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Port cities and urban waterfronts: how localized planning ignores water as a

Article in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water · March 2016

DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1141


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1 author:

Carola Hein
Delft University of Technology


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Port cities and urban waterfronts:

how localized planning ignores
water as a connector
Carola Hein*

People have redesigned coastlines, creating ports, shaping waterfronts, and

building cities to connect water and land. Specialists from many disciplines have
explored the function and design of the water–land transition over many centu-
ries. Among them is planning, a discipline that engages both with the functional-
ity of working ports and the design of the waterfront for the urban public. In
order to explore the development of working ports and the revitalization of aban-
doned inner-city waterfronts since the 1960s, this paper reviews planning and
planning history literature in regard to the specific appreciation of water. It first
examines the planning of ports and its focus on improving the speed, safety, and
logistics, assigning water an industrial role. Second, it reflects on the design of
post-industrial waterfront spaces, which ascribes a more aesthetic and symbolic
as well as leisure-related role to water. Third, it points to the recent reconnection
of cruise shipping with inner-city waterfront redevelopment and the coastline in
general. In conclusion, the paper underscores localized perceptions of water in
planning literature and the need to recognize how interconnected water systems
connect otherwise separated areas along the same coastline. It argues for the
integrated planning of port, waterfront, and city in conjunction with a compre-
hensive study of the environmental and ecological role of water in each of those
places, both as a resource they share and, with climate change, a risk to which
they must collectively respond. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
How to cite this article:
WIREs Water 2016. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1141

INTRODUCTION such as planes, trains, and cars have become availa-

ble. Tankers, bulk carriers, and container ships play
B odies of water, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans
connect distant places and facilitate the move-
ment of goods and people within countries and
a key role in global trade today, carrying billions of
tons of goods (90%) around the world.a In the
28 states of the European Union (EU) alone, shipping
around the world. They are an important foundation was above 1.7 billion tons in 2013.b Shipping lanes
for economic development and a vehicle for globali- on oceans and seas are relatively malleable, allowing
zation. Water transportation facilitates consumption shippers to easily adapt to changing political and
of goods and energy in the contemporary global economic situations in the foreland, whereas the
world, even though fast modes of transportation infrastructure of rivers, canals, railroads, and high-
ways and other roads comprises the relatively fixed
*Correspondence to: Easy access to navigable water, often by way of
TU Delft - Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, natural harbors, gave rise to numerous cities on riv-
South Holland, Netherlands ers and seas around the world. In many locations,
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- people have redesigned coastlines, creating ports and
est for this article. waterfronts to connect water and land. Located at

