AVI QB For Unit IV

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Department of Aeronautical Engineering
VII Semester
Regulations 2017
UNIT IV – Question Bank


Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 What are the needs for accurate navigation? 2 CO4 U
 Effective operation of any a/c Automatic because of speed.
 Density of air traffic on major air routes to fly in a specified corridor defined by
ATC authorities - high accuracy NAV is essential & forms part of FMS.
 For military operation - to enable the a/c to fly low & take advantage of terrain
screening from enemy radar.
 Use of weapon - released from several Kms away from target also requires an
accurate knowledge of the a/c position in order to indicate the mid course
inertial guidance of the missile.
2 Mention various dead reckoning navigation systems used in aircraft. 2 CO4 U
DR navigation systems used in aircraft are
 Air data/heading reference system - lower accuracy.
 Doppler/heading reference systems - widely used in helicopters.
 Inertial Navigation systems - most accurate and widely used systems.
3 Why various communication systems are used for aircraft? 2 CO4 U

 Satellite communications (SATCOM)

 Selective Calling (SELCAL)

 Universal communication (UNICOM)

 Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS)

4 Differentiate between HF and VHF communication systems. 2 CO4 U

HF communication VHF communication

systems systems

frequency range 2.000– frequency range

29.999 MHz 118.000– 135.975

communications band communications band

between 3 and 30 MHz between 25 MHz

channel spacing is 1 Channel spacing is 25

kHz (0.001 MHz) kHz (0.025 MHz).

HF communications is VHF signals will only

that this system offers propagate over line
communication beyond of sight
the line of sight.

5 Justify whether the satellite communication system is used in aircraft. 2 CO4 U

Satellite communications provide a more reliable method of communications
using the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) satellite
The aircraft communicates via the INMARSAT constellation and remote
ground earth station by means of C-band uplinks and downlinks to/from the
ground stations and L-band links to/from the aircraft. In this way,
communications are routed from the aircraft via the satellite to the ground
station and on to the destination. Conversely, communications to the aircraft
are routed in the reverse fashion.
The airborne SATCOM terminal transmits on frequencies in the range 1626.5–
1660.5 MHz and receives messages on frequencies in the range 1530.0–
1559.0 MHz.
The coverage offered by the INMARSAT constellation was a total of four
satellites in 2001.
Further satellites are planned to be launched in the near future. The
INMARSAT satellites are placed in earth geostationary orbit above.
6 What are the advantages of Inertial Navigation Systems? 2 CO4 U
 It is completely self-contained navigation system.
 High accuracy.
 It doesn’t affected by external radiation
7 Why Electronic warfare is used in avionics? 2 CO4 U
Electronic Warfare Encompasses All Actions Involving The Use Of Electromagnetic
Energy To Determine, Exploit, Reduce Or Prevent Hostile Use Of Electromagnetic
Spectrum And Actions Which Retain Friendly Use Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum
8 Define data fusion? 2 CO4 U
It is the name given to the process of combining data from number of different sources
to provide information which is not present in the individual sources.
9 Write various classification of Navigation system? 2 CO4 U
 Navigation by Pilotage
 Celestial Navigation
 Navigation by Dead-Reckoning
 Radio Navigation
 Satellite Navigation
10 Write the importance of Automatic direction finder (ADF). 2 CO4 U
An automatic direction finder is a marine or aircraft radio-navigation instrument that
automatically and continuously displays the relative bearing from the ship or aircraft to a
suitable radio station. ADF receivers are normally tuned to aviation or marine NDBs
operating in the LW band between 190 – 535 kHz.
11 Mention the need of Distance measuring equipment (DME). 2 CO4 U
The Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is a radio navigation aid used by pilots to
determine the aircraft's slant range from the DME ground station location. The DME
avionics in aircraft send a pulse signal to the ground based DME, which responds with
an answer pulse signal.
12 Clarify the purpose of VOR according to ILS. 2 CO4 U
The Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR) is a ground-based electronic
system that provides azimuth information for high and low altitude routes and airport
13 What does LORAN mean? 2 CO4 U
A system of long-range navigation in which pulsed signals sent out by two pairs of radio
stations are used to determine the location of a airplane.
14 Is Decca Navigator System really contributing avionics system? 2 CO4 U
The Decca Navigator System was a hyperbolic radio navigation system which allowed
ships and aircraft to determine their position by using radio signals from a dedicated
system of static radio transmitters.
15 Identify the need of Instrument Landing System (ILS) in avionics. 2 CO4 U
ILS stands for Instrument Landing System and is a standard International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO) precision landing aid that is used to provide accurate azimuth and
descent guidance signals for guidance to aircraft for landing on the runway under
normal or adverse weather conditions.
16 Mention the use of microwave landing system (MLS). 2 CO4 U
The microwave landing system (MLS) is an all-weather, precision radio guidance
system intended to be installed at large airports to assist aircraft in landing, including
'blind landings'.
17 Justify the need for certification. 2 CO4 U
Certification is a critical element in the safety-conscious culture on which civil
aviation is based.
The legal purpose of avionics certification is to document a regulatory
judgment that a device meets all applicable regulatory requirements and can
be manufactured properly.
18 What is the main function of GPS? 2 CO4 U
GPS is a positioning system based on a network of satellites that continuously transmit
coded information. The information transmitted from the satellites can be interpreted by
receivers to precisely identify locations on earth by measuring distances from the
19 Why Electromagnetic Interference is really needed. 2 CO4 U
Any electromagnetic energy which interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or
otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of telecommunicating
(communication-electronic) equipment.
20 What is Celestial Navigation? 2 CO4 U
Celestial navigation, also known as astronavigation, is the ancient and modern practice
of position fixing that enables a navigator to transition through a space without having to
rely on estimated calculations, or dead reckoning, to know their position.


