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Miriam Benitez Tome

Yeison Eduardo Villegas Jimenez

Pedro José Gallardo Flores

OCTOBER 12,2019

1. Is/ are there any events that is/are not satisfactory in my daily teaching? Why?

In these 2 hours of class the teacher was observing me throughout the class, the first class I
gave the teacher wasn't there so I kind of didn't feel observed or grated. I was nervousness
and I thought it kind of affected the way I gave the class because I feel like I was very
cautious not to mess up. what I realized in this class was that I need to work was studying
the topic more than I thought I already did. The audios for these activities are a bit to long so
I feel like they kind of get bored.

● Es un cuestionario que busca recolectar información sobre las experiencias de un

profesor practicante.

● El objetivo específico en este texto es mejorar las habilidades de enseñanza y la

experiencia en el aula al identificar áreas de mejora y proponer soluciones para
enfrentar desafíos en la enseñanza diaria.

2. How can I solve that/those? Here proposes any type of solution for that/those.

I think that I just need more practice teaching teens and being more lose being in front of a
teacher and classroom. Not being so scared to try to do new things with students. I also
think that I should get to know them more and what their preferences in learning styles so I
can apply them. With the audios there is not much I can do; I could stop them and ask for
feedback about what they are understanding to far.

3. How do I feel after implementing the possible solution? Why?

I am starting to get to know them better by seeing their reactions towards the activities that
we do. After weeks go by, I guess I will be starting to get more comfortable with the teacher
being around and observing me.

● El evento comunicativo en este texto es la reflexión y descripción de la experiencia

de enseñanza diaria, incluyendo los momentos de observación de la profesora, la
autoevaluación de la clase y la identificación de áreas de mejora. También se
discuten soluciones potenciales, emociones y expectativas futuras en relación con la

4. What would I like to do after the whole process? Do I feel satisfied? Why?

I kind of get frustrated with myself when activities don't go as I plan. For example, I asked
students to give their opinion about a topic we are going to talk about and they seem not to
understand me as much. I do feel satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time with my classes
because I feel like I am learning each time I give classes but then again I feel like I can give
100% more.

● Analiza eventos en el contexto de la enseñanza y busca maneras de optimizar la

interacción con los estudiantes y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje.
● Utiliza preguntas abiertas las cuales permiten que el alumno se exprese con libertad
sin tener alguna limitación de respuesta.

5. In the future, how can I use the experience of being in another real context of teaching?

In the future when I get to have my own classroom to teach all that I am learning now will be
very use full. I will know by then that I need to work on catching on to my students styles of
learning and the way I can make an activity better.

● The communicative genre to which the text belongs is teaching.

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