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the intersection between water and land, or sea and DISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO
river transportation, ports provided the necessary WATER IN PORT CITIES
facilities—wharfs or quays, piers or jetties, docks and
numerous specialized structures—for transshipment Water in ports and port cities, its history, presence,
of goods and people between domains. Numerous and future is a complex topic that includes physical
specialists from many disciplines intervened in the structures, flows of commodities, and people as well
creation and transformation of the working port and as intangible notions of identity creation. Scholars
the waterfront over time. Given geographical, topo- and practitioners from an accordingly broad range of
graphical, climatic, economic, political, historical, fields have explored it: social scientists (sociologists,
and other differences, each port city developed its economists and geographers); design professionals
own unique form. Port cities also served as sites of (engineers, planners and architects); and architec-
trading headquarters and of living and leisure spaces tural, urban, and art historians. Each discipline and
for traders and other people associated with ship- profession considers water from a different aspect.
ping. Here, people used water in ways beyond The long past of water in ports and cities is
transportation—for leisure and to construct local mostly a topic for archaeologists and historians.
identities and imagery. Archaeologists have engaged with port cities, evol-
Historically, port and city were intimately con- ving networks, and changing waterways, studying
nected, but with industrialization, the two grew the emergence of cities such as Agade on the Arabian
apart. Starting in the 1960s, cities constructed new Sea, Piraeus in ancient Greece, and Ostia, the ancient
ports outside their limits to accommodate large con- Roman port in the Mediterranean. Historians have
tainer ships; later, they revitalized the inner-city followed the flows of water and studied diverse mari-
waterfronts that shippers had abandoned. This time empires on the Arabian Sea, on the Mediterra-
resulted in the functional separation of industrial nean, and across the Atlantic; these scholars also
shipping in the port from water-related activities for track their impact on adjacent ports and cities, which
urban populations. Similarly, the people who the Australian maritime historian Frank Broeze aptly
planned or studied the port were often not in conver- called ‘Brides of the Sea’.1 They have focused on reli-
sation with those who planned or studied the water- gious and ethnic communities in port city networks
front. Planning-related professions and fields and the spread of diseases.2–4 They have paid atten-
emerged to variously study, redesign, and document tion to water-borne empires, including colonial ones,
port or waterfront urban activities and spaces but and their impact on the adjacent ports and cities in
rarely both. Though water is the single physical sub- war and peace.1,5–15 Historical maps such as those
stance that connects these domains (the port and the collected in Civitates Orbis Terrarum by Braun
waterfront), academics and professionals alike treat Hogenberg from the 16th century and other similar
it very differently in each place. maps document the high degree to which water-
Following a short introduction to the diverse based transportation, city construction, and identity
disciplinary approaches to the study of water in port formation were intertwined in pre-modern port
cities, this article explores planning and planning his- cities16,17 (Figure 1).
tory literature in regard to two separate spatial enti- Historians have discussed economic, social,
ties after 1960: the working ports and the post- cultural, and artistic aspects of water transportation,
industrial waterfront. It explores several foci of pla- from crime and lawlessness to religious exchanges,
nning: first, a willingness to improve the speed, issues of piracy, commerce and migration, multi-
safety, and logistics of the port with the use of water ethnic communities, migration, and culture.c
as an agent of industrialization; second, a desire to Numerous historians have studied the evolution of
increase aesthetic and symbolic as well as leisure- individual ports, occasionally comparing them. They
related roles of water on the waterfront; and third, show how ports and cities changed in response to
the recent reconnection of cruise shipping with inner- shipping needs.18–20 They have also explored the
city waterfront redevelopment and the coastline in complex relationship of port and city.21–24 However,
general. In conclusion, the paper highlights recent they have rarely discussed the interconnected charac-
attempts to plan for port and city in conjunction with ter of water or its physical quality. The historical
each other. It argues that integrated approaches need accounts do show how, over time, the changing, and
to coincide with a comprehensive study of the com- sometimes competing, needs and desires of different
mon environmental and ecological role of water in stakeholders—shippers, port professionals, city
ports, waterfronts, and port cities as a common power brokers, and citizens—have reshaped water
resource and potential risk. flows and shore lines, port facilities and other water-

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

FI GU RE 1 | Water connects all areas of Amsterdam for transportation and beautification. Woodcut by Cornelis Anthonisz made
in 1544 after an oil painting of his own making from 1538.

related installations, land infrastructure connecting development and those who pay attention to water-
the port and the hinterland, and the architectural and front redevelopment, whether as port professionals
urban structures along its shores. or academics. The field of urban planning has been
For every discipline and urban space, water unique insofar as it has engaged both domains, the
thus has a different significance and quality: mode of question of working ports and historic port revitali-
transportation, border of the land, place of leisure, zation. Now, historians studying planning also neces-
or backdrop for urban identity, image creation, and sarily discuss both themes—active commercial ports
culture. Even though the same body of water links (both containers and bulk) on the outskirts of cities
port and waterfront development, a disconnect per- and the revitalization of inner-city ports for urban
sists between those who pay attention to port activities—albeit separately and with differing levels

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of intensity regarding water as the remainder of the Industrialization in the 19th and 20th centuries
article demonstrates. led to the creation of monofunctional areas. It
brought ever bigger and more specialized ships—
sailing ships yielded to steam ships, and multifunc-
tional transporters were superseded by container
ONE WATER - MULTIPLE LANDSIDE ships and oil tankers—in turn transforming the ports
INTERVENTIONS: MODERNIZING and related cities to which these ships traveled.27
New technologies and means of transshipment—such
as bigger cranes but also the construction of railway
REVITALIZATION lines next to the shipping facilities—also pushed cities
Controlling water, transforming water, and landside and shippers into recurrent reconstruction of port
structures of the port was a key to port survival and facilities. Monofunctional areas for shipping, admin-
an issue of national importance. Once rivers and istration, and housing replaced the formerly inte-
shores became too crowded, rendering transshipment grated multifunctional buildings. Urban rebuilding,
impractical, governments and shipping companies such as for the warehouse and later the office district
built new docks to control water height despite tidal in Hamburg, destroyed the narrow streets of old
changes (as in London) and tidal harbors to allow housing districts, for better and for worse; these had
for unloading despite changing river levels25 been the sites of major outbreaks of cholera—a
(Figure 2). The Report of a Royal Commission estab- water-borne disease to which port cities were particu-
lished in 1900 to study the administration and facil- larly prone even as they were also distinctively
ities of the Port of London found that the port had picturesque.28
failed to keep pace with the developments of the pop- As ports moved to new locations, often on the
ulation and of commerce and that innovation was outskirts of metropolitan areas, new specialized pro-
necessary, stating ‘We are, however, convinced that fessions focused on ongoing developments in the port
if in this great national concern, energy and courage and on the traditional inner-city waterfront, as docu-
be shown, there is no reason to fear that the welfare mented in extensive and different sets of publications.
of the Port of London will be permanently Focusing on ports’ new extra-urban locations, these
impaired’.26 port professionals, logistics scholars, and economists

