y:i}You had your hat pulled down|{y:i}strategically over one eye
{140759}{140873}- You had a scarf, it was apricot|- Strategically tipped below one
{140874}{140920}{y:i}... one eye in the mirror
{140921}{140995}- As you made sure you had a real cool|- Gavotte
{140996}{141137}{y:i}And all the girls think that they'd be your|{y:i}partner,
they'd be his partner, 'cause
{141138}{141254}{y:i}He's so vain, you probably think|{y:i}this song is about you
{141255}{141332}{y:i}Ben Barry, you're so vain
{141333}{141440}{y:i}You probably think this song is about|{y:i}you, don't you,
don't you?
{141441}{141495}Tone deaf and drunk|is a bad combination.
{141496}{141582}You fooled me to win a bet|and you should be ashamed.
{141583}{141687}You took me to a Celine Dion concert.|You made me miss the big
{141688}{141838}Smart guy's a rhymer! Do we want them|to know your love-making is
{141839}{141927}Maybe 'cause you named my penis,|yeah, you named my penis,
{141928}{142006}you named my penis after a dame!
{142007}{142072}You really should get over that.
{142073}{142133}- Come on, you're so vain.|- No, you are.
{142134}{142228}It's the worst thing I've ever heard.
{142229}{142330}{y:i}'Cause you're so vain!
{142376}{142496}You know the words so well, don't you?|There she goes.
{142497}{142544}Thanks, guys.
{142545}{142644}Take it from here, Marvin.
{142658}{142731}Wasn't she wearing|the Isadora diamond?
{142732}{142833}Isadora?|Oh, mon Dieu! Security!
{142834}{142935}Oh, no, no. Hold on, Andie Anderson,|I'm not done with you.
{142936}{143028}You used me to get ahead in your work.
{143029}{143090}You arrogant, back-stabbing jerk.
{143091}{143195}- Lady, hold it!|- You drove me mad for an article.
{143196}{143303}You said you could make any girl|fall in love with you, and I was
Exhibit A.
{143304}{143366}- Time out.|- What?
{143367}{143556}Please, just give me the necklace.|Then you can go on and kill each
{143592}{143721}That's what I was, huh? I was a guinea|pig. Someone to test your
theories on.
{143722}{143825}Yeah, and I was just a girl|somebody picked out in a bar.
{143826}{143984}Big deal. I'm sure now you can even|use it as a little twist in
your story.
{143985}{144075}Good idea, maybe we should bet on it.
{144076}{144158}Know what? You did your job.
{144159}{144324}You wanted to lose a guy in ten days.|Congratulations, you just
lost him.
{144325}{144402}No, I didn't, Ben.
{144403}{144539}'Cause you can't lose|something you never had.
{145027}{145139}Well... it's not what I expected.
{145188}{145274}It's better. Congratulations.
{145275}{145347}This shows me|you're ready to be unleashed.
{145348}{145472}From now on,|feel free to write about anything.
{145473}{145602}- Anything?|- Wherever the wind blows you.
{145632}{145778}- Even politics?|- No, the wind won't blow you there.
{145779}{145863}What about religion,|poverty, economics?
{145864}{145965}This wind is really more of a light breeze.
{145966}{146077}- What can I write about, Lana?|- Whatever you want.
{146078}{146171}Shoes, laser therapy,|dressing for your body-type.
{146172}{146303}Use your imagination.|The sky is the limit.
{146330}{146441}- Thank you for this opportunity.|- OK.
{146442}{146591}And thank you for making it|easy for me to turn down.
{146672}{146732}It's not something I'm proud of.
{146733}{146916}Obviously, if I could do it over again,|I'd do some things
{146927}{147022}It's good to talk to you, man. It really is.
{147023}{147161}I know. You're the only one|that knows us both.
{147335}{147398}You wanna go?
{147399}{147459}You wanna go to the game?
{147460}{147513}Go ahead, 'cause I'm not going.
{147514}{147602}{y:i}The seventh and final game|{y:i}of a classic series...