Q.No Questions Marks CO BL

1 Explain the working principle of Automatic Direction Finder. 16 CO4 R
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) is the radio signals in the low to medium frequency
band of 190 Khz. to 1750 Khz. It was widely used today. It has the major advantage
over VOR navigation in the reception is not limited to line of sight distance. The ADF
signals follow the curvature of the earth. The maximum of distance is depend on the
power of the beacon. The ADF can receive on both AM radio station and NDB (Non-
Directional Beacon). Commercial AM radio stations broadcast on 540 to 1620 Khz.
Non-Directional Beacon operate in the frequency band of 190 to 535 Khz.
 ADF Receiver: pilot can tune the station desired and to select the mode of
operation. The signal is received, amplified, and converted to audible voice or
morse code transmission and powers the bearing indicator.
 Control Box (Digital Readout Type) : Most modern aircraft has this type of
control in the cockpit . In this equipment the frequency tuned is displayed as
digital readout. ADF automatically determines bearing to selected station and
it on the RMI.
 Antenna : The aircraft consist of two antennas. The two antennas are called
LOOP antenna and SENSE antenna. The ADF receives signals on both loop
and sense antennas. The loop antenna in common use today is a small flat
antenna without moving parts. Within the antenna are several coils spaced at
various angles. The loop antenna sense the direction of the station by the
strength of the signal on each coil but cannot determine whether the bearing is
TO or FROM the station. The sense antenna provides this latter information.
 Bearing Indicator : displays the bearing to station relative to the nose of the
Relative Bearing is the angle formed by the line drawn through the center line
of the aircraft and a line drawn from the aircraft to the radio station.
Magnetic Bearing is the angle formed by a line drawn from aircraft to the radio
station and a line drawn from the aircraft to magnetic north (Bearing to
Magnetic Bearing = Magnetic Heading + Relative Bearing.