F I G U R E 2 | London Docks with Sail ships in 1810. Source: Thomas Rowlandson (1756–1827) and Augustus Charles Pugin (1762–1832) (after)
John Bluck (fl. 1791–1819), Joseph Constantine Stadler (fl. 1780–1812), Thomas Sutherland (1785–1838), J. Hill, and Harraden (aquatint
engravers) in: Pyne, William Henry; Combe, William (1904) [1810] ’The West India Docks’ in The Microcosm of London or London in Miniature,
Volume III, London: Methuen and Company, pp. Plate 92 Retrieved File:Microcosm of London Plate 092—West India Docks.jpg

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

studied and designed waterways to facilitate ship- The construction of new ports on the outskirts
ping, transshipment, and storage.29–32 Engineers, of cities that started in the 1960s in conjunction with
managers, and planners were concerned with the containerization exemplifies the understanding that
design and managements of harbor facilities, with water is a facilitator of the transportation of com-
storage sites and diverse water technologies.33–36 modities. As numerous scholars have pointed out,
Meanwhile, upon the departure of the port from tra- containerization led to wholesale restructuring of
ditional waterfronts, many city governments used the shipping networks, trade patterns, port facilities,
opportunity to redevelop the former inner-city ports, port city hierarchies, and urban form.38 However,
taking advantage of water access and historical despite the globally identical catalysts for the crea-
buildings for the renovation and branding of their tion of new ports and the common role of water, the
cities. They aimed to reconnect people to water and history of their construction has been dealt with in
to enhance local identities by celebrating their port individual stories rather than as an interconnected
histories with water-related events like harbor birth- story.39,40
days, cruise days, and historic sailing ship parades. Such an integrated story would explore how,
They made facilities originally destined for port from the late 1960s to the late 1970s, ship sizes
industries into water-related heritage sites or leisure increased, passing the barrier of 50,000 tons gross,
and tourist venues. requiring deeper waterways and bigger harbors, and
Port and city continued to detach until the mid- transforming port cities around the world in their
20th century; the most important split between the wake.41 Ships, as global water-borne connectors,
two occurred after the 1960s. The following over- require the same conditions and facilities in all ports
view of the respective literature on port and water- that wish to host them around the world.42 As few
front planning since containerization shows that ports were able to handle container, oil, and bulk
while water as a physical object is present in publica- carriers of increasing sizes, city governments, port
tions on ports and waterfronts, scholars have focused authorities, and shipping companies from New York
on disparate characteristics of water, functional and to London and Hong Kong developed new terminals
symbolic ones, respectively. In fact, it demonstrates on the outskirts where deep water was available to
that practitioners and scholars have ignored the role maintain their city’s edge in a tight competition,
of water as a common facilitator for multiple areas creating new waterlines with long quays, deep-water
within the city. However, attention to common inter- berths bordered by cranes, and next to large asphalt-
ests and needs is required for addressing issues of covered surfaces for container storage with good hin-
sea-level rise and climate change. As it turns out, the terland infrastructure connections. On August
study of planning also reveals that ports and port 15, 1962, the Port Authority of New York and New
cities have a long history of responding to water- Jersey opened Port Elizabeth as the first container ter-
related disasters including changes in sea-levels, the minal.43 Another example of the effect of the reloca-
accumulation of silt, and flooding—a highly relevant tion of cargo facilities is the decline of the Port
topic today that merits further attention, both in of San Francisco, which was limited by its existing
terms of historical events and future planning, and finger piers and topography, and the rapid develop-
one that ought to be discussed throughout for the ment of the Port of Oakland, where the first
whole coastline.37 containership arrived in 1962 and which offered ded-
icated container facilities and good access to
NEW PORTS SINCE THE 1960S: The new facilities would come to resemble each
WATER FOR GLOBAL TRANSPORT other across the globe, each changing the waterfront
of large areas mostly on the outskirts of existing
cities. Among the European ports, Rotterdam had
Over the last 5 decades, public and private decision historically improved its water connections, notably
makers around the world built new ports and facil- through the construction of the Nieuwe Waterweg in
ities for the increased transshipment of goods and 1872 from Rotterdam to the sea. It was one of the
people, responded to similar challenges and opportu- first ports to receive a container ship, the sea–land
nities, developed new ports, dredged waterways, container carrier Fairland in 1966, and to adapt its
transformed storage and transshipment in response port. Reshaping the Maas River and extending the
to changing ship sizes, new containers, and new com- port towards the sea became a major part of the
modity flows. They transformed water at an indus- city’s post-war growth as a global port and trans-
trial scale. shipment point toward the German industrial areas,