{147603}{147665}Sweetie, I wouldn't have gone, either.
{147666}{147829}I mean, I'd have liked to,|but you probably wouldn't let me.
{147844}{147935}You're doing the right thing.
{147936}{148009}Oh, sweetie!
{148024}{148112}There's the Chinese.
{148133}{148204}I'm coming.
{148301}{148424}- OK, so that's gonna be...|- Michelle.
{148431}{148507}Andie, that wasn't the Chinese.
{148508}{148576}- It's Mike!|- Mike?
{148577}{148683}- Yeah, what do I do?|- Talk to him.
{148684}{148760}OK, all right.
{148969}{149043}- Mike!|- Hi.
{149123}{149284}- So... what are you doing here?|- I don't know, exactly...
{149286}{149427}It was last night.|I was... just lying there, trying to sleep.
{149428}{149541}You know that perfume|you sprayed on my pillow?
{149542}{149628}- Oh, yeah.|- Well, that smell is gone now.
{149629}{149735}And, Michelle, I want it back.
{149811}{149930}I don't know if you can have it back.
{150022}{150089}Yeah. OK.
{150132}{150188}But I am...
{150189}{150241}...willing to consider it.
{150242}{150309}OK. Yeah.
{150321}{150383}- These are for you.|- Thank you.
{150792}{150891}I remember where you live.
{150930}{151006}Who needs men?
{151018}{151115}Ladies, frost yourselves.
{151264}{151335}And, cut it! Very nice.
{151336}{151400}- Superbe.|- OK, let's go one more.
{151401}{151471}- Magnifique.|- All right.
{151472}{151516}Tim, can I see playback?
{151517}{151653}Open me, Ben.|Please break my binding. Please!
{151677}{151749}- You might wanna read this.|- No, thanks.
{151750}{151906}OK. I've lost a guy and I don't know why.|What went wrong?
{151907}{152030}When I started this column, I wanted|to commit those silly dating
faux pas.
{152031}{152189}What I didn't realise was that I was|making the biggest mistake of
{152190}{152258}Here. Trust me.
{152259}{152324}Read it.
{152975}{153074}Excuse me, Andie Anderson?
{153305}{153358}- Excuse me, ma'am.|- Holy crap.
{153359}{153425}- Where's Andie Anderson?|- She's not here.
{153426}{153485}- She quit.|- She has an interview in DC.
{153486}{153533}- When's she leaving?|- Today.
{153534}{153622}- When?|- Like, now.
{153664}{153770}- You're not a therapist, are you?|- Oh... no!
{153771}{153853}Good job, though.
{153867}{153956}You owe me 300 bucks.
{156054}{156181}- Pull over, we need to talk.|- Are you trying to get yourself
{156182}{156336}- If that's what it takes. Now, pull over.|- Excuse me, sir. Could
you pull over?
{156337}{156422}We're on a bridge, lady.|I can't pull over here.
{156423}{156582}OK. Do you have an ashtray|or something I can throw up in?
{156701}{156814}- What the hell was that?|- Is this true?
{156815}{156873}- Ben, please.|- Is this true?
{156874}{157033}- Or are you just selling magazines?|- I meant every word.
{157116}{157154}Where are you going?
{157155}{157304}- I have an interview.|- Yeah, in Washington, I know.
{157376}{157464}Where are you going?
{157464}{157583}It's the only place|I can write what I wanna write.
{157584}{157717}I'm not buying that.|You can write anywhere.
{157731}{157782}I think you're running away.
{157783}{157949}Save your mind games for your next bet.|I am not running away.
{158169}{158238}Excuse me?
{158279}{158353}You heard me.
{158497}{158584}Hey, lady. What do you wanna do?
{158585}{158759}Take her luggage back to her place,|she has alternate
{158760}{158840}Are you calling my bluff?
{158841}{158915}You bet I am.
{159325}{159377}Look who came with me.
{159378}{159507}It's our love fern!|Oh, Benny Boo-Boo-Boo!
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