ForcedVibration ME22M067 LabReport

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24-Oct-2022 Forced Vibration Experiment Sumandeep


Aim : To determine the first two natural frequencies and corresponding damping ratios of a beam
supported at both ends by pinned joints and subjected to transverse vibration.

Experimental Setup and Test Procedure :

A schematic is of the test setup is shown in Fig.
A discrete sinusoidal input with a fixed amplitude and frequency is given by the function generator
to the electrodynamic exciter to excite the beam at a specific location, ensuring that the vibration of
the beam is not driven into the nonlinear range.

If the output current supplied by the function generator is small, it may have to be amplified by a
power amplifier before being fed into the exciter coil. Care should be taken to ensure that the coil is
not overdriven. The electrodynamic exciter is the most common type of shaker.

The excitation is called stepped sine since the command signal frequency is stepped from one
discrete value to another in the entire frequency range such as to provide the necessary frequency
resolution in the output or FRF plot.

The excitation frequency should not be changed abruptly; sufficient time should be given for the
system to settle down to the steady-state condition. Especially near resonance, or if one is
measuring lightly damped or closely spaced modes, care should be taken to avoid transient effects.

Figure : Schematic of Experimental Setup

Observation Table :

For Mode 1 :

Frequency (Hertz) 22.48 65.17 72.50 74.25 74.28 74.45 74.72 74.93
Amplitude (Vpp) 0.500 1.6 5.20 6.80 7.12 6.96 6.64 6.56

S.No. f_n f_1 f_2

1 74.28 73.07 77.41
2 74.81 73.11 78.02
3 75.05 73.23 77.68
Average value 74.7 73.1 77.7

For Mode 2 :

Frequency (Hertz) 242.6 263.8 265.0 265.8

Amplitude (Vpp) 0.450 1.70 2.0 1.90

S.No. f_n f_1 f_2

1 265.0 262.2 268.2
2 266.6 262.5 269.0
3 265.1 263.1 269.2
Average 265.6 262.6 268.8

Calculation of damping ratio using Half Power Method :

f 2 −f 1
Damping ratio =
2×f n

1. ζ = = 0.031

2. ζ = = 0.011
Comparing analytical and experimental results :

Experimental value Analytical value % Error

1st natural frequency (Hertz) 74.7 71.2 4.7 %
2nd natural frequency (Hertz) 265.6 284.8 7.2 %
Questions :
1.) What will happen if the stinger does not make contact with the beam?
If stinger is not in contact with the beam then the exciter can not apply the force to beam.

2.) Will the natural frequencies and damping ratios change for other boundary conditions?
Yes, the natural frequencies and damping ratios will change for other boundary conditions.
Different boundary condition lead to different reaction forces/moments at the support, hence, the
stiffness of the vibrating system changes, mass being the same.

3.) How do you decide on the force input to the beam?

• Force input should be less than the force beam can withstand without failure. Large value of
force can give permanent distortion to the shape of beam called plastic deformation or it
might fail due to fatigue loading. I should keep in mind endurance limit of beam.
• Also, we should see that only the beam is vibrating, if beam along with mounts and supports
also start vibrating, then we cant compare our results with analytical expression because
then mass and stiffness of mounts and supports also need to be considered.
• Sensitivity and measuring capability of instrument should also be considered while deciding
the input force magnitude.

4.) How will the first natural frequency of an aluminium beam compare with that of a mild
steel beam having the same dimensions? Why?
From the expression of natural frequency,

ω is directly proportional to ρ

comparing = 0.0269 (for Steel) and = 0.0259 (for Al), it is clear that
7800 2700
E/rho for steel is almost same as that of aluminium. Hence natural frequencies will have about the
same value.

5.) What is the difficulty in measuring damping ratio of a lightly damped mode?
The values of frequencies at max amplitude and 0.707 times amplitude, meaning f_1, f_n, and f_2
are very close to each other. It requires careful and cautious fine tuning to capture all the three
frequencies distinctly and also, of course, for this puropse an instrument which can do precise
control of input frequencies and capture small variations in amplitudes is needed.

6.) Why should you avoid nodal points for placement of the exciter or transducer?
Because nodal points are those points in space where the value of response is zero.

7.) Why is there a discrepancy between the measured and computed values of natural
Computed value is calculated using an expression which is obtained by solving differential
equation. That differential equation is written from the physical model but it contains certain
assumptions to make the maths simple. This gives rise to some deviation from actual value obtained
through experiment.
Experimental observations also depend upon the stability and quality of measuring instruments and
sensors, the platform on which setup is mounted, and also on environment. defects in material.

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