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

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F I G U R E 3 | The transformation of the Rotterdam port during the oil revolution, 1862, 1882, 1930, 1936, 1950, 1964, 1972, 2015. Source: Oil
and the Rotterdam Port | By Carola Hein/Bernard Colenbrander/Alexander Koutamanis | CC BY NC SA 4.0.

a story that has been discussed by several Dutch accommodate.e Antwerp, a long-term competitor of
authors.45–47 The growth of Rotterdam as an oil port Rotterdam, received its first container ship in 1966
notably transformed the river’s path, the water’s and is now receiving oil through pipelines from its
edge, and the form and depths of water basins Dutch neighbor, replacing water access through land
(Figure 3). The success of Rotterdam is also inti- lines.48–56 The Hamburg port, including the first con-
mately related to its connection by rail and barge to tainer terminal in Hamburg, on Burchardquai
the large inland river container terminal Duisburg, a opened in 1968 and has extended south of the River
status that is notably explored in promotional Elbe. Several traditional villages had to leave to make
literature.d room for new container terminals, leaving only a his-
As of 2013, Rotterdam held the first place torical church as a reminder of their historical pres-
among European ports in container shipping (11th), ence (Figures 4 and 5). Today, the container port has
before Hamburg (15th), Antwerp (16th), or London become a local scenery and touristic attraction sepa-
(107th), all three cities that are located on rivers and rated from the city by the breadth of water.57–63 In
limited in regard to the size of ships they can Australia, Botany Bay developed in the 1970s some

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

FI GU RE 4 | HHLA Container terminal. Handling a container ship at the Altenwerder terminal (CTA)
Photo: HHLA.

FI GU RE 5 | The Altenwerder Church, the only reminder of the historic village replaced by the container port expansion. Photo: Jolan

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10 km south of the city center. Here, as in many Increasing ship sizes require deeper waterways
other locations, the government and other powerful or ports that are built into the sea, further illustrating
entities behind the construction largely disregarded the industrial dimension and engineering of water in
the communities already living where the container ports and the common catalysts shaping far flung
terminals would be built.64 On the Thames River, locations. Deep-water ports are defined as ports that
the Tilbury docks that served the London port and can accommodate the largest ship that can cross the
originated in 1886 were restructured for container Panama Canal’s locks, so-called Panamax ships.
service by 1970.f A new deep-water terminal, New deep-water ports have been constructed, for
London Gateway in Thurrock, Essex, is under con- example, in China, such as the Yangshan deep-water
struction even further from the city center. While port near Shanghai that is connected to land over the
located on the same river, the site will be largely new Donghai Bridge, which is more than 30 km
under the control of authorities other than the city (18.6 miles) long. It hosts a gigantic container termi-
and thus also beyond the reach of plans by the May- nal on a man-made area between two islands. To
or of London to ensure that the city’s future develop- benefit from economies of scale, traders keep order-
ment meets new criteria of sustainability and social ing bigger ships, pushing the deepening of ports and
equity.65,66 waterways and the raising of bridges in Miami,
Just as governments and other actors ignored New York, Seattle, and other cities around the
the people in the way of the terminals, they disre- world. With the completion of the Panama Canal
garded questions of water quality, waste manage- expansion expected in 2016, even bigger ships, the
ment, ecology, and heritage structures and so-called Super Panamax ships, will require many
landscapes. Economic growth and improving the cities to rework their ports; discussions about the
connection to the water took precedence in these big changes required are already underway in port cities
port cities, a central, shared goal that becomes visible on the American east coast, such as Savannah,
when we look at the literature comparatively. While Georgia.67
ample planning-related publications exist on each Bodies of water are also intimately related to
location, writings that study the port and water- the global exchange of energy, notably of petroleum
related developments in a metropolitan or regional products. Again, research on individual cities
context appear to be missing. abounds, but comprehensive studies of the interrela-
Thanks to the adaptations of diverse bodies of tion of planning for oil ports and the role of water
water, to coastline transformation and new port con- therein are missing. A comprehensive history would
structions, and to urban adaptations, global maritime consider the numerous new ports developed for oil
traffic flows have facilitated the increase of global shipping. The development of Rotterdam from 1862
production and consumption patterns. Global trade until today reflects the ubiquitous growth of petro-
is visible in the huge amount of containers that circle leum storage, refining, and transport particularly well
the earth as well as in urban growth. The World (see Fig. 3).68 Another example of oil-related port
Bank counted a little over 651,000,000 transship- redevelopment is Port Harcourt after 1958 in
ments of 20-foot container units in 2013.g The lead- Nigeria.69–71 Oil income led the Nigerian govern-
ing container ports are now located in Asia and the ment to conceive and construct the new inland capi-
Middle East, and the huge ships that dock there con- tal city, Abuja, and the oil economy triggered the
nect to Europe and America. New ports have notably growth of the port of Lagos through which consumer
emerged in China, where many goods originate and goods and raw materials entered the country.
where leaders since the 1970s have emphasized the Petroleum shipping transforms cities around
growth of ports. A look at economic statistics on the world, but so far, little attention has been given
leading global ports published by the American Asso- to these networked changes in places with and with-
ciation of Port Authorities (AAPA) in 2013 shows out oil.72 Petroleum has redesigned places on strate-
Singapore and Shanghai as ranking respectively first gic water sites even in the absence of oil sources, as
and second in terms of twenty-foot equivalet unit evidenced through the emergence of Singapore as an
(TEU) and total cargo volume—at least partly a oil hub. Thanks to its location near one of the choke
result of their particular water access.e They are fol- points in global shipping, the Malakka Strait; its
lowed by several other Asian, mostly Chinese, cities. political status as a former British colony; and its rep-
These flows of goods carried by container on water utation as a small city-state with friendly relations to
are in addition to the enormous flows of bulk goods, its Asian neighbors, Singapore has become a major
such as petroleum and its products (1800 million oil hub after the construction of Singapore’s first oil
metric tons in 2014 in crude oil), carried by ships.h refinery on Pulau Bukom in 1961. However, the local