2 How distance measuring equipment is working? Explain the process. 16 CO4 R

 Distance measuring equipment (DME) is a transponder-based radio navigation
technology that measures slant range distance by timing the propagation
delay ofVHF or UHF radio signals.
 Developed in Australia, it was invented by James Gerry Gerrand under the
supervision of Edward George "Taffy" Bowen while employed as Chief of the
Division of Radiophysics of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO).
 Another engineered version of the system was deployed byAmalgamated
Wireless Australasia Limited in the early 1950s operating in the
200 MHz VHF band. This Australian domestic version was referred to by the
Federal Department of Civil Aviation as DME(D) (or DME Domestic), and the
later international version adopted by ICAO as DME(I).
 DME is similar to secondary radar, except in reverse. The system was a post-
war development of the IFF (identification friend or foe) systems of World War
II. To maintain compatibility, DME is functionally identical to the distance
measuring component of TACAN.
 Knowledge of the aircraft’s position is a basic requirement for air navigation
and one means of satisfying this requirement is to present the pilot with
bearing and distance information. Bearing information may be derived in a
variety of ways, some of which are via VOR or ADF systems.
 Distance information may be derived from radar or by DME, which is a form of
 In secondary radar, pulses known as interrogation pulses are transmitted and
when received at the target they are passed through a ‘gate’ and then trigger
transmission of reply pulses back to the initial source where the time interval
may be measured and displayed as distance.
 The ‘gate’ in the target receiver is an electronic device which is preset to
receive only matching pulses. In the DME system the interrogating equipment,
known as the ‘Interrogator’, is installed in the aircraft and the target, located on
the ground, is referred to as the ‘Transponder’ or ‘Ground Beacon’.

 The DME will measure the distance in a straight line to the ground beacon (the
slant range), not the distance from a point on the ground vertically below the
aircraft (ground range). The difference is generally insignificant, except that
when directly over a beacon when the distance shown will be height above the

