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ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------


What do these pictures talk about?

Listen up!
Activity 1
Listen to the dialogue carefully. Fill the blanks bellow!

A : Hello, Dan!
B : Hi!
A : Can you tell me about the typical day in your life for the _______________ (1)?
B : Yes, sure!
A : So, what time do you _________________ (2)?
B : Oh, I get up very early. I get up every day at ___ o’clock and go to the pool then I
_____________ (3) from 6 o’clock to 8 o’clock.
A : You get up at 5 o’clock? Wow, that’s early!
B : Yeah, then at 8 o’clock I have _______________ (4), I get dressed, and I have
breakfast. I have a big breakfast; cereals, toast, bacon and eggs, and ___________ (5).
A : What do you do after breakfast?
B : At ___ o’clock, I go to university. I’m ____________ (6) sport science and I have
classes from 11 o’clock to 4 o’clock.

---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

A : When do you have lunch?

B : I have lunch at about _____________ (7) at the university.
A : What do you do after classes?
B : Sometimes, I go to the gym and sometimes I_____________ (8) my friends at the café.
A : What time do you have dinner?
B : I have dinner at 7 o’clock. Then, I watch TV or _____________ (9). And I usually go to
bed at ___ o’clock.
A : Thanks, Dan! That’s a _______________ (10).

Read me!
Activity 2
Read and tick the correct sentences.

Daily Routines

My name is Kate. I live in Singapore with my family. Almost every day I do the same routines.

Some people may think that I have a boring daily routine, but I enjoy it. I like to be a housewife

and a career woman. I usually get up at about 5:00 in the morning. First, I brush my teeth and

wash my face. Then, I go downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for my family. I always

have a cup of coffee and bread for breakfast. Then, I usually prepare cereal, fruit, and milk for

my husband and my kids. I always prepare lunch boxes for all of us too. After having breakfast, I

have a shower and get dressed. My husband takes our kids to school by car. I take a train to

work because I don’t like driving, and I always arrive at my office before 8:00. I’m never late to

work. I usually finish my work at 4:00 in the evening.

I have a son and a daughter, Loren, who is 10 years old and Laura, who is 7 years old. We

usually eat dinner together in our dining room at about 6:00, and after that I help my kids doing

their homework. Then, we enjoy our family time together. We watch our favorite TV programs

about food and travel or we have some conversation about our day. Once a week, I have
---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

“Zumba” class in the evening, so I can be healthy. After enjoying family time, I take my kids to

bed. At about 10:00 pm, I go to bed, read a novel for a while, and then I sleep.

Activity 3
Correct mistakes in the other sentences.

1. Kate lives in Singapore. √

2. Kate doesn’t live with her family. She lives with her family.

3. She doesn’t enjoy her daily routines.

4. She always prepares breakfast and lunch boxes.

5. She prepares milk for her husband and kids.

6. She goes to work by her husband’s car.

7. She always comes late to work.

8. Loren and Laura are Kate’s children.

9. Kate and her family usually eat dinner in the living room.

10. They like watching TV program about food and travel.

11. Kate has “Yoga” class once a week.

12. Before sleeping, Kate reads an email for a while.

---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

Language Corner
Check the Time

8:00 8 am
11:00 11 am
12:00 Noon
13:00 1 pm
23:00 11 pm
0:00 Midnight

Time Normal Use Timetable, TV, etc.

8:00 It’s eight o’clock.

8:05 It’s five past eight. It’s eight oh five.

8:15 It’s quarter past eight. It’s eight fifteen.

8:30 It’s half past eight. It’s eight thirty.

8:35 It’s twenty five to nine. It’s eight thirty five.

8:45 It’s quarter to nine. It’s eight forty five.

8:55 It’s five to nine. It’s eight fifty five.

9:00 It’s nine o’clock.

Note :
➢ a.m. (am) : ante merediem (in the morning)
➢ p.m. (pm) : post merediem (in the afternoon and in the evening)
➢ o’clock : of the clock (only on the hour)
➢ quarter : 15 minutes
➢ half : 30 minutes

---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

Adverbs of Frequency

• 100%
Always • I always eat three times a day.

• 90%
Usually • I usually go to bed at 10 o'clock.

• 70%
Often • I often go to supermarket by taxi-online.

• 50%
Sometimes • I sometimes watch TV on weekend.

• 10%
Seldom • I seldom have a shower after 10 pm.

• 0%
Never • I never come late to work.

Speak up!
Activity 4
Practice the dialogue.

Eddy : Hi, Mila! How’s life?

Mila : Hi, Ed. It’s fine. Thanks!
Eddy : I know that you are so busy for your play performance. Do you feel tired?
Mila : No, at all. I enjoy the process. I love it.
Eddy : What do you do every day during preparing the play performance?
Mila : Hmm, I always get up at 5 o’clock. Then, I go jogging until 6 or 7 o’clock. After that, I
have a shower and get dressed. I usually eat breakfast at around 9 o’clock. I eat a lot of
veggies to keep my body and my voice fit.
Eddy : Oh, I see. You have to do that for your performance. What time do you practice acting?

---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

Mila : I always practice acting with my team at 10 o’clock. We practice for 4 hours, and then
we have lunch at 2 o’clock. I usually eat salad, sweet potatoes or potatoes, eggs, fish,
fruit and I always drink a lot of water. After having a break time, my team and I continue
practicing until 4 o’clock.
Eddy : That’s amazing, Mila! Your team is great! Hmm…, do you have any activities after
Mila : Actually, I take a vocal class so I join the class from 6 to 8 o’clock. Then, I have dinner
after the class. I usually eat meat and fruit for dinner. Arriving home, I watch TV or read
the script of my play performance and I go to bed at 10 o’clock.
Eddy : You work so hard for your drama show. Take care of yourself! Good luck, Mila!
Mila : Thank you, Eddy. It means a lot to me.

Activity 5
You have 5 minutes to think about your routines or activities that you usually do every
day. Then, you can tell your friends about what you do and when you do your activities.

✓ Hi, I am ….
✓ I always get up in the morning at…
✓ Then, I have a shower...
✓ After that, I eat breakfast at…
✓ I work …
✓ I go to the gym at…
✓ I play badminton at…
✓ I watch …
✓ I ………… with my friends.
✓ I go to bed at …

---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

Create up!
Activity 6
Write about your activities by answering these questions.

What do you
usually do on
Saturday at 6 __________________________________________
a.m. to 6 p.m.?






What do you
usually do
when you have_________________________________________
long weekend?






---------------INGGRISIN.ID – GENERAL ENGLISH ---------------

Slang Corner

• Typical day in your life → kegiatan rutinmu

• Veggies → sayuran
• Hang out/hanging out → menghabiskan waktu dengan teman
• Chill out → bersantai
• Have a crush on (someone) → menyukai seseorang


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