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

availability of oil and the possibility of selling it infrastructure and the reuse of the water for locals.
around the world was a major criterion in the design Local presses have often touted these revitalizations,
of Jebel Ali in Dubai. The sheik used foreign ideas celebrating water for its aesthetic appeal to residents
and consultants for engineering, planning, and archi- and tourists, that is, as a setting or background—the
tecture (including concepts for company towns) to long views it provides, the promenades along its
reinvent and re-imagine the port city at an unprece- sides, the approach across it toward new construc-
dented new scale.73,74 A deep-water port for oil tion. They celebrate the history of the site through
transport notably exists in Louisiana. The Louisiana the preservation of heritage buildings, discussions
Offshore Oil Port serves supertankers since 1981 and about the design and events of the public spaces, and
is located in the Gulf of Mexico, southeast of Port occasional events and uses of the water, such as for
Fourchon. While pipelines carry oil from Russia to heritage ships, ferry landings, pleasure cruising,
Europe or from Canada to the United States, water cruise ship events, harbor birthdays or other water-
transportation provides more flexibility, and travel- based celebrations such as Baltic Sail, a maritime fes-
ing on the oceans is cheaper than flying over them. tival around the Baltic Sea. Aquariums in several
The emergence of new oil ports suggests that global cities, Baltimore, Osaka, or Genova, add a touristic
oil flows continue to be carried by water. New and educational component linked to water and the
waters will open as the sea ice melts, and the possibil- local environment (Figure 6). Water quality, or the
ity of new shipping lanes will create numerous politi- recreation of local marine habitats or water systems,
cal challenges that are already in the news. Climate appears mainly when they contribute to the use of
change and rising waters are already changing some the site. Water quality issues may mean cleanup of
port cities, yet another common theme that merits oil spills and other industrial waste as the case of the
comparative investigation. Newtown Creek waterfront suggests: here, 17–30
million gallons spilled from historic refineries. While
projects such as the river revitalization of the
Cheonggyecheon in Seoul also have tactile qualities,
WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION those are less relevant for seaport cities, where the
AND WATER AS LEISURE AND river is less accessible and not made available for
play or swimming.82
IDENTITY A large number of former seaports have remade
Meanwhile, New York, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Phil- their inner-city waterfronts; the literature on these
adelphia, and Sydney lost their identity as global transformations mostly deals with individual cities. It
ports. If new ports were booming in similar ways, it is so extensive that only a few sources can be indi-
was because shippers and other stakeholders had cated here.83–90 Inner-city waterfront transformations
abandoned older ports, which now suffered in com- in North America and Europe include Baltimore,
mon. The old waterfronts became ghost districts, New York, Vancouver, Boston, Portland, Seattle,
challenges to urban development. Filled with indus- Miami, London, Hamburg, Barcelona, Genova, Lis-
trial structures, including refineries and waste, these bon, Sevilla, Helsinki Bilbao, Liverpool, and Dublin
sites were often connected to polluted waters and to mention just some. In Asia, Shanghai, Sydney,
needed major investment for redevelopment. Many Osaka, and Melbourne stand out.
cities had to develop new strategies for these now- The celebratory character of much of this litera-
empty inner-city ports and for the many people ture is balanced by a few commentaries that speak to
who had lost their jobs in packaging, transportation, the socioeconomic issues associated with urban
and storage. This planned restructuring of renewal of a waterfront area and the impact of that
traditional waterfronts occurred almost simultane- work on the city as a whole. Thus, researchers have
ously around the world and is studied extensively, studied Baltimore as the model for waterfront regen-
mostly through individual cases, and only a few pub- eration around the world; they have also considered
lications can be mentioned here to suggest the larger its impact (or the lack thereof ) on the city as a
picture.75–81 whole.91 The revitalization of the Docklands in
Waterfront (re)development emerged as an London has similarly seen celebratory and critical
anchor project for urban redevelopment—whether scholarship.92–98 Scholars occasionally raise ques-
focused on business, leisure, or multifunctional tions about socioeconomic transformation beyond
development—as models of regeneration of brown- physical ones and the role of social justice or the
field areas, with a special heritage appeal through the commodification of historical heritage, often in
preservation and reinterpretation of traditional port response to the redevelopment of waterfronts as part