 Aircraft use DME to determine their distance from a land-based transponder
by sending and receiving pulse pairs – two pulses of fixed duration and
separation. The ground stations are typically co-located with VORs.
 A typical DME ground transponder system for en-route or terminal navigation
will have a 1 kW peak pulse output on the assigned UHF channel.
 A low-power DME can be co-located with an ILS glide slope antenna
installation where it provides an accurate distance to touchdown function,
similar to that otherwise provided by ILS marker beacons.
3 Provide necessary reasons for the use of VOR as avionics system. 16 CO4 R
VHF Omni Directional Radio Range (VOR) is a type of short-range radio
navigation system for aircraft, enabling aircraft with a receiving unit to
determine their position and stay on course by receiving radio signals
transmitted by a network of fixed ground radio beacons.
It uses frequencies in the very high frequency (VHF) band from 108 to
117.95 MHz. Developed in the United States beginning in 1937 and deployed
by 1946, VOR is the standard air navigational system in the world, used by
both commercial and general aviation. By 2000 there were about 3,000 VOR
stations around the world including 1,033 in the US, reduced to 967 by 2013
with more stations being decommissioned with the widespread adoption
of GPS.
A VOR ground station sends out an omnidirectional master signal, and a
highly directional second signal is propagated by a phased antenna array and
rotates clockwise in space 30 times a second.
This signal is timed so that its phase (compared to the master) varies as the
secondary signal rotates, and this phase difference is the same as the angular
direction of the 'spinning' signal, (so that when the signal is being sent 90
degrees clockwise from north, the signal is 90 degrees out of phase with the
master). By comparing the phase of the secondary signal with the master, the
angle (bearing) to the aircraft from the station can be determined.
This bearing is then displayed in the cockpit of the aircraft, and can be used to
take a fix as in earlier ground-based radio direction finding (RDF) systems.
This line of position is called the "radial" from the VOR.
The intersection of two radials from different VOR stations on a chart gives the
position of the aircraft. VOR stations are fairly short range: the signals are
useful for up to 200 miles.
VOR stations broadcast a VHF radio composite signal including the navigation
signal, station's identifier and voice, if so equipped.
The navigation signal allows the airborne receiving equipment to determine
a bearing from the station to the aircraft (direction from the VOR station in
relation to Magnetic North).
The station's identifier is typically a three-letter string in Morse code. The voice
signal, if used, is usually the station name, in-flight recorded advisories, or live
flight service broadcasts. At some locations, this voice signal is a continuous
recorded broadcast of Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service or
 VORs are assigned radio channels between 108.0 MHz and 117.95 MHz (with
50 kHz spacing); this is in the Very High Frequency (VHF) range. The first
4 MHz is shared with the Instrument landing system (ILS) band.
 To leave channels for ILS, in the range 108.0 to 111.95 MHz, the 100 kHz digit
is always even, so 108.00, 108.05, 108.20, 108.25, and so on are VOR
frequencies but 108.10, 108.15, 108.30, 108.35 and so on, are reserved for
ILS in the US. The VOR encodes azimuth (direction from the station) as
the phase relationship between a reference signal and a variable signal.
This information is then fed over an analog or digital interface to one of four common
types of indicators:
1. A typical light-airplane VOR indicator, sometimes called an "omni-bearing
indicator" or OBI is shown in the illustration at the top of this entry. It consists
of a knob to rotate an "Omni Bearing Selector" (OBS), the OBS scale around
the outside of the instrument, and a vertical course deviation indicator or (CDI)
2. A Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) is considerably more expensive and
complex than a standard VOR indicator, but combines heading information
with the navigation display in a much more user-friendly format, approximating
a simplified moving map.
3. A Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI), developed previous to the HSI, features a
course arrow superimposed on a rotating card which shows the aircraft's
current heading at the top of the dial.
4. An Area Navigation (RNAV) system is an onboard computer, with display, and
may include an up-to-date navigation database.
4 Whether the Microwave landing system is useful? Explain with reasons. 16 CO4 R
 MLS enables an approaching aircraft to determine when it is aligned with the
destination runway and on the correct glidepath for a safe landing. MLS was
intended to replace or supplement the instrument landing systems (ILS).
 MLS has a number of operational advantages over ILS, including a wider
selection of channels to avoid interference with nearby installations, excellent
performance in all weather, a small "footprint" at the airports, and wide vertical
and horizontal "capture" angles that allowed approaches from wider areas
around the airport.
 Though initially MLS appeared to be of interest in Europe, where concerns
over the availability of GPS were an issue, widespread installation never
occurred. Further deployment of the system is not likely. Rather, several
European airports have implemented LPV approaches based on the EGNOS
(WAAS-compatible) satellite system.
 The US version of MLS, a joint development between the FAA, NASA, and
the U.S. Department of Defense, was designed to provide precision navigation
guidance for exact alignment and descent of aircraft on approach to a runway.
It provides azimuth, elevation, and distance, as well as "back azimuth" for
navigating away from an aborted landing or missed approach.
 MLS channels were also used for short-range communications with airport
controllers, allowing long-distance frequencies to be handed over to other
 Compared with the existing instrument landing system (ILS), MLS had
significant advantages. The antennas were much smaller, using a higher
frequency signal. They also did not have to be placed at a specific location at
the airport, and could "offset" their signals electronically. This made placement
easier compared with the physically larger ILS systems, which had to be
placed at the ends of the runways and along the approach path.
 Another advantage was that the MLS signals covered a very wide fan-shaped
area off the end of the runway, allowing controllers to direct aircraft
approaching from a variety of directions or guide aircraft along a segmented
approach. In comparison, ILS could only guide the aircraft down a single
straight line, requiring controllers to distribute planes along that line.
 MLS allowed aircraft to approach from whatever direction they were already
flying in, as opposed to flying to a parking orbit before "capturing" the ILS
signal. This was particularly valuable at larger airports, as it could allow the
aircraft to be separated horizontally much closer to the airport. Similarly in
elevation, the fan shaped coverage allows for variations in descent rate,
making MLS useful for aircraft with steeper approach angles such as
helicopters, fighters and the space shuttle.
 Finally, the accuracy was greatly improved over ILS. For instance,
standard DME equipment used with ILS offered range accuracy of only ±1200
feet. MLS improved this to ±100 ft in what they referred to as DME/P (for
precision), and offered similar improvements in azimuth and altitude. This
allowed MLS to guide extremely accurate CAT III approaches, whereas this
normally required an expensive ground-based high precision radar.
 Similar to other precision landing systems, lateral and vertical guidance may
be displayed on conventional course deviation indicators or incorporated into
multipurpose cockpit displays. Range information can also be displayed by
conventional DME indicators and also incorporated into multipurpose displays.
 The performance of GPS, namely vertical guidance accuracy near the runway
threshold and the integrity of the system have not been able to match
historical ICAO standards and practices. Greater GPS accuracy could be
provided by sending out "correcting signals" from ground-based stations,
which would improve the accuracy to about 10 m in the worst case, far
outperforming MLS. Initially it was planned to send these signals out over
short-range FM transmissions on commercial radio frequencies, but this
proved to be too difficult to arrange.
 Today a similar signal is instead sent across all of North America via
commercial satellites, in a system known as WAAS. However WAAS is not
capable of providing CAT II or CAT III standard signals for air carrier autoland
(though WAAS approaches can provide accurate enough guidance for
emergency autoland capability in aircraft so equipped using Garmin Autoland)
and so a Local Area Augmentation System, or LAAS, must be used.