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F I G U R E 6 | The Skyline of Baltimore Waterfront: Inner Harbor and sport field from Federal Hill, 2006. © Aneese |—
Baltimore Inner Harbor Photo.

of exhibitions or mega-events, as in Sevilla (1992), redevelopment. The annual revenue from oil and gas
Barcelona (1992 and 2004), Genova (1992 and affords the Gulf countries a financial foundation
2004), Lisbon (1998), and Hamburg (2013–15) and from which to reform their local economies, rebuild
even in applications to host such events such as in cities, and invent new urban futures The financial cri-
Hamburg for the Olympics.89,99–101 sis and the falling oil prices have slowed down some
However, there are new waterfront adaptations of the ambitious projects, such as the one for Masdar
beyond Baltimore and established European, Ameri- near Abu Dhabi, designed by Foster & Partners and
can, or Australian models. Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, originally projected as a zero-energy and zero-waste
Quatar, and Manama are imagining and building city.103 Saudi Arabia, the world’s single largest sup-
entirely new waterfronts, focused on upscale housing, plier of oil similarly plans to use oil profits to con-
tourism, culture, and leisure activities, on land struct six several economic cities.104 One of these,
reclaimed freshly for this purpose. The palm islands the King Abdullah Economic City, is planned to
in Dubai, for example, resemble other artificial expand over some 181 sqkm (70 sq miles); but only
islands, such as Port Island and Rokko Island in 15 percent have been built so far.105
Kobe, built in the 1960s to provide new port func- Waterfronts have been built and rebuilt over
tions, housing, an amusement park, and sport facil- centuries for shipping and for leisurely purposes, and
ities.102 Similar land reclamation projects in the they continue to attract investments. Particularly
Tokyo Bay, in Hong Kong, and other cities provided locations facing the sea, with their impregnable
space for new developments, including housing and a views, are among the most appreciated real-estate
multitude of business, commercial, and cultural func- sites. Engineers, elites, and citizens have long gained
tions. Occasionally, cities have renaturalized areas experience in controlling and orienting water and
such as the Kasai Rinkai Koen, the largest park in developing new technologies; contemporary interven-
central Tokyo and located close to Tokyo Disney- tions occur mostly independently from each other
land, on reclaimed waterfront land. The area aims to and do not consider water as an encompassing entity.
recall the natural habitat of Tokyo Bay, and the Questions of animal and plant life in the rivers and
Tokyo Sea Life aquarium located in the park features oceans around ports and urban waterfronts are only
aquatic habitats from Tokyo and the world. The receiving passing attention, even though such discus-
Marina Bay redevelopment in Singapore on sions occur regularly regarding waterfronts in natural
reclaimed land is yet another facet of waterfront or vacation sites.106i