5 Write about the ILS navigation system and explain the markers used in it. 16 CO4 R
 An instrument landing system (ILS) is a ground-based instrument approach
system that provides precision lateral and vertical guidance to an aircraft
approaching and landing on a runway, using a combination of radio signals
and, in many cases, high-intensity lighting arrays to enable a safe landing
during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), such as low ceilings or
reduced visibility due to fog, rain, or blowing snow.

 A localizer is an antenna array normally located beyond the approach end of
the runway and generally consists of several pairs of directional antennas.
Two signals are transmitted on one of 40 ILS channels. One is modulated at
90 Hz, the other at 150 Hz. These are transmitted from co-located antennas.
 Each antenna transmits a narrow beam, one slightly to the left of the runway
centreline, the other slightly to the right.
 The localizer receiver on the aircraft measures the difference in the depth of
modulation (DDM) of the 90 Hz and 150 Hz signals. The depth of modulation
for each of the modulating frequencies is 20 percent when the receiver is on
the centreline. The difference between the two signals varies depending on
the deviation of the approaching aircraft from the centreline.
 If there is a predominance of either 90 Hz or 150 Hz modulation, the aircraft is
off the centreline. In the cockpit, the needle on the instrument part of the ILS
(the omni-bearing indicator (nav indicator), horizontal situation indicator (HSI),
or course deviation indicator (CDI)) shows that the aircraft needs to fly left or
right to correct the error to fly toward the centre of the runway.
 If the DDM is zero, the aircraft is on the LOC centreline coinciding with the
physical runway centreline. The pilot controls the aircraft so that the indicator
remains centered on the display (i.e., it provides lateral guidance). Full-scale
deflection of the instrument corresponds to a DDM of 15.5%.

Glide slope, or path (GS, or GP):

 A glide slope station uses an antenna array sited to one side of the runway
touchdown zone. The GS signal is transmitted on a carrier frequency using a
technique similar to that for the localizer. The centre of the glide slope signal is
arranged to define a glide path of approximately 3° above horizontal (ground
level). The beam is 1.4° deep (0.7° below the glide-path centre and 0.7°
 The pilot controls the aircraft so that the glide slope indicator remains centered
on the display to ensure the aircraft is following the glide path to remain above
obstructions and reach the runway at the proper touchdown point (i.e., it
provides vertical guidance).
Outer marker
Blue outer marker
 The outer marker is normally located 7.2 kilometres (3.9 nmi; 4.5 mi) from the
threshold, except that where this distance is not practical, the outer marker
may be located between 6.5 and 11.1 kilometres (3.5 and 6.0 nmi; 4.0 and
6.9 mi) from the threshold. The modulation is repeated Morse-style dashes of
a 400 Hz tone (--) ("M").
 The cockpit indicator is a blue lamp that flashes in unison with the received
audio code. The purpose of this beacon is to provide height, distance, and
equipment functioning checks to aircraft on intermediate and final approach. In
the United States, a NDB is often combined with the outer marker beacon in
the ILS approach (called a Locator Outer Marker, or LOM). In Canada, low-
powered NDBs have replaced marker beacons entirely.
Middle marker

Amber middle marker

The middle marker should be located so as to indicate, in low visibility conditions,
themissed approach point, and the point that visual contact with the runway is
imminent, ideally at a distance of approximately 3,500 ft (1,100 m) from the threshold.
The modulation is repeated alternating Morse-style dots and dashes of a 1.3 kHz tone
at the rate of two per second (·-·-) ("Ä" or "AA"). The cockpit indicator is an amber lamp
that flashes in unison with the received audio code. In the United States, middle
markers are not required so many of them have been decommissioned.
Inner marker

White inner marker

The inner marker, when installed, shall be located so as to indicate in low visibility
conditions the imminence of arrival at the runway threshold. This is typically the position
of an aircraft on the ILS as it reaches Category II minima, ideally at a distance of
approximately 1,000 ft (300 m) from the threshold. The modulation is repeated Morse-
style dots at 3 kHz (····) ("H"). The cockpit indicator is a white lamp that flashes in
unison with the received audio code.

6 Explain why LORAN is widely used for aircraft navigation. 16 CO4 R

 LORAN, short for long range navigation, was a hyperbolic radio
navigation system developed in the United States during World War II.
 It was similar to the UK's Gee system but operated at lower frequencies in
order to provide an improved range up to 1,500 miles (2,400 km) with an
accuracy of tens of miles. It was first used for ship convoys crossing the
Atlantic Ocean, and then by long-range patrol aircraft, but found its main use
on the ships and aircraft operating in the Pacific theater during World War II.
 Loran-A used two frequency bands, at 1.85 and 1.95 MHz. These same
frequencies were used by radio amateurs, in the amateur radio 160-meter
band, and amateur operators were under strict rules to operate at reduced
power levels to avoid interference; depending on their location and distance to
the shore, U.S. operators were limited to maximums of 200 to 500 watts during
the day and 50 to 200 watts at night.
 LORAN was a simple system that compared the arrival times of pulses to
make a measurement. Ideally, perfectly formed rectangular blips would be
displayed on the CRT, whose leading edge could be compared with a high
degree of accuracy.
 In practice, the transmitters cannot turn on and off instantly, and due to a
variety of factors the resulting blips are spread out in time, forming
an envelope. The sharpness of the envelope is a function of the frequency,
meaning the lower-frequency systems like LORAN will always have longer
envelopes with less well-defined start and stop points, and thus generally have
less accuracy than higher-frequency systems like Gee.
 There is an entirely different way to accomplish the same timing
measurement, not by comparing the timing of the pulse envelopes, but timing
the phase of the signals. This is actually quite easy to perform using simple
electronics and can be displayed directly using a simple mechanical pointer.
 The trick to such a system is to ensure the primary and secondary stations are
phase-coherent, a complex proposition during World War II. But by isolating
the expensive portions of the system at the few broadcast stations, the Decca
Navigation System using this technique went active in 1944, offering accuracy
similar to Gee but using low-cost mechanical displays which were also much
easier to use.
 The downside to the phase comparison system is that it is not possible to
know from a continuous wave signal, like Decca's, which part of the signal you
are measuring. You could be comparing the first waveform from one station to
the first from another, but the second waveform looks identical and the
operator may line up those two waves instead.
 This leads to a problem where the operator can generate an accurate
measurement, but the actual fix might be at a wide variety of locations. These
locations are separated radially around the station, meaning a fix might be
within a given radial direction or a fixed distance to either side. Decca referred
to these radial areas as "lanes", and used a mechanical system to keep track
of which one the receiver was in.
 These concepts led to experiments with Low Frequency LORAN in 1945,
using a much lower frequency of 180 kHz. A system with three transmitters
was set up on the US east coast using long antennas supported by balloons.
The experiments demonstrated that the inaccuracy inherent to the design
while working at such low frequencies was simply too great to be useful;
operational factors introduced errors that overwhelmed the capabilities.
Nevertheless, the three transmitters were re-installed in
northern Canada and Alaska for experiments in polar navigation, and ran for
three years until shutting down again in March 1950.
 These experiments demonstrated accuracy on the order of 0.15
microseconds, or about 50 metres (0.031 mi), a great advance over LORAN.
Maximum usable range was 1,000 miles (1,600 km) over land and 1,500 miles
(2,400 km) on the sea. Using cycle matching, the system demonstrated an
accuracy of 160 feet (49 m) at 750 miles (1,210 km). But it was also
discovered that the system was very difficult to use and the measurements
remained subject to confusion over which cycles to match.

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