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

RECONNECTING PORT AND inequality as old working ports with diverse popula-
WATERFRONT: WATER FOR tions have given way to housing, parks, leisure, and
travel for the relatively wealthy.
Over the last decade, growing numbers of peo-
Water transportation today is not only about effi- ple have vacationed on cruise ships, taking advantage
cient and economic movement of goods in containers of water transportation and enjoying water as a
or in bulk but also about bringing people to new background to their tourist experience, albeit often
places, including revitalized waterfronts. People con- with little interest in its environmental quality. The
tinue to travel by ship, for example, on ferries con- new cruise ships are at the scale of large skyscrapers.
necting islands within one nation or crossing the The construction of the Queen Mary II in 2003 ush-
Baltic and other seas for daily life purposes (including ered in a new age of truly gigantic cruise ships,
migration). Additionally, the number of people trav- including the Royal Caribbean Oasis and its sister
eling for pleasure on cruise ships grows steadily. ship the Allure; at 225,000 tons and 1188 feet; these
What was traditionally a pastime for the wealthy has cruise ships are more akin to tankers and container
become a mass adventure. Before World War I, at a ships than to the pleasure ships of the past. The
time when the Hamburg-based Hapag shipping com- Allure can host nearly 6,300 passengers and a staff
pany conveyed millions of immigrants from Europe of almost 2400 crewmembers and offers amenities
to America, its director Albert Ballin was developing from a shopping mall to a water park, from a zip
the first custom-build cruise ships. Its draw grew wire to Broadway-style shows. Also over the last dec-
steadily until World War II, which meant a suspen- ade, the number of cruise ship tourists has risen
sion of such activities. steadily, and cruise tourism has developed into a
By the 1980s, when waterfront revitalization form of mass tourism. In 2012, American cruise ships
was expanding, cruising was starting to pick up carried some 17 million passengers on fully catered
again. Revitalized waterfronts and events provide the vacations and tours to exotic locations.107 Many of
necessary attractions for tourism. In turn, the ships these cruises take advantage of another facet of water
bring port activity back to the formerly abandoned in cities: waterfront revitalization and water as lei-
central city sites, with all the environmental and sure and identity-producing sites108 (Figure 7). The
social challenges that such activity entails. Their arri- impact of cruise ships on cities such as Venice is
val also provokes questions of gentrification and highly contested but is yet to be fully studied

FI GUR E 7 | View of the HafenCity Hamburg with a cruise ship and the working port visible across the river Elbe. Copyright: Carola Hein.

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


F I G U R E 8 | Cunard-line Cruise ship towering over historical Venice. Editorial Stock Photo: Cruise ship in Venice ID 17080333. © June Cairns | From Dreamstime, Cunard in front of venice. © Airn |—Cruise Ship In Venice Photo.

(Figure 8). These new cruises require extensive facil- separately, for industrial and shipping purposes on
ities, and the number of terminals has grown rapidly the one hand and those for urban leisure activities on
in recent years. the other. Yet the creation of new ports on water-
The effects of cruise shipping goes beyond that ways is a key element of globalization and economic
of industrial shipping of commodities as the quality growth as it supports the international distribution of
of the site of arrival, its urban, or rural aspects mat- commodities and energy. Paradoxically, the global
ter to the paying passengers. Environmental aspects economy and consumption that containerization fos-
such as water quality therefore take on new meaning. ters also contribute to global climate change and ris-
The link between cruise shipping and water quality ing water levels that particularly threaten many if not
and the environment is evident, even though it has all ports and their cities. A few scholars and organi-
yet to fully enter into planning practice. Activists crit- zations are honing in on the missing relationship
icize the cruise- shipping industry’s use of heavy oil between port and city planning.112–114 The Associa-
and unfiltered sulphurous gasoline, both environmen- tion Internationale Ville et Port (AVIP) and The Aso-
tally disastrous and dangerous to the health of urban ciación para la Colaboración entre Puertos y
inhabitants. Several bills have been brought before Ciudades/Association for the Collaboration between
the US Senate to enact national standards requiring Ports and Cities (RETE) promote the comprehensive
that waste water generated by cruise ships be treated, planning of port and city through publications and
but none have actually been passed.109 However, conferences.115,116 The need to respond to issues of
catering to the cruise ship industry and ignoring eco- rising water levels and climate change, highlighted
logical damage may backfire in the long run. For also through the flooding of New Orleans after Hur-
example, the loss of ice in the Hudson Bay might cur- ricane Katrina in 2005, has also attracted interest
tail cruise shipping. Many tourists are taking the ship from the Museum of Modern Art in New York,
to the bay to look for ice-based wildlife; if the ice which examined it in regard to New York117
retreats (because of climate change caused in part by (Figure 9). Nonetheless, a broad, global investigation
the ships themselves), the wildlife may move further of economic, social, cultural, ecological, and environ-
north, and cruise ships may ignore the port.110 Cul- mental aspects is missing.
ture and nature are largely commodified as part of
the cruising experience, but questions of social justice
and ecology related to cruising have yet to be fully
discussed in the literature.111
So far, planners for port authorities and muni- Even though water is a shared resource and key char-
cipalities have treated their water-related properties acteristic of both port and waterfront design, its

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WIREs Water Port cities and urban waterfronts

FI GU RE 9 | More than fifty failures in the levees and flood walls protecting New Orleans led to extensive flooding after Hurricane Katrina in
2005. Link text : Navy-FloodedNewOrleans | by Jeremy L. Grisham—U.S. Navy.

physical character, its ecological and environmental neighboring regions, both along the shore and
quality, receive only passing attention in the scholarly towards the hinterland, may be necessary to address
literature except in regard to pollution. Despite the this challenge.
interconnectedness of ports and waterfronts, or the Academic research on ports and waterfronts
more recent intersection between cruise ships and has focused on isolated aspects of port engineering or
inner-city ports, there are few studies that engage the management or on the urban potential of water
urban uses of water from a comprehensive perspec- proximity.118 More research needs to be conducted
tive and tie the different urban bodies of water, riv- to find a common perspective on future challenges,
ers, lakes, or the sea, into local urban planning. notably towards environmental risks such as rising
Furthermore, despite the shared challenges of water water levels and urban flooding due to climate
that threaten port cities around the world, collective change.119,120 Heritage themes and sustainability on
responses are so far absent. coastlines is another important theme and one that
The challenges of global water rise will require the EU wishes to address in a 2017 call.j New flood
ingenuity around the world. Port cities and urban defences (unbreakable dykes, swimming cities)
waterfronts are at the forefront of these changes. So appear to be solutions that are raised locally and by
far, scholars have paid only limited attention to cities with appropriate means. Some ports try to posi-
bringing an urban planning perspective to bear on tion themselves as so-called GreenPorts that balance
ports, port cities, and waterfronts that are located on economic and environmental challenges.k Responsi-
single bodies of water, such as the North Sea, the ble innovation has become a theme, for example, for
Baltic Sea, or the Mediterranean Sea. Hurricane the Rotterdam port, which reduces fees for ships that
Sandy provided a first taste of the potential have won the Green Award.l However, despite recent
dangers and challenges of flooding. New plans and attempts at global policies on pollution, no planning
planning coalitions between ports, cities, and responses have yet emerged.

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Economic and other factors remain the main org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Barcelona-Program-

drivers of port and waterfront planning. A novel rec- Final-3.21.14.pdf
ognition of interconnected water systems, of connec- DeCeTe Duisburg,
tions between dredging the port and the need for duisburg; Container Terminals in the Port of Duisburg,
infill to shore up the coasts, and the construction of
so-called unbreakable dikes, or super-dikes, seems AAPA (American Association of Port Authorities) World
disconnected from planning literature. Scholarly dis- Port Rankings 2013,
cussion of mixed-use waterfront landscapes around content.cfm?ItemNumber=900 (Accessed February 02, 2016)
historic port cities and new ports may help planners Port Cities London (Tilbury Dock (1886–1981)). http://
and others reconsider the relationships between cities
and water. An integrated perspective on the context g
of the city and its hinterland, acknowledging the Container port traffic
water as a shared resource and challenge—as a phys- h
ical, economic, social, cultural and also environmen- Transport volume of crude oil in global seaborne trade
from 2009 to 2014 (in million metric tons) http://www.sta-
tal and ecological element—might help us develop
common responses to contemporary challenges.
The nature of Cities, Cities are ecosystems of people,
NOTES nature, and infrastructure http://www.thenatureofcities.
World Ocean Review, Global Shipping A Dynamic Mar- sites-of-heavy-development-and-often-are-sites-of-pollution-
ket, or-exclusive-access-but-they-have-enormous-potential-bene-
global-shipping/; Green Port, 2016 Climate Deadline Unre- fits-how-can-we-unlock-these-benefits-for/
alistic, j
Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime
regions, Call: H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-2016-2017,
Eurostat, Maritime transport statistics—short sea shipping
of goods, opportunities/h2020/topics/3083-cult-coop-07-2017.html
index.php/Maritime_transport_statistics_-_short_sea_ship